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Everything / WebBrowserControl



Great Reads

by Herbert Lausmann
Inject a script (JavaScript) into a web page loaded in a WebBrowser control.
by Siva Sankar Gorantla
After upgrading from Internet Explorer 8 to Internet Explorer 11, WebBrowserControl shortcuts stopped working. After a lot of research, I found out the root cause of this and also a trick to resolve this issue.
by Huseyin Atasoy
An offline wysiwyg editor to backup, edit or create new articles for CodeProject.
by Herbert Lausmann
Shows how to manipulate the DOM of a page loaded in WebBrowser control of Windows Phone.

Latest Articles

by Siva Sankar Gorantla
After upgrading from Internet Explorer 8 to Internet Explorer 11, WebBrowserControl shortcuts stopped working. After a lot of research, I found out the root cause of this and also a trick to resolve this issue.
by Herbert Lausmann
Shows how to manipulate the DOM of a page loaded in WebBrowser control of Windows Phone.
by Herbert Lausmann
Inject a script (JavaScript) into a web page loaded in a WebBrowser control.
by Huseyin Atasoy
An offline wysiwyg editor to backup, edit or create new articles for CodeProject.

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5 Aug 2011 by Wonde Tadesse
Here is a free HTML renderer control.[^]
19 Jul 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
If I understand this right you mean selection with the mouse, something you do before the clipboard "Copy" operation. The problem is: such selection does not select any certain node. It selects a fragment of the document in its rendered form, not DOM; such selection goes across the DOM nodes of...
17 Aug 2011 by HalliHaida
Hi All,I am working on a sample application where in I am capturing the RGB data of the images of the content rendered on to a form.This application takes care of resizing the webbrowser setup to appropriate width and height whenever resolution or color depth changes in the system. I...
12 Jan 2012 by South 305
I would like to MONITOR an HTML control (HtmlElement) inside a WebBrowserControl. I would like to add EVENTS to the control in order to be notified whenever any EVENT got call(fire) on that control.To simplify my needs here are 3 questions assuming the following single line of code: var...
6 Mar 2012 by Tejas Vaishnav
I think you need to update your .net framework version same as your windows 7 might solve your problem.
13 Feb 2014 by Dave Kreskowiak
The Browser Version will never change. It will always return the version of IE that's installed, in your case 11.All you're doing is changing SOME of the rendering engine support used in IE11.IT IS NOT A COMPLETEL EMULATION OF THAT VERSION OF THE BROWSER! What you're doing isn't going...
15 Mar 2014 by Herbert Lausmann
Inject a script (JavaScript) into a web page loaded in a WebBrowser control.
5 Mar 2015 by Johnny J.
I have a winform that basically contains a textbox containing html code, and a webbrowser control that renders that code and shows the result.That works like a charm. But now I would like to let the user click or highlight some text in the webbrowser control and then in code highlight the...
25 Aug 2015 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
Because there isn't any such an event which will do that, the content loaded in the WebBrowser control is based on your HTML content, the HTML document that you have loaded into it. So the mouse interactions are controlled by the HTML document, rather than your Web Browser and forcing the...
1 Jul 2011 by Philippe Mori
Maybe instead of clicking the button, you could manually make the post request with the appropriate information and when the answer is obtained update the content of the browser.
3 Aug 2011 by HalliHaida
Hi All,I am working on an application which uses a .Net webbrowser control in a form to render flash contents. The 32bit application (built with x86 option) works fine (loads the flash content fine) on Win7 32bit OS. However if I run the same 64bit version of the same application (built...
12 Aug 2011 by #realJSOP
Use Fiddler [^] to figure out what the site is doing. That's what I do in a case like this.
15 Nov 2011 by Member 1216111
Hi friendsBackground of my question is a monitoring solution (SCOM) that I have to provide for others in the department.I like to have the possibility that I can see the same what the other employes of each usergroup can see. As I'm working with more rights as the others I always have...
