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by Tank Knat
Metah.W(MW) is a C#-derived metaprogramming language for Windows Workflow Foundation 4.5. It provides an alternative way of composing activities to the WF designer.
by Thando Khumalo
I struggled for four weeks trying to authenticate my Web service with AD group, I wanted to allow specific users to perfom specific tasks with the project. So finally I got it working and I thought I'll share this.
by jmix90
Simple properties Mapper by reflection: Stop copying manually each property of your objects !
by Parvez B
Synchronously returning a Dataset from Workflow Foundation to ASP.NET

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by User 11310514
Microsoft workflow - antimarketing
by Aydin Homay
In the software implementing business synchronizing structures/templates of the database entities with Data Access Layer SQL (commands/Transactions) is the most expensive thinks because you need to re-implement when you have change/s in your entities structure's such as Data-type, Name, and etc.
by Tank Knat
Metah.W(MW) is a C#-derived metaprogramming language for Windows Workflow Foundation 4.5. It provides an alternative way of composing activities to the WF designer.
by Thando Khumalo
I struggled for four weeks trying to authenticate my Web service with AD group, I wanted to allow specific users to perfom specific tasks with the project. So finally I got it working and I thought I'll share this.

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17 Dec 2014 by Tank Knat
Metah.W(MW) is a C#-derived metaprogramming language for Windows Workflow Foundation 4.5. It provides an alternative way of composing activities to the WF designer.
12 Jul 2012 by Prasad_Kulkarni
Refer MSDN:These articles contains resources to help developers get up to speed on developing with Windows Workflow Foundation (WF). There have been significant changes in the model for developing workflows in WF 4 (part of .NET Framework 4) from prior versions of the framework. If you are new...
25 Apr 2011 by Wayne Gaylard
I prefer to use MySQL Connector/Net which can be downloaded Here[^]. There are also good tutorials on the MySQL site Here[^]Hope this helps
7 Feb 2013 by Thando Khumalo
I struggled for four weeks trying to authenticate my Web service with AD group, I wanted to allow specific users to perfom specific tasks with the project. So finally I got it working and I thought I'll share this.
9 Apr 2010 by jmix90
Simple properties Mapper by reflection: Stop copying manually each property of your objects !
31 Mar 2011 by girish sp
i have come up with this code, working for me..thought of posting it might help some one..any feedback on this code are welcome.. private DateTimePicker cellDateTimePicker; public MainForm() { // // The InitializeComponent() call is...
25 Apr 2011 by Kim Togo
Start by using MySQL Connector/Net[^].Add a ref to MySQL dll.Then you can start doing SQL calls.System.Data.Common.DbConnection sqlConnection = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection("server=localhost;user id=sqlaccess;password=sqlpass;database=testdb;");try{ string sql =...
12 Jul 2012 by Abhinav S
Try out the following msdn links -[^][^]
10 Jan 2013 by OriginalGriff
Controlling LED's: I/O Ports Uncensored - 1 - Controlling LEDs (Light Emiting Diodes) with Parallel Port[^]"any suggestion what hardware should i use for detection of human presence?"Camera, or better still use a PIR[^] - the type used in burglar alarms should be cheap but effective.
21 Jan 2011 by Parvez B
Synchronously returning a Dataset from Workflow Foundation to ASP.NET
1 Feb 2011 by jim lahey
Hello everyone,Legacy systems already in place dictate we are going to have to communicate with Exchange 2003 in our application. I have already used WebDAV + C# 2.0 in conjunction with Exchange 2003 in years previous. Having found it a complete pain in the backside to use WebDAV in this...
31 Mar 2011 by Sarath Reviuri
Try the code specified below private void dataGridView1_CellContentClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { int myRow = 2; // we'll place this functionality int myCol = 2; // in the 2nd row and column of the control if...
25 Apr 2011 by Abhinav S
This [^] could help you get started.
