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by Mr.PoorEnglish
Compute "SnapValues" with minimum of fractional digits, useful in autoscaling Chart-control
by Rabeeh Abla
Design patterns are recurring sequences, built-in .NET patterns are scattered over the framework.
This article is about creating wizard style user interface
by Didara F Dosabhai
Define schedules to the program for executing programmer defined jobs

Latest Articles

by Mr.PoorEnglish
Compute "SnapValues" with minimum of fractional digits, useful in autoscaling Chart-control
by Rabeeh Abla
Design patterns are recurring sequences, built-in .NET patterns are scattered over the framework.
This article is about creating wizard style user interface
by Didara F Dosabhai
Define schedules to the program for executing programmer defined jobs

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by Mr.PoorEnglish
Compute "SnapValues" with minimum of fractional digits, useful in autoscaling Chart-control
by Rabeeh Abla
Design patterns are recurring sequences, built-in .NET patterns are scattered over the framework.
This article is about creating wizard style user interface
by Didara F Dosabhai
Define schedules to the program for executing programmer defined jobs
by keno2oo1
A short procedure for adding a nice gauge to your VS toolbox
by Matt Fomich
Instructions for using the Cards dynamic Link library. FreeCell game included.
by Greg Osborne
Another progress bar, but this one has differnt types, and allows text.
by Elizalde G. Baguinon
Most programmers prefer hand-coding database queries. This is a class that automates query building, while the code is as readable as the program logic.
by Michael L Perry
An open source library of Windows Forms controls that update themselves automatically.
by jrhea
An ASP.NET Handler for resizing and rotating/flipping images dynamically.
by Hamed.M
A simple way to snap a form without borders to the screen.
by atojha
SIngle Player Game in VB.NET
by Mr.PoorEnglish
Sensational botanic discovery: the smallest Tree on Earth! About a generic Tree, and looping it with ForEach
by logicchild
How to Create an Application to Access Data
by pimb2
Create an Aero-style wizard in VB.NET
by Islam Khalil Saber
The article show how to implementi AJAX in Asp.Net using XMLHttpRequest Object
by Duncan Edwards Jones
Introduces and discusses the Common Language Runtime framework classes used in printing from a .NET Windows Forms application.
by Philip Liebscher
A Windows Explorer-style Thumbs.db web viewer.
by jdx256
Jibu is a high-level multithreading API for .NET 2.0 and above.
by Pascal Ganaye
In this article, I try to highlight some issues in the .NET Framework generic list and how to circumvent them
by James Sullivan
In this article, I would like to share my experience and knowledge about ASP.NET Caching and how it can improve your website performance.
by Rahul Singla
Scroll any ASP.NET server side or HTML controls vertically or horizontally in any direction
by Ron Schuler
ASP.NET PDF document viewer control that does not require any Acrobat product to be installed
by Kamran A
A customizable cloud generator written in VB.NET.
by Claudio Pizzillo
An ASP.NET handler to apply WPF XAML templates on images.
by Sebastien Lebreton
Reflexil is an assembly editor and runs as a plug-in for Reflector or JustDecompile. Reflexil is able to manipulate IL code and save the modified assemblies to disk. Reflexil also supports "on-the-fly" C#/VB.NET code injection.
by keenthinker
An object oriented class automating the creation of PDF files from any file using freeware tools.
by icemanind
How to automatically create data access layers and business layers from a Microsoft Access or a SQL Server database
by David Vanson
Generate you own barcodes for your business, Promotional items or to share links with friends.
by Abhishek Sur
This article will enable you to add custom search rules to your application using Bing Search API with much more
by Chirag Maisuriya
An article on Binding Enum to DropdownListbox with the SortedList that sorts entries by value instead of by key.
by Jeroen De Dauw
Dialog that enables user to submit various types of bugs via a webservice
by Miles Gibson
Iron Speed Designer builds database, forms, and reporting applications for .NET – without hand-coding. Quickly create feature-complete custom applications that integrate Web pages, controls, data access, validation and security. Accelerate development and eliminate infrastructure programming.
