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Visual Basic 14


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by Florin Pănescu
This example shows how to use SharpCompress library with TreeView & ListView.
by Robert Gustafson
I've created an enhanced version of the Extended RichTextBox created by Razi Syed.
by Greg Nutt
This is a VB.NET Version for ".NET Remoting Events Explained"
by David Vanson
Generate you own barcodes for your business, Promotional items or to share links with friends.

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by Robert Gustafson
I've created an enhanced version of the Extended RichTextBox created by Razi Syed.
by Florin Pănescu
This example shows how to use SharpCompress library with TreeView & ListView.
by David Vanson
Generate you own barcodes for your business, Promotional items or to share links with friends.
by Greg Nutt
This is a VB.NET Version for ".NET Remoting Events Explained"

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Visual Basic 14 

1 Feb 2016 by OriginalGriff
If it's auto incrementing - i.e. it assigns a new value itself when you INSERT a value, then it's an IDENTITY field, and that behaviour is by design: when you remove existing rows, the ID numbers are not reused so you get gaps. I wouldn't change it - the ID number isn't supposed to change,...
7 Oct 2019 by Florin Pănescu
This example shows how to use SharpCompress library with TreeView & ListView.
1 Aug 2016 by Dave Kreskowiak
Path.GetFileName Method (System.IO)[^]Give this method the fully qualified path and it'll give you just the filename portion.
15 Nov 2021 by CHill60
The VB6 error handling you have shared is not very good at all FileOpen is a likely point of failure so should be surrounded by a Try-Catch. As you are reading lines from the file should validate that the data is or is not present and code...
2 Jul 2023 by Graeme_Grant
Google is a good place to start. I put your question into google: >How to resize an image in a rich text box vb - Google Search[^] and there are many examples, like: * How to dynamically resize image in richtextbox with event or zooming -...
8 Apr 2024 by Maciej Los
I'd suggest to read this: DataColumn.Expression Property (System.Data) | Microsoft Learn[^] This is a very easy way to create computed column :) See: Dim dt As DataTable = New DataTable() dt.Columns.Add("id", Type.GetType("System.Int32"))...
22 Dec 2015 by CHill60
Firstly - anything that is intended for logging keys, grabbing passwords, hiding from Antivirus is intended for malicious purposes. That behaviour isn't just prohibited here but on all reputable sites. You will get no help with it.Secondly - you said that your teacher asked you to make a...
22 Jun 2016 by Dave Kreskowiak
Most monitors don't support being turned off completely by this command. Doing so normally just puts the monitor to sleep, not power it off. There is no way for you to get around this behavior and no documentation that I know of to tell you which monitors support this and which don't.
25 Jun 2016 by Patrice T
Quote:Is it possible to deactivate all or any of system events?'Desactivate' is a bad idea.The OS handles system events, but don't 'Desactivate' them. System events are here for a good reason, just desactivate them is weird.I suspect you try to do this as a solution to another problem that...
2 Aug 2016 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
There are certain talks (messages) between the Os and your application while OS try to shut down...OS actually sent a WM_QUERYENDSESSION to your application, but as you didn't handled it it got a false response, marking your application as blocking...Read this paper, to see how prepare your...
23 Sep 2016 by Karthik_Mahalingam
refer thisc# - Getting a path of a running process by name - Stack Overflow[^]the code is in C#, however you can use the logic to write in VB.
25 Sep 2016 by Maciej Los
Well, in my opinion you're doing it wrong way.As to the body of function...From programming practice perspective, function should be as much universal as possible. So, it can take zero, one or more parameters, but it shouldn't refer to the controls on the form! Public Function...
9 Dec 2016 by Michael_Davies
Try either method:Private ListView1Changing as Boolean = falsePrivate Sub ListView1_ColumnWidthChanged(sender As Object, e As ColumnWidthChangedEventArgs) Handles ListView1.ColumnWidthChangedif ListView1Changing = false Then ListView1Changing = true Ch_hello.Width =...
30 Jul 2017 by Graeme_Grant
It has been a while, but off the top of my head, in VB, you need to do something like: AddHandler _touch.CurrentCamera.OnImageCaptured, AddressOf OnImageCaptured()
2 Nov 2017 by Mrunal Sonawane
Hey... I made my own database and imported that database to Visual Studio using the DataGridView control... Do the same and then use this... Public Sub ExecuteColoring() Try Dim numberRows As Integer numberRows = DataGridView1.Rows.Count - 2 'We...
