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by Dr. Song Li
This is a note on how compilers implement function calls to pass the parameters to and get the return value from the called functions.
by Igor Ladnik
Software for large image smart viewing, mark out and annotation
by Nick Polyak
This article describes a new multiplatform Docking framework - UniDock
by 0xG00DC0FFEE
A better and much simpler implementation of Finite State Machine library for C++

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by Richard Chambers
This article discusses using cross compile tools under x86 Ubuntu Linux to build the Linux kernel for the VisionFive 2 RISC-V SBC.
by Minh Danh Nguyen (ToughDev)
Dual-system Bluetooth keyboard setup: Seamless pairing with Windows 11 and Ubuntu 22
by Dr. Song Li
This is a note on how compilers implement function calls to pass the parameters to and get the return value from the called functions.
by bhupeshkietian
Learn how to set up a fresh Ubuntu installation with Docker, enabling you to leverage the power of containerization for efficient development and deployment.

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28 Jun 2023 by Dr. Song Li
This is a note on how compilers implement function calls to pass the parameters to and get the return value from the called functions.
1 Dec 2016 by Igor Ladnik
Software for large image smart viewing, mark out and annotation
29 Aug 2021 by Nick Polyak
This article describes a new multiplatform Docking framework - UniDock
15 Jun 2017 by 0xG00DC0FFEE
A better and much simpler implementation of Finite State Machine library for C++
29 Jun 2017 by EgorYusov
This article describes an efficient thread-safe reference counting system.
1 Mar 2022 by Marc Clifton
I want to host some simple applications under a real HTTPS domain. This article describes my foray into doing exactly this with a Digital Ocean Droplet.
22 May 2022 by Fazlur Rahman
Step by step procedure to install Hadoop 2.7.3 version on Ubuntu 16.04 operating system
4 Feb 2019 by Igor Ladnik
Compact infrastructure for custom hosting of .NET Core component in unmanaged C/C++ code with reciprocal methods calls between the parts running in Windows and Linux. Section Threads and Processes
23 Feb 2018 by Manjunath Matathamana
Setting up Node.js and MongoDB backend, and then getting an application up and running can be challenging. This tutorial helps you make the whole process easier.
27 Aug 2019 by Dan Sporici
This article discusses the idea of Hot Patching C/C++ functions using Intel Pin in order to remove known vulnerabilities
28 Oct 2020 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Solving the most annoying keyboard problem on Windows and Linux
17 Oct 2018 by MehreenTahir
This article lays the foundation for getting started with Docker networking. Let's get our containers to talk.
8 Dec 2015 by JinWenQiang
An instance of Floodlight Controller
26 Oct 2020 by Rick York
p and q are both pointers and on a 64-bit system a pointer is 8 bytes or 64-bits long. The data they point to has a different size in their cases but that is irrelevant to the size of the pointer. A pointer will always be eight bytes long on a...
14 Mar 2023 by sebjameswml
Walks you through the steps needed to draw high quality 2D graphs in your C++ programs using the header-only library morphologica
21 Feb 2024 by Richard Chambers
This article discusses using cross compile tools under x86 Ubuntu Linux to build the Linux kernel for the VisionFive 2 RISC-V SBC.
29 Nov 2011 by Manoj K Bhoir
See this one :A light-weighted client/server socket class in C++
26 Apr 2013 by Ian A Davidson
Where you have implemented the static pointers, you have placed the asterisk in the wrong place; it needs to be before the class name part of the declaration. Actually, this is one example where placing the asterisk next to the type name, instead of putting it with the variable, would help not...
10 Dec 2013 by Maxim Kartavenkov
Hello,You comparing the pointers but not the strings.First you are not allocating the memory for src and dst variables which may cause crash.To compare strings this way use strcmp or memcmp functions.char src[100],dst[100];strcpy(src , inet_ntoa(ip->ip_src));strcpy(dst ,...
14 Dec 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
You need to check a separate bit, not the whole value. It should beif ((someValue & TH_SYN) != 0) { // then bit is set}—SA
21 Jan 2016 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
In this post version, I have talked about NuGet packages and their management in Mono environment.
2 Mar 2016 by AnvilRanger
Why would you need too? The entire reason of a secured system is to allow access to only those who need it. If you could bypass security with just the user name, then said security is a complete failure.
26 Apr 2016 by Ganesan Senthilvel
Introduction of Visual Studio Code for Developers Productivity
7 Oct 2016 by Paulo Uechi
Uechi APM Web is an APM (Application Performance Management) Open Source Server Performance Monitor written and developed in Java and C # for all Linux and Windows platforms. The Uechi.APM.Web offers a complete resource for unlimited monitoring servers in real time. Have full control of the CPU cons
29 Feb 2020 by Oscar-Tark
A basic formatted string exploit shows you how small errors in programming with the printf function can be a lethal weapon for hackers looking to compromise a system.
