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Getting started with Zend 2
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1&1 has become one of the most successful and popular hosting companies in the world by offering simple, inexpensive ($0.99/month for three months, then $8.99/month thereafter) and feature-rich hosting plans.
by 19sanjeev
Getting started with Zend 2

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11 Nov 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
You need to copy a Web site and do all the redesign work on this copy. For this purpose, you need to install the HTTP server and all required modules and tools on the development computer. Then, you will need to test and possibly fix the site in the Web. You can create a mirror and do all...
14 Oct 2014 by 19sanjeev
Getting started with Zend 2
4 Mar 2015 by rjdudley
1&1 has become one of the most successful and popular hosting companies in the world by offering simple, inexpensive ($0.99/month for three months, then $8.99/month thereafter) and feature-rich hosting plans.
26 Sep 2012 by Prasad_Kulkarni
Try google[^].
6 May 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
abforce wrote:My problem is very simple, when i run my PHP page on Zend, Firefox shows exactly my php scripts, why?It happens when PHP is not enabled. You could have failed to configure it properly. Address to the installation and configuration documentation.[EDIT]By the way, are you...
6 Jan 2014 by joshrduncan2012
Hi everyone!I am trying to detect whether or not a textbox has focus or has a mouse click. This is what I have right now.if($("textbox").is(":focus")){ $(#div).fadeOut(2000);}Currently I'm not seeing any changes nor getting any errors. Can someone show me what I'm doing...
6 Jan 2014 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
You should handle the Event focus.Demo - [Demo] Detect TextBox Focus[^]$("#textbox").focus(function () { alert("TextBox is Focused. The Div will Fade Out Now"); $('#div').fadeOut(2000);});Note the Changes here...#textbox -> # is appended to select the TextBox with...
6 Jan 2014 by Mohibur Rashid
Testing both in firefox and chrome, it seems that onfocus triggered first and then click get triggered.You better work with onmousedown or whatever it is available in jquery. onmousedown would be processed first. then you can decide whether it is focus or click. To solve the problem that...
20 Sep 2014 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
According to your code snippet you missing the 'include' part...You should have some require/require_once statement at the top of your code...require_once '../Zend/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Mysql.php';The exact path depends on your installation of course...You may read more about it here:...
22 Nov 2011 by Pete O'Hanlon
At the end of the setvibration line, you don't have a semi colon. You need to add one so that it looks like the following:if (yourmum = buttonState.pressed) setvibration(,1,69); // This line needs the semi colon,.else { redIntensity++; }Next, you terminate the...
13 Feb 2012 by THEASCII
Hello guys !i want to know that whether zend framwork has bulit-in mechanism or support for web services security or not...? if yes then what is quality of the mechanism...? I have googled but don't have got any simple and straight forward answer to my question... Thanks...for ur...
13 Feb 2012 by CRDave1988
Have a look here:DPC_Secure_Programming_With_The_Zend_Framework[^]Zend Framework takes security seriously[^]
8 Mar 2012 by Madzmar25
Hi guys... I want to ask if you know any link that will give me video tutorial on how to use zend framework... i've been browsing the net for some video tutorial because i want to learn how to use zend framework... and correct me if im wrong is CodeIgniter part of the Zend Framework? How do i...
8 Mar 2012 by walterhevedeich
I find most of the Zend and CodeIgniter tutorials (from google results) useful even if they are not in video format. If you really want to learn about the 2 frameworks, I suggest you start by taking a look at their websites (Zend[^], Code Igniter[^]). Install the framework, read the getting...
26 Apr 2012 by idds24
I am new to both PHP and Java. Currently I am working on a project which call java class and its methods in the PHP code. I am creating a proof of concept for this. The problem is I am not able to connect custom class I have created in java. More over it could be said I don't know how to do it....
26 Apr 2012 by Loke.mysore
Refer to this link
15 Jan 2013 by NhanPro
I did one project, I using zend library "Gdata". I had upload demo 2 difference hosting.1. hosting kloxo- That code upload very slow, slow.... Sometimes do not working.2. hosting CPannel- That code upload very fast.Someone know that? Help me?My code:
11 Feb 2013 by AndyInUK
We are a team of 3 developers and till date for the php project, we were building a site on a production/live site. Not the best way, I know. We created a testing area/folder in the live site and were testing it live. For instance - For a source control we are...
8 May 2013 by UL UL ALBAB
I want to create php project using symphony framework in Netbeans version 7.3. But, when I am selecting true Symphony PHP Web Framework, netbeans ide showing the message : "PHP interpreter must be selected." How can I solve this problem step by step ? Please tell me...