5 Jun 2011 by Keith Barrow
Firstly, check this[^] doesn't resolve your problem (especially the part about ordered messaging). WCF messages are notoriously finnicky and often misleading, make sure that you are persisting you workflow a simple example can be found here[^].Hopefully one or the other link will help you...
15 Mar 2012 by Dave Kreskowiak
The onyl way to do that from code would be to write a global keyboard hook and eat the Ctrl or Esc key. There's tons of examples out on the web on how to do this, though, I don't recommend doing this.Try this[^] instead. You'll have more control of additional hotkey combinations.
10 Apr 2012 by Anuj Banka
Add headers in WF service client and get headers value in WF service.
31 May 2012 by Neevarp A
Hi,I am new to implementing leave management system with and WF4.where we have two activites leave request and confirmation.once the leave has been applied i need to persist the state and send a message to my aspx page telling 'leave req has been made'.when the manager...
10 Jan 2013 by CPallini
I would use a microcontroller, see, for instance: "Motion detection alarm using a PIR sensor module with a PIC Microcontroller"[^]. If you choose a microcontroller with a UART then you may easily connect it with the PC.
16 Aug 2013 by Thomas Daniels
Hi,Probably, "My Computer" is capitalized, so the input is "My Computer", which is NOT equal to "my computer"!Try this:void gramer_SpeechRecognized(object sender, SpeechRecognizedEventArgs e) { string resultText = e.Result.Text.ToLower(); if (resultText ==...
22 Jun 2014 by Jafarinejadvazifehkhorani
Rules technology is one of the main keys of WF(Windows Workflow Fundation)—as conditions on activities and as a forward chaining RuleSet in the Policy activity. it refers to the ability for the actions of one rule to cause other, dependent rules to be they described what it...
16 Dec 2009 by Aviad P.
Hello, I'm a beginner with WF, but I've read a book and done a lot of googling. I want to write an inventory management service. The inventory is made up of individual items which have a state:SpareInstalledIn-RepairItems may spend months in each state, and there are thousands of...
19 Jan 2010 by alexey.nayda
Hi.If guess the question is more general than technology specific.The question is if your item states are sequential.If your answer is YES then most probably sequential workflow model will be enough for you. Else use of course state machine.And about wrote:thousands of...
27 Jul 2010 by Christian Graus
I have never been to Rome. Not sure if anyone else on this list is in Rome, or named Roman, but it does seem like you're put a lot of work into this post, and next to no work in to thinking where you put it. This is the quick questions forum, did you mean to use the forum provided under an...
24 Oct 2010 by rajeevgnair
I am using WCF Workflow Services too host the workflow runtime. I invoke the workflow through xamlx service reference created in my web project. I am creating bookmarks at certain locations in the workflow. Is there a way I can call "ResumeBookmark" from my web project? I see that the only...
9 Nov 2010 by abdullah razzouk
Hi I have project which is about creating dynamic workflows for business process automation, and we are planing to program it in the .NET framework using ASP.NET. If you can help to find a tool that can create dynamic workflows online (I read about windows workflow foundation and I found...
22 Nov 2010 by valza
Hi, I have a small problem.I have 2 listboxes (ListBox1 & ListBox2)In ListBox I have added items from DB (table -> teachers -> Name,ForeName, teachersID).The table is related to table-Test (testID, teachersID, testName)add items to ListBox1///some code hereforeach (var i in...
22 Nov 2010 by Sunasara Imdadhusen
HiPlease following ///some code hereforeach (var i in teachers){ lLstBox1.Items.Add(new ListItem(string.Format("{0} \t{1}", i.foreName,,i.teachersID));}Please do let me know, if you have any doubt.Please provide "Vote":thumbsup: if this would be helpful, and...
10 Jan 2011 by Paul_FT666
Hello,I created a simple long running workflow with flowchart and I’m using WorkflowServiceHost to host it on a console application, I’m using persistence too.In order to manage instances I created a couple of endpoints:WorkflowControlEndpoint controlEndpoint =new...
