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Great Reads

by Harry Truman
Screencasting (demo screen, screensharing) already works in Google Chrome. The technology allows capturing a window of the browser itself as well as windows of other applicaitons. For example, you can capture Firefox running in a separate window.
by Mukit, Ataul
Easy multiparty video conferencing in 4 steps
by Android on Intel
In this whitepaper, we will be going through the steps necessary to build the WebRTC source code from Google in order to run their sample AppRTC/WebRTC application.
by MonkeySeeMonkeyWrite
This is an article about integration SIP and RTMP protocols

Latest Articles

by Gen1us2k
Choose how to build your own solution for implementing Audio/Video Calls using WebRTC
by Mukit, Ataul
Easy multiparty video conferencing in 4 steps
by Harry Truman
Screencasting (demo screen, screensharing) already works in Google Chrome. The technology allows capturing a window of the browser itself as well as windows of other applicaitons. For example, you can capture Firefox running in a separate window.
by mengwangk
WebRTC video conferencing using Angular and AngularFire2.

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12 Apr 2018 by Harry Truman
Screencasting (demo screen, screensharing) already works in Google Chrome. The technology allows capturing a window of the browser itself as well as windows of other applicaitons. For example, you can capture Firefox running in a separate window.
22 Apr 2018 by Mukit, Ataul
Easy multiparty video conferencing in 4 steps
17 Nov 2014 by Android on Intel
In this whitepaper, we will be going through the steps necessary to build the WebRTC source code from Google in order to run their sample AppRTC/WebRTC application.
21 Nov 2015 by MonkeySeeMonkeyWrite
This is an article about integration SIP and RTMP protocols
1 Jul 2017 by mengwangk
WebRTC video conferencing using Angular and AngularFire2.
27 Aug 2020 by Gen1us2k
Choose how to build your own solution for implementing Audio/Video Calls using WebRTC
12 Feb 2013 by Plantronics
Integrating Plantronics Call Control with WebRTC
21 Feb 2013 by Plantronics
Here’s how you can win cash and recognition for your Plantronics-based app or service.
24 Jul 2013 by mcm_mingge
Hi,everyone: I have build webrtc on vs2008,and got the voice_engine.lib .But how can i use it in my application?I have tried to simply #pragma comment(lib,"voice_engine.lib"),but errors occur when linking (unresolved external symbols),such as: voice_engine.lib(dtmf_inband_queue.obj) :...
27 Jul 2013 by mcm_mingge
Seems that i have got the resolution.voice_engine.lib was not built alone,it depended on many other libs.You should also #pragma other libs,if you want to use voice_engine.lib.Here is my first simple demo ,just to play a wav file.//you also to include this debug.pb.h#include...
23 Oct 2013 by garav kumar mishra
i tried to implement[^]for video chat what is see is that its using[^]now i don`t want to go to other url can i use localhost there??
20 Mar 2014 by Member 10687598
I want to Connect all the users in a session by providing them separate token under a sessionId, so that they can view each other's streaming. But users can see only their straming. I just need to allocate div on my page for each user with a token connected to any particular sessionId.This...
9 Apr 2014 by Xiao Ling
Of course you can, as long as you have setup your local network. Run "node server.js" and visit your local ip address by 192.168.x.x:2013. For more details, you can read the article - How to Implement a Real-time Commnication Application with WebRTC[^]
29 Sep 2014 by Vikram_
After knowing about some great features of WebRTC, I thought of using WebRTC one to one audio/video calls in my web application. The web application is for many organizations/entities of a category who can register and keep recording several records daily for their internal working and about...
6 Feb 2015 by Member 11432540
Sorry, my english is bad. I have a problem with webRTC. My application works correctly in the same network but in different is wrong.Technologies that I use:- node- coffeescript- gulp- zenserverIn this github I push my code: github/oihi08I dont know why the...
6 Apr 2015 by Android on Intel
This paper describes the Screen Sharing Sample App that runs in the Chrome browser.
23 Apr 2015 by Acision
In the following tutorial, find out how to create your first video chat application using the forge by Acision SDK in less than 10 minutes.
5 Oct 2015 by Member 10833962
I want to integrate video Conferencing in my web application using Jquery.Actually i want to something like user go to my web application URL with specific id means something like private room id and share this URL with other user so both user can do video chat.Please provide me some...
5 Oct 2015 by Palash Mondal_
Please refer to this article on CPVideo Conferencing using WebRTC with websockets and javascript only[^]You can also have a look atYouConf - Your Live Online Conferencing Tool[^]using Windows Azure, just in case you are more interested.Hope this helps!
8 Feb 2016 by Member 12315828
We have chat and whiteboard on same page.Which uses flash communication for relaying messages and httpbind for chat message's. Now we want to replace flash with webrtc so chat and whiteboard both supports on tablet and phone's as well. I am new on this can you help me how we can do this and what...
6 May 2016 by Android on Intel
To ease adoption of this WebRTC technology and make it widely available to expand or create new applications, Intel has developed the end-to-end WebRTC solution, Intel® Collaboration Suite for WebRTC (Intel® CS for WebRTC).
14 Jul 2016 by Member 12635088
I am trying to develop a webinar platform that can be used as a talk show platform for my website. The problem is I know WebRTC language but WebRTC does not work on Safari and iOS devices. Can anyone suggest any other programming language on which we can develop webinar platform?What I have...
14 Oct 2019 by Erick Gallani
I'm trying to develop an Android Native App (and yes needs to be native) using WebRTC.The idea here is enable a web browser make a voice and video call to a android app using the WebRTC.The problem here is that I'm facing a hard time trying to put everything work together.I used the...
25 Sep 2017 by Jaydeep Shah
i am using webrtc for making video call. i got this error when i click on videocall button.. Quote: XMLHttpRequest cannot load No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource....
