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by Alexander Eremeev
The Windows kernel-hacking library and development framework written on C++17
by Meena Chockalingam
Understanding LIST_ENTRY lists and CONTAINING_RECORD macro which are used in Windows Kernel

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by Alexander Eremeev
The Windows kernel-hacking library and development framework written on C++17
by Meena Chockalingam
Understanding LIST_ENTRY lists and CONTAINING_RECORD macro which are used in Windows Kernel

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1 Nov 2018 by Alexander Eremeev
The Windows kernel-hacking library and development framework written on C++17
4 Aug 2013 by User 59241
The principle is exactly the same as creating delays in user mode. Sleep() has very limited value and you can use Google to find out why. Ultimately you need waitable timers.(1) Create a kernel timer via...
2 Oct 2015 by Leo Chapiro
The old WDK is obsolete, take a look at Windows 10 WDK and Visual Studio 2015Quote:A new version of Visual Studio brings along with it a new version of the Windows Driver Kit (WDK). And so it is for Windows 10. As Visual Studio (VS) and Windows itself continue to evolve, so does the WDK. ...
18 Dec 2014 by Richard MacCutchan
Unless you are prepared to do a lot of research then I think this is a task too far. You can find a wealth of information via Google, and also the WDK website[^].
23 Apr 2015 by Richard MacCutchan
The status value returned by RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString is not a string but a numeric value: see[^].
2 Oct 2015 by 0xF4
Hi,I started using VS2015 Community edition some time back, and today when I downloaded WDK for Windows 8.1, I found that it did not integrate with my VS2015. My VS installation is fine. Why is this happening?Thanks.
26 May 2016 by Richard MacCutchan
A question like this is far too broad to be answered in a Quick Answers forum. You should go to Microsoft Windows Driver Development Kit (DDK) Solution Center[^] and study the development of device drivers. But be aware it is quite a complex subject.
31 Mar 2018 by bhairab bhuyan
I want to develop a V4 Printer Driver which will send rendered file to a desktop application instead of a device which will do further processing. What I have tried: I tried to use a post script printer render filter to add the code but not able get the output. I am not able find the way .
1 Sep 2022 by Randor
I don't think the QA comments supports XML so I'll put it down here. As far as I can tell your Print Capabilities needs something like this: Standard
9 Jun 2012 by patrik polakovic
Hi, I am developing driver for automated Win 7 environment. I need to execute some commands within given interval. I would like to achive this using queuing APC routine from my driver to user mode process. But APC fails due to executing code from RW only memory allocated using IoAllocateMdl,...
4 Sep 2012 by Mr_Girl
hi:I try development of printer driver's "port monitor" on Windows xp .I referred to WDK sample which is "WinDDK\7600.16385.1\src\print\monitors\localmon and localui.I succeeded in a compilation,but failed in installing An error occurred while installing port monitor 'DDK sample port...
6 Apr 2013 by iDebD
Hi, I am signing a Setup.exe following Exe signing process?[^]It is successfully signing this Smart installer Setup.exe but corrupting it; I have tried with other simple console applications and mfc or win32 exe signing through this process and they are successfully signed as well as...
6 Jun 2013 by patrik polakovic
Hello, in DriverEntry I need to get full path of driver image. I am trying to get this path from registry, but I observed several entries:Collapse | Copy Codesystem32\DRIVERS\name.sys\SystemRoot\system32\drivers\name.sys\??\C:\cygwin\home\user\objchk_win7_amd64\amd64\name.sysHow to...
4 Aug 2013 by xXTariqoO
Hello,i started to learn about driver programmingi want to make my driver do a thing every 2000 ms for exampleand in c++ i will be like thiswhile(true){Sleep(2000);//(2 Seconds)DoSomething();}the question is :how to do like it in c driverit must be like...
21 Nov 2013 by cwangersky
I don't know if you're still looking for this, but to benefit others who are in the same boat, I will say what I've found here...This also got broken in Server 2008 R2 SP1, likely for the same reason. What has happened is that apparently the dirid 66002 was somehow invalidated, so specifying...