10 Jan 2012 by SvenMe
First of all, this is probably not the kind of answer you'd expect.As far as I understand your problem, you're trying to automate the process of forwarding an e-mail, isn't it? What are you doing in case Google decides to change their layout?In my opinion it would be better and hopefully...
15 Feb 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Please see these discussions:[^],work-around is demonstrated here:[^].However, I'm not sure...
6 Mar 2012 by Rahul Rajat Singh
1. Check the .net framework's version on target computer.2. If you are using any SDK then make sure its runtime is on the target machine.3. Try making a setup project which will deploy the dependencies on target machine.
13 Mar 2012 by Shahin Khorshidnia
HelloI tried this way and I know it's not flawless but it works:this.MyBrowser.Visible = false;this.Focus();this.MyBrowser.Visible = true;A better way is:Use a Panel as the parent of the WebBrowser:MyPanel.Enabled = false;this.Focus();MyPanel.Enabled = true;
1 Apr 2012 by OriginalGriff
I don't know if it will help, but this control Extended .NET 2.0 WebBrowser Control[^] adds DownloadBegin and DownloadComplete events, which may do what you want - I haven't tried it myself though.
4 Aug 2012 by Christian Graus
I googled your issue and found this[^].
26 Aug 2012 by Mehdi Gholam
Check this thread :[^]
9 Oct 2012 by Wendy__Parker
I have been working on this problem for a week:I have a class library that hosts a .net webbrowser control. This webbrowser control kicks off a vbscript which uses RDS technology to communicate with a database. Everthing works fine if I change my internet options to 'allow datasources...
9 Oct 2012 by Wendy__Parker
Well, this isnt a solution to the above problem but a work around. I found a way to bring the RDS into and got that working successfully. Here is an example for othes who may be struggling:vbscript:Function getEncryptedPassword(password, hostName) On Error Resume Next ...
24 Dec 2012 by Dave Kreskowiak
It's not going to work. The WebBrowser control NEEDS to be on a Form in order to work properly.Since this is a class library, you're probably using a web browser control to do something better suited to the HttpRequest classes and methods. What are you doing with this?
31 Jan 2013 by Member 8367060
How to create Scroll event for web browser control c#?
31 Jan 2013 by Joezer BH
Hi, Since webbrowser class does not expose that kind event, you'd achieve this by inherit and override from OnMouseWheel event to handle as follows:class CustomWebBrowser : WebBrowser{ protected override void OnMouseWheel(MouseEventArgs e) { ...
20 Apr 2013 by Meysam Toluie
Hello FriendsFirst of all here are my codes:this.WebBrowser.Navigate(string.Format("{0}", "MeysamTM"));while (this.WebBrowser.ReadyState != WebBrowserReadyState.Complete) Application.DoEvents();foreach (string contact in this.Contacts.Items){ ...
21 Apr 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Sending Windows messages does not solve the problem in all cases. You could use a very different approach: simulation of mouse input on a low level. This can be done using Windows API SendInput:[^].As you...
5 May 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Show the picture before navigation and remove it in response to the event System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser.DocumentCompleted:[^].Optionally, override the virtual method...
27 May 2013 by Zoltán Zörgő
Forget automating any web browser. You should know already that behind the scenes there is a communication between the browser and the web server conform a protocol named Hypertext Transfer Protocol (yes, that is http). Everything you do in the browser ends up in such a data exchange. There is...
9 Sep 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
For Web scraping, you should rather use the class System.Net.HttpWebRequest . Well, it is actually millions times better, as a Web browser is majorly irrelevant to the problem.Please see my past answers:How to get the data from another site[^],get specific data from web page[^].—SA
3 Nov 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
The error messages are no annoying, they suggest you to find and fix your bugs. If you keep considering error messages annoying instead of fixing the bugs, you won't be able to complete your work.—SA
2 Dec 2013 by SoMad
Since I am not getting anywhere with my problem, I was hoping someone here might have knowledge on this subject.I am working on a view in a huge, mature MFC application in Visual Studio 2010. This view hosts a browser control through a CDHtmlDialog[^] derived class. Within the browser page,...
