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Visual Studio 2019


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by Shenwei Liu
A custom and configurable Angular data grid tool and demo application presenting both client and server-side data filtering, sorting, and pagination (updated to Angular 11)
by Akhil Mittal
In this article, we’ll learn the CI/CD of ASP.NET Core application on Azure using Jenkins Azure Pipeline.
by Martin Gmuca
In this article, we will look at the process of app development, deploy and debug on Raspberry Pi 3 using VS2019.
by syed shanu
How to create ML.NET Application using ML.NET Model Builder and use the trained model to predict the result in ASP.NET Core.

Latest Articles

by Andreas Saurwein
Better recentlist, solutions and projects management for Visual Studio, not replacing the start window
by MarkLTX
Easy to use logger with a powerful viewer that supports filtering by thread, logger, etc.
by RickZeeland
Console app to scan a VS directory and create a simplified directory tree
by Giuseppe Pischedda
How to create a Win32 C++ Application that "consumes" a C++/WinRT Component Runtime

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Visual Studio 2019 

20 Dec 2020 by Shenwei Liu
A custom and configurable Angular data grid tool and demo application presenting both client and server-side data filtering, sorting, and pagination (updated to Angular 11)
28 Nov 2019 by Akhil Mittal
In this article, we’ll learn the CI/CD of ASP.NET Core application on Azure using Jenkins Azure Pipeline.
28 Apr 2019 by Martin Gmuca
In this article, we will look at the process of app development, deploy and debug on Raspberry Pi 3 using VS2019.
12 Mar 2020 by syed shanu
How to create ML.NET Application using ML.NET Model Builder and use the trained model to predict the result in ASP.NET Core.
20 Oct 2019 by Richard MacCutchan
Create a new project in VS2019 and import the source code from the original. Visual C++ 6.0 projects are too old to import correctly.
19 Jan 2020 by Arthur V. Ratz
A simple introduction to using K-Means Clustering for data analysis.
23 Jun 2021 by Southmountain
How to smoothly build Diligent Engine on Windows 10 with Visual Studio 2019
27 Sep 2023 by Andreas Saurwein
Better recentlist, solutions and projects management for Visual Studio, not replacing the start window
1 May 2020 by RickZeeland
Quote: Snaplines help you align controls relative to each other. If snapping to snaplines is enabled, when you drag a control relative to other controls, alignment boundaries appear XAML Designer overview - Visual Studio | Microsoft Docs[^] Also...
2 Apr 2021 by Avtem
A couple of fixes when your Visual Studio Intellisense becomes buggy
17 Feb 2021 by Rick York
It is still there : CStringArray Class | Microsoft Docs[^] Apparently the required header is AFXcoll.h
14 Jan 2022 by Giuseppe Pischedda
How to create a Win32 C++ Application that "consumes" a C++/WinRT Component Runtime
18 Jul 2019 by OriginalGriff
Check the extension type: VS "knows about" .SQL files, and will syntax highlight them correctly - for me, 0.0 comes up as black-on-white, which it inherits from the standard "Number" setting under "Tools...options...Environment...Fonts and Colours", "Display items: Number" If your extension...
5 Oct 2019 by phil.o
You can enumerate the directories in a specific directory this way: Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports System.IO Imports System.Linq Public Shared Function GetDirectories(directory As String) As String() Dim list As New List(Of String) list.AddRange ( ...
21 Oct 2019 by KarstenK
Richard is right, and should do it, if it works. You must also transfer the compiler flags. linker and additional settings. Another way can be to open the VC 6.0 project in some older Visual Studio like 2001 til 2005 or maybe 2009 first. They may convert the project into some .sln file which...
30 Nov 2019 by Ovodus
For LIB projects, it's required to remove /GL option ("Configuration Properties"->"C/C++"->"Optimization"->"Whole Program Optimization") to produce .asm files.
28 Jan 2020 by CHill60
You say you can't update CR on the prod machine, then don't build with a newer version on your dev machine! :-) The new version of CR is likely to be backward compatible but old versions cannot cope with new functionality they know nothing about. Try targeting an earlier version of .NET in...
30 Mar 2020 by Maciej Los
Please, follow the instruction from MSDN: Linker Tools Error LNK2019 | Microsoft Docs[^]
31 Mar 2020 by steveb
Did you include the .LIB file in your linker input?
4 May 2020 by Ayyappan Ramachandran
An overview of custom authorization with user groups in MVC
7 Jun 2020 by OriginalGriff
DOC files aren't Rich Text, they are a binary data format that is proprietary to MS and cannot be directly loaded into a RichTextBox. Becuase it's a binary format, cjust translating it to Unicode won't work either. You will have to convert the...