13 Nov 2017 by Mehdi Gholam
Read the following : shell - How can I disable the CTRL-ALT-DEL key combination completely on XP/Vista/7? - Super User[^]
13 Nov 2017 by Suvendu Shekhar Giri
First of all, it is not possible as far I know. Secondly, even if it is possible by some hack or something, still it'll be a very odd/unpleasant experience for your users. Imagine their system get hanged and they can do nothing to the concerned app/process instead they have to switch off the...
26 Nov 2017 by Dave Kreskowiak
You don't have a single Return statement anywhere. This isn't VB6 or VBScript. An actual Return statement has to be in there, and in an appropriate place. If you replace the GetPropertyValue = .Value with the Return statement, you'll get another error, "Not all code paths return a value." So,...
24 Jan 2018 by blueye89
Hello to all, I would like to know is it possible to set form and controls on 4k monitor as it is on 2k? Any help is very appreciated! What I have tried: I have tried to...
7 Feb 2018 by OriginalGriff
Attaching databases is a special "Mode" of SQL where a new instance of the server is "spun off" to look after that one DB file, and it intended only for development so that your code can;t crash out any other database access. It isn't available in "full" SQL Server for that very reason, just in...
8 Feb 2018 by Richard MacCutchan
See the Remarks section at Control.KeyDown Event (System.Windows.Forms)[^].
23 Feb 2018 by CHill60
There are some steps you have to go through. Details here How to connect to SQL Server from another computer? - Stack Overflow[^] Lesson 2: Connecting from Another Computer | Microsoft Docs[^] Connecting to the Database Engine from Another Computer[^]
2 Mar 2018 by OriginalGriff
You can't read "a specific item" from a text file, because it doesn't have any implicit order - in fact even lines are just an interpretation of characters within the file: each time a newline character (or character pair, depending on the operating system) is encountered, that is the end of the...
16 Mar 2018 by ATeDe
Hi j snooze I think, this is what you might looking for? I'm not very familiar with Forms and all that jazz in VB.NET, also tomorrow we have St Patrick celebration here in Ireland, so I wrote quickly this piece of code. txtBoxes array of string simulates content of your real TextBoxes. This...
17 Mar 2018 by ATeDe
Public Class Form1 Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click ' Button to validate Phone numbers typed into TextBoxes Dim emptyTextBoxes = From txt In Me.Controls.OfType(Of TextBox)() ...
21 Mar 2018 by Maciej Los
If you would like to get a list of TextBoxes, which name is txtBoxN (where N is a number) and TextBox is not empty, then try this: Dim pattern As String = "^txtBox\d$" Dim r As Regex = New Regex(pattern) Dim notEmptyTextBoxes = Me.Controls.OfType(Of TextBox) _ ...
16 Mar 2020 by OriginalGriff
An SqlConnection can only support one DataReader at a time: when you "share" a connection you have to make sure that the reader is closed and disposed when you are finished with it at all times. The best approach is not to "recycle" SQL...
20 Mar 2020 by OriginalGriff
An SqlConnection can only support one DataReader at a time: when you "share" a connection you have to make sure that the reader is closed and disposed when you are finished with it at all times. The best approach is not to "recycle" SQL...
19 Aug 2021 by OriginalGriff
The way I'd do it is to create three projects: the two EXEs and a DLL which contains the "common stuff". Create that as a Class Library and add a reference to the project in both EXE projects. Then all you have to do is add the appropriate...
25 Aug 2021 by Dave Kreskowiak
Keywords - Visual Basic | Microsoft Docs[^] FORTRAN 77 doesn't have any reserved words, but that doesn't mean using any keywords is a good idea.
12 Sep 2021 by OriginalGriff
Basically, you probably shouldn't - it's against the principles of OOPs. If you have two forms: a Parent form which creates and displays a Child form, then OOPs says that the Child should be independent: it should have no idea that the Parent...
21 Mar 2022 by CHill60
I usually just add a Property to the form to indicate how the form is being closed - e.g. from within Code or via a User action. Then only set cancel based on that property or if the "close" is coming from your code, allow it through As each...