13 Feb 2014 by Diego Kunzevich
hey guys, I want to make a small desktop app, for try to see a page with different versions of IE, for example, see in my app, on IE7, IE8, IE9, IE10 or IE11 On my machine I have installed Internet Explorer 11.0.9600.16428. The registries was updated when I...
13 Feb 2014 by Diego Kunzevich
hey Dave, thank you for your time!Yes, I know is a headache this thread about different versions. But always have customers with older version of IE and we're feeling as a devil when we see that.I have on clear that we don't have any way for do this with the WebBrowser.Thank you...
15 Jun 2014 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
No, you don't have any option like this to block the JavaScript.
7 Aug 2014 by metropolitan
HelloI'm currently working on rather old code using MFC (but the web browser is still used for Windows Forms and C#)So my application uses 2 UI dialog boxes containing WebBrowser controls to show XML files... It works well, the Webbrowser control adds syntax coloring and indentation,...
6 Dec 2014 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
Instead of using an embedded web browser try GMap.NET[^]...There is also an article about it here at CP: GMap.NET - Great Maps for Windows Forms and Presentation[^]
10 Aug 2015 by Dave Kreskowiak
Not possible. Code running on a web server can NOT launch an executable on a client machine, let alone "monitor" it for events.
30 Oct 2015 by Siva Sankar Gorantla
After upgrading from Internet Explorer 8 to Internet Explorer 11, WebBrowserControl shortcuts stopped working. After a lot of research, I found out the root cause of this and also a trick to resolve this issue.
8 Jan 2016 by amagitech
I have an solution.try this.First add an panel for imbeding the webbrowser it's in. Then use this method for open the page void OpenWebPage(ref WebBrowser _webBrowser,string _link) { if (!_webBrowser.IsDisposed) _webBrowser.Dispose(); ...
4 Mar 2021 by deXo-fan
Hello, I know similar problems have been posted here before. I know this because I've searched this site for solutions, but the ones I've found haven't worked out for me. I have a problem with the web browser control. Right now, it renders pages like an old version of Internet Explorer. I need...
23 Jan 2020 by Richard Deeming
Those appear to be the correct registry keys and values: Web Browser Control & Specifying the IE Version - Rick Strahl's Web Log[^] I suspect the MainForm_Load event is too late to set them; the control will already have been initialized by this point. You could try updating the registry from...
3 Feb 2020 by LeMS_Studios
When I load a HTML file in the web browser object that has an input text field, the field does not accept focus. The input field accepts focus when viewed in Firefox and IE 11. The HTML file is a page I wrote and is stored locally on my HD. EDIT: I should have mention that the web browser...
15 Nov 2020 by Richard Deeming
Quote: Private WithEvents browser As ChromiumWebBrowser ... Private Sub InitializeChromium() ... Dim browser As New ChromiumWebBrowser("") Panel1.Controls.Add(browser) browser.Dock = DockStyle.Fill End...
30 Jun 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
I cannot see the form tag. A button should send HTTP request. Is can be down either in the framework of some Web form (in this case all form data will be posted) or via Ajax. You would need to trigger Ajax call in the handler of the button's event onclick; in this case you can do it without a...
1 Jul 2011 by Philippe Mori
You should ask the web site owner to offer a web service for what you are trying to do ? I would then be much easier to uses.By the way, are you sure that the owner of the site want you to automatically fill forms like that? I hope it is not a spamming application that you are building...
7 Jul 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
The problem is not correctly recognized. You really want to save a file, not to press any button, which would be a typical abuse of technology. If you need to save some data in a file without user intervention do a simple thing — forget about using any dialog box at all. Now, a dialog...
15 Jul 2011 by Jackie00100
Hi every currently casted myself into a project in developmenting a webrower in C#.the idea of the browser is to make it kinda ads free or let the user have a option to turn of ads, so the real question is:is there a way to scan a website for elements while loading it (scan...