by Steve Krile
Expand the usefulness of the AutoComplete Ajax extender
by Amol M Vaidya
Using this macro, you can check the output of a code snippet without creating a new project/form. You can do this right from your current code window.
by popnadrian
Educational article about C# events
by Mostafa Kaisoun
Calculate Moon's age and draw Moon Phase on any given day
by Qaiser_Iftikhar
An article to demonstrate how to calculate system idle time without installing any system wide keybaord/mouse hooks.
by SirAsad
This Control can change the Georgian dates in Dataset to Shamsi date (For Report)
by Dan Dombrowski
Replace a cursor system-wide and restore it to the original cursor.
by Jason Barrera
Create a Code/Text editor. Line numbering with or without wordwrap enabled.
by richnewman
An article clarifying the various ways of comparing two values for equality in .NET
by Ivan0001
This class performs operations and evaluates functions with complex numbers. There are different kinds of available functions (log functions, trigonometric functios...). Check it out.
by Imran A Momin
Its a small piece of code, that converts the image file into array of byte which can be stored into database at type image
by arinhere
Convert your swf movie file to image
by chrishuff
Provide a dynamic menu for drilling through data, or using the new Vista style of breadcrumbing for menu control.
by aleksisa
Create an Open File Dialog for a Windows Mobile 6 (SmartPhone) devices.
by CS Rocks
This article demonstrates how to manually create a COM DLL with VS 2005.
by Star Vega
Extending the Windows.Forms.Label control.
by Soumya92
How to create and manage controls at runtime by providing the user with 'handles' for sizing the controls.
by Jon Law
A Currency Input Box in VB.NET
by Artem Smirnov
This article is about when to throw an exception, why take some effort and define a custom exception class, how to provide more information to the developers that consume your component, and, finally, how to unit test your exceptions.
by Scott Rippey
A string template method that allows you to fill a string with data. Easy to use, fast, extensible, and extremely powerful! Uses Reflection, Conditional Formatting, iterating through Arrays, and more!
by Rajibdotnet05
Configurable Gridview using file or database
by SamratGhose
Provides Custom Sorting for a ADO.NET bound WPF ListView
by David Vanson
A progress bar control you can customize
by Calle Mellergardh
Create a listbox control that provides events for when adding or removing items.
by Taylor Kobani
A simple example of how to classify data using genetic algorithm and VB.Net
by jesseseger
A cool way to filter data in a DataGridView.
by Joe Guetzlaff
How to make a default button or emulate an AcceptButton on a User Control.
by sbrakl
Explain the basic of Delegate in VB.NET
by alhokail
This is a control that takes a starting point and an ending point as objects and draws a line between them
by Ben Kotvis
This article explains about developing abstract functions for accessing Stored Procedures.
by Andrei Smolin
This article describes the ways a VB.NET developer can create a COM Add-in for Microsoft Office 2000, 2002 (XP), 2003, and 2007 in order to customize Office applications including adding UI elements and event handling.
by FF77
This project contains a Web Custom Control for rendering images directly from the database. Can be used with image fields, text, date, or numerical fields (it generates an image containing the text), and with URL fields (like in a regular image control).
by Tommy_Segoro
When you create a custom drop-down-list that inherits from System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList and when you try to add controls (e.g., Me.Controls.Add(myControl)), you will get a "does not allow child controls error". Here is the fix.
How to fix dotNetMSN library to easily connect to MSN service
by Junaid Raza
This code snippet can be used to download all the versions (if exists) of a document from within folders and subfolders inside a given document library.
by o m n i
by Amir Pournasserian
This class will help you to calculate/evaluate formulas based on a string which could be changed at run-time.
by Philip Liebscher
An examination of dynamic object instantiation and runtime machines to boost performance.
by Trevor Tubbs
Dynamic User Settings
by Sushant Joshi
To adjust the size of the drop-down list dynamically at the client-side and adding back-ground and fore-ground color to the drop-down list.
by Sushant Joshi
In ASP.Net we frequently create dynamic controls (rows) using ASP.Net Web Control table. The major reason behind it is the ease of creation. Most of the times the developers prefer the “System.Web.UI.WebControls.Table” over datagrid because it is analogous to the HTML table. In our project we opted
by Gagan.20
This is an easiest program that allows you to send e-mails by only defining SMTP Server name.