20 Jul 2023 by OriginalGriff
That code does nearly nothing: it have nothing whatsoever to do with zooming, and only a passing glance at a trackbar. While we are more than willing to help those that are stuck, that doesn't mean that we are here to do it all for you! We can't...
20 Jul 2023 by Richard MacCutchan
In order to zoom the RichTextBox you need to adjust the RichTextBox.ZoomFactor Property (System.Windows.Forms) | Microsoft Learn[^]. So first calibrate your TrackBar in order to use sensible values to set the zoom factor. You can then use the...
6 Apr 2024 by OriginalGriff
Start by using the debugger to find out exactly what values you are getting.: my guess would be that there are no rows of data yet (i.e. you haven't loaded the data into the DGV at that point) - but we have no idea how you set up your DGV and...
29 Dec 2015 by ZurdoDev
A simple google search shows this post that has several options, c# - Creating Scheduled Tasks - Stack Overflow[^]
29 Dec 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Please see my past answer: Windows Services - problem with operating system[^].If you are talking about your own Windows Service, please see my past answers:Walkthrough: Creating a Windows Service Application in the Component Designer[^],Windows services Error[^],Configure Windows...
1 Feb 2016 by Member 10376725
I have a SQL database that has an Id field that has gone haywire. It has jumped from 688 to 1687 and continued from there. I can't figure out why the jump. How can I move through the database and change the Id number to match the record number and reset the count for the next Id number? Any help...
1 Feb 2016 by Richard Deeming
Are you using SQL 2012 or higher? If so, this bug report[^] might be relevant. It refers to "failover", but the problem seems to affect non-clustered instances as well. Failover or Restart Results in Reseed of Identity | Microsoft Connect[^]In SQL Server 2012 the implementation of the...
7 Mar 2016 by Member 10376725
I am having a problem entering new records into the database. There is a key field called 'Title' and sometimes I screw up and try to enter something that is already there. after entering the full data I save it but if there is a duplicate it shuts down with an error message. How can I capture...
21 Mar 2016 by phil.o
It should be obvious that it replaces the "UserName = " part because this is exactly what you are asking it to do.Why not replacing the "Unnamed" part instead? Something like:IO.File.WriteAllText(FilePath, IO.File.ReadAllText(FilePath).Replace("Unnamed", TextBox_NewUser.Text)
21 Mar 2016 by koolprasad2003
This is something really easy, see below snippet'import System.IOdim text as string = File.ReadAllText("test.txt")text = text.Replace("some text", "new value")File.WriteAllText("test.txt", text)
30 Mar 2016 by Member 11757010
HelloI have some controls (textboxs,picbox,checkbox) bind to a BindingSource. And this BindingSource.DataSource to a DataTable.I need to know if some field has been modified in order to ask for save changes.The problem is that when I use BindingSource.EndEdit(), the...
14 Apr 2016 by User 11061201
I am using GraphicsPath to add a string, then the returned PathPoints i use for the PathGradientBrush to make the figure's backcolor gradient.However most of the Fonts with clear-cut figures are not properly closed in GraphicsPath, while others those curved are properly joined.I tried...
24 Jun 2016 by Dave Kreskowiak
That depends on exactly what you mean by "deactivate a system event".At face value, no it's not possible to turn off the raising of a system event.You can, however, just not subscribe to the them. If you don't have a handler for the event, nothing happens in your code when the event is...
8 Jul 2016 by JU571C3
Why instead of turning your monitor permanently off just disable the mouse and keyboard then put the monitor at sleep then if the keyboard or mouse move the screen won't power on but don't forget to include in your app a function to enable those our you my friend will have a serious...
8 Jul 2016 by Patrice T
Quote: Teamviewer has a feature that can turn off monitor permanently. So I believe that it is possible to write a code like that.No they do not turn off the monitor, they hide the display and hijack the hooks related to display. Not the same thing.They have their own screen saver which...
9 Jul 2016 by Dave Kreskowiak
This requires writing a Remote Display Driver[^].I hope you're into C and debugging kernel drivers because you're not going to be writing this in VB/VB.NET.
17 Jul 2016 by JU571C3
hi, i have created a simple database that is linked to msaccess it is working fine and i have also created an installer and have installed it on my pc but now i need to update it without reinstalling because i will lose that information due to the fact that the msaccess file file is encrypted...