4 Dec 2013 by ssriganesh
You can use this piece of code. This is untested code. Please revert if you have any querieschar *lpFirstOccurance = NULL;char buffer[1024];char temp1[500];lpFirstOccurance = (CHAR*)strstr(buffer, "\\SystemRoot");if(strlen(buffer) > 0 && lpFirstOccurance !=...
25 May 2014 by zaki al
Also you can use KeDelayExcutionThreadThird parameter of this function is in 100 nano seconds(0.01 micro seconds)[^]
26 Jun 2014 by summy00
refer to[^]the solution is in answer.
7 Jul 2014 by nareshlove
Hi Guys I am making tool for getting SMART data from HDD which is connected to RAID contoller but i am getting "Incorrect function" error while i am trying to send Identify device command via DeviceIoConrol()....Below is my code sample...plz help me to get rid of that error...#include...
30 Nov 2014 by Member 10826484
How can I detect full path of file/folder include C;\, d:\ in wdk v. 7.1 Thanks?
18 Dec 2014 by Member 11322650
i want to develop filter device driver for file system and anti-viruse and rootkit and etc.. usagewhat is prerequisite for develop Windows device driver??what is key concept i should know ?thread ?? Memory Managment ?difference locks??please give me some resource(website or book)
20 Dec 2014 by AminMhmdi
create PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutine in DriverEntry and use ZwQueryInformationProcess to get information about process
16 Jan 2015 by Daroosh
Are the PCRE/PCRE2[^] libraries compatible with the WDK environments? If yes, how can I build them?Thank you very much!
16 Jan 2015 by Richard MacCutchan
Probably not, as they most likely have never been designed to run in the kernel. The only way to be sure would be to check the source code.
16 Jan 2015 by bling
I know the above solution was already accepted but here is a better reason why Regex does not belong in kernel mode.Consider a simple expression like A.*B ... any substring that starts with the letter A and ends with the letter B - zero or more characters in between.Now consider an input...
30 Mar 2015 by kommuric
Can you explain what "custom built" mean?
23 Apr 2015 by Member 11460356
Hi I've used the following code for this :DbgPrint("\n File name volume is %wZ",&dosName); str.MaximumLength = (USHORT)dosName.Length; //status = RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString(&teststr, &Data->Iopb->TargetFileObject->FileName); status = RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString(&str,...
3 May 2015 by Member 11460356
NameLength = (USHORT)dosName.MaximumLength + Data->Iopb->TargetFileObject->FileName.MaximumLength + 2; NameBuffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool,NameLength,NC_MAPPING_TAG); NameString.Length = 0; NameString.MaximumLength = NameLength; NameString.Buffer = NameBuffer; ...
21 Jul 2015 by Wshwilfried
I am developing a filter driver with the following requirementsa) New files created are actually created on a thawed location, but to the user and all applications it looks like they exist on the original location.b) before modifying a file, a new copy is made on the thawed location, leaving...
17 Aug 2015 by Member 11230702
Hi allI am trying to modify the data in MDL. I would like to change the default Header to my own header. My custom header size is lesser than default header. I don't want to disturb the packet data in Netbuffer. So here my requirement is to shrink NetBufferDataLength. How can I achieve...
29 Aug 2015 by zigang
I've been looking at Windows's File System Filter Drivers. I started with this "FsFilter" example: effort, I managed to get it built and signed in versions that work on everything from 64-bit Win8.1 to 32-bit...
31 Aug 2016 by Member 10059192
we are trying to test the dll/driver software functions without hardware, by using the DeviceIoControl function in Readport/writeport data(address range upto 0x7f) function, but we can't able to access it. can any one give the sample for it. it is very useful for us.thank you.What I have...
30 Aug 2016 by Debojyoti Majumder
So from you question I understand you want to send IOCTL to a driver, but in the driver code the implementation is not there. I am amusing that you have a valid device handle.To have a dummy implantation you have update the driver code so that user mode can have some dummy data. See this...