by John M Bundy
Allow users to customize your forms
by fstrahberger
Editing XML files using a GridView.
by jelizondo21
Complete demo of embedding images in an email message.
by LeeBear
This is an inline enumeration of files instead of building an array first.
by Raja.Lakshman
Enterprise Library wrapper class to implement run-time dynamic connection strings without using config file
by Wahab Hussain
This will help you manipulate an Excel file through your code. You can update the Excel file as well.
by Suresh Suthar
How to execute DTS packages through VB.NET and use global variables.
by Suresh Suthar
Export data to Excel using three methods: a basic method and two advanced methods which are very fast.
by Senthil S
Export data from VB.NET Dataset to Excel without using Datagrid/DataTable
by Razi Syed
Rich Text Box control with built in options
by db7uk
A brief overview of Extension Methods.
by Pixa
Uses pure VB.NET code to extract and display icons as bitmap objects.
by Ashley Staggs
This article will explain how to fade a form in and out, using VB.NET.
by arinhere
This piece of code will show you to convert any video file format to high quality flv and stream it on web server
by Sarfraz Munna
File moving/copying source folfer to destination folder, GetPath XML file helps to put the name of Source folder and destination folder with numbers of file to be copy or move
by User 30735
A FilesystemTree view control in VB.NET. Developed with VS.NET, using the namespace
by Roberto Cervantes Rivero
If you need to find a word in all tables and views in a SQL Server database, this is the easy solution.
by Sajid.Majeed
This article will address tools and technologies to identify bottlenecks and key consideration points for performance improvement.
by Ted John
A structure that stores up to 32 booleans in a 32-bit integer.
by Richard Atkins
Create a fluid, multi-column, vertically ordered list using nested, floating divs
by Buffalloy
A way to convert a folder into a file...
by Duncan Edwards Jones
A component that allows you to monitor all the controls on the form and list any that have changed (for dirty checking)
by James Mouchett
To format a string into currency without the dependency of VB6
by Alberto M.
Eliminar archivos de forma segura con distintos metodos
by chanderp, Yash Bharadwaj
In some application we need to fullscreen the App .Here is simple class that can fullscreen any App. Just create a variable of this class type and call the function using the class variable.
by gerudobombshell
A way to simplify your game classes and code for maximum efficency.
A Generic Record Selector Windows Form with Data Filter
An update to my original generic record selector.
by Jesse Fatherree
This simple function will programatically enumerate all properties and values in any WMI class.
by dnair926
Gey any control's value in the type specified.
by Orka
This article describes how to get information about digital certificates stored on your local machine. It also shows how to search certificates by name, and retrieve a certificate hash.
by Member 4159567
Get the Values From DataBase and Stored into excell Sheet
by Scott Bright
How to access the file DropEffect in VB.NET in order to tell cut from paste for a file DropList.
by jabit
Generates a bunch of gibberish from real text.
by Daniel Ch. Bloch (MCSD, MCAD, MCTS)
How to use events through your application for multiple receivers.
by robertosari
This article aims to show the creation of Network Links for Google Earth.
by User 30735
A GraphSheet control in .NET, using GDI+ and the System.Drawing namespace
by call_vino
Handling exceptions with the Enterprise Library.
by Jomar Pabuaya
An explanation of the useful code within Hotel Reservation System
by GgAben
Some tips to improve efficiency of your web application
by imran afzal
How to add Click Event on TextBox
by aleksisa
How to build a simple event log montior/watcher (using TCP in .NET) to monitor event log changes on a remote machine(s).
by Michael Rosqvist
A utility to capture a bit of the desktop.
by HADBI Moussa Benameur {Mozads}
Explain how to make a picture converter & downloader (Only HTTP is supported)
by CS Rocks
This article demonstrates how to download a file from a (HTTPS) WebDAV server in VB.NET
by dawmail333
An example of how to implement and validate non-personal CD-Keys (ideal for distribution on the back of CD cases)
by David Catherman
Components don't have a .Parent property like controls do. Getting a reference to the instance of the parent form the component was on is very difficult.