11 Oct 2020 by User 14859875
Can I ask about why my output for PageError.aspx is not same as correct output below, please?: The correct output for PageError.aspx after I entered two inputs such as 7 and 0 by using the pageerror method only (cannot use try catch method): ...
16 Feb 2021 by RickZeeland
You could use the Array.Copy Method[^] instead of using loops to copy arrays. Might not make much of a performance impact, but would make the code more compact. I'm not a big fan of Unit Testing, but this article might get you started: You...
22 Apr 2021 by OriginalGriff
This is a Windows application, not a console - start again, this time selecting a WPF project instead of a console. That will provide you with a "basics" from which a full GUI application is supported. You only supply a main method in Console...
3 Aug 2021 by Stefan_Lang
We're developing plugins for a third party executable with a C++ API. There is no SDK available for the executable, and, worse, no debug version. The API uses at the very least std::vector and MFC CString which to my knowledge are not compatible...
1 Aug 2021 by KarstenK
In this cases I like to write a log file with the debug texts and some error messages. Best is to check the amount of written data in some debug tests and only log errors and problems. Normally the problematic code areas are knows so concentrate...
2 Aug 2021 by Greg Utas
Release builds have reached the point where the trade-off between performance and debugging is unacceptable. I'm using VS2017 and face the same problems. Here[^] are the compiler settings I use. They help, but it's still not as easy as a debug...
2 Aug 2021 by Rick York
When I have done this I disabled optimizations in the release build of the library and enabled writing of the debug symbols file. I then set the hosting executable program for debugging the library to be the one in question and then set break...
2 Dec 2021 by OriginalGriff
Just use intellisense: if you don't have it enabled by default, just type the first bit: TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan( And use CTRL+SHIFT+SPACE to bring it up. It'll show you each of the possible parameter sets you can call it with (5 in this...
2 Dec 2021 by Richard Deeming
If you don't have ReSharper, you'll need at least VS2019 v16.8 or later: Showing inline parameter hints on Visual Studio 2019 like ReSharper[^]: Tools > Options > Text Editor > C# or Basic > Advanced Select Display inline parameter name hints...
18 Jul 2019 by Patrick Skelton
I have files in Visual Studio 2019 that have an SQL extension. The SQL contained within them is SQLite dialect. An example statement might be this: INSERT INTO EstimateRevisions ( PK_id, revision, total_value, breakdown ) VALUES ( NULL, '', 0.0, '' ), My problem is that the non-quoted value...
11 Sep 2019 by RickZeeland
That's not an easy thing to accomplish, but here is an example: Embedding Controls in a ListView[^]
5 Oct 2019 by Richard MacCutchan
You are not capturing the filenames until the ListBox_SelectionChanged event is called. And that will not be called until a selection is made to an item in the Listbox, which is currently empty. You should populate the ListBox when the application first runs, i.e in the MainWindow_Load method....
21 Oct 2019 by Member 14629414
I've a project called " Demo_Mech.cpp" written for operating table tennis robot. When i opened it by Visual Studio 2019 and compiled it showed error in the file"Microsoft.CppCommon.targets" : MSB6006: 'CL.exe' is exited with code 2 So my question is How to compile this program(written in Visual...
30 Nov 2019 by Ovodus
I'm using this command line: /permissive- /MP /GS- /Qpar /GL /W4 /wd"4530" /Gy /Zc:wchar_t /I"C:\oTemplates\oLib\oLib\src" /I"C:\oTemplates\oLib\oLib\inc" /Gm- /Ox /Fd"C:\oTemplates\oLib\oLib\tmp\64aRavx2\vc142" /fp:precise /Zp1 /D "AMD" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /fp:except- /errorReport:none...
28 Nov 2019 by phil.o
I've seen recently a note saying that MSVC compiler does not support inline assembly for x86 64-bits CPU family. This was in a project called angelscript. Angelscript - Copile the library - Considerations for specific platforms[^] For 64-bits builds, there is a pre-build event setup which takes...
28 Nov 2019 by Shao Voon Wong
Create a DLL project and in Visual Studio, add all the existing files from the static Lib project to DLL project. Make sure you do not copy the source files to DLL project folder to avoid source code duplication: The DLL project can access the source files from static Lib project folder just...