31 Aug 2016 by Patrice T
Quote:How to access deviceiocontrol function without hardware?Short answer: You don't.The driver only make the link with the hardware. For every query you do, the answer comes from the hardware, so no hardware, no answer.So real or emulated, you need a hardware.
20 Sep 2018 by dmitryponv
Here is how I got mine to work. 0. cd to the build folder C:\Temp\VirtualSerial\ComPort\x64\Release\virtualserial> 1. First install the driver using the devcon command, it will fail. Devcon command is devcon install virtualserial.inf UMDF\VirtualSerial 2. Check device manager, you will...
23 Apr 2020 by Member 14770565
My syftem configuration OS: Windows 10 pro Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2019 (Professional) Version 16.5.4 WDK version: 10.0.18346.1000 Driver install - deploy - I am using manual configuration instead of automatic(provision) I have...
23 Apr 2020 by KarstenK
Your error description is to unspecific. My best tip is to restart development from the scratch because it looks like some severe bug like mismatched handle or access rights. Read the Building a Basic v4 Printer Driver documentation and start...
1 Sep 2022 by CassinianSoftware
Hello, having an issue with a V4 printer driver, and not finding what I need in the Microsoft docs. Hoping someone here can shed some light on this. I'm using VS2019 (16.11.12) with WDK 10 (10.0.19041). My task is to create a 64-bit V4...
30 May 2016 by amitrkcian
AS my development machine & my test machine are 64bit windows system with Windows 7 operating System So to give myself a head start I compiled the ComPort project under Windows-driver-samples-master/serial/VirtualSerial2 sample code provided by Microsoft, initial it flashed an error that said as...
24 Jul 2014 by Meena Chockalingam
Understanding LIST_ENTRY lists and CONTAINING_RECORD macro which are used in Windows Kernel
30 Jun 2012 by Jaydeep Jadav
Hello I developed a Printer port monitor for virtual printer. I am installing it using script that stop spooler service and make entries in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\ and start the spooler service. If everything goes fine then the Port will be...
31 Mar 2018 by KarstenK
Try to write the printer output as a temporary file and use it as start parameter for your exe. Start your app with ShellExecute and the file path as start parameter. Pay attention to the start the app with the correct access rights.
18 Sep 2013 by SYAMKUMAR S
I am going to make an audio Loopback device driver(a virtual audio device).MSVAD source code getting along with WDK only perform capture and save audio data which apears at the input port of the device, I don't know how to implement CopyTo and CopyFrom functions to make an audio Loopback device...
26 Jun 2017 by code_enthusiast
Is it possible to develop Bluetooth low energy applications in C++ using Bluetooth low energy functions which should work on both windows 8.1 and windows 10 ?? What I have tried: If it is possible, Is there any code sample that i can use?
10 Nov 2013 by Ali kianinejad
Hi AllI want to write a driver that it can hide processbut i can't use sstd hooki cant' find any thing in googleplease give me an exampleRegards
22 Apr 2014 by Ali kianinejad
hi i want to write a function in kernel mode driver that get a process and print which function call by that processplease give some link or sample code i can't find any useful thing in goolge
9 Oct 2014 by Member 11142109
How do I run PREfast (/analyze for code analysis warnings) on a custom built driver using the compiler (cl.exe) provided in Windows Driver Kit "WDK" build 7600?
15 Jul 2015 by Nishant Varshney
Hello,I am new in windows driver development. I want to track the source path from where the file is copied to some other directory. I want to do that by using minifilters. Can anyone help me or give me some suggestion how to do that. If someone can provide source code for that than it would...
26 Jun 2017 by Richard MacCutchan
You already posted this question at Bluetooth low energy - windows programming[^]; please do not repost.
30 May 2016 by amitrkcian
This is my first Windows device driver & I have been assigned a task to develop a Windows device driver from scratch. When the user installs this driver on a windows PC it would ask the user, during the installation process, to enter the number of virtual serial port that user requires & after...