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by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
Customized Scrolling in Silverlight using Expression Blend
by İlkay İlknur
Silverlight Focusing Issue
by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
How to implement template binding in Silverlight custom control
by Abhijit Jana
A demo of how to integrate a Silverlight Application with SharePoint 2010

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by Sumit Samediya
Here we will learn how to remove default background color of ListBox item on selection in Windows Universal App
by Sumit Samediya
In this article we will learn how to use existing sqlite database in WP 8.1 apps.
by Wayne Ye
Elevated trust in Silverlight 4
by Eugene Sadovoi
Implements delayed or disabled INotifyCollectionChanged.

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13 Nov 2010 by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
Customized Scrolling in Silverlight using Expression Blend
22 Feb 2011 by İlkay İlknur
Silverlight Focusing Issue
6 Apr 2011 by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
How to implement template binding in Silverlight custom control
11 Feb 2012 by Wonde Tadesse
It's better to look telerik support site.Perhaps this can be the starting point.RadControls Overview[^]
19 Jul 2010 by Abhijit Jana
A demo of how to integrate a Silverlight Application with SharePoint 2010
4 Sep 2010 by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
Here, I am consolidating all the Silverlight Articles that I posted in my Blog and CodeProject for your further reference. It includes articles of last six months.
18 Mar 2011 by Espen Harlinn
I guess I'd combine something like this: Use ASP.NET to Create Dynamic XAML[^] with IronPython or IronRuby - and if those are unacceptable - F# to create something reasonably dynamic.You could even skip the xaml generation, and just generate something that can be consumed by the dynamic...
22 Apr 2011 by Nish Nishant
That's expected behavior. .NET 4.0's version of IComparer is contravariant, see below:public interface IComparerIn .NET 3.5 there was no notion of contravariance. So in 3.5 you would need a cast as follows:Class2> returnVal = new Class2>( ...
12 Dec 2011 by Wonde Tadesse
Before deciding to your designing approach, it is better to explore how to work with Silverlight using RIA(Rich Internet Applications) and webservices. Here are a couple of good articles that helps you to grasp this knowledge.1.Silverlight 4, Ria Services, and Entity Framework Complex...
22 Aug 2012 by Christian Graus
The error means what it says, and the error indicates that the last ) is missing from the string being parsed. The error shows a different string to the one you pasted as your code.
23 Aug 2012 by Savalia Manoj M
Work with Cascading Drop-down Lists in the Telerik Gridview Control
24 Aug 2012 by Savalia Manoj M
How to create custom Datapager Usercontrol in Silverlight?
26 Mar 2016 by Sumit Samediya
Here we will learn how to remove default background color of ListBox item on selection in Windows Universal App
20 Nov 2009 by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
How to work with Notification API in Silverlight 4
25 Aug 2010 by Mamta D
Exploring Silverlight 4 - the Printing API
7 Sep 2010 by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
Introduction to Shapes in Silverlight 4
6 Oct 2010 by Herre Kuijpers
How to embed Content for a UserControl when consumed by another control using ContentProperty
31 Jan 2011 by Abhinav S
No not directly.You need to use web services to access the database.
6 Feb 2011 by Espen Harlinn
In addition to the comprehensive solution proposed by SAKryukov, you could consider Re-Hosting the Workflow Designer[^], it might be easier :)RegardsEspen Harlinn
8 Feb 2011 by Nish Nishant
You probably need to use Dispatcher.BeginInvoke.
28 Feb 2011 by Sandeep Mewara
First of all, avoid cross-post[^]. It's considered rude. Now, did you try anything? After answer to your question in other forum, you should have added your effort/findings here. Ok. Have a look at this article to start with: Your First Step to the Silverlight Voice/Video Chatting...
12 Mar 2011 by Sandeep Mewara
Have a look at these discussion links for the same:Similar discussion 1[^]Similar discussion 2[^]Similar discussion 3[^]They say:There is basically no difference between the two. Name is a shorthand for x:Name and you only really need x:Name when Name is ambiguous.