15 Jul 2011 by Philippe Mori
You should be aware that it might not be legal:Web ad blocking may not be (entirely) legal[^]Also why reinvent the well. There are a few products that pretend to that that. Just search on the web.By the way, it will take a relatively large effort to have a solution as each web site...
19 Jul 2011 by Amir Hossein Farhangi
Hi, is there any way to get the selected DOM node when we select a part of a web page in WebBrowser control?
8 Aug 2011 by Hariarjunan
Hi All,I developing HTML editor using WebBrowser control. Which is work fine in IE8 compatible systems but not working in IE9. IE9 disabled the WebBrowser control because of this I'm not able to edit my this control. Below I shows the sample code of my program.I drag the WebBrowser...
3 Aug 2011 by Debojyoti Majumder
Have tried as described in this link[^]This MSDN link also might help you[^]
5 Aug 2011 by Amir Hossein Farhangi
Hi everybody,I need an HTML renderer which can render a string containing HTML tags; but a System.Windows.Form.WebBrowser doesn't do that correctly! For example take a look at this code:WebBrowser wBrowser1 = new WebBrowser ();wBroser.1.Navigated += new...
9 Aug 2011 by HalliHaida
Hi All,I have a simple form application which has a webbrowser control in it.Is there a way to get an event or notification when the mouse cursor changes, when moved over the content in the webbrowser control? If yes, please give me some pointers.PS: I don't want to parse the html...
10 Aug 2011 by BillWoodruff
A WinForm application has a 'message pump' activated when the 'Main static method in the 'Project class is run, and launches a Form.So, all 'messages,' like MousePosition, KeyDown/Up/Press, are routed to the running Form as long as it has 'focus.'Many WinForms Controls have default...
12 Aug 2011 by Yas_EG
Hi,I'm trying to login programatically to "" using WebBrwoser control.The problem is when I click on "Log On", the browser doesn't navigate to the next page in the LogonCompleted event.HtmlElement userName =...
13 Aug 2011 by BillWoodruff
I think you may be 'closer' to understanding the dynamics of how cursor and mouse are handled in WinForms than you may think.Try putting a TextBox on a WinForm, and then changing the 'Cursor property from the default (I-Beam) to some other value: now run the WinForm application, and observe...
18 Aug 2011 by Ganesan Senthilvel
Itz definitely security problem. Basically, this operation attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.Message comes thro System.Exception {System.AccessViolationException}To be specific, it could be iteration through a collection...
22 Aug 2011 by Arni Senthil
Does the WPF WebBrowser's LoadCompleted event raised after any ajax calls from the page being loaded. I want to record the total time taken by an aspx page to load completely, including all ajax calls if any present. I'm using VS 2010 (.NET 4.0) window form and placed a Webbrowser control....
22 Aug 2011 by #realJSOP
What you need to do is change the web page that you're browsing to. If you can't do that, you can stop reading now. If you CAN, try this:Add code like this to your page:Sys.Application.add_load(function() { anotherFunctionCall(); }); Combine the functionality of that method with a...
24 Aug 2011 by Arun Kumar K S
use method in javascript
30 Aug 2011 by mukti goutam
hi, anybody can help to add a web browser control with page i created browser and which navigates on url and i can also fill all information and read html but i am unable to see all that means how can i make visible it(browser) on aspx page.i also tried replace that issue by iframe...
30 Aug 2011 by mhamad zarif
check those links :Using the WebBrowser Control in ASP.NET[^]Using the WebBrowser control in .NET[^]
30 Aug 2011 by mukti goutam
i tried but them but they are working only with localhost.
1 Sep 2011 by #realJSOP
0) What happens if you navigate to a completely different page, and then navigate to your changed page?1) Could you archive the cookies, clear the cache, and then restore the cookies?