28 Apr 2020 by Ahmed Bouchefra
Solutions to problems you'll encounter when creating new virtual devices
26 Jul 2020 by Rick York
Mr. Utas is on the right track. You have it pretty close but it needs a few changes. Here is one way :void get_input( char * input ) { printf( "Enter a string to find its length: " ); scanf( "%s", input ); } int main( void ) { int...
28 Feb 2021 by OriginalGriff
Because the C language is case sensitive: "I" is not the same as "i" Change this line:Int main(){ To this:int main(){ And in future, don't take photos of your screen and post links to them: copy'n'paste the actual text and post that here,...
8 Oct 2021 by k5054
The command g++ main.cpp -o main doesn't tell the linker where to find the compiled code for human_functions. Although you've included human.h in your main.cpp, that only includes the class definitions to main.cpp, it doesn't say where the...
11 Jul 2023 by Andre Oosthuizen
As a high-level overview, there are a few steps you can follow - OAuth - There are a few framework/libraries that supports C++ on OAuth. POCO, OAuth2CPP, or CPP-REST-SDK are some options. We used POCO before, have a look at their libraries...
15 Feb 2010 by Graham Breach
JDBC is a Java database driver - if your program is in C++ you would be better off using the native C/C++ interface:[^]
31 Jan 2011 by fjdiewornncalwe
Just in case, did you check[^]
10 Mar 2011 by Ryan Zahra
27 Jun 2011 by TRK3
Try this:[^](Since you have access via ubuntu, you can substitue ubuntu for step 1 of the procedure.)If that doesn't work for you, here's 12 other...
4 Jan 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
It's normal, as installations usually require superuser permissions. Run:sudo ./installYou will be prompted for your account login password; to pass, your account also needs to have sufficient privileges to play as a superuser. Please see:[^].—SA
2 Feb 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
I recommend Anjuta:[^],[^].—SA
16 Feb 2012 by CPallini
Both of them are multitasking OS (a quick Google search would confirm that).
17 Jul 2012 by Albert Holguin
Best way to do installations in Linux is always going to be to make sure you have internet access so that dependencies can be resolved and installed. Not sure why 3G dongle would be dependent on Qt, but in any case, the absolute best place to put questions relating to Ubuntu is going to be the...
16 Dec 2012 by Richard MacCutchan
Create a new group and add these users to the group. Then set directory permissions so only members of that group can have access.
11 Feb 2013 by Albert Holguin
There's definitely quite a few choices for IDEs: - Netbeans - CodeBlocks - Eclipse - Qt Creator - KDevelop....I'd try a couple of those and see what works best for you. They all have good and bad parts to them. One example is Qt Creator, it's all ready to go with the Qt framework...
12 Feb 2013 by Matthew Faithfull
One way would be to use GTK[^] but I don't know if anything using GTK could be described as a mini project. All GUI frameworks tend to be quite large and complex and C is not necessarily the easiest language for that kind of work.
8 Jul 2013 by Prasad Khandekar
Hello Singh_iitb,First of all you will require a driver. You can obtain MySQL Connector for C++ from here[^]. The instructions for installing this connector can be found here[^].The examples directory of the MySQL Connector for C++ contains many example program which should get you...
15 Dec 2013 by DaveAuld
I have spent numerous hours over the last few weeks and carried out hundreds of google searches and tried tons of various things and cannot succeed in getting a remote desktop session to successfully work beyond the login prompt.I have tried the same on both Ubuntu 12.* and 13.* variants...
15 Jan 2016 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
This is the second part of the series of articles for Ubuntu programming using C#. In this, I am talking about the quick tools and helpful features provided by MonoDevelop for C# programmers.
19 Jan 2016 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
This short post is about the project files that are created when a new project is created using a template provided in MonoDevelop.
11 Sep 2016 by Kim, Byungsu
Suggest queueing and parsing method for string type message packet
21 Dec 2016 by Intel
This guide demonstrates how to run the Arduino 101 platform on Ubuntu using a VMware* Workstation.
19 Apr 2017 by Intel
In Part 2 we will explore how to configure an integrated development environment (IDE) to build the C++ code example, and provide a code walkthrough based on the AlexNet deep learning topology.
10 Oct 2017 by Intel
The Face Access Control application is one of a series of IoT reference implementations aimed at instructing users on how to develop a working solution for a particular problem.
15 Mar 2018 by CPallini
Hey man, you have C++, don't you? #include #include #include #include using namespace std; class Student { string name; int clas; int age; array mark; public: double average(); char result(double average); bool fromUser(const string...