12 Mar 2011 by Abhinav S
Have a look at msdn documentation on this here[^]. Scroll down towards the end of the page and you will find it.
23 Mar 2011 by #realJSOP
Another problem I was having was that my app was becoming completely disabled (couldn't navigate or click on anything) when I exited the first child window more than once in a session. The fix was to add this code to my window_Closing event...
22 Apr 2011 by Lee Reid
Hi everyone,I'm in the process of putting a massive amount of c# code originally written for .NET 4.0 into a silverlight 4 app. I have quite a serious problem with the compiler rejecting generics when inheritance is involved. I've put a very basic example down below: this code compiles OK in...
6 Oct 2011 by Simon Bang Terkildsen
Now I'm not sure, but I beleave the account used as login to oracle is the one which runs the service not the one which has called the service.You should look into impersonation[^]So in you WCF method do something like the below (taken...
28 Dec 2011 by Abhinav S
Without looking at the code, its impossible to answer your question.Howver, if you go through these links, you might get some help -...
4 Jan 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Not clear what exactly effect you need, there are many, but you cannot just add it in XAML without proper image processing you should program by yourself. Unless you would be agree to write a separate XAML tag per each spark of course. :-)—SA
4 Jan 2012 by Espen Harlinn
Have a look at nokolas Living Noice[^]Actually all of the stuff available on[^] is well worth looking atBest regardsEspen Harlinn
31 Jan 2012 by Kanasz Robert
Hi,try to check following link:[^]basic idea is to use WCF.RegardsRobert
13 Jun 2012 by Prasad_Kulkarni
Have a look:4 Simple Steps to Consume WCF Service using Silverlight[^]Consuming WCF Services in Silverlight [^]How to Consume WCF and ASP.NET Web Services in Silverlight[^]
24 Jul 2012 by Erik Rude
I didn't manage to get this to work properly, so instead I just went with the quick and dirty workaround: Please  click here  to see more And then navigate in the HyperLink_Click eventprivate void Hyperlink_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e){ ...
20 Mar 2016 by Sumit Samediya
In this article we will learn how to use existing sqlite database in WP 8.1 apps.
23 Sep 2010 by Abhinav S
You need to setup communication between the two.Since both are running on the same system, try socket communication.
24 Sep 2010 by #realJSOP
Google "WriteableBitmap object", and/or "real-time image editing with silverlight".
24 Sep 2010 by Abhinav S
See here[^].
4 Oct 2010 by Serenity1
I'm trying to increase my transfer limit between my silverlight app and its wcf service.When i upload a 2kb image then the app works just fine but when I try to up a 30kb image then it doesn't.I'm busy running in circles with this one. (googled and all)This is my...
11 Oct 2010 by manjur
Hello FriendsI am new for silverlight. I am (c#) developer. I have one window desktop application in visual studio 2008. Also I have never created desktop application in or in any other language. Now my client wants to convert window desktop application-(vs2008) into...
14 Oct 2010 by Sarah Lan
Is there any way to navigate to a page that will be opened synchronously with the main page? The 2 pages should be open at same time, while allowing changes be done on both. The information should be updadated at real time to both pages.(or be refreshed by time intervals)The navigating...
22 Nov 2010 by senguptaamlan
Please, go to the following link...[^]
22 Nov 2010 by Abhinav S
Silverlight does not directly support sessions.You can make use of Isolated Storage though - see here[^].
4 Dec 2010 by AspDotNetDev
Those are all silly rumours. Microsoft recently had a public talk in which they discussed the release schedule and features that will be part of Silverlight 5. The beta will be released at the beginning of next year and the file version of SL5 is scheduled for release at the end of next...
5 Dec 2010 by #realJSOP
Create your alternative "view", and change MainPage.xaml where you find UriHome.
