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Everything / Programming Languages / Visual Basic 8 (2005)

Visual Basic 8 (2005)


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by Abhishek Sur
Gives an introduction of how to create SQL CLR managed objects in SQL server.
by kirkaiya
A very simple, XAML-based month-view calendar that shows appointments, exposes events, and allows dragging appointments in the current month.
Implementation Nhibernate concept in VB.NET
by Miran.Uhan
Grayscale and color scale filters.

Latest Articles

by Claudio Nicora
An extended NumericUpDown control with better focus and mouse wheel management.
by Richard Atkins
Create a fluid, multi-column, vertically ordered list using nested, floating divs
by nogChoco
LineNumbers that dock to a RichTextBox or show as an overlay on top of it
by Troy Simpson
Setup a simple and cheap computer controlled watering system using VB.NET or C# and a parallel port relay controller

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Visual Basic 8 (2005) 

2 Aug 2009 by Abhishek Sur
Gives an introduction of how to create SQL CLR managed objects in SQL server.
21 Aug 2009 by kirkaiya
A very simple, XAML-based month-view calendar that shows appointments, exposes events, and allows dragging appointments in the current month.
7 Jan 2008 by S.SRIVATHSAN
Implementation Nhibernate concept in VB.NET
17 Jul 2007 by Miran.Uhan
Grayscale and color scale filters.
29 Aug 2009 by _Khallaf
How To Do Precise 2-Way Rijndael CryptoStream Communication
31 Jul 2007 by Froz3n
Using the Windows Media Player Component
14 Aug 2008 by Yasser M. Jaffal
In this article, I discuss an example of how you can use information retrieval to grab data out of MSN Money pages to get a free Web Service for currency exchange rates and other quotes.
5 Apr 2009 by Richard A. Dalton
Part two of a four part series of articles on the Specification Design Pattern.
5 Apr 2009 by Richard A. Dalton
Part three of a four part series of articles on the Specification Design Pattern.
17 Jul 2007 by FF77
V.2. Code corrected - This project contains a Web Custom Control for rendering images directly from the database. Can be used with image fields, with text, date, or number fields (it generates an image containing the text), and with URL fields (like a regular image control).
25 Jul 2007 by Greg Osborne
Code to ensure word wrapping in a PrintDocument object.
22 Dec 2007 by Miles Gibson
Iron Speed Designer builds database, forms, and reporting applications for .NET – without hand-coding. Quickly create feature-complete custom applications that integrate Web pages, controls, data access, validation and security. Accelerate development and eliminate infrastructure programming.
7 Dec 2007 by vadimas
Troubles putting JavaScript code inline with VB.NET or C# code
14 Feb 2008 by Jarno Burger
How to seek and get the position and duration for your DirectShow movie with VB.NET.
3 Jun 2008 by Darren Fieldhouse
Using LINQ to XML to download RSS enclosures.
6 Oct 2008 by chrissie1
An article on how to use the new AAA (Arrange, Act and Assert) syntax using VB.Net. And the difference between the new and the old syntax.
7 Aug 2009 by Barry G. Hynum
An easy to use, low real estate Methods DDL navigation tool.
30 Oct 2009 by byapparov
An article on data validation with a flat file schema generated in Flat File Checker.
18 Jan 2012 by SSDiver2112
How to use UITypeEditors, Smart Tags, ControlDesigner Verbs, and Expandable Properties to make design-time editing easier.
31 Aug 2007 by Jon Rista
Maximize your understanding of the .NET 2.0 configuration framework, avoid common pitfalls, and gain insight into the details of how configuration works in various scenarios and environments.
12 Jan 2012 by SSDiver2112
An RGB/HSB color selection control with an eye-dropper and quick swatches.
1 Jan 2009 by SSDiver2112
This control makes it possible to layout the controls in a ToolStripDropDown at design time.
8 Apr 2007 by Tim Greenfield
Compact a path or any string using built in .NET framework API
4 Aug 2008 by Amir Emamjomeh
A simple example of how to classify data using genetic algorithm and VB.Net
26 Apr 2013 by Sebastien Lebreton
Reflexil is an assembly editor and runs as a plug-in for Reflector or JustDecompile. Reflexil is able to manipulate IL code and save the modified assemblies to disk. Reflexil also supports "on-the-fly" C#/VB.NET code injection.
30 Nov 2018 by Troy Simpson