25 Sep 2017 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
There are certain ways one can protect his own... in this case, '' not wish to share what it has, so it forbids to load the specified resource... If both sites are yours, you can easily add the missing header to allow access, otherwise you have to contact the owner and ask...
1 Jan 2018 by Richard MacCutchan
Code Project Quick Answers FAQ[^]
29 Mar 2018 by Member 12003387
I am using one way broadcasting in Dot Net MVC web site for video streaming. I am using following example to complete the task . Its working fine in Google chrome but not working in Mozilla Firefox and...
17 Jul 2018 by SL-A-SH
I am trying to make a one way video stream to multiple peers. The caller will be able to send his video and the other peers will be able to receive it and not send any video back. Only the caller can see himself so he has a localVideo element and startButton and no remoteVideo element and for...
23 Nov 2020 by Richard Deeming
The error is telling you that whatever your localStream promise returns, it can't be passed to the addTrack method. We can't tell you how to fix that, since you haven't shown how the localStream variable is initialized.
12 Apr 2021 by Member 11088675
I already wrote into webrtc google webgroup but nobody can't help me. I am in a problem and here is best option for helping me. So my problem annoying me because from webrtc version 87 and down the problem does't exists, but from 88 and up...
12 Apr 2021 by OriginalGriff
If the people who know the software best can't help you, why do you think we can? If they can't get to the bottom of it you have two choices: 1) Use version 87. 2) Write a minimal app that shows the problem - absolute bare minimum code, nothing...
25 Apr 2021 by Mark R 2021
For weeks I have been researching to find an open source video conferencing platform that allows integration from native clients. I am developing a solution that would need to communicate from a native app via a windows dll (at least initially)....
25 Apr 2021 by RickZeeland
Maybe Jami[^], it has a C++ / QT client for Windows: jami-client-windows GitLab[^]
13 Feb 2023 by Gustavo Rodrigues 2023
I am using the simple-peer and libraries in a react project, to transmit a video stream and display it to all connected devices in a websocket room, I can receive the stream on the other devices when the stream starts but it does not...
28 Jul 2022 by Dayanand Lande
Good day team!!! I am developing a calling system. In this, we are working on Android, IOS and web/Desktop platforms. Audio and Video calls were working fine with Android, IOS and Web/Desktop. Until I have upgraded the Android API level to 30...
18 May 2023 by Arun_me_Kannan
0 I am a beginner in WebRTC and currently working on developing a video call application with features like recording, screen sharing, and one-to-many communication. To implement this, I am using Node.js, WebSocket, and Kurento Media Server. I...
11 Dec 2023 by Jithu_007
I am encountering a problem with the visibility of screen share in my WebRTC application. Our focus is solely on implementing screen sharing without involving video calls. I have successfully received all SDP answers and ICE negotiations, and I...
21 Dec 2016 by Mircea Diaconescu, Gerd Wagner
WebRTC (Web Real Time Communication) is a new web standard that allows peer-to-peer communication between browsers for high-quality RTC apps. In our tutorial, we show how to use it for building a video chat app.
25 Jul 2014 by Alexey Nikolaev
The article describes integration of the new Web Real Time Communication technology and IP cameras for online video broadcasting purpose Section Multimedia SubSection Audio and Video
13 Feb 2017 by Amayabay
In this article we explain how YouTube Live broadcasts work, and show how anyone with just basic JavaScript knowledge can come up with a YouTube Live broadcast from an HTML page using the WebRTC technology.
24 Oct 2017 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
Microphone is required to capture the voice, how can the machine capture the sound if there is no microphone? So, there is no answer to this question. However, if you wanted to capture the system audio then you can. You can select and chose what Speakers are playing and try and capture that. ...
2 Aug 2016 by Vadyseri
A Story of One Video Streaming Project
2 May 2013 by Sergii Trotsenko
RTCDatachannel with SIP signaling implementation based on JsSIP library
25 Oct 2014 by ‫محم د‬‎
Hi I Have a sosial web site Like Oxwall and I want add voice chat to that can U sho an Example to Crate Voice chat in php with WecRTC ???thanks ...
28 Oct 2014 by ‫محم د‬‎
Hi I whant to make a voice or video chat whith WebRTC and php.How I can do this ? Can u Help me ? Thanks ...
24 Mar 2015 by Member 11381387
Hello Everyone,I have started to learn on WebRTC based applications. IN Firefox Hello a URL has been generated once clicking on the start conversation button.So my doubt is,How the URL getting generated? IS the URL is generated by Firefox server, if so then how the Firefox server...
13 May 2015 by Rajen Pal
Hello,I am using a script refereed from this topic Video Conferencing using WebRTC[^] .This simply peer-to-peer video connection between two clients, the connection order is random, now I want to modify the script that, the connection should appear only when tags (few words, can be viewed...
7 Jun 2015 by gaoomei
Hi,everyone: I build webrtc successfully,and can run the peerconnection_client and server,but I don't know how to build a webrtc library for my application. Could you help me ? thanks.
24 Oct 2017 by glen.1970
Send voice without microphone to another device. Is it possible send voice without microphone? i want to send my pc sound to another pc via javascript or web rtc but without use of any microphone What I have tried: i tried webrtc with audio calling with microphone it works fine but without...
23 Nov 2020 by Gideon Freduah
How should i pass a localStream object as an argument to an rtcpeerconnection addtrack method I tried the code below but it returned this error TypeError: Argument 1 of RTCPeerConnection.addTrack does not implement interface...
20 May 2023 by Arun_me_Kannan
I have encountered an issue while making cross-browser calls between User 1 (using Chrome) and User 2 (using Firefox). Whenever User 2 tries to call User 1, the Chrome console displays the following error message: "script.js: Error: Could not...