27 Dec 2010 by Abhinav S
You are asking a very general question.Styles and templates (amongst tons of other features) help one create rich UI in Silverlight.See here[^].Expression Blend can help you do styling on the fly.Silverlight menus - see here[^]. I really think you should understand some of the...
4 Jan 2011 by Espen Harlinn
My best guess is that the path "Images\abcd.PNG" is not correctly resolved relative to the page.RegardsEspen Harlinn
8 Jan 2011 by Abhinav S
Try devenv.exe /resetsettings.
15 Jan 2011 by anilmaddala
Hi, I am new to Silverlight and am working on Carousel effect shown in this page: it possible to include an ASPX page instead of image, and reproduce similar effect? How to do it?Thanks,Anil
16 Jan 2011 by #realJSOP
Silverlight4 has a WebBrowser control. Just google "Silverlight4 WebBrowser control":[^]
19 Jan 2011 by Nish Nishant
Here's a popular article from Code Project:CRUD operations in Siverlight using ADO.NET Data Service[^]
24 Jan 2011 by TweakBird
See this Load-MP3-Files-FileReference-Silverlight[^]. It might be helpful.
24 Jan 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
I used to develop Workflow Designer few years ago (plus some components close in functionality, such as 2D CAD, plotting, etc.) -- it was Borland Delphi. Based on my experience, I would use WPF, but then you need .NET Framework 3.5 or 4.0.Please see my previous answer -- to this question: How...
27 Jan 2011 by Abhinav S
SIlverlight does not support synchronous calls.Make use of the Action delegate to come back to your main code once the service returns.
27 Jan 2011 by #realJSOP
I wrote an article about how I handle the asynchronous nature of Silverlight:How I Optimized my Silverlight Asynchronous Web Service Consumption[^]
27 Jan 2011 by Nish Nishant
Just cast item to your specific data class type.I am not sure of the VB syntax for this, but in C# you'd do this:MyType myType = (MyType)item;DoStuff(myType.MyProperty, etc...);
27 Jan 2011 by Espen Harlinn
One option, that might be possible, is to use:IAsyncResult.AsyncWaitHandle[^] - the asynch web/wcf request methods returns an IAsyncResult.It's possible that this can be used to create a synchronized wrapper for the service reference. I haven't tried doing things this way in SilverLight,...
31 Jan 2011 by Venkatesh Mookkan
As Abhinav said, you could use Web Services. But if it is too much for your application, you can write Handlers on the server-side and use it in your Silverlight Applications.References:Silverlight 3: Displaying SQL Server Data[^]My First Data Application in Silverlight...
8 Feb 2011 by #realJSOP
It's because you're trying to access a UI element that was created on another thread. You have to use Invoke to do that.[^]
22 Feb 2011 by Abhinav S
Modify the style to remove the row headers on the left.Hide the TopLeftHeaderTemplate template (by sitting the visibility to collapsed) and yoo should get the desired results.
24 Feb 2011 by Prerak Patel[^]
28 Feb 2011 by Dave Kreskowiak
Oracle doesn't have a dynamic discovery method like SQL Server has. Any available Oracle servers that an application can user has to be defined in the TNSNAMES.ORA file on the client machine.
28 Feb 2011 by Espen Harlinn
You might find this to be of interest: LDAP and the Oracle Internet Directory[^]Oracle has a dynamic discovery method, and they are providing a standards compliant LDAP server to provide it.It's quite well documented here:Oracle Internet Directory Documentation[^]RegardsEspen...
11 Mar 2011 by yaser shadmehr
You should use cross-domain policy files when accessing third party web services. There are some ways to develop it; I explain a way that it can solve your problem.Step 1: Create IPolicyRetriever interface [ServiceContract] public interface IPolicyRetriever { ...
12 Mar 2011 by losu
What is the Difference between Name and X:Name in silverlight? could u explain with small example?