Setup a simple and cheap computer controlled watering system using VB.NET or C# and a parallel port relay controller
13 Apr 2019 by nogChoco
LineNumbers that dock to a RichTextBox or show as an overlay on top of it
2 Jun 2014 by siglr2
Event-based, generic wrapper and manager to implement multithreading in your applications
16 Mar 2015 by SSDiver2112
TrackBar with custom coloring, value display, label, and increment buttons.
17 Sep 2011 by SSDiver2112
Create Graphic Replacement for standard Cursor
18 Apr 2007 by Juan Pablo G.C.
GNU code of RibbonPanel, free software for personal and nonlucrative use, for rest please contact me
22 Jul 2009 by DaveyM69
A complete overview and implementation of SNTP from a client perspective.
5 Jun 2007 by Juan Pablo G.C.
A new version with many functionalities
17 Mar 2007 by Eugene Ciloci
A library to parse and evaluate Excel-style formulas and recalculate in natural order
23 Apr 2007 by Herbrandson
A simple solution to keeping multiple projects version numbers in sync
8 Jan 2009 by paulyhop
A DynDNS updater for the Compact Framework.
31 Oct 2009 by Abhishek Sur
This article will enable you to add custom search rules to your application using Bing Search API with much more
28 Jun 2007 by Helmut Obertanner
An article about how to access Extended MAPI properties, fields and methods from your .NET applications.
1 Dec 2010 by Scott Rippey
A string template method that allows you to fill a string with data. Easy to use, fast, extensible, and extremely powerful! Uses Reflection, Conditional Formatting, iterating through Arrays, and more!
14 Jan 2014 by ISpliter
When discussing VB6, we should look at the reality of the situation and not on preconceived opinions. New source code projects are made daily in Visual Basic 6.0. The paper proposes the reintroduction of Visual Basic 6.0 on the market, in parallel with Visual Studio line.
1 Jan 2008 by Helmut Obertanner
In this article, we will create a form region that shows all contacts within the same category.
11 Oct 2007 by Eugene Ciloci
A .NET expression evaluator that compiles to IL and is designed for speed.
16 Sep 2008 by hayes.adrian
If a TextBox is wide enough to show all text, this method ensures it is visible after a resize.
20 May 2007 by Michael Dunn
Busted features? APIs failing? Use this guide to get your IE plugin up and running again in protected mode!
7 May 2009 by CS Rocks
This article demonstrates how to download a file from a (HTTPS) WebDAV server in VB.NET
1 Sep 2007 by TimMadeThat
Step by Step instructions on how to Drag & Drop with the library in ASP.NET.
1 Aug 2012 by SSDiver2112
How to create a ColorBlend and two color blending UserControls to make it easier.
20 Jul 2007 by Alberto Venditti
Yet another Ping Monitor utility written in VB.NET on .NET Framework 2.0
23 Sep 2020 by Claudio Nicora
An extended NumericUpDown control with better focus and mouse wheel management.
12 Nov 2009 by Rahul Singla
A new productive way of producing Office documents with dynamic content substitution.
16 Sep 2010 by PeaceTiger
VB6 Printer object supports printing to POS printers too. In this article, we will see Why and How.
17 Dec 2007 by Ivan Krivyakov
Rhino Mocks version 3.3 can mock any MarshalByRefObject.
21 Nov 2012 by richnewman
An article clarifying the various ways of comparing two values for equality in .NET
15 Feb 2007 by Jason McBurney
This article hopefully will assist you in minimizing your learning curve.
12 Mar 2008 by Thomas Stockwell
A remake of the classic falling blocks game in a modern language
1 Jun 2009 by jpaulino
This article shows the basic steps of creating a report, define the data source at runtime, work with parameters, include images, use the expression editor, and how to feed data to a subreport and charts. Finally it will demonstrate some easy customizations to ReportViewer.
8 Feb 2012 by SSDiver2112
Stop using the DateTimePicker for time values. This control makes it easy to pick a time, and if you act now, get the matching Nullable gDateTimePicker at no extra cost.
2 Nov 2015 by icemanind
6 Jun 2007 by Miran.Uhan
A VB.NET class implementing an image Hue/Saturation/Lightning adjustment.
24 Dec 2007 by sunhui
A new method for Extending Microsoft Office 2007 User Interface using MFC/ATL and .NET technologies.
26 Mar 2013 by Lukasz Swiatkowski
How to create an animating glass button using only GDI+ (and not using WPF)
31 Dec 2007 by Douglas Day
This article describes the steps to add automatic update capabilities to your application quickly and easily using the DDay.Update library.