14 Jun 2019 by Patrice T
Try: import numpy as np h =open('','r') h_contents = if h_contents.find('self.binspec') == 57: #line 57 has self.binspec f = open('binspec') for lines in f: print(lines) sck.send('PRIVMSG ' + chan + " " + lines) f.close() ...
15 Jul 2019 by Cloudster
Run command line Linux apps inside of Django to rapidly process 360 degree images.
8 Jul 2020 by Luc Pattyn
The recursive function should not return with your system in a different state, everything should be as it was before. Where do you undo chdir?
26 Jul 2020 by Greg Utas
Your user_input function declares the array user_input as a local variable. When this function returns, that data disappears! You need to pass user_in (in main) as an argument to the user_input function. Although it isn't an error, using the...
26 Jul 2020 by CPallini
In order to fix the errors in your program, following the suggestions of Greg Utas, you might write #include void user_input(char * str_input); int length_input(char *str_input); int main(void) { char user_in[50]; user_input(...
2 Aug 2020 by OriginalGriff
No, no - bad idea! Whey you declare an array (or any other variable) inside a function, it is created on the stack (a form of memory that holds local variables and function return addresses) and that memory is released and recycled when you exit...
7 Sep 2020 by Rick York
The clue is in the error message. It says you passed it a "char **". That's what you should pass to it so the code should look like this : int rand_choice_data_words(char ** for_data_words) { int length = sizeof(for_data_words) /...
11 Sep 2020 by CPallini
It works (at least on my Linux box) if you flush the standard out: void Loading() { char *array[4] = {"/" , "--" , "\\" , "|"}; for(int j = 1; j
29 Oct 2020 by Mircea Neacsu
You already found a bug but please keep reading. Comments in the code. #include char *string_end(char *str); void string_reverse(char *str); int main() { char string[30]; printf("Give a string and I will reverse it: "); ...
28 Dec 2020 by Shao Voon Wong
You must link with the math library. gcc test.c -lm
14 Jun 2022 by k5054
Following works as expected for me: #include using namespace std; int main() { string input; cin.clear(); getline(cin, input); cout
20 Jul 2022 by Matt Pogue
Deploy XDR, host integrity, and more with Wazuh Server
24 Oct 2019 by Nabil Droussi
This article will walk you with steps on how to install, configure and connect to SQL Server 15.x on,Linux Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS
5 Mar 2024 by Dave Kreskowiak
No, there was never a Unix version.
24 May 2024 by Dave Kreskowiak
You answered your own question: Quote: My goal is to train an AI model, predict with it, and store it without any computer lagging while running the computer with the required storage space exceeding the (GPU memory + DRAM + swap memory). How...
11 Jul 2011 by Stefan_Lang
That's a bit too much code to analyze, but I've noticed this line: GLuint uiVBO[surftotal];Does that actually compile?? surftotal is defined as a global, non-constant int. The compiler therefore should throw an error. If it doesn't, it has no way of knowing what size this array should...
11 Aug 2011 by OriginalGriff
Normally .h (header) files will either come with any example (if they are application specific) or with the compiler (if they are system related).Just use the #include statement at the top of your app, and it should pick them up - if your compiler is properly installed, it should tell...
1 Nov 2011 by BobJanova
What do they mean by 'integrate'? Use the same database? Run locally as part of the same system? Be able to share data?Do you have the ability to modify the Java system, or specify things that need to be in the interface? Creating either a web service/RPC endpoint or a TCP protocol for...
1 Nov 2011 by Espen Harlinn
So you have a partially connected scenario, and needs something that runs on both Windows and Linux. WebSphere MQ[^] solves this problem in a robust manner.Best regardsEspen Harlinn
21 Dec 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
First you need to figure out the sub-set of valid characters and maximum allowed file length in the system. Start here:[^].I would first check up the length and then validate the sequence using Regular Expressions,...
2 Feb 2012 by CPallini
You may try Eclipse[^].Personally I use no IDE, (vi, make and gcc).
12 Feb 2014 by charles henington
This is an alternative for "Send Mail With Attachment File"
21 May 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Please see my comment to the question and a comment by Albert.Basically, what you need to install is GCC and all you need to C++ development:sudo apt-get install build-essential checkinstallPlease see:[^].If the problem is...
30 May 2012 by Richard MacCutchan
I don't think double-click works well with Java classes owing to the way it expects to read the pathname to the object file. Your class needs to be executed from the directory above the location of the class file with a command of the form:java first_pro.First_proIf the final object is a...
20 Jul 2012 by Parwej Ahamad
I think correct way to get the User Name usingSystem.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().NameIt gives, user name application running as user.
2 Sep 2012 by Richard MacCutchan
See the kill(3)[^] man pages for details of how to kill a process.