29 Mar 2011 by Venkatesh Mookkan
You can accomplish this using CellTemplate (the property name should be similar) for the Column.Write a DataTemplate with DataTriggers. These DataTrigger would help in showing and hiding the different controls.Lets go to your problem:Did you checked whether the ValueChanged handler...
12 Apr 2011 by Manas_Patnaik
Performance tips for RIA Service with Silverlight 4
13 Apr 2011 by Manas_Patnaik
Relational/hierarchical data and CRUD operations against them using RIA
22 Apr 2011 by Nish Nishant
Perhaps you need:string st = ((ComboBoxItem)comboBox1.SelectedItem).Content.ToString();
16 May 2011 by Sandeep Mewara
A simple Google Search[^] of your question title gave:MSDN Blog: Communicating Between Silverlight and ASP.NET[^]Similar discussion[^]Pass Values from ASP.NET to Silverlight Control[^]Try!
30 May 2011 by thatraja
Here a fix/solution for youWriteableBitmap with MediaElement[^]
31 May 2011 by Tarun.K.S
To solve the second part of your question:Try to get the xml in this way:I am not sure about your folder structure, but here my XML is inside the Resources Folder. Stream stream = Application.GetResourceStream(new Uri("Resources/XMLFile1.xml",...
11 Jun 2011 by Valery Possoz
Hello,The following code works perfectly:A very simple Silverlight application with a Canvas, two children, an image and a rectangle.This is the Xaml:
29 Jun 2011 by zinov
I am trying to display the name of a Photo object in a Label, but I am displaying this Photo in specific control System.Windows.Image, this control has a binding to the CurrentItem of a collection of Photos, so if I have a button to display the next Photo, I want to show in my Label the Name of...
29 Jun 2011 by Mark Salsbery
Instead of setting the Window DataContext to the entire collection, what about setting it to the currently selected item? Then the image Source property can be binded to ImageFrame (like you have already redundantly done - you do it in code too) and the TextBlock Text property can be binded to...
17 Jul 2011 by dan!sh
You can keep some specific HTTP headers in the request. The desktop application must send those headers to your application or else your website should return "unauthorized access" kind of message. These headers could be like UserName and Password.
17 Jul 2011 by Abhinav S
One way to do this is to pass a secure token or key which is shared across the client or server.The algorithm that generates the key is shared across both so that the server understands the key sent by the client.This could help you get started - Client/Server Encryption plus...
11 Aug 2011 by Pankaj Chamria
I have a silverlight application which fetches data from a WCF Service hosted under a Windows Service which runs under the "Local System" account i.e. NT AUTHORITY/ SYSTEM.I have enabled Windows Authentication on this WCF service using the below in my App.config ...
11 Nov 2011 by Sudhir Kumar Srivastava lko
I solved this problem with another way,
24 Nov 2011 by Savalia Manoj M
You can try this...exTile objTilesEmail = new exTile();objTilesEmail.ImagePath = new System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage (new Uri("/Repairs;component/Themes/PurpleTheme/Images/Email.png", UriKind.Relative));
25 Nov 2011 by s_suresh2004
Hi,I have create a application in silverlight4, and i put a two buttons in main frame then when i click the first button it will navigate to the next frame and it will show the values in( like text box and datagrid, combo box), then after back to main frame then click the another button it...
29 Nov 2011 by Savalia Manoj M
I am working in Silverlight.I have created One User Control. And My Main Page I want to display that User control 6 Time which name are Pane-1,Pane-2,Pane-3,Pane-4,Pane-5,Pane-6.This Panes are Like Small Box which contain Grid Control.I want to Implement Drag and Drop Control facility. For...
1 Dec 2011 by thatraja
As an alternate, you may use crystal reportsRunning Crystal Reports from Silverlight[^]Export Crystal Reports to PDF file[^]using these(with some changes in code) you can print/view the output in PDF without viewing the crystal report.And I'm sure you can find open-source related to that
8 Dec 2011 by Savalia Manoj M
If You are use Theme then set key for combobox and also add reference of system.controls.dll in your project.May be you have not add control's Reference.Try it.