4 Mar 2020 by Member 14629414
I've an Intel RealSense F200 3D Camera and its 2016R2 version SDK. In the SDK i found sample code to operate it. The problem is that all the project has been written in older version of Visual Studio. Specifically, it's from VS 2010 to VS 2015...
4 Mar 2020 by Richard MacCutchan
You need to correct the project to use the current toolset that is installed with VS 2019. Go to Project -> Properties, and click the drop down arrow to the right of Windows SDK Version. It should show a list with the default current version that...
31 Mar 2020 by Member 14162950
I am trying to build a C++ example program from the Phidgets company website that monitors and logs three devices. Using either VS2017 or VS2019 gives 20 lines of messages similar to this one: Log_Mul_Phids(C17_9).obj : error LNK2019: unresolved...
23 Apr 2020 by Member 14770565
My syftem configuration OS: Windows 10 pro Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2019 (Professional) Version 16.5.4 WDK version: 10.0.18346.1000 Driver install - deploy - I am using manual configuration instead of automatic(provision) I have...
23 Apr 2020 by KarstenK
Your error description is to unspecific. My best tip is to restart development from the scratch because it looks like some severe bug like mismatched handle or access rights. Read the Building a Basic v4 Printer Driver documentation and start...
1 May 2020 by Member 14819539
I'm studying XAML from basic with MS documents, it says alter margin numbers to move control. Is it only way to move control? I want to drag it to position I want. What I have tried:
13 Aug 2020 by inlandchris1
Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from 'CRdr': the readable size is '(unsigned int)*108+4' bytes, but '216' bytes may be read. struct CReaders { int m_IntAddr{};//Card Reader number in ASC not HEX. CARD READER TABLE CStringA m_HexAddr =...
12 Jun 2020 by OriginalGriff
Check the value of CMD_MAX - at a guess it's 108 + 4 bytes (i.e. 28 32-bit integers) and the actual size needed is bigger.
13 Jun 2020 by Rick York
The fact is you don't need to do most of the things you are doing to those string members. It is already initialized to be empty so the initializer is not needed. It has a clear method so you can call that instead of assigning an empty string...
12 Jun 2020 by inlandchris1
Rick Y.,thank you for your solution. I did not think outside of the box on initializing the members, mindset on ‘C’ language, not C++. I did not know you could put the functions inside the struct but when you really think about, C++ is a giant...
30 Sep 2020 by BoopathyNehru
HI All We are migrating our Sitecore project to VS2019 and while using gulp publish I am facing an error with error MSB4057: The target "Restore" does not exist in the project. So I am unable to proceed further. Please any one help me. Error...
15 Sep 2020 by Sandeep Mewara
I have heard about it related to Nuget packages. Deleting bin & obj folders and doing a rebuild worked for them. Given the change, if the older version is still being referenced or exists, it could raise it. Try: 1. Delete bin folder 2....
5 Oct 2020 by Member 12440947
I do something like this to run a python script in a .net environment (works fine): public partial class MainWindow : Window { private readonly ScriptEngine m_engine; private readonly ScriptScope m_scope; public...
5 Oct 2020 by BoopathyNehru
Consider app.config remapping of assembly "WebGrease, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" from Version "" [] to Version "1.6.5135.21930" I am facing the issue while buid gulp. gulp.task('build-solution', () => {...
5 Oct 2020 by Richard Deeming
Quote: The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it. You are trying to access a UI control (textEditor) from a background thread. When you introduce the Dispatcher call, you are pushing the execution back...
5 Oct 2020 by Sandeep Mewara
First try deleting bin & obj folder and rebuild. If this does'nt solve, your versions are still a mess and need to resolve. Here, same issue and accepted solution: How to solve warning: Consider app.config remapping of assembly | The ASP.NET...
11 Oct 2020 by Richard MacCutchan
double dblAns = Convert.ToDouble(TextBox1.Text) / Convert.ToDouble(TextBox2.Text); You should not use code like that as it allows any garbage to be entered into your program. Capture each field separately and check that the entered values are...
11 Nov 2020 by Virendra S from Bangalore, Karnataka
I have the below gitignore file in my repo, repo has 1 project with 4 class library. these class library build results files are getting ignored by git but project bin folder files are not getting ignored. How to ignore all build results folder...
16 Dec 2020 by KarstenK
The NULL signals that it wasnt sucessful. Consult the Microsoft documentation with sample code how to do it correctly.
14 Jan 2021 by Charlemagne65
I would like to write a simple file transfering app on a SBC. I have chosen raspberry pi for this. Windows IoT proved to be unreliable and I gather from the web that Microsoft stopped the development of this in favor of using Linux (in this case...