17 Jul 2016 by nilesh sawardekar
I also had worked on + MS Access database for small projects, so do like to help you,Basically we have project files which includes Database as .mdb and our softwar .exe file.If we are updating software it means we are doing one of following of below,1.updating only design and...
1 Aug 2016 by JU571C3
Hi, i need help to get the file name without the full path here is the code i did but is not working.Please help. filelist.Items.Clear() Dim fileinformation As FileInfo For Each files In Directory.GetFiles(path) fileinformation =...
1 Aug 2016 by ProgrammingEnthusiast
filelist.Items.Clear()Dim fileinformation As FileInfoFor Each files In Directory.GetFiles(path) fileinformation = files filelist.Items.Add(fileinformation.Name.ToString.Replace(fileinformation.extension,"").Trim)Next
2 Aug 2016 by ProgrammingEnthusiast
i have created an application that runs in background. when i minimize it, it will appear on the task bar. it is working fine, but when i turn off my computer, windows says that my application is blocking the shut down process. how do i close my application when i shut down my computer? i...
2 Aug 2016 by ProgrammingEnthusiast
i have already resolved it by adding this code during form_closing event of my main form.If e.CloseReason = CloseReason.WindowsShutDown Then Me.Dispose
5 Aug 2016 by djnilo
Mr. programmers if I can orient please'm doing an application and have problems trying to call it from another form controlsfor example I have a form called wfrm_diseño_mesas on this form I need to call controls another form called wfrm_comandathis is my mistake pleaseerror that I...
5 Aug 2016 by OriginalGriff
Don't.It's a bad idea - it locks the design of the two forms together, so you can't reuse them independently, or change one without considering the effects that could have on other forms.Instead, use a combination of events and properties to let each form do the "donkey work" itself, and...
5 Aug 2016 by djnilo
I have reason locks the controlsto put publicchild formPublic Property descripcion() As String Get Return txtdescripcion.Text End Get Set(ByVal value As String) txtdescripcion.Text = value End Set End Property Public...
25 Sep 2016 by Wendelius
There are few things you have missed- The function should have a return type- Instead of checking the parameter you call the Calculator function recursively in the case structureTry something like the followingPublic Function Calculator(ByVal strMod As String) As Single Dim Num1...
10 Oct 2016 by Oussama Boultif
hello code project i hope all good i find code source change font text in vb .net for example:i have this code textbox1.Font = New Font("KFGQPC Uthmanic Script HAFS", 22)I want to changefor exampletextbox1.font=new font("c:\f1.ttf" , 22)i hoep you can halp me thank...
6 Oct 2016 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
I think your answer is here - How to load a font from a file in VB and C#?[^]
26 Nov 2016 by Member 12871710
I am developing database application and I got 2 errors as followingI don't know why those 2 errors are occurred. Could you please help me guys?What I have tried:Public Class FrmRegistration    Dim cnn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection    Private Sub btnClear_Click(sender As...
2 Dec 2016 by Member 11328325
my codeImports System.Data.SqlClientImports MySql.Data.MySqlClientImports System.IOPublic Class ADD1 Dim conn As MySqlConnection Private imagename As String 'this code declare variable as Byte Private imagge() As Byte 'this code declare variable as...
2 Dec 2016 by $*Developer - Vaibhav*$
C# ADO.NET SqlCommand - ExecuteNonQuery[^]
9 Dec 2016 by AndreaP92
Hello, i'm using two listview in "Detail" mode.cause i'd like to do something like this| HELLO | WORLD | HI | --- Listview2| Ch1 | Ch2 | Ch3 | Ch4 | Ch5 | Ch6 | Ch7 | --- Listview1| etc.| ... | ... and i want be able to resize each column from each listviews....
9 Dec 2016 by AndreaP92
Solved like this thank you Michael. Private ListView2Changing As Boolean = False Private ListView1Changing As Boolean = False Private Sub ListView2_ColumnWidthChanged(sender As Object, e As ColumnWidthChangedEventArgs) Handles ListView2.ColumnWidthChanged If...
7 Feb 2017 by DoesItWork
I am trying to automate a process that involves running extracts against a large DB. For reasons out of my control I cannot simply access the database and run queries to get the information. I need to run a series of reports through a web front-end. This is a very time consuming manual...
27 Jun 2017 by Richard MacCutchan
Format Function[^]. In C you could use the sprintf_s function, also described in MSDN.