17 Feb 2011 by GangadharMG
Hi All,We have a workflow activity in a file "Worflow1.XAML". We want that to be modified visually and save the changes back to same file.If we do this the next user will get the updated workflow.Please help me if you have any samples on this.Thanks in advance. With...
9 Mar 2011 by sairam.bhat
please see this link it may help[^]
17 Mar 2011 by girish sp
i have used "caddatabase.dll" in my project,i want to get the version number of the to do this??thanks in advance
20 Mar 2011 by walterhevedeich
Take a look at these[^][^]
30 Mar 2011 by girish sp
How to get the selected column number or column header in datagridview, when doubleclick is made?and i want to place date time picker in that column.the code which I have used is this one:void DataGridView1DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e){MouseEventArgs args =...
30 Mar 2011 by girish sp
this is the solution i found which gives me the column value selected.but now my question is how to place text box inside that cell.. int Col=dataGridView1.CurrentCellAddress.X;
30 Mar 2011 by girish sp
i have datagridview in my application with 4 columns i have made col1 and col4 as readonly, col 2 and col 3 are text and datetimepicker values respectively.suppose if user edits col 2 i will perform hittest and make sure that the user has selected col 2 and then place a textbox in that...
31 Mar 2011 by girish sp
When a cell is edited in datagridview, I want to place datetimepicker in that cell.I have written this piece of code but this doesn't seem to work.Can any one help me in this?void DataGridView1DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) {MouseEventArgs args =...
1 Jun 2011 by Harikrk
in my workflow i have set AllowBufferedReceive flag in the WorkflowService class as per the support link below I am getting following error when a sequential flow is created"must be enabled to use the ReceiveContext ManualAcknowledgement...
5 Jun 2011 by Harikrk
HiI am working a project where I need to create a state machine work flow in 4.0. I have installed .net framework 4 platform updates and I am able to get state machine and states in toolbox to work with.I have created a WCF workflow service application. I have currently 3 states in...
23 Jul 2011 by Ryan Minor
Hi allWhen you add a PolicyActivity in Windows Workflow Foundation, the rules are saved in a .rules file.Is there a way to change the behaviour so that the rules are assembled and embedded in the assembly instead?
6 Jan 2012 by NourBerro
Hello, for all experts here i have a project to develop by using windows workflow foundationbut im not that expert with wf and this will be the first wf project the scenario is :i have a university system which has teachers and Dr's apply to get a jobs. after the Dr apply to...
6 Jan 2012 by Richard MacCutchan
You should always start at the obvious place[^].
6 Mar 2012 by Member 7791929
Hi, We are building an application that is required to interface with DLL's of other applications installed on a desktop. This is a VB.NET 4.0 project. We are required to use functions within the DLL's of other applications. I have referenced the DLL's required and can execute the functions...
9 Mar 2012 by William2011
Hello,I try to encapsulate a Sequence of NativeActivity's in a NativeActivity, but I'm having trouble passing arguments to my "child" Activities. Tried a lot of different ways, just ended up with all possible exceptions of WF.I wrote a small piece of code to illustrate the problematic,...
12 Mar 2012 by William2011
After all I was able to do it this way. Not exactly what I wanted but it should do. Hope it will help someone:using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Activities;using System.Activities.Statements;using...
15 Mar 2012 by badbooy8192
I made a browser like Kiosk mode,i disabled almost everything...but not able to disable ctrl+esc...please help me in disabling ctrl+esc...:)
16 Mar 2012 by badbooy8192
i want to disable flip can i achieve it...any suggestions...!!!and i am also not able to disable ctrl+esc and alt+space...:(please help me out...!!
16 Mar 2012 by psgviscom
Refer these links[^]Lock Windows Desktop[^]
2 Apr 2012 by Reza Ahmadi
I have rehosted the workflow designer in .Net4 and I have loaded Activities and Custom Activities as a tool bar in it. It can be used to design control flows and to save them as a .Xoml file and to execute the workflows. In our implementation, we have DAL, BLL, and Presentation layers. I am...