12 Sep 2011 by Hooolagon
Hello,I have a WPF Application; which is borderless; has a close button only; is fully transparent including controls; has one text box; one button and a WebBrowser.I am writing in Language C#:I want users to have the ability to write there Username inside the TextBox and for...
20 Sep 2011 by demouser743
Try this create a H1 tag in your HTML file and hover the mouse on that you can see the text placed in text boxusing System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.ComponentModel;using System.Data;using System.Drawing;using System.Text;using...
13 Oct 2011 by johnmayt
Hey there, I have been trying too figure out how to open javascript popup windows in a c# web browser for the past two days, can someone please explain to me, how to stop c# pop ups from escaping from the c# webbrowser and opening up in my default browser, internet explorer.I will be very...
13 Oct 2011 by hoernchenmeister
I am not really sure if that is what you want, but I successfully suppressed pop-ups with the following: public Form2() { InitializeComponent(); webBrowser1.NewWindow += new CancelEventHandler(webBrowser1_NewWindow); } void...
20 Oct 2011 by programisti
hi folksi have webBrowser1 control on my form navigating website.and that website looks like thisdont interested this div tagtbiliso_city,
20 Oct 2011 by AspDotNetDev
The function "GetElementsByTagName" will get elements by tag name, not by class or ID. You happen to be looking for elements with the tag name "div", so that's what you'd want to pass to that function. You'd then want to check the "class" attribute (you already know how to do that, based on what...
23 Oct 2011 by programisti
thanks i didthats solution:HtmlElementCollection a = webBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("a"); foreach (HtmlElement b in a) { if (b.GetAttribute("href").StartsWith("")) { string...
24 Oct 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Of course you could not find anything if you are trying to find all at once. You need to solve several quite independent tasks:How to use WebBrowser control? You can find it in MSDN:[^].How to download Web page...
27 Nov 2011 by AtreyuTO
I'm just a basic computer user with basic knowledge. Someone who used to be my friend is hacking my life. He is using my Google account and the talk service to access all my activity on my computer and my android phone. Someone told me he inserted some Javascripts codes on my Google page...
28 Nov 2011 by fjdiewornncalwe
Change all your google passwords, like Mehdi suggests. If he can see your data from multiple sources then it is likely that he just knows your passwords.
4 Dec 2011 by ekodeveloper
I also faced the same problem but in VC++ code , and fortunately found the solution ,and i already proposed in the below link,Nobody is Perfect in this world, except its Creater...
21 Dec 2011 by Dev2016
Hi,I need to open word document inside the webbrowser. its is acheived when i open word2003,but not word2007.i got some links saying ActiveXwebbrowser will solve this problem. i tried that also but its opening as a newwindow explorer not inside the ActiveXwebbrowser. am working in windows...
21 Dec 2011 by Tejas Vaishnav
Please go through this....Read Document Text Directly from Microsoft Word File[^][^][^]
2 Jan 2012 by johnsson77
After registering BHO on machine with Win7 i realized that something is wrong. When IE is not opened as administrator then OnBeforeNavigate2 and OnDocumentComplete events of WebBrowser are not fired. When I run IE as administrator these methods are fired correctly. I subscribing to these metods...
10 Jan 2012 by South 305
I'm trying to FORWARD and email from GMAIL using the WebBrowserControl (C#). -I am able to open the Gmail INBOX page on the WebBrowserControl... -I am able to OPEN the specific email (among the others on the inbox) that I need to forward... -I am able to find and click the...
16 Jan 2012 by Kapil Waghe
Hello All,Please help me..How can I use the ieHTTPHeaders with .Net WebBrowser Control. Or how can I read the full GET and POST data (with cookies) of webbrowser control. I tries Fiddler API, csEXWb, but no luck.Please give a way to accomplish this task.Awaiting your...