by Herbrandson
A simple solution to keeping multiple projects version numbers in sync
by vbCoder21
List and Uninstall ALL Programs installed in the Client's Computer.
by Gayan Buddhika
How to Load Windows Form From Data Base
by chanderp, Yash Bharadwaj
you want to display some text in your application and side-by-side you want to prevent the user from copying the content. . One way to implement this use label, but label do not support the formatting of the text and RTF formats.
by KinnMirr
How to Find Directory Path before and after setup wizard deployment
by Mohd Arshad Malik
This article will guide you how to create/retrieve/delete key entries in Windows Registry.
by Andrei Smolin
Outlook Today is a sample of a custom Outlook home folder page. In this article, you will learn how to create such a page in VBScript and in .NET (VB, C#, C++).
by chrissie1
An article on how to use the new AAA (Arrange, Act and Assert) syntax using VB.Net. And the difference between the new and the old syntax.
by Justin Porteous
Using the Shell32 Library to write Files or Folders to a Zip File
by V K Sumesh
Explains how to zip a folder in ASP.NET.
by Fabricio Miranda
In this article, i will be showing how to parse and modify a peace of HTML code using a nice and helpfull .NET assembly.
by Miran.Uhan
A VB.NET class implementing an image Hue/Saturation/Lightning adjustment.
by Senthil Sambandam
Simple Image Cropping with Image Resizing Using VB.NET
by arinhere
Perform ImageMagick operations in ASP.NET using command line
by Ludvik Jerabek
Read and write to INI files in VB.NET and VBScript
by Member 3931606
How to Insert, Update, Delete & Search Values in MS Access 2003 with VB.NET 2005
by vadimas
Troubles putting JavaScript code inline with VB.NET or C# code
by trecool999
Advanced/Not-So Advanced string and password hash.
by icemanind
Easily create Business and Data Layers!
by Anders Revsgaard
No matter how well you design your system, a distributed SOA application is always complex. When a SOA application fails, it can be difficult to track down the cause of the problem and the Web service where the error occurred. To handle this difficulty, you need a logging system such as UptoLog.
by FrankNight
The article shows how to use SQL features of Microsoft LogParser with ADO.NET
by LiQuick
How to mail enable AD accounts using LDAP and Exchange 2007.
by igalnassi
This project, along with the suggested form of use, will let you organize your iTunes libraries and make them ready for iPod Sync, making use of a reusable progress window that has a cancel button.
by Damon88
A class which enables the user to Drag the form by clicking Form's Surface
by Eric Shandil
Browse for folder on computer with MS SQL Server from a remote computer.
by Anshul R
Creating a clone of notepad in Visual Basic
by Joe Blauth
In this tutorial, we will take a closer look at a technology that allows you to store objects externally with ease, retrieve them effortlessly, and work with them as if you were dealing with some kind of simple database.
by Alessandro Del Sole
An introduction to some new cool features of the Visual Basic 9.0 language syntax.
This paper provides the basic technical overview of OPC (OLE for Process and Control) and a sample VB.NET OPC Client to access the data using OPCware DA Automation Wrapper component. It describes how VB.NET client can communicate with OPC Server.
by DavidHolland
Code to open regedit and connect to remote host
by jamesfancy
Macro to find related .h/.cpp files and do some action.
by Laughing.John
How to easily override key processing in a form or user control
by Eric P Schneider
A listbox which supports custom drawing properties for each list item.
by Atanu Maity
Protect any file by encryption and decryption with password. It encrypts the file and saves as secure XML with binary format, and stores file password as custom PK encrypter routine.
by Enver Buzoku
Shows how to get the process ID and show a modal window on the parent processes window
by Agha Zair Ali
A way to capture signature on Pocket PC and saving as BMP file
by petersgyoung
Web user control that simulates a PDA browser
by RG_SA
Convert a PDF to text.
by NewLaw
Using .NET Diagnostics to extract data from any Windows performance monitor, to make your own!
by jrhea
A set of classes that represent a typical set of playing cards.
