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Great Reads

by Dirk_Strauss
LEADTOOLS Recognition Imaging SDK - I had the pleasure of taking the SDK for a spin, and let me tell you it was well worth it.
by LEADTOOLS Support
Using LEADTOOLS OCR to Enhance Google Drive Search
by LEADTOOLS Support
The new Document Converter and Document Viewer found in LEADTOOLS Version 19 not only make it possible to view and annotate raster and vector based file formats in the same control, they make it easy.
by LEADTOOLS Support
With the LEADTOOLS Virtual Printer SDK, developers can leverage the print feature of any application to extend and enhance that application.

Latest Articles

by Allegra Angelo
Create a multipage TIFF image from images
by Hans-Peter Kalb
C# library for reading and writing EXIF tags in JPEG, TIFF and PNG image files
by Kevin Hulse
In this CodeProject lab we are going to build an UI control to display multiple pages in a single container.
by Bedri Egrilmez
A Single-DLL, multi-page TIFF .NET viewer control with panning and thumbnails support

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8 Jun 2015 by Dirk_Strauss
LEADTOOLS Recognition Imaging SDK - I had the pleasure of taking the SDK for a spin, and let me tell you it was well worth it.
14 Apr 2014 by Maciej Los
Have a look here:[^]Quote:You can use Ghostscript to convert the PDF files into Images, I used the following parameters to convert the needed PDF into tiff image with multiple frames...
8 Oct 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
It's almost always bad to start a separate process; it's much better to do your own print. You can use the class System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument:[^].As to the TIFF, you can create a...
4 Oct 2013 by W Balboos, GHB
The text on a TIFF file (or any other image file) is only a human interpretation of a bunch of pixels. There is no text present in the file (at least as far as what you perceive on the image is concerned). Since you don't wish to use third party software, then the answer is that it's time...
22 May 2014 by Manikandan10
Visit the page:[^]
5 Apr 2016 by Jochen Arndt
If you don't want to use a library you have to write the code yourself. You may have a look at the sources of open source libraries like ImageMagick: Convert, Edit, Or Compose Bitmap Images[^] or it's derivate GraphicsMagick Image Processing System[^] as starting point. The simplest solution...
29 Oct 2018 by OriginalGriff
This depend son what you want to do: manually via an app, or programatically - the two are different. Via an app: Open it in your new, shiny image editing program (or Paint, if that's what you have available) Use "Save as" (often hotkeyed to F12) and select TIFF as the output format. Give it a...
1 Jun 2013 by LEADTOOLS Support
Using LEADTOOLS OCR to Enhance Google Drive Search
30 Sep 2013 by coded007
yeah you can do this by using filestream data type in sql server 2012.Reference for data type:[^]For Image Coding Reference:Storing and Retrieving Images from SQL Server...
14 Apr 2014 by hansoctantan
Hello everyone,Found a source to convert PDF to TIFF but I think it has a licence (ABCpdf 6.0 .NET Professional)Is there a free dll for this like iTextSharp. Can't find a code for converting pdf to tiff using iTextSharp.Please HelpThanksAdding this to my User Control (Image...
22 May 2014 by SaravananMaddy
Hi, I need plugin for tiff images.tiff image viewer web page, not viewing in firefox Browser.
12 Dec 2014 by LEADTOOLS Support
The new Document Converter and Document Viewer found in LEADTOOLS Version 19 not only make it possible to view and annotate raster and vector based file formats in the same control, they make it easy.
1 Mar 2015 by Daniel 11317535
I want to know what are good libraries for converting tiff to pdf in Java. Any suggestion Closed off stack overflow question[^]
3 Mar 2015 by sbs21
I have this code (please see below) when the user is selecting an imagei'd like to display a preview of the image. It works well for standard formatsbut since tiff is not supported by some of the browser it will show a broken image if user is selecting a tiff image. I have no problem...
2 Mar 2015 by Solai Raja
You can't show the tiff image on browser, because it is not render-able image format for browser.Better you can convert the tiff image's stream into base64 string then put it into img tag's src attribute.
11 Mar 2015 by vikaskallidantheyil
Hello i am trying to convert multiple tiff images to single pdf file. i went through this Have done the following coding refering to above link iTextSharp.text.Document document = new iTextSharp.text.Document(new RectangleReadOnly(842,595), 0, 0, 0,...
4 Aug 2015 by LEADTOOLS Support
With the LEADTOOLS Virtual Printer SDK, developers can leverage the print feature of any application to extend and enhance that application.
19 Sep 2015 by muhibbin
Hello, i am not an software developer but need a way to change this code with a much more faster one. Maybe in Libtiff or something else. This code converting a tiff image to 2 bpp int array for a printing machine. But its too slow especially in larger images like 30000 width, 100000 height. Is...
28 Jan 2016 by Kevin Hulse
In this CodeProject lab we are going to build an UI control to display multiple pages in a single container.
4 Apr 2016 by Garth J Lancaster
I'd start with a look here How to convert a bitmap into a 1bpp monochrome TIFF in C# – Knowledgebase[^]
5 Apr 2016 by Patrice T
Quote:the problem is how to convert from BMP to TIFF without using any external libraries.Simple !You just have to make a program that is replacing the library you don't want to use !You have to:- define a neutral format that suit your needs. Usually an array containing a bitmap version of...
8 May 2018 by MacOwl
I have an old application that stored images (scanned B&W pages) in a large binary file. I have worked out how to single out the individual pages, but I can't decipher the binary for each page. As far as I know, the original pages were TIFF images. The resulting binary is also 1/16th the size,...