12 Dec 2011 by Savalia Manoj M
Hi....I am creating Silverlight Application. In My Application I want to add Functionality for dynamically change Themes. Like I have two Themes(Blue.xaml, Gray.xaml).And In My Home Page there are two button which is Blue and Gray. I want to Change Theme based on Button Click.Can any one...
21 Dec 2011 by Savalia Manoj M
Hi All, I am working in Silverlight. In my Silverlight Application there is One Textbox and One Popup with Listbox. When i Write any text in Textbox then my popup is open But i want to extend one more thing when i press Down Arrow Key that time i want to set focus in listbox item. I...
28 Dec 2011 by Savalia Manoj M
Use ScrollViewer for scrolling Item and In Popup add Listbox for display items and you can easily set focus on listbox's item. for eg.lstRoot.Focus();It through set focus on current scrolled item and easily up and down in listbox item.
29 Dec 2011 by NandaKumer
check these blogs[^][^]--NDK
12 Jan 2012 by Savalia Manoj M
Hi All,I am developing Silverlight application with Prism 4 and WCF RIA service.I had searched on google to get sample explaining this, but failed to get any successful output.I am confuse about how to use RIA service in PRISM Application.Please suggest any link which provide...
20 Jan 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
By default, if you keep some file open, you cannot open it again with another file handle by just using its file name; the access will be denied, and for a very good reason. It will happen by default no matter what file or stream related classes are you using: Stream, FileStream, StreamReader,...
27 Jan 2012 by Abhinav S
Have a look at the Silverlight Navigation Overview[^].There is a video tutorial on the navigation framework right here[^].This discusses[^] the framework as well.
27 Jan 2012 by Wonde Tadesse
Here is simple way to navigate from page to page.HtmlPage.Window.Navigate(new Uri("http://mysite/default.aspx"));
23 Feb 2012 by Sunasara Imdadhusen
I have created custom Textbox in Silverlight 4, MVVM and PRISM 4. The custom text box has dynamic behavior link it dynamically set TextMode to either Password or Text.This is working perfect. ( if i am bind TextMode static)
23 Feb 2012 by Sunasara Imdadhusen
Hi All,I resolved this issue using following code, I have changed PasswordTextBox class TextMode property.public Mode TextMode{ get { return _TextMode; } set { _TextMode = value; }}Topublic Mode TextMode{ get { return (Mode) GetValue(TextModeProperty); } set {...
1 Mar 2012 by Sunasara Imdadhusen
Hi All,Now i resolved issue using following code. I have replaced following linetxtTextBox.SetBinding(TextBox.VisibilityProperty, new Binding("Redactable") { Source = this, Converter = new BoolToVisibilityConverterReverse() });with this.MapBinding(RestrictedControl.ValueProperty,...
26 Mar 2012 by Ewert Bergh
An easier way to do this is to import System.Windows.Controls.Primitives and use the VisualTreeHelper Extensions GetVisualDescendants or GetVisualAncestors!e.g.:protected override OnApplyTemplate(){ base.OnApplyTemplate(); Border bor = GetVisualDescendants() ...
4 May 2012 by Sandeep Mewara
Apply styles using templates on treeview item. Here: MSDN: TreeView Styles and Templates[^]
7 May 2012 by Espen Harlinn
Have a look at WCF Data Services (Silverlight)[^]Best regardsEspen Harlinn
21 Jun 2012 by Prasad_Kulkarni
TRIGGERS & ACTIONSThink of the following sentence:When I press the button, the door opens.This sentence includes an action, the opening off the door, and a trigger that causes the action to happen, pressing the button.And that really is all an Action is: An activity in the...
29 Jun 2012 by Nathan Stiles
Okay I knew I didn't put all that work into a solution for nothing. See this answer...href tag error running on server[^]