17 Feb 2021 by Satish Natu
I am trying to build an old C++ MFC project under VS2019. It is not able to find CStringArray class. Is this supported under VS2019? If so please let me know the include file and lib file names. If not supported, is there a replacement for it?...
22 Apr 2021 by dejf111
Hello, I trying to create WPF Application. Everything worked well before I tried to switch the project to .NET 5.0 . Then an error appears at startup: "Program does not contain a static 'Main' method suitable for an entry point”. I have VS 2019....
26 Apr 2021 by OriginalGriff
There is no C locale information compatible with printf, so your characters don't "know" what to print like, and the default font is no use. Have a look here: Unicode in C and C++ -[^] - I haven't tried it, but it looks like it...
5 May 2021 by rajeshhalyal
Just started using VS I had just downloaded Numeric TextBox from this site and compiled it Dragged and dropped the file Shorty.Windows.Forms.dll in the toolbox The control NumericTextBox is added but is not enabled What am I doing wrong ...
5 May 2021 by OriginalGriff
Don't post this under Quick Answers - if you got the code from an article, then there is a "Add a Comment or Question" button at the bottom of that article, which causes an email to be sent to the author. They are then alerted that you wish to...
23 Jun 2021 by Member 13907800
Hello. I am attempting to add a command button to the title bar of an external application. From my research it appears that I should be able to use the CreateWindowEx function provided by user32.dll, but so far I am having absolutely no luck. ...
23 Jun 2021 by Richard Deeming
Quote: ByVal hWndParent As Integer, ByVal hMenu As Integer, ByVal hInstance As Integer, ByRef lpParam As Object) As Long The parameters starting with h need to be IntPtr, not Integer. The return value also needs to be IntPtr, not Long. ...
1 Jul 2021 by Richard Deeming
Quote: Public Declare Function CreateFont Lib "gdi32" Alias "CreateFontA" (ByVal H As Long, ByVal W As Long, ByVal E As Long, ByVal O As Long, ByVal W2 As Long, ByVal I As Long, ByVal u As Long, ByVal S As Long, ByVal C As Long, ByVal OP As...
31 Jul 2021 by Patrice T
This will not work String lang = "language" + selectedLang.ToString(); Here, you concatenate 2 stings, there is no magic to transform the string into a variable name. The easiest is probably to use a if-else structure to choose the variable of...
1 Aug 2021 by Sofi0813
Thanks for your input. I fount a solution by creating dictionary: var translations = new Dictionary() { ["language0"] = new string[] { "Exercise 1", "Next", "Previous" }, ["language1"] = new string[] { "Övning 1",...
3 Aug 2021 by steveb
You can include debug information in the release build. It will behave as if it was debug build, i.e. stepping through code, breakpoints in code etc.
5 Sep 2021 by OriginalGriff
While we are more than willing to help those that are stuck, that doesn't mean that we are here to do it all for you! We can't do all the work, you are either getting paid for this, or it's part of your grades and it wouldn't be at all fair for...
2 Dec 2021 by Михаил Солодков
How can I turn on such a thing when the parameter names of the called method are displayed? I use VS2019. May be it is built-in or some extension needed? Screenshot:[^] What I have tried: I suggest Resharper...
4 Dec 2021 by ebanavorio
I'm stuck while developing a small desktop Project Management application in C# (VS2019). My solution would have two projects in it: - a library project (models, classes, XSD datasets...), and the - application project (forms, other classes...
4 Dec 2021 by OriginalGriff
Yes. The way I do it s probably overkill for your application, but ... Instance Storage - A Simple Way to Share Configuration Data among Applications[^] It's also intended for SQL Server, so the examples are for that - but the principle is...
4 Dec 2021 by Gerry Schmitz
I think XSD was before SQL CE, which was before SQLite, which was before EF (entity framework). You may want to consider EF with SQLite (no "server"). Getting Started - EF Core | Microsoft Docs[^]
16 Mar 2022 by Slow Eddie
I feel like a dunce having to ask this, but I have spent more than 1 Hour in MS Documentation, and can't find a reasonable example of how to set the default cursor for a windows form in a VS2019, VB,net desktop application. I have a form that...
16 Mar 2022 by RickZeeland
To change the cursor see: Change cursor VB.NET - Stack Overflow[^] To change the position see: Cursor.Position Property (System.Windows.Forms) | Microsoft Docs[^]
16 Mar 2022 by Luc Pattyn
With the Designer you can select any of the standard cursors (members of Cursors class) as the default cursor of the Form/Control you are designing. If none of the standard cursors are to your liking, you can assign a custom Cursor to the...
