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by Ravindra T C
How to create SVN Repository in Cloud and Configure using Ankh SVN Client
by Dan Neely
If you still have access to the SVN server, you can use SVN export to get a copy of the committed files that don't have any .svn clutter in it.
by Rick Bassham
Example of how to write a custom LogParser input plugin, using SharpSvn to query an SVN repository
by DillonRaney
How to recursively remove .svn folders

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by Michael Haephrati
How to migrate an Assembla space to Github, including Tickets, contributors, files and source code
by Jaiswar Vipin Kumar R.
In the digital world, we are in Machine Leaning Phase. Where are need to everything on lighting speed. Data storing as we need, in our custom formant, and their availability, stability should be done on finger tips with low infrastructural cost.
by Grant_Fritchey
Grant Fritchey argues that getting your databases under source control is not only vital for the stability of development and deployment, but it will make your life easier when something does go wrong.
by Dominic Burford
Versioning your .NET application with Nant and Subversion

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1 Aug 2011 by Abhinav S
You can try TortoiseSVN[^].Another tool could be DotSVN - see Accessing the Subversion repository from .NET using DotSVN[^].
1 Aug 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
One answer is SharpSvn as an interface to AnkhSVN, see:[^],[^].Maybe you can consider a pretty simple approach: use command-line Subversion client which is available in every bundle and use...
28 Jul 2013 by Mehdi Gholam
The Express versions of Visual Studio do not allow 3rd party plugins and extensions, so you can only use TortoiseSVN from windows explorer.
1 Aug 2011 by RaisKazi
Have a look at below link.[^]
23 Jul 2012 by Shelby Robertson
15 Apr 2014 by Ravindra T C
How to create SVN Repository in Cloud and Configure using Ankh SVN Client
17 Feb 2022 by Peter_in_2780
Run it through something like this: svn info | awk 'BEGIN {FS="/"} /^URL:/ {print $6 "/" $7 "/" $8}' [edit] fixed typo [/edit]
19 May 2011 by Prerak Patel
There is no way. You didn't commit your changes, and SV(and anything else) doesn't track uncommitted code. When you check out and make some changes, all those changes are local to your machine. When you revert, your local copy is being overwritten by server's copy.So, you can see, server...
10 Jul 2011 by Dan Neely
If you still have access to the SVN server, you can use SVN export to get a copy of the committed files that don't have any .svn clutter in it.
19 Oct 2011 by grafne79
Hi all,I am developing a system that requires I do some pretty big checkouts.I am using sharpSVN to achieve this and it seems to work as expected. I am hooking up to the progress event in order to display a progress bar showing the progress of the checkout. My event handler is shown...
22 Oct 2011 by Sander Rijken
For sample code on how to do this, check the OnClientProgress method in the ProgressDialog in the AnkhSVN Source Code (username is "guest", no password).There are a few oddities about the events that are generated by Subversion:TotalProgress indicates the total size of the file being...
25 Oct 2011 by Rajeshram009
Hi,I think,it has two u put the java file in form action(as )other one is sendredirect()....Thanks...
22 Nov 2011 by RaisKazi
I doubt if Tortoise-SVN has any inbuilt feature to send Email-Notification as and when Developers keeps committing their code. I personally do not prefer to have Email-Notification whenever any developer commits code to SVN. Instead you may have a look at concept of "Continuous Integration"....
20 Feb 2012 by amsga
Hi,I've been hunting around for a solution to merge two svn repositories containing the same base code but developed at two different locations. Is there a way to merge them into one repository?For example, the original repository has a revision number of 30. We made a copy of it and...
13 Apr 2012 by Mehdi Gholam
Download and use a command line client like :[^]
7 May 2012 by Joan M
Hello all, In terms of version control system I've decided to continue with subversion, after reading about GIT a lot I've thought that it can be interesting, but the industrial software that allows me to program machines is compatible only with subversion so... there is not a real choice...
15 Jul 2012 by Sandeep Mewara
I want to get that version by hook or by cookThere is no hook or cook who can bring back the deleted version. It must have confirmed from you 'Are you sure?' kinda thing. You should have seen it before pressing 'Ok'!AFAIK, there is no way to get back the deleted version. It's a repository...
28 Jan 2013 by Allgaeuer
Hello everyone,i got the problem, that i have to search for a file of a specific type( *.xxx ) within a massive 10 year wide svn history. I am not very familiar with the workings of svn. For the beginning, it would be enough to search over all repositories within the current state, and not...
28 Mar 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
This is because of that pipe symbol, which is not valid for programmatic use of the shell's process start, which requires just the application or data file:[^].Note that the pile is also not a part of command line arguments, that makes...
11 Nov 2013 by ♥…ЯҠ…♥
Hi All, Finally I got it, Tools Menu--> OptionsIn that wizard below there is one checkbox called "Show all settings", checked that optionNow all the options are listed including "Source control" options.Now I am able to change the source control in visual studio.Regards,RK
16 Nov 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
I would do all the development on some special development versions not using license files at all. If assembly signing is involved, you could also use delayed signing ( the Subversion code database, you should store...
30 Jul 2020 by Member 13927114
I have an issue where I keep getting an error No provider registered for 'svn.ssl.server' credentials I am using the same code that works on another SVN server, but a new server I setup can't seem to connect even though I can connect no...
24 Mar 2011 by Rick Bassham
Example of how to write a custom LogParser input plugin, using SharpSvn to query an SVN repository
19 May 2011 by shekhardumala
Hi,I am using visual studio with subversion svn. I was waorking on a project and some changes I commited last week.Today I made some chages again , after some time I decided to go back to my commited state and it's fine, I reverted and got to the commited items.But now I want to go...
25 Jul 2011 by thejowker
I have a project to create a portlet for Liferay, that will show all the files from the repository. it will also allow employee to download all files
1 Aug 2011 by thejowker
Can someone help me to connect to SVN repository because i need to do a project that will list all the files from the repository and allow them also to download it.Im using Visual Studio 2010 C#
2 Aug 2011 by kornakar
Yes it is. The server is listening on port 3690.Here's the SVN protocol reference[^]Here's a library that you may want to check out for sample code[^]
24 Aug 2011 by Member 7946563
Hi,I am using the SVN server for my system. Now the SVN server is stopped. When I click the start button it throws an error. I tried this from services also it throws the same error. The error message as follows:The VisualSVN Server service terminated with service-specific error...
24 Aug 2011 by CDP1802
Have you tried anything to find out what this error actually is? No? If you had searched for it at Google you would easily have found information about it like this[^]. Reading the documentation may also help.
28 Sep 2011 by skumarn
Hi,I got below error while performing MSbuild automation for application with SVN using CruiseContro.NET. Please help me to rectify this error.': SSL handshake failed: Secure connection truncated (
28 Sep 2011 by Arindam Tewary
Hi,Please refer to this posts
22 Nov 2011 by AmrutaAsbe
Hello All, I am new to SVN Tortoise the only thing right now I know is to update commit and and check log message after u right click the folder.All I want is to send email automatically to a group of people after I commit.I know we can do this in Visual Studio Team Edition....
23 Nov 2011 by Jimmanuel
The solution to this is server side, not client side - in other words the SVN Server itself needs to do this, not Tortoise. Look into "SVN Hooks": The SVN Book[^]. Google can tell you more.
1 Feb 2012 by Joan M
Hello all,In our server we are getting out of space... :((There are several things in our repositories that occupy a lot of space and that should not be there.i.e. if a cdrom has to be made for the customer this is placed inside the repository and of course, if it gets versioned,...
1 Feb 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
The nature of the Subversion storage system and probably other Revision Control System's storage is this: you can delete whatever you want, but no information is deleted, ever. This is the whole point of the system.Out of space or not… do whatever you want, but don't give up your code...
16 Feb 2012 by Nikhil_S
How to Merge Two SVN RepositoriesIf you don't care about retaining all the history of one of the repositories, you can just create a new directory under one project's repository, then import the other.If you care about retaining the history of both, then you can use 'svnadmin dump' to dump...
16 Feb 2012 by Nikhil_S
Assuming thatThe existing repositories have a structure like:repository rootbranchestagstrunkand you want a structure something like:repository rootprojectAbranchestagstrunkprojectBbranchestagstrunkThen for each of your project repositories:svnadmin dump > project.dmpThen...
13 Apr 2012 by Sreenath GVS
HI,I am using the following command in my batch file to clean up svn folder.TortoiseProc.exe /command:cleanup /path:mypath /closeonend:1 but this is showing up a commit dialog box to select the clean up option and confirmation one, which should not appear.Any help to how can I avoid...
7 May 2012 by Mehdi Gholam
Take a look at my post on Git here :[^]As for SVN, on the clients side usually TortoiseSVN is sufficient, I have used Ankhsvn and it is very good also (although it requires full VS versions and will not work on Express), choosing which is...
10 Jun 2012 by DillonRaney
How to recursively remove .svn folders
15 Jul 2012 by Mac12334
Hi allBy mistakenly in delete one version of my wincvs.Now i want to get that the graph after 1.11, 1.12 should present but i by mistakenly deleted that 1.12 version Please Please Please Help meI want to get that version by hook or by cookPlease help
23 Jul 2012 by sharp_k
When I try to create a branch in Visual Studio using AnkhSVN, it does not do anything. At first it gave me some error because path of the repository was wrong but after I fixed that, the branch is not created and it does not seem to be available in Visual Studio.Does AnkhSVN support...
10 Aug 2013 by Nirmala Sudhir
Hi I have a problem in using svn repository. When i try to update my project in svn i m getting the following error oomsys@oomsysmob-6:~/brundelre3$ svn st svn: warning:is not a working copy oomsys@oomsysmob-6:~/brundelre3$ svn up Skipped '.'I tried the things which...
10 Aug 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
This is a very usual problem. Deleting the working directory is a right idea, but in a meanwhile, you can check put the project is some other directory.You may have problem deleting ".svn" because one of Subversion processes holds some of the files. Most likely, this is TSVNCache.exe. Kill...
28 Aug 2013 by Ron Anders
Hi,I am using VisualSVN and when I commit my code the working copies code and the head revision code are the same as expected.However if I:svn info https://myserver/svn/BCRMaster/branches/NoPotSpunUpdate2/ | grep RevisionThis returns Version 581 (This is the correct head...
25 Oct 2022 by ♥…ЯҠ…♥
Hi All,I am using Visual studio 2010 ultimate, now I want to add AnkhSVN to visual studio for that I downloaded the same from internet and installed.Then only I noticed I cant find Source control option in Tools --> options menu.Only 4 options are listed below that1) General2)...
11 Nov 2013 by Albert Holguin
In case you don't happen to know this (maybe you do, maybe you don't)...There's really no need to use SVN within VisualStudio... it doesn't buy you anything and you can easily use it outside of the IDE. The IDE keeps track of when the files are updated outside of it and will ask you if...
20 Nov 2013 by Member 10416020
I was trying to migrate from TFS 2008 to visual svn. TFS2SVN 1.2 migration tool hangs when i give all details and click on convert. First time it dis svn checkout and hanged but after that on clicking on convert, Nothing really happens. Kindly let me know if any one has tried it out and been...
1 Jan 2014 by dan!sh
Please refrain from such hooks. If your code base is considerable in size, it may take a lot of time to check in based on the amount of time required to analyse.You should take a look at continuous build integration servers. These do a build and analysis in background.
17 Jan 2014 by Reshma Babu
I have multiple branches checked out from the trunk(codebase). When "svn merge" command is used for merging the branch code with the TFS, a sonar build must be triggered(using .bat file). Based on this result (errorlevel), it should be decided, whether the merge must be allowedor aborted.
17 Jan 2014 by Reshma Babu
I have create a .exe file, which calls the .bat file and runs the analysis. Based on certain error messages in the log file generated during the analysis, I will set the exit code of the .exe file. If exit 0, commit succeeds, else fails.This link helped a lot:TortoiseSVN pre-commit hook...
20 Jan 2014 by Reshma Babu
When user tries to merge the branch with the trunk, which script is run?Is there any way to replace that script by some other script? please guide me.
22 Jan 2014 by Reshma Babu
when I try to merge branch back to the trunk, a .bat script should be invoked. THis scrippt runs the sonar analysis. If build fails, merge should not be allowed. How can I do that?
1 Feb 2014 by Abdullah Qudeer
We are five people and want to work with same project .I try to use tortoise svn but I cannot access it from remote desktop.What I have to Install and How to access it from remote desktop.
9 Mar 2014 by meranaamshahul
I installed the tortoisesvn. I can do Check out and Check in process. While doing check in and checkout i have to give username and Password Authendication. if you know Let me know Friends
13 Apr 2014 by Mehdi Gholam
"Version control" is a big topic if you want to know how it works (internally) and each system is a bit different.As for usage, all you need to know is that it is somewhere where you put your code and it will keep track of changes for you and if you make a mistake you can revert back to some...
4 Jun 2014 by Mehdi Gholam
Install TortoiseSVN and use the GUI :[^]Documentation is here :[^]
1 Jul 2014 by rarcarmo
Hi there,I have a little problem and I need some help.Actually, I've a svn server running in a Windows Service. Associate to it is a repository (repo1) with several project. So far so good.Now, I've created a second Windows Service to run another svn server. And this new service is...
14 Jul 2014 by Redgate Software
If you’re thinking about adopting database source control, or have a system but aren’t using it consistently yet, here are seven tips to avoid deployment disasters.
31 Jul 2014 by resource7116
Suppose I have a html file which is been changed locally but while taking update from SVN,It also updates the whole html file.I want update of that file but want to avoid to update some lines of code of html file.There is SVN property "IGNORE" which avoid the whole html file which...
31 Jul 2014 by Bernhard Hiller
That process is called "Merging". The tools on your client may provide a GUI for that task.
28 Oct 2014 by Grant_Fritchey
Grant Fritchey argues that getting your databases under source control is not only vital for the stability of development and deployment, but it will make your life easier when something does go wrong.
6 Oct 2014 by tvelop
I want to use a repository from a server which is located in the intranet. When i try to checkout over xcode it's "unable to connect" (E175013) and when i try to update/commit from an already checked out project the "Access is forbidden" (also E175013).XCode SVN works fine over the internet...
11 Jan 2015 by tnkarthi
For example in Svn there is a file test.txt that contains 'Welcome'. Instead of exporting the file , I want data inside the file , that is 'Welcome'. Because i want to save it in Sql Server as byte.Thanks In advance.
2 Mar 2015 by JamesHadleyChase
Hi, I have recently moved to TFS 2012 from SVN.Some folders under SVN has to be partially supported for some time.Thus, the need for us here is, Some files need to flow from TFS to SVN as and when they are created/modified and checked-into TFS. A specific case would be, if a TFS...
8 May 2015 by KuntalBose
I am facing a weird problem after taking update from SVN data-set Designer.cs file generate another file with different name like test.Designer.cs after update renamed as test1.Designer.cs . I follow suggestion found[^] . but not working again its...
8 May 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
You need to commit such changes to Subversion (or any other Revision Control System) in one transaction: both files related to your test1 Solution Explorer nodes (one, the auto-generated one, will be a child of another one) and the project file. And update all tree in one transaction.You...
9 Jun 2015 by Andy Lanng
There are cmd versions of svn that you can use in this way. I have always used TortoiseSVN and use the command-line client to automate my cruise control (and I have used it with ant and nant scripts)You can find info on that...
12 Jun 2015 by Mehdi Gholam
If you are a lone developer then switch to GIT source control instead, as it does not require a "central server" and is way faster in commits. Generally use the Tortoise series of tools (tortoisesvn, tortoisegit) as it has a very user friendly interface and make things easier to work with. ...
20 Sep 2015 by Member 11744925
I'm working on android project. It was built with eclipse, I have converted it into android studio, imported and run it successfully.The problem appears when I import this project into subversion. Import process is also done without error. But when I try to checkout the same project from SVN...
22 Oct 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Pay attention that you return if directory exists. It cannot work, because if you have some uncommitted content, it is in some directory. You are not even trying to delete any files.Here is my alternative advice; sorry if it is not smart enough and might be not efficient enough: delete all...
4 Nov 2015 by Edgar Ursua
Hi! I am new in creating hooks on SVN. Is there anyone who knows how to limit size of the file(s) before being committed to SVN? Appreciate your help and thank you so much! Regards,Edgar
16 Nov 2015 by GetReQ
Hi all,I'm interested in learning what is considered best practise within a repository that contains a project that requires several independent developer licence files for building and publishing the solution. The licence files (*.licx) are needed for the components/tools used within the...
28 Jun 2016 by mando_mom
Dave, Sergey, Thank you for your reply. It's one thing to remove a requirement; it's quite another for VS to invasively strip characters out of legacy (i.e. VERY OLD) code, making the version control system jump into high alert. So I am really looking for a way to turn this feature off....
1 Dec 2017 by OriginalGriff
SVN is a Source Version Control system - it holds and let's you "download" source code, not executables. Once you have downloaded source, you can compile it using the appropriate compiler. Depending on what language the code is written in, you will need to install the relevant compiler. For VB,...
14 Mar 2018 by Menci Lucio
Hi all, I have to switch and merge my project from a branch to the trunk and vice versa, but tortoise says me: Cannot merge into a working copy with a switched subtree. I working in a project with about 400 subfolders. I know that I made some switches into some subfolders, but I cannot...
14 Mar 2018 by Menci Lucio
I found the sqlite file, I made a query to it
2 Oct 2019 by Christopher Fernandes
I currently use Visual SVN for managing my project in visual studio 2012. I have around 8 repos in the server. Revision history of the project range from 7 to 72. I just recently backed up the working copy of each project on my external hard drive. My project server for some reason wont boot up...
2 Mar 2020 by Member 9926303
Hi, I have an ABC.XML where i will have an attribute called SVN revision and i need to get SVN revision number dynamically updated to this attribute whenever i commit ABC>XML to SVN. I am using tortoise SVN. Thanks What I have tried: Nothing...
2 Mar 2020 by Richard MacCutchan
Use one of the SVN keywords; Revision gets updated automatically. See[^]
2 Mar 2020 by penguin007
Hello all, How can I setup open source SVN server in Windows server 2012 R2, 64-Bit and Tortoise SVN client. I'm trying to setup SVN server but I didn't find any documentation. Any suggestions? What I have tried: ...
2 Mar 2020 by DaveAuld
Under Windows, before I used github, I used to use VisualSVN server VisualSVN Server | Subversion Server for Windows[^] You maybe want to give that a try.
1 Jul 2020 by Member 11632634
I am in the scenario where multiple projects need to be created in a team, suppose 10 or more projects in a month. So which will be the best version control software (for VisualS.) where Creating and managing multiple projects will be more...
1 Jul 2020 by RickZeeland
I would recommend Git, see: best-version-control-systems[^] It certainly is not easier than SVN, but much better especially with large projects where you want "rollback" functionality. You can use visual tools to work with Git which can make...
7 Jul 2020 by Member 14648737
I am trying to merge different branches into the trunk branch. I want to check if a conflict exists before merging the branches. If there is a conflict with a branch that merge operation will not be carried out. How can I achieve this? What I...
7 Jul 2020 by Garth J Lancaster
I think you can do this args.Conflict += new EventHandler​(args_Conflict)​; where args_Conflict is static void args_Conflict(object sender, SvnConflictEventArgs e) { // Do Something with the conflict // - does this...
14 Feb 2022 by ravithejag
I am trying to connect to SVN via Visual Studio 2019 and the .NET 5 framework. My requirement is to get the list of repos under SVN. I am able to move the repo from one SVN repo to other, then upload the code to SVN. All the mentioned items have...
14 Feb 2022 by M Imran Ansari
Your SharpSvn dlls are not getting resolved properly. Check the dlls you are using and Target Framework. If you are targeting to x86, use the x86 dll, or if your target is x64 then use the x64 dll to resolve this issue. If you are getting this...
16 Feb 2022 by Member 14030165
So I have a svn repo URL like this-- svn info Path: . URL: svn://xyz-repo/svn/ccsmp/branches/features/cre40_jenkins Repository Root: svn://xyz-repo/svn/ccsmp Repository UUID: 5de8f2f4-0d3b-0410-8f2c-d418a2640d16 Revision: 23430 I want to grab...
12 Apr 2022 by Christopher Fernandes
I have an ASP.Net Web Forms project under which the BO, BL, DA class files are stored in the App_Code folder. I just recently added 3 class libraries to the project namely(projectBO, projectBL, projectDA) I use VisualSVN for version control with...
29 Nov 2023 by Sascha Manns
Currently i have a problem while migrating a svn repo to git. I followed the documentation on Git - Migration zu Git[^] So i used git svn clone https://srvserver/svn/Produktion/VB/VS2017/EmailVersand --prefix "" --no-metadata --authors-file...
29 Nov 2023 by Maciej Los
I'd suggest to read this: Migrate from Subversion (SVN) to Git - Azure Repos | Microsoft Learn[^] There's few steps to do: - Prepare a migration environment - Convert the source SVN repository to a local Git repository - Advanced migrations -...
30 Sep 2019 by Michael Haephrati
How to migrate an Assembla space to Github, including Tickets, contributors, files and source code
19 Mar 2011 by Joan M
How to delete all the .svn folders using a simple batch file
18 Jul 2014 by Alexander Sharykin
Creates activity