30 Jun 2017 by OriginalGriff
See here: Why do I get a "Parameter is not valid." exception when I read an image from my database?[^] - the code is in C# but it's pretty obvious (and online converters exist if you really can't read it: Code Converter[^] )
4 Jul 2017 by Member 13293441
i want to print label with label_id label id format contain running number which is 0001 (0001,0002,..) -i want to reset the running number to 0001 when the new day come. can someone give me some ideas or solution regarding my problem? currently, my system reset the running number if new day...
4 Jul 2017 by OriginalGriff
Start by adding two columns to your Table: The first is an INT IDENTITY column called Ident, autoincrementing by one The second is a DATE column called InsDat which defaults to GETDATE() Then when you want the rows with a daily sequence use this: SELECT m.Ident, m.InsDat, m.OtherColumnList,...
5 Oct 2017 by OriginalGriff
Probably, an assembly you reference in your app is not present in the target machine: copying your debug folder is not the way to distribute your app. Instead, build a deployment package: Deploying Applications, Services, and Components[^] - do yourself a favour: deploy the release version, not...
2 Nov 2017 by Rabee Qabaha
i want to change the backcolor for buttons depends on information from database, i have form has multiple buttons like this picture bellow. I have a database table for shops (stores),There is a column in this table that contains the shop number and a column for its status : Yes or No (if rented...
5 Nov 2017 by Member 13503829
Hey guys!! I wanted to ask if there is any way you can create a 90 degree angle where the lines intersect as in perpendicular bisector in visual basic charting. I am creating this graphing calculator where the user will input the values and the chart will plot those values as a line and when...
10 Nov 2017 by yogesh vaidya
hi friends , i want to use 2 loop in 1 do while statement i loop for id data in not found then go to next record ii when he complit the opration of do while purpes and access.recordcount > currant record then secound loop but i get error in this function please help me, What I have...
13 Nov 2017 by yogesh vaidya
I'm presently working on a project that requires that the CTRL+ALT+DEL key is disabled. Can anyone please give me a clue on how to solve this problem in visual basic 2013? I'll appreciate any solution that will work with Windows XP, Vista and Window 7. What I have tried: i am bigginor i...
2 Jan 2020 by yogesh vaidya
hi ,sir and friends , i in some trouble to select data from datagridview in visual basic 2013/2014 windows basic form programing normally i used datgridview cell click event and that got the success each time but it's only possible on mouse click ,i want to select cell data on enter key...
25 Nov 2017 by blueye89
Hello to all, Could someone tell me why I am getting this warning and how to solve it. Code works fine but I would like to know how to avoid warnings like this in the future. Public Function GetPropertyValue(objBlockRef As AcadBlockReference, propName As String) As Object Dim iProp As...
26 Nov 2017 by Patrice T
Quote: if it's possible please make and send the Correct and relay code for me. Debugging your code is part of your job, to get help you need at least to describe the problem. There is a tool that allow you to see what your code is doing, its name is debugger. It is also a great learning tool...
26 Nov 2017 by OriginalGriff
Quote: please make and send the Correct and relay code for me To add to what ppolymorphe (correctly) said: It doesn't quite work like that - we do not do your work for you. If you want someone to write your code, you have to pay - I suggest you go to and ask there. But be aware:...
3 Jan 2018 by Member 10376725
th line of codeI have a DataGridView constructed of selected data from my database. Because of size constraints I have truncated 2 of the columns. When I click on one of the cells in the columns a textbox opens and is supposed to display the complete text in that field. When I do click on the...
24 Jan 2018 by blueye89
It's a Windows Form. Here are valid links:
24 Jan 2018 by RickZeeland
You can try this simple trick, it's C# but should not be too hard to convert to VB: // Scale form, AutoScaleMode.Font must be set for this to work. this.Font = new Font(this.Font.Name, this.Font.Size + 2); For a working example, see: RoundedButton Control - Demystifying DrawArc[^]
8 Feb 2018 by yogesh vaidya
I want add two keys selection in text box please help me to solve this ,following code do not work when i pressed tab What I have tried: Private Sub TextBox1_KeyDown(sender As Object, e As KeyEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyDown If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Then ...