15 Dec 2008 by David Polomis
Loads a Targa image file into a Bitmap using nothing but .NET code.
3 Aug 2010 by red_moon
A tooltip to display separate title, contents, and image of each control, and enable for custom shaped
22 Dec 2009 by Suresh Suthar
How to execute DTS packages through VB.NET and use global variables.
22 Jun 2009 by SteveHarrisBeast
How to make a password verification form in VB that uses LINQ and SQL
24 Apr 2007 by Patrick Etc.
A .NET TaskPane control, with full design-time support.
7 Jan 2008 by Joe Lynds
Use the Windows Volume Shadow Copy service from .NET.
2 Jan 2009 by BrainThump
We'll build a call management application for Windows Mobile 5.x/6.x which can programatically ignore, send to voicemail, or SMS-respond to unwanted calls.
22 Mar 2014 by Mr.PoorEnglish
Treeview with Checkboxes supporting 3-state-logic
17 Sep 2007 by Robin Jet
Upgrading to a new Visual Studio means installing on a few developer machines - upgrading to target a new framework (3.5) means ensuring that every client of the application has the new framework installed. With Visual Studio 2008, it's possible to target the older frameworks (2.0 and 3.0).
2 Oct 2007 by Jesse Chunn
Enable resizing of controls on a form at runtime with this class and two lines of code.
2 Jul 2008 by SSDiver2112
Add outlined text to an image, rotate it, and move it around with the mouse.
8 Sep 2009 by DaveyM69
No more unboxing/casting! Use generic type parameters with this background worker. Source code for C# and VB.NET.
22 Nov 2010 by Vitaly Tomilov
A simplified and unified way for accessing most frequently used information about Process, System, and Environment.
26 Apr 2010 by Izzet Kerem Kusmezer
With this tool you can download whole .NET Framework source code at once, and enjoy offline browsing. With it, you can have whole the source code without any Visual Studio product installed
7 Sep 2007 by _Bala
This article explains a 3D geometry library developed using VB.NET.
1 Oct 2008 by SSDiver2112
A ComboBox like dropdown control that controls can be dropped onto and arranged at design time.
4 Dec 2008 by Patricker
Remove security from PDF files.
29 Aug 2007 by BlueLaser05
A powerfully simple .NET utility class for validating and testing credit card numbers in C# and VB.
12 Jul 2007 by Ed.Poore
A brief walkthrough on how to embed multiple icons (and native resources) into a .NET executable.
24 Jan 2008 by Andrei Smolin
A simple WinForms application that shows MAPI folders and items in your mail profile.
5 Sep 2010 by red_moon
A treeview with multiple columns
19 Nov 2019 by Richard Atkins
Create a fluid, multi-column, vertically ordered list using nested, floating divs
17 Sep 2009 by CS Rocks
This article demonstrates how to display SQL Server data in a Silverlight DataGrid.
26 Nov 2014 by Pascal Ganaye
In this article, I try to highlight some issues in the .NET Framework generic list and how to circumvent them
18 Mar 2007 by S.Serpooshan
This is a base class to help easily create UITypeEditors. It is used to edit control properties in a DropDown window or a Modal-Form in design mode in the Visual Studio IDE
5 Aug 2008 by Arman Ghazanchyan
The HotkeyManager class makes it easy to set global hotkeys for applications.
19 Apr 2009 by Qaiser_Iftikhar
VB.NET/C# and JavaScript communication, how to.
18 Sep 2007 by Jatin Prajapati
An article on how to browse network Folders using VB.NET using Folder Dialog box Control
9 Jul 2011 by icemanind
Create a hand made parser in VB.NET or C# easily and fast
23 Apr 2009 by jpaulino
A DataGridView control that allows to show some extra information in a merged row. Uses Visual Basic.NET 2008 and Framework 3.5.
25 Mar 2009 by namrata khandeparkar
this article allows you to send SMS to any mobile using GSM modem or your mobile connected via USB able to Computer
1 Jan 2009 by Ashutosh Phoujdar
Simple log listening utility that listens to logs events from multiple sources, e.g. TCP/UDP, File logs, Remoting channels
23 Oct 2007 by Andy32
Extended DataGridView with filtering, sorting, automatic saving, and a multicolumn combobox.
20 May 2009 by Jeroen De Dauw
A multithreaded file downloader with progress details, speed info and more
3 Aug 2007 by Psycho-*Coder*-Extreme
This article explains how to perform tasks within the Active Directory in a Windows 2000+ network.
18 Aug 2007 by Joel Ivory Johnson
An article on using the Microsoft Live Search API to make a location aware phone book