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by Kamal Mahendra Sirisena
The article discuss general security issues in organizations by considering some common security components.

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by Kamal Mahendra Sirisena
The article discuss general security issues in organizations by considering some common security components.

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17 Oct 2016 by Kamal Mahendra Sirisena
The article discuss general security issues in organizations by considering some common security components.
16 Jul 2013 by Albert Holguin
I have a CButton derived class that's being written to at a very high rate from an independent thread (does it through a PostMessage, the handler does SetWindowText). Under some circumstances, the independent thread works faster than the UI updates, so its PostMessage calls result in freezing...
17 Jul 2013 by H.Brydon
Instead of sending messages and/or calling the button write code a lot, why don't you just write to a value at whatever rate you want and have the button update itself every 500 milliseconds or so? You could either use a timer with a fixed interval, or have the button update code send itself a...
28 Oct 2015 by webmaster442
It's a mono bug. Try updating your mono version to the latest available. You can get the latest version directly from the Mono project. Don't rely on the distribution packed version, because usualy they are far behind the official latest...
17 Jul 2013 by KarstenK
You have to have control how often an update is useful. I guess at more than 50 update per second makes really no sense. Use PostMessage (only fills the message queue) and WM_SETTEXT.Run a own thread which updates the text by reading a prepared variable. Only update if changed.Mantra:...
28 Oct 2015 by Zhivko Kabaivanov
I am trying to make a .NET 2 application to run on a Linux environment. So I write code for reading XML documentSomething like this:XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument();xmldoc.Load(SettingsName);XmlNodeList xmlNodeList= xmldoc.SelectNodes("/settings/devicesettings/");After...
26 Jul 2017 by Jochen Arndt
See WineHQ - Visual Studio[^] and follow the link to your VS version. But I think you will have no luck with newer VS versions: WineHQ - VS 2017 (15.2) Community Edition[^]: Selected Test Results What works Nothing. What does not Installer doesn't start. Also does not start when trying to...
15 Aug 2018 by KeyurKelkar
Hello I am running a Rhel 7 host, and Wine. I need to open an interactive bash shell from inside Wine, the aim being to open a R executable from the Rhel host. Wine seems to be forking commands and closing immediately and so unable to keep an interactive window open. Cheers, What I have...
15 Aug 2018 by KeyurKelkar
Hello, I am trying to open an interactive session of R from Wine. I need to run R from the Rhel7 host as I have recompiled it specifically for my purpose. I am having trouble with (1) Opening R in the host from Wine, by way of commands, and (2) ensuring that R from the Rhel7 host is kept open...
15 Aug 2018 by Richard MacCutchan
Please do not repost the same question, you already asked this at How to open an interactive bash shell from wine (in RHEL7)[^]
26 Jul 2017 by Member 13299675
i want to install visual studio on ubuntu. i tired everything but i get error. please let me know if there any package or any other thing to install visual studio on ubuntu. thank you. What I have tried: i done R&D but it isn't working.