16 Jan 2012 by Cool Smith
Hello,Can anyone help me on how to click on this image button automatically in the webbrowserThanks
16 Jan 2012 by csprogrammer
I think you mean to simulate a click??look Here i think this can help you :)
5 Feb 2012 by HalliHaida
Hi All,I am devoloping a sample MFC application which hosts a webbrowser control. I would like to disable keyboard accelerator for this webbrowser control so that backspace doesn't cause naviation back, Cntl+N doesn't open a new window etc.I tried searching it on Google but didn't find...
1 Feb 2012 by «_Superman_»
This link should help you - WebBrowser Customization[^]
3 Feb 2012 by Rajesh Anuhya
go through the below discussions , this may helps...
6 Feb 2012 by HalliHaida
Hi All,I have an issue with the "Adobe Flash Player Settings" window. I have a MFC application, hosting webbrowser control, which renders the flash content provided by 3rd party. On right clicking on the flash content, I get the following options,Settings, Global Settings, About...
15 Feb 2012 by khuzwayom
Hi AllPlease help me. I am using the Webbrowser control on on windows form. The problem I have is that when Webbrowser1.Navigate(url) is executed, this text "res://ieframe.dll/dnserrordiagoff_webOC.htm# u" is addedat the beginning of my original url. I t looks like it happenes within teh...
22 Feb 2012 by Member 8662732
Hi everybody,I'm trying to open multi-page SSRS report in my Windows Forms application using WebBrowser control. Form works, report openes but i have problem with report viewer navigator. When I click on 'Next page' button it doesn't do anything. The same problem is with all the rest buttons....
29 Feb 2012 by Radzhab
private mshtml.IHTMLDocument2 docs;docs = (mshtml.IHTMLDocument2)this.webBrowser1.Document.DomDocument; docs.designMode =On; docs.write(""); docs.close();docs.writeln("
29 Feb 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
You close the document and write something else below. Close should be the last statement.The line with the element img is correct, I tested it.A side note: using the attribute "align" is not so good; better use CSS.—SA
6 Mar 2012 by Kapil Waghe
Hello,I have created a c# windows application in Visual Studio 2010. I build and tested it on 32-bit Win7 OS. Also I tested it on some other 32-bit Win7 OS. The result is application works perfectly.But when I test it on Vista it gives me some problems like :1) This program requires...
13 Mar 2012 by itsika
I'm using web browser inside winform.seems that when left click the web browser it takes the focuse from the form, and i can't get the focus back to the form. i've tried: this.Focuse(), this.Acticate(), even tried to set the focus to any label or textbox in the form, but nothing helped. i...
18 Mar 2012 by Mohamed Mitwalli
Then use this propriety InnerText and for applying HTML tags use InnerHtmlfoo.InnerText = " ";
1 Apr 2012 by Member 8722049
I'm using WebBrowser control functionality to implement web browser capabilities in my project. Is there a way that when my browser (which I have developed by using WebBrowser control) sends a request to a server (lets say to download a file), instead of the browser handling the response, I...
11 Jun 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
If has nothing to do with what you use for browsing, a WebBrowser control or anything else.Non-editable text is just the content of an HTML element which is not a control, such as , , and the like.—SA
12 Jun 2012 by Michael_Jacsi
Try this link[^]
13 Jun 2012 by Abed AlSayed
Hi Iam using Visual Basic 2010 Proffisional When I set the webbrowser (IE 9) control to editing mode, I can't change the html source code of it. for example when I add this code into button_click event : WebBrowser1.DocumentText = "Hellooo" All document Text become nothing...
13 Jun 2012 by Dave Kreskowiak
First, EditMode is not supported by IE (or the WebBrowser control).As for displaying a custom dialog, you'll have to create the dialog and show it yourself to ask for the URL to insert. Executing CreateLink has nothing to do with showing the dialog.The DefaultUserInterface parameter...
21 Jun 2012 by bakinam Ahmed
WebBrowser control is a control to open html page in windows form application and in my application the viewed text was editable i was asking for how to prevent user from editing only one line of the viewd text, and i solved it i put this line inside a div with class='fixed' and at the keypress...