13 May 2013 by AndyInUK
Hello, We are re-developing a site using zend framework, which uses SHA1 password encryption. The old site used OLD_PASSWORD() encryption. Now what's the best way to migrate the user data? Is there any hack for decrypting the OLD_PASSWORD as I guess, if we have to use the same encryption,...
29 May 2013 by ciccio_82
hi,can i send object by zend from controller to view?thanks
29 May 2013 by max_nowak
No offense meant, but do you even google something before asking here? I quickly googled your exact question and clicked on the first result.Here's what I found. Looks pretty much like what you are looking...
8 Jul 2013 by AndyInUK
Hello, I am working on a publishers website. Basically each article are added via CMS/admin system. Now they want to add particular text in every article and there are around 1000 articles and the content part is not template driven. So am looking for the best possible way to add text in...
7 Aug 2013 by Mohibur Rashid
Well, the submit button hold a value, when you press a submit button all the input filed value will be send except other submit button. example if you...
7 Aug 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Please see my comment to the question. It does not seem to make a whole lot of sense. However, if you understand how things work, you will be able to decide what you want to do.You could not find it in "official documentation", because no one is going to write a documentation section on such...
8 Aug 2013 by Lubomur
public function imageAction() { $accountInfo = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getStorage()->read(); $uploadForm = new Application_Form_Settings_Image_Upload(); $cropForm = new Application_Form_Settings_Image_Crop(); $imgModel = new...
12 Sep 2013 by Lubomur
I have some method "uploadOriginalImage()" and $_FILES array, how can I use Zend_File_Transfer() to upload images or how can I use Zend_Validator(create some Zend_Form object, input there $_FIELS and Validate it!).
24 Oct 2013 by mlingo209
I'm trying to use the ZendGData to make API calls to youtube basically I want to be able to upload and view youtube videos on my site but The classes don't seem to be loading. I'm following the example at .Developers.Google require_once...
25 Feb 2014 by Vivek_Maruxxxx
this is the code of action public function listAction() { // action body $params = array('host' =>'localhost', 'username' =>'root', 'password' =>'mysql', 'dbname' =>'zf' ); $DB = new...
25 Feb 2014 by AndyInUK
Hi, I am working for an article based website. One of the requirement is that user select text and he gets an option to highlight the selected text or takes notes. Is there any example that I can refer?Thanks
20 Mar 2014 by flip-man
I am working on a website for a friend made with the customized management system, the hosting service that I'm using is an Australian server Whene I upload the website it does give this " The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has...
20 Mar 2014 by AdamASPGeek
You need to check the full error message on the server. Please ask your provider to check it for you. 500 internal server error means a lot.
4 Aug 2014 by Mohibur Rashid
This is the JavaScript code to send request$.ajax({url: "/"+ controller +"/"+ action+"/", type: 'POST', dataType: 'html', data: parameter, contentType:"html", timeout: 90000, success: container, error:function (xhr, ajaxOptions,...
6 Aug 2014 by Mohibur Rashid
I have solved the problem. The solution I found somewhere on the web. In all the other suggestion they were suggesting to add switch context as...
18 Sep 2014 by neethujayan
I have created 4 folders for creating zend application .application,tests,web_root & library.What are the configuration needed for creating zend application?while running index.phtml file i got the same code in browser why is it so?Pls help me to run a zend application ?
18 Sep 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
It's not clear what your problem is. Anyway, as to the structure, it's up to you. There is only some default. Perhaps this can...
20 Sep 2014 by neethujayan
I have created one registration page and try to insert into databasecode :public function processAction(){ $params = array('host' =>'localhost', 'username' =>'root', 'password' =>'root', 'dbname' =>'db' ...
22 Sep 2014 by neethujayan
Sir,Zend Controller dispater exception while adding database code zend wamp..error :invalid controller specifiedFatal error: Uncaught exception 'Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Exception' with message 'Invalid controller class ("ErrorController")' in...
27 Sep 2014 by neethujayan
How to add css & javascript to zend framework
27 Sep 2014 by Mehdi Gholam
When using a technology, try to look in their own forum first, you will get better help:[^][^]
7 Oct 2014 by neethujayan
zend framework images are not found in path.How to specify image path in zend virtually hosted application.(images are in Web_root folder).I have created a Application_form_Register that extends Zend_Form class.But i got the error"Fatal error: Class 'Application_form_Register' not...
7 Oct 2014 by Amol Koruche
I had encoded php project with Zendguard,I had installed Zend-Optimizer,what should i had to do in order to run the encoded code.thanx in advance.