11 Apr 2012 by Boolish
I have created a simple order manager wf service (state machine) in WF4.Order (EF entity) properties: Id, IsExport, NumOfProduct, ProductName, Status (waiting, approved, rejected).State machine states:1. OrderReceived (validation -> response activity) - Transitions:isvalid true, save...
17 May 2012 by obzajd
I've edited my last project, showing no errors in code nor in run consists of two forms :form1 is used to add a new objectForm1.cs using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.ComponentModel;using System.Data;using System.Drawing;using...
17 May 2012 by Member 8456258
Hello EveryoneIn Windows forms a rectangle variable name is used in a "if Statement" and it returns a Boolean values as such:if (someRectangle)if (!someRectangle)or a rectangle is nulled as such:someRectangle = nullptr;Would you please describe the following:-What property...
17 May 2012 by Richard MacCutchan
This test merely checks whether the rectangle refers to an object or not. It has no effect on any of the properties in the case that the object exists. This holds true in all the three situations you have asked about.
21 May 2012 by obzajd
It's really shameful for the 52 persons who viewed my question was unable to solve a problem, that a rookie or a newbie like me has solved it on his the mistake I've thought about is, there's no rows without columns!so, come to think of it, I needed a fixed columns with a...
29 May 2012 by Adam Roderick J
See u better starts with Visual C++ or C# to do the UI.Creating the forms in C++ is just graphics.So please go and study Visual C++.It will be better starting point for UI creation.
31 May 2012 by S.a.n.4.e.s
Hello everyone!I've got a project, where I probably can use WF. I've never used it before, so I have just one question.If a workflow fails, is it possible to continue execution from that failure point? For instance, some form was filled incorrectly, so workflow fails. I change data in...
31 May 2012 by Ganesan Senthilvel
As MCTS in WF, I can guarantee you about .NET WF capability. It provides strong mechanism to handle the fault/failure in the workflow process. Refer MSDN magazine article[^]
3 Jul 2012 by Sandeep Mewara
What about starting form here:MSDN: Windows Workflow Foundation...[^]MSDN: Windows Workflow Foundation[^]MSDN: A Developer's Introduction to Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) in .NET 4[^]Then moving to:Slideshow: Introduction To Windows Workflow Foundation 4.0[^]First look at...
12 Jul 2012 by S.Dwaik
I need to Learn How to do simple sample of Workflow in ASP.Net (WF4) step by stepand use this Technic is useful or not???
18 Jul 2012 by Nareshnani
18 Jul 2012 by Sandeep Mewara
The input workflow type must be an Activity.'type' used by you to instantiate Workflownstance is not of type 'Activity'.WorkflowInstance instance = workflowRuntime.CreateWorkflow(OBJECT_HERE_OF_ACTIVITY_TYPE); //I guess you simply copied code from here: MSDN: WorkflowInstance[^], but...
20 Jul 2012 by Nareshnani
Hi, I am Naresh,I had completed one application, in that application we had lot of approvals for different activities, now we decided to implement these approval process using workflows, i had struck how to implement the workflow from my app, can u give any idea regording it, how...
20 Jul 2012 by Sebastian T Xavier
Please go through these links....Flexible Web UI Workflow application through ASP.NET MVC & Windows Workflow...
8 Nov 2012 by FrankSzendzielarz
I think this means you need a transactional queue
26 Nov 2012 by Member 8978782
Hi,I was trying to get the Side by side workflow services to work ( followed the MSDN article.. Unfortunately my persisted workflows broke.. It has thrown very generic exception, given...
9 Dec 2012 by Ansarshaik
Hi,Could any body tell me how to make a workflow with persistence in workflow 4.0 (with out Console application and delay activity)if u share any code that will be grateful?thanksAnsar
9 Dec 2012 by Krunal Rohit
WF 4 Persistence, Tracking, and Bookmarks: A Practical Approach[^]
2 Jan 2013 by Member 8978782
Hi,I'm using the WCF Routing Service in order to route the requests to different versions of the services based on the Http Headers.There are different kinds of clients ( Java clients,.NET clients) are going to consume the WCF Routing Service..1. Does...
