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by Steve Hoult
Creation of an Audio analysis framework to enable developers with little to no understanding of audio analysis to develop audio-driven games
by Tyler Forsythe
IceCream1945 is a demonstration of XNA and the IceCream 2D library in a 2D top-down scrolling shooter similar to 1942 for the NES.
by Simon Jackson
Some of the other frameworks which use XNA as a baseline.
by sajjad kardani moghadam
Octa Tree is a 3D space partitioning algorithm

Latest Articles

by Steve Hoult
Creation of an Audio analysis framework to enable developers with little to no understanding of audio analysis to develop audio-driven games
by sajjad kardani moghadam
Octa Tree is a 3D space partitioning algorithm
by zoyobar
Using Label class to display text in XNA
by Daniel M. Kane
A RenderTarget2D-derived class to blend textures at runtime that internally deals with some common headaches.

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16 Jan 2013 by Simon Jackson
Some of the other frameworks which use XNA as a baseline.