9 Oct 2014 by sai sruthi
Hai, I am in a situation to use php and zend framework 1.12.9 version. and my UI is a pure html pages which was created separately and so i wanted to integrate it with zend as a phtml files (I am getting the output but the styles used are not coming because it is available in some other...
11 Jan 2015 by Leo Chapiro
Take a look at the homepage of Zend framework:[^]The FAQs about Framework 2 you can find here:[^]
20 May 2015 by Member 11705500
I want to implement IP.Board (which is a forum application: in Zend, but it's not a module, it has its own code and runs by itself. How can I make a route to that directory, so it can just start functioning on its own?I plan to put the forum into a...
15 Nov 2015 by Member 11088516
Hi,I am new to PHP programming. Recently I have installed Zend framework 2.4.7 on WAMP server (version 2.5) on windows 8 environment.To verify the installation I ran the installation checker script but it is throwing the exception "openssl extension missing -"I followed other links...
25 Jul 2016 by Poposi
Hello to all,I currently a newbie in PHP + Zend Framework 2. I have been hitting my head on the wall for a month now. Reading tutorial after tutorial on how to create routes in Zend Framework 2.The problem is every tutorial i read must create a virtual host in the host file.I wanted to have a...
4 Jun 2018 by Member 13002315
I have created my own PHP extension in c++ (linux). when zend engine compiles the PHP code am getting the active user functions and internal functions name. To debug this php extension am using zend_printf to print the values. Instead of zend_printf wants to write in log file. I checked with...
29 Aug 2020 by Calvin Law
I'm new to PHP development and I'm facing some difficulties on installing a test server on the eclipse ide. Basically, i have installed wampserver x64 (apache 2.4, mysql 5.7 and PHP 7.0) with eclipse ide 2020-06 on a windows 10 machine. The...
29 Aug 2020 by User 14823784
Select local apache2 server that is attached and coming after installation through wamp64
12 Dec 2011 by Brady Kelly
I have just installed Eclipse PDT 3.0.2 (I don't know what Eclipse base this is, Galileo or Helios), and have been enjoying the step up from NetBeans. In getting more serious about my PHP development (I have recently expanded from only ASP.NET), I decided to move from editing my PHP files...
11 Nov 2013 by Yafa Su
I have a website that my company want to redesign it. The design in PSD is ready, but looks like there are lot of changed to do and might take a week or more to make the changed. So, I wonder what is the best ways to make changed without putting website down, because it's a referral website....
25 Feb 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
This is not so easy. Please see this question and answers:[^].And here are the answers if you need to get the selected text:...
22 Nov 2011 by :)9/11
if (yourmum = buttonState.pressed) setvibration(,1,69)else { fatness++; }if (fatCountingUp > 300kg); (setBiggestLoserShow = true);else { (setBiggestLoserShow = MEGAtrue); }if (codDisc = broken); (YouDumpGirlfriend);else { ...
26 Sep 2012 by Nandakumar1989
Hi Prasad,We have been googling this and have been held up in this for the last 3 days. That's why i'm asking for help
27 Sep 2012 by Nandakumar1989
Hi Prasad and nK0ddr,What i meant was i would like someone's phone number or skpye id to talk to them personally and explain the problem.But the problem has been resolved now.Thank you for your time
23 Apr 2013 by Lubomur
Problem - don't work form isValid() method.For begin start Account controller with action 'new', Click 'Submit' and load action success, and it's don't work, all code below.But if I put all in one action and form action = same action, ALL WORKS, How can I make the same result using two...
4 May 2013 by Lubomur
if ($form->isValid($_POST)) { $email = $form->getValue("email"); $username = $form->getValue("username"); $password = $form->getValue("password"); //Create Db object require_once "Db/Db_Db.php"; $db = Db_Db::conn(); //Create the record to save...
6 May 2013 by Ali Reza Barkhordari
Hi alli recently want to write a web site with PHP and my IDE for this work is Zend Studio.but my problem is about Zend's internal web server.when i write a php script on a page and once i run this project (by click on it's icon) it passes all my php scripts to the browser(say Firefox)...
7 Aug 2013 by Lubomur
How can I identificate Zend Forms?, I can't find it in official documentation!!!For example in controller we have 2 forms, how we can find out with is submited?
12 May 2014 by AndyInUK
Hello, I have two sites with same set of users but different product. So I want if user logged in to first site, they are automatically logged in to second one. I don't think cross domain cookie is even possible. Is there any way around it?Thanks
11 Jan 2015 by borchef
Hello,i tried searching on code retreat for anything about zend framework2.I found nothing.Is there anybody out there working with zend framework2.I already researched most of the framework and i am looking for other people to share knowledge.greetings Rob