17 Jan 2013 by Shiv19
Hi,I am trying to create a MVC project in C# for a claims process in Employee Management Application using Windows Workflow Foundation ; where employees would be able to raise claims and supervisors would be able to approve them. I would really appreacite if someone would help me with some...
17 Jan 2013 by Zoltán Zörgő
Have a look here:[^]
3 Oct 2013 by Prasyee
Hi Folks,I am working in Windows Workflow Foundation 4.5.I need some pointers in Persistence and tracking concepts.I can able to persist the Workflow Application by creating an Instance and saved in Persistence Store [Instances Table ] in SQL Server 2008.And by passing the Exact...
20 May 2013 by kumar2413
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=(LocalDB)\v11.0;AttachDbFilename=C:\Users\Downloads\charityah.mdf;Integrated Security=True");DataSet ds = new DataSet();SqlDataAdapter DataAdapter1 = new SqlDataAdapter();SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand();command.CommandText =...
20 May 2013 by
Try - SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(); private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e){ string s = comboBox1.Text; connection.ConnectionString = @"Data...
21 May 2013 by Simon_Whale
I would change a small part of your code from dataGridview1.DataSource = ds;to dataGridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]UPDATE: string TableName = comboBox1.Text; string Query = "Select * from " + TableName; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); using(SqlConnection...
21 May 2013 by ZurdoDev
1. Open Sql Management Studio.2. Expand your database.3. Right click Database Diagrams and click New Database Diagram.4. Select your tables.
26 May 2013 by Member 8403770
I created a view named "FamilyView" to join 2 tables(Families and SStatus) and replace an id in the first table(Families) by its name existing in the second table(SStatus) (the column is now called "Status")This view is now displayed in a datagridview that the user can modify Sda...
28 May 2013 by sankethk5
Is it possible to resume bookmark at client when workflow Activity hosted at workflow manager Where i have created a Bookmark Custom activity and pubished at Azure Workflow Editor and i am trying to resume the bookmark which i have created at client.
7 Aug 2013 by Stephen Hewison
Hi,I'm in the infrastructure planning phase of a nice new green field project.Oh how I love green field projects... The opportunity to adopt something new from the endless development technologies in the market place.I've spent the afternoon reading white papers and the MSDN content...
17 Aug 2013 by keerth516
created a custom code activity for calculation of any given expression from console.Its a workflow console application.It works fine but the unit test created for this activity has run time issue.I followed creating a unit test for any activity from pro WF4 book.It takes too long to run these...
21 Aug 2013 by keerth516
My requirement is: selecting different template(for 4 different user)in WPF using WF4 custom code.As for now i have created only one template per userI have created a ActivityLibrary,contains codeactivity,activity.xaml + workflowconsoleapplication + WPFapp (to host the workflow)activity.xaml...
22 Aug 2013 by keerth516
I want to fetch and insert data into sqlserver database using WF4.please guide me how can i do it.provide me some examples and links to learn it
29 Aug 2013 by sudheer muhammed
How to enable drag drop feature for "ToolBoxControl" items in Windows workflow foundation.That is items in the "ToolBoxControl" should be reordered using a drag and drop.
30 Aug 2013 by Simon_Whale
This should get you startedAbsolute Beginners Guide to Entity Framework[^]Get Started with Entity Framework (EF)[^]An Introduction to Entity Framework for Absolute Beginners[^]
25 Dec 2013 by Harkamal Singh
Morning !I am new to WF, liking it after C# and Powershell.I have few vendor developed workflows (.xaml) and I need to find out difference in previous versions. Is there a way to compare 2 workflows ?any tips please :)thank youhk
15 Mar 2014 by theaggarwal
i have created WOrkflow Service Project having parallel workflow in it that have state machine (for creating new workflow) and while activity for fetching workflow status. i have used page url and current state variable at global level , which are set by state machine as per state and used by...