21 Jul 2018 by nina4ever
the following code in an ASP.NET website works fine when i run the website in visual studio FileInfo info = new FileInfo(myFilePath); using(Stream docStream = info.Open(FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.None) ) { TiffBitmapDecoder decoder = new TiffBitmapDecoder(docStream , ...
16 Apr 2019 by CengBrothers
I have tif pictures with a minimum size of 90 Mb. How can I read them quickly? I tried a few methods, but I couldn't read fast. I'm using Kpimageviewer dll now. Do you have a different solution? I would like to include this library in my project instead of directly dealing with form and...
15 Apr 2019 by #realJSOP
How long does it take to read a file that large, and how much time would you say "fast" is? Most of the time, you're restricted by hardware(harddrive speed, how much memory, and CPU speed). Secondary considerations are what other programs are running, and how much CPU time is being taken up by...
1 Jan 2020 by Member 13187373
I have 10MB+ Tiff files having 50 pages, and I want to perform rotation of all the pages by 90 degree at one click only, but after performing the rotation operations for each frames in foreach loop and when it comes to the Save(Encoder encoder) then here, encoder.Save(temporaryStream); //...
1 Jan 2020 by Richard MacCutchan
The error is quite clear, you have run out of memory. You will need to modify your code so that it does not keep all the pages in memory. You could try saving each page as you process it so that it reduces the amount of memory in use at any time. Also, I am not sure why your Save method writes...
13 May 2020 by Member 14830912
Use the[^]
20 Oct 2020 by Member 11493935
We are using alternatiff tiff viewer but when browser strongly developed it support will be end and ended.So How can i view single and multi .tiff file in MVC look like Alternatiff? What I have tried: How can i view single and...
11 Nov 2020 by Member 12213239
I am trying to read different tag values (like tags 259 (Compression), 33432 (Copyright), 306 (DateTime), 315 (Artist) etc.) from a TIFF image in Java 11. What I have tried: I tried with ImageIO like following: File tiffFile = new...
9 Nov 2020 by Patrice T
Quote: Can anyone tell me how to get byte values of the tag, then decode it with utf-8 to get the exact tag values ? First, you need to understand that before unicode (DOS era), ascii codes between 128-255 where used for special chars and with...
11 Dec 2022 by moshaveran
I have a picturebox in my form and draw shapes in picturebox by MouseDown and MouseUp events. finally I must save image of picturebox with drawn shapes in TIFF File. I use this codes: Dim bitmap = New Bitmap(PictureBox1.Width,...
11 Dec 2022 by OriginalGriff
Simple: don't draw on the PictureBox, draw on the Image it contains and Invalidate the PictureBox to display the changes. You can then save the Image directly to a disk file without any loss of quality (because you are using TIFF files, and that...
14 Apr 2023 by Member 12437251
Hi, I am developing a solution for a hardware device in pure C.I need to compress an image BMP and thought in using the TIFF format (the image is monochromatic), the problem is how to convert from BMP to TIFF without using any external libraries.Anyone can...
24 Jun 2021 by Hans-Peter Kalb
C# library for reading and writing EXIF tags in JPEG, TIFF and PNG image files
13 Mar 2015 by User 6918454
Light-weight image viewer for .NET 4.5.1, supporting multi-core processing
4 Apr 2014 by dario.rinaldi
Have you tried:var image = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(page, ImageFormat.Png);image.SetAbsolutePosition(0, 0);image.ScaleAbsoluteHeight(_doc.PageSize.Height);image.ScaleAbsoluteWidth(_doc.PageSize.Width);_directContent.AddImage(image); _doc.NewPage();It...
25 Oct 2015 by Bedri Egrilmez
A Single-DLL, multi-page TIFF .NET viewer control with panning and thumbnails support
22 Nov 2021 by Allegra Angelo
Create a multipage TIFF image from images
20 Dec 2013 by hansoctantan
Hi,I found a C# source code for converting TIFF to PDF and I convert it to VB.NET. Dim doc As New Document(PageSize.A4, 0, 0, 0, 0) Dim writer As PdfWriter = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, New FileStream(pdfPath, FileMode.Create)) Dim bmp As New Bitmap(tiffPath) ...
5 Oct 2013 by Sampath Lokuge
Try below one.using System;using Vintasoft.Imaging;using Vintasoft.Ocr;using Vintasoft.Ocr.Results;using Vintasoft.Ocr.Tesseract;using Vintasoft.Pdf;using Vintasoft.Pdf.Ocr;class PdfDocumentBuilderExample{ // Required assemblies to run this code: //...
26 Sep 2013 by Thanki Vivek
I have 50 images each image size is 2.5 GB and I want to store all images in SQL Server 2012 using ASP.NET with c#.How can I do this please give me source code for it and how it is possible??
4 Oct 2013 by Santhosh Kumar
HiCan any one tell me how to convert a tiff file to searchable pdf file with out using third party dlls using c# code.All my search resulted in getting me a code that just converts a tiff to an unsearchable pdf. Thanks in advance.
8 Oct 2014 by vikaskallidantheyil
hello all...i am trying to print huge amount of tiff files stored in a network path through my c# application.list of files are displayed in datagridview. through context menu strip i am trying to print selected files.below is my code for printing... ProcessStartInfo psi =...
29 Oct 2018 by Sarita B Patil
I have a image with .tiff format in older version.Now i want to convert that image in Newer Version. What I have tried: I have searched on google but all are giving conversion from tiff to pdf or jpeg format or vice versa. But I need conversion from tiff to tiff but with a newer version.
16 Aug 2022 by Member132801
We have c# winform application which display the tiff image. Each tiff has list of item . Application need detect which item is ticked by hand drawn and get respective value. Thanks in Advance. What I have tried: I have come across all the...