21 Mar 2022 by OriginalGriff
Here's my toolbox boilerplate code: string strConnect = SMDBSupport.SMInstanceStorage.GetInstanceConnectionString("MyDBName"); string sql = "SELECT Id, Desc FROM MyTable"; using (SqlConnection con = new...
22 Jul 2022 by Member 15352875
I have already created the WPF form with the datagrid and checkboxes appear. The problem I think I'm missing code for is once the information is populated and checkboxes are next to each item the user should be able to select/check or uncheck the...
27 May 2022 by Graeme_Grant
It is hard to tell what is happening as you do not provide you data model. Data Binding has requirements that may not be met. Here is an introduction to the DataGrid: The DataGrid control - The complete WPF tutorial[^]. The Second page shows...
17 Oct 2022 by VBeginner.NET
I switched from Windows 7 to Windows 10 for VB.NET code maintenance just yesterday and found that SaveFromScreen was behaving strangely. Now I have found that the window which was 600 pixels in height is being shown to be 601 pixels and that...
15 Oct 2022 by Dave Kreskowiak
If your code cannot handle a different window size of a single pixel, you've written so bad code. It's impossible for anyone to tell you how to fix this because, well, we can't see your code. If you have this in 15 to 20 forms, it sounds like...
30 Oct 2022 by Alireza Mahini
Hi, When one of my visual studio 2006 c++ MFC projects migrates to the VS 2019, there are some problems loading dialogs in run time. the following debug assertion messages appear: "Program: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\mfc140d.dll File:...
28 Jan 2020 by Chriz12
Hello, I'm using VS2019 with Crystal Reports version 13.0.3500.0. When I'm trying to create a pdf on production machine i get the following error "Error message: Unable to cast COM object of type 'CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.Controllers.ReportSourceClass' to interface type...
8 Jun 2012 by OriginalGriff
Adding an event to your class is simple, but it needs a bit of typing. I'm lazy, so I'd rather Visual Studio did the work. This snippet works in the same way as the "prop" snippet.
4 Feb 2020 by syed shanu
In this article, we will learn how to getting started and work with new Mobile Blazor Binding for developing Cross-Platform Mobile application using Blazor.
13 Nov 2021 by The Ænema
This article brings you a very detailed but easy to learn experience on creating your own x64 PE packer/protector using only VC++!
7 Apr 2021 by mark_worrall
How to move Entity Framework Core v5.0 into a separate Visual Studio Project
7 Jun 2021 by The Ænema
Learn how to convert any code to a stable shellcode using Visual Studio 2019 and VC++ in easy steps!
1 Mar 2020 by Shenwei Liu
An Angular sample application and discussions on breadcrumbs with advanced routing strategies, navigation scenarios, practical workflow, and more (latest update with Angular 9 CLI and ASP.NET Core 3.1 website).
29 Oct 2021 by User 992674
Google Maps control for ASP.NET
3 Jul 2019 by FrankNight
This is just another web scraper written fully in .NET but finally without the use of mshtml!
21 Jul 2020 by Hans
Just for fun, a Conway's Game of Life application with many features using MFC Direct2D classes
18 Dec 2020 by ferdo
How to compile MFC sources with VS 2019 (for ARM64 too)
11 Apr 2023 by MarkLTX
Easy to use logger with a powerful viewer that supports filtering by thread, logger, etc.
15 Mar 2020 by Habibur Rony
This article mainly focuses on the CQRS pattern. How we can implement CQRS Pattern using the MediatR. How we can use CQRS pattern with ASP.NET MVC Core and Vue.Js.
27 Apr 2020 by wmjordan
MuPDF is an open-sourced, high performance PDF rendering and editing engine written in C. This article describes how to compile its source code to a DLL for use in other programming languages.
28 Nov 2019 by Akhil Mittal
In this article, we’ll focus on Azure Active Directory and Service Principal and integrate Jenkins with Azure Service Principal before we move on to CI/CD of ASP.NET Core application on Azure using Jenkins Azure Pipeline.
1 Jan 2020 by syed shanu
How to create a simple CRUD application for ASP.NET Core Blazor using Visual Studio 2019, .NET Core 3, Entity Framework and Web API
11 Oct 2020 by Richard MacCutchan
Why are you still using that bad code? I explained yesterday how to validate your inputs at[^]
8 May 2021 by Ralf Meier, Shah Samiur Rashid
Codeless Combobox for VB.NET/C# platform with MySQL/SQL Server database applications