by albert arul prakash
XSS gaining popularity to hack into websites. This article describes how to power yourself against XSS
by Jarno Burger
How to use use brightness, contrast, saturation, hue in your DirectShow.Net filtergraph.
by Dimitar Madjarov
An article which describes an alternative way of cooperation between Oracle PL/SQL and C#
by Vitaly Tomilov
A simplified and unified way for accessing most frequently used information about Process, System, and Environment.
by Tim Greenfield
How to show progress notification for long operations
by Jeroen De Dauw
Component that extends the native .NET progress bar with percentage properties and the ability to display it in the progress bar.
by cruzagr3 networks
keep your uploaded files secury, preventing download from users that have the full path
by Yasser M. Jaffal
This article guides you to simply, yet effectively, prevent your software customers from copying your product without your authorization. I admit it is not a top-security solution, and it will be easy to crack without protecting your compiled code, but it is just for conveying the idea.
by kirkaiya
A very simple, XAML-based month-view calendar that shows appointments, exposes events, and allows dragging appointments in the current month.
by Prefict
If you hate naming controls in the footer row of your gridview to do an insert, this article is for you.
by Warrick Procter
QuickSort revisited, with optimisations to minimise machine cycles, stabilised to retain original order, and generalised for convenience.
by TonyTonyQ
A virtual file system created using VB.NET, an easy way to store multiple folders and files in two real physical files.
by Joss
Create a program that can programatically change the background image, and convert images to BMP.
by Vivek.Net
Read and Write Excel Files using VB.NET
by Raman Tayal
This code helps the user to interact with an Excel file using the OleDBDataProvider in VB.NET.
by Bhardwaj Deepak
Really Nice Look n' Feel in a DataGridView
by User 30735
A simple Regex Tester. The code also illustrates the simple usage of regular expressions in .NET.
by MijaeDjinn
A textbox with regex masking and validation.
by Ivan Krivyakov
Rhino Mocks version 3.3 can mock any MarshalByRefObject.
by konikula
Inherited ListView which enables user to order multiple items by mouse, and automatically scrolls if necessary
by Tommy_Segoro
Repeater with paging: a custom ASP.NET control.
by Darren Fieldhouse
Using LINQ to XML to download RSS enclosures.
by Austin Rappa
Getting AppLocale to run in a batch script
by sasikumarg1983
This article describes how to create a DataGrid at runtime according to the tables available in the DataSet.
by Paul Selormey
Learn how to write user manuals with the Sandcastle Help Compiler.
by DCUtility
Screen Snaper is perfect to quickly share a picture-perfect representation of anything on your screen.
by Jay Stacey
Creating a scrollable GridView with a fixed header.
by Jarno Burger
How to seek and get the position and duration for your DirectShow movie with VB.NET.
by Eric P Schneider
Basic demo on how to serialize and deserialize custom collections
by Jesse Fatherree
Quick and easy Active Directory authentication using LDAP and ASP.NET
by The ANZAC
Takes numbers up to hundreds of trillions and converts them into text
by vbfengshui
A simplified wrapper to the .NET Configuration namespace.
by skullz_softwares
Making Single Instance Application a Simple Way!!
by nma202000
my first program.
by Sailung Limbu
This article demonstrate flexible client-side table sorting
by Fatania Dipak
How to underline the wrong word using Microsoft Office Word
by Rai Shahid
This control will allow user to backup SqlServer
by The ANZAC
An article about the simple, yet often annoying to achieve, backtracking algorithm for Sudoku generation.
by MalakieUSN
Code storage tool for any language but developed using Visual Basic .NET 2005. Includes syntax coloring for VB code and can load via the tools menu external option in Visual Studio 2005.
by MalakieUSN
Code storage tool for any language but developed using Visual Basic .NET 2005. Includes syntax coloring for VB code and can load via the tools menu external option in Visual Studio 2005.
by o m n i
Learn how to control your non-client-area, while keeping all the stuff Vista puts on it.
by Nasenbaaer
Combine graphic objects to create own scenes
by Raptor.XP
Learn how to trace and debug your Project Hoshimi program with Visual Studio
by özk@n
Text Log Viewer
by knightofbaghdad
Write Arabic in programs that don't support the Arabic language, using Unicode.