23 Feb 2018 by yogesh vaidya
hi, i am working on my shop project of visual basic windows form application which need to uses 5 different PC ,1 for store ,2 for warehouse and 3 ,4,5 for billing accounting and admin use , i am creating this application on tcp client server base and used to sql control class to connect SQL...
23 Feb 2018 by Tim Carmichael
As I recall, if you are using SQLServer Express, you cannot connect to it from a remote computer; it will only connect from the computer it is installed on. So.. if you want to use SQLServer, you either need to use a full version (not an Express version) or write a application on your host PC...
2 Mar 2018 by faiqaa
This form allows me to calculate the monthly average when I click the respective button, I want to be able to calculate the average display it in a label and then save this value into a text file and when calculating another average I want to be able to display the previous value calculated...
2 Mar 2018 by RickZeeland
You could try something like this: File.WriteAllText("C:\Users\Windows 7 User\Desktop\Average.txt", "blahdiblahblah") Dim value As String = File.ReadAllText("C:\Users\Windows 7 User\Desktop\Average.txt") See: File.WriteAllText Method (String, String) (System.IO)[^]
2 Mar 2018 by faiqaa
I am trying to display a message box based on the quantity regarding certain products saved in rows of data (4th item) in a text file, I know how to read each row but not how to only read a specific item.Does anyone have any idea? Let me know,thanks in advance. Below you can see what code...
2 Mar 2018 by faiqaa
I am saving stock info such as product ID,Product name,price and quantity. I want to be able to sort by product ID using a bubble sort. I am first loading the data into the list box from the relevant text file and then sorting. I have tried using the one below but it doesn't not seem to...
2 Mar 2018 by Richard MacCutchan
StringBubbleSort(arr) You have not defined that subroutine anywhere.
3 Mar 2018 by Richard MacCutchan
Why have you posted this question? It is the same issue as you already posted at How to sort listbox rows using first item in VB?[^].
6 Mar 2018 by yogesh vaidya
hi , i was called a data from datagridview currentcellchanged event to textbox and i want changed this textbox data (text) .which ever it's numeric or datel or charctor , but i cant get any idea please help me yogesh What I have tried: Dim ship_rowind As Integer = 0 Dim...
7 Mar 2018 by Patrice T
.CommandText = "UPDATE tblItems SET Quantity = @quan + 1 WHERE ItemID = " & txtID.Text Why are you mixing parameters and concatenation? It is dangerous. Never build an SQL query by concatenating strings. Sooner or later, you will do it with user inputs, and this opens door to a vulnerability...
7 Mar 2018 by Member 13713259
hi guys im a newb in programming pls bear with me i have a borrowing system, i have a list of items. how do i return the item after borrowing it?? im using vb 2015 with sql 2008 as its database urgently needs your help. thanks guys What I have tried: With cmd .Connection =...
7 Mar 2018 by OriginalGriff
For starters, not like that. Never concatenate strings to build a SQL command. It leaves you wide open to accidental or deliberate SQL Injection attack which can destroy your entire database. Use Parametrized queries instead. When you concatenate strings, you cause problems because SQL receives...
17 Mar 2018 by faiqaa
The form allows me to save customer details in a text file when the button "save" is pressed, I am also carrying a presence check and a length validation of the phone number inputted in a text box every time the user presses save. The problem is that when the validation fails the customer...
21 Mar 2018 by faiqaa
I am using a total of 7 text boxes, six of them are named txtBox1,txtBox2,txtBox3,txtBox4,txtBox5,txtBox6, the seventh is named txtBoxSearch,I have tried using the code below to carry out a presence check, the problem is that I only want to carry out the presence check on the first 6 text boxes,...
2 Apr 2018 by jeffybanjo
I went through this tutorial and converted it for my VB.Net use, However, I get an error [object Object], I have tried all i could to debug but no headway, am not a javascript fan, i...
3 May 2018 by Prashant9813
Hello I am Developing A web Browser. And I have Tested That browser on facebook and Google It worked Perfectly but whenever i open Flash like SWf games From this Link :- Then It stopped Loading . Just Ads Pop Ups. Anybody can Help Regarding This Problem. What I have tried: I Have...
26 May 2018 by User 13023712
Till now, I have made a pretty advanced rich text editor. However, is there any possible way with which I can make the Richtextbox multi-paged? ( sort of like Microsoft Word ). PS: I am using a custom Richtextbox to support printing. Thanks! What I have tried: I tried using panels to white...