3 Sep 2012 by Andreas Gieriet
You ask for a C solution.I would solve it in a bash script using kill[^] and mail[^].For programming in C, use kill[^] and fall back to the mail command line tool to send the notification (via system[^]).See also wikipedia[^] for an overview on kill and wikipedia[^] on unix mail...
15 Oct 2012 by fjdiewornncalwe
Had you visited your friend named Google, you would have 1.5 million results to enjoy.change logon wallpaper in ubuntu[^]
16 Jan 2013 by Jochen Arndt
You must link your program with the libusb library. Therefore, you have to add the libary name libusb to your project. How to do this depends on your development environment. With a simple Makefile, just add the name at the end of the linker call (many Makefiles use a LDLIBS variable that is...
6 Feb 2013 by Jochen Arndt
Your path variable is just a pointer to char. But you must provide the space to store the scanned string including the terminating NULL char:char path[21];
6 Feb 2013 by nv3
path must be a buffer, not a char pointer. Where should scanf deposite string being read? For examplechar path[100];scanf ("%20[^\r]", path);
12 Feb 2013 by Albert Holguin
This thread might be helpful:[^]Like I mentioned in the comment above (in Matthew's solution), "C" and "simple GUI" aren't usually terms you'll see together but using some of the available design/widget tools, it might help the learning process.
12 Feb 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
It's highly recommended to use not C but rather C++. Please see my past answer:writing c/c++ visual programs (cross-platform) with which IDE and compiler?[^].—SA
24 Feb 2013 by H.Brydon
I think you are looking at the problem the wrong way. You are asking software questions when you should be thinking hardware.The Raspberry Pi computer (generally linux) has the GPIO, I2C and other ports you are talking about. These are not generally available on standard PC machine...
29 Aug 2013 by CPallini
This works for me:#!bin/shfor c in `seq 1 5`doecho "$c"doneHowever, as Manfred noted, the right syntax depends on the shell you are using.
17 Oct 2013 by Richard MacCutchan
Probably by doing something like this[^].
28 Jan 2014 by RCL_SPD
Dynamic loop unrolling
14 Oct 2014 by CPallini
Quote:in both the command -l is used and what is this used forThe documentation helps: "GCC, Options for Linking"[^].Quote:what is the reason of using # in front of gcc.The '#' character starts a comment line for the shell, hence# gcc Sqlite_test.c -l sqlite3 -o tt does nothing.
10 Nov 2014 by Garth J Lancaster
you would have to use an open source library for that, if Ive read your question correctlyhere's one[^]its likely to have a '.h' file to include into your code and a '.c' file to compile and link with
11 Nov 2014 by barneyman
don't reinvent the wheel[^] :)
12 Nov 2014 by bling
That was one.Here's 824![^]8^P
19 Jan 2015 by Richard MacCutchan
Your code is incorrect, you are writing each block to your output file using the size of an integer, rather than the actual length of the data received. Try changing it as below:while((fr_block_sz = recv(nsockfd, revbuf, LENGTH,0)) > 0) { int write_sz = fwrite(revbuf, 1 ,...
6 Feb 2015 by RupeshMote
Finally, I have build android source code successfully.Here is how I did it :In first attempt, I had downloaded source code of Kitkat branch. But it was not downloaded properly.(source files were missing).Then, I have downloaded Android OS source code of master branch, which is...
1 Mar 2015 by OriginalGriff
This isn't a question we can really answer: it's going to depend to a large extent on what kind of physical interface you have between the two systems, and what software is running on both.Android (for example) doesn't support FTP without additional software - I use FTP Server[^] and...
26 Mar 2015 by Member 10809885
Hi,I'm a noob trying to learn about networking. Can anyone please teach me how to capture network packets from the host os, with wireshark installed in a guest os. What i am asking is how to capture data from a windows host, whiles in a ubuntu guest os.
10 Jun 2015 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
Yes, perhaps. Android is a Linux based OS but, you need to understand that Windows has a great set of tools for (cross-platform) development. However, for Linux (specially Ubuntu) the concept is different. In Ubuntu, an IDE is not a full-featured software. It is just a "syntax highlighter over...
31 Jul 2015 by Android on Intel
Getting Intel® Mobile Development Kit working with Nexus Player (FUGU)
28 Jan 2016 by Albert Holguin
Yes of course, sockets accept a collection of bytes, how those bytes are assembled and where they came from is not their concern, that's the application's problem.
4 Apr 2016 by Jochen Arndt
To avoid the warnings add this line on top of your source file:# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wwrite-strings"The initgraph call should probably be changed to pass NULL instead of the string parameter "NULL":initgraph(&gd,&gm,NULL);Finally to the bad news. It seems that the Linux...