by jcoehoorn
Use this validator control to require that at least one control in a list has a value.
by Ted Osberg
An extensible, hybrid Listview/TreeListView control
by Amgad Fahmi
This application helps you to easily create your own classes without needing to waste your time writing the same code again and again
by Rahul Singla
A new productive way of producing Office documents with dynamic content substitution.
by Edelman
Need to bind controls to pre-set enums? Here's how!
by stavinski
Introduction to unit testing against a database and how the supplied library can help.
by delcatto
With the free wordviewer 2003/2007 and some xml docs you can print everthing any time
by Thulasee Shan
A piece of reusable code that implements the functionality to update a UI element from a thread.
by Junaid Raza
How to upload files to the SharePoint Document Library and update any metadata columns.
by Scott Bailey
This is a VB.NET project template, using the XNA framework.
by nareshkumarmasetti
windows Textbox UserControl for only numeric, only alphbates, alphanumeric
by Jecho Jekov
Provides an easy way to use C calling convention callback functions in C# and VB
by Aakash Jain
This article exemplifies how to use the Data Relation of ADO.NET with Data Table to create the in memory Data Relation between two tables.
by Yasser M. Jaffal
In this article, I discuss an example of how you can use information retrieval to grab data out of MSN Money pages to get a free Web Service for currency exchange rates and other quotes.
Implementation Nhibernate concept in VB.NET
by maz2331
Generate and check license keys embedding 16-bit configuration information
by logicchild
This article is meant to explain Forms and how logic is inserted into the UI.
by Indra PR
An article about linking datagridview with XML file
by SteveHarrisBeast
How to make a password verification form in VB that uses LINQ and SQL
by namrata khandeparkar
this article allows you to send SMS to any mobile using GSM modem or your mobile connected via USB able to Computer
by Jeroen De Dauw
A multithreaded file downloader with progress details, speed info and more
by Qaiser_Iftikhar
VB.NET/C# and JavaScript communication, how to.
by Ashutosh Phoujdar
A small utility to verify checksums.
by ModMa
It's a very complete and robust processor of ViewState, it allows: to select the way of serialization, compression and encryption optionally.
by ISpliter
When discussing VB6, we should look at the reality of the situation and not on preconceived opinions. New source code projects are made daily in Visual Basic 6.0. The paper proposes the reintroduction of Visual Basic 6.0 on the market, in parallel with Visual Studio line.
by Joe Lynds
Use the Windows Volume Shadow Copy service from .NET.
by jebarson
Timeless or non-progress based waiting / progress control using WPF
by nedal_jo_jo
Weather Using VB.NET and Yahoo RSS!
by petersgyoung
A message box for ASP.NET to send back server messages to users.
by Wauna
Calculate this same weekday of month last year
by Louwgi
What is a PGN file and how to write PGN files
by FrankNight
This article shows an example of how to build a software component according to best practices that is customizable through code generation techniques.
by tricos
Windows Forms Validation w/ ErrorProvider Control Quickly (Validate Whole Form at Once)
by virtual.aussie
A custom made TreeView with Windows Vista look.
by Chris Kolkman
A fairly simple to use Winsock component, allowing simple networked applications. Built modeling the VB6 component of the same name, with enhancements.
by Mohd Arshad Malik
Working with Multiple Images with Each TreeNode
by Joshi, Rushikesh
Create a customized project template, and let your team use it for repaid development.
by terpy
A quick and easy way to enable multi-select in a TreeView, and an easy way to iterate selected nodes.
by LarryCharlton
A WPF XAML markup extension with a "Glass" look
by Ravindranath Maddela
VB.NET LINQ query on an XML file.
by Rajneesh Noonia
xDock is a smoothly animated, per pixel alpha-blended application written in 2003
by Patel Pranav
How to Use XML to Serialize and Deserialize an Object
by Srinivas-Miriyala
XML2XML is a mapping tool to transform XML data from one XML format to any another XML format.
by Swift coder
Create ASP.NET Combobox using Javascript, CSS and ASP.NET