22 Jun 2014 by Benjamin Nguyễn Đạt
Hi all. I am wondering what is Windows Workflow Rule Engine? What does it use for and where can I find the starting tutorial for this. Does it also come together with the WF? At the moment, I do not have any experiences with the WF. Any helps would be appreciated. Thank you for your time.
5 Aug 2014 by sourabh potnis
I have a wcf service in which i am using Selenium web-driver and which i need to return to workflow service,for that happen serialized web-driver require so what will i need to exactly do for that. Following is the WCF data contract which returns web driver instance object to...
26 Aug 2014 by pianocomposer
Solution 2 is excellent. Here is some clarification. This code could be called for CellClick(). CellContentClick(), CellContentDoubleClick(), and CellDoubleClick(). This code is tested and works in VS2012. private void dataGridView1_CellDoubleClick(object sender,...
13 Sep 2014 by kadavergula Chandrashaker
Hi,Can anyone explain me about how to implement a state machine workflow in wf4.0 with the help of bookmarks.Thanks
6 Nov 2014 by CaptainLazer
Also see this from MSDN:[^]Although in the Form1 constructor, it appears that this linethis.Load += new EventHandler(Form1_Load);Results in the Load event being called twice. Not sure what the purpose of this is supposed...
15 Mar 2015 by gauravcarjinn
Hi,I want to know the windows workflow type, using .csporj file,I did google and found this link[^]but this link only tell us the project type.According to my project type guid...
22 Mar 2015 by syna syna
'EnvironmentLocationReference' is not of type 'InternalState'. When loading this instance you must ensure that the activity with name 'EnvironmentLocationReference' implements 'InternalState'.Please help to resolve this.Getting Exception in workflowapplication wfapp=new...
1 Apr 2015 by syna syna
Hi all,I have created a workflow in some x machine and I created a bookmark (using persistence) in that machine.Now I want to resume that bookmark in some y machine using same workflow which is there in machine x.My problem is I am able to resume bookmark in machine y but it is not...
4 Jun 2015 by DamithSL
I would use AutoResetEvent and WaitOne to wait host application until workflow complete. sample code[^]:AutoResetEvent syncEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);Activity wf = new WriteLine{ Text = "Hello World."};// Create the WorkflowApplication using the desired// workflow...
27 Aug 2015 by forccyy
I have one MVC based application for vendor data collection system.Vendor will be provided with 1 temporary generated link, username and password. Vendor visits the link and fills the form ( MVC based).As soon as vendor fills the form data should be visible to person1 (lets...
27 Aug 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Please look at this open-source project: ASP.NET MVC / Windows Workflow Foundation Integration.—SA
28 Oct 2015 by Christophe_
We would like to make workflows designed by end users.I was able to store some workflow definitions in the database, reload them and make them work in a service.For the user to be able to create workflows, we need to create our own activities. I would like to pass non simple arguments (ie...
28 Oct 2015 by Christophe_
The only way I found was to wrap the sequence into a DynamicActivity and to pass parameters to the WorkflowApplication (or WorkflowInvoker) :Activity1 act1 = new Activity1();act1.Arg1 = new InArgument>(new VisualBasicValue>("MyVals"));Sequence seq = new Sequence{ Activities = {...
17 Nov 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Please see my comment to the question. On second though, I've found CodeProject article where this problem is solved: Painting Your Own Tabs - Second Edition[^].As to some rounded (non-rectangle) control, this is easy. All you need to do is to provide appropriate rendering and, most...
6 Jun 2016 by DRadha
I found a similar question at Persistence and Tracking in WF 4.5, but did not find an answer. That's why I am reposting my question.I am using .Net Framework 4.5, WF 4.5, SQL Server 2014 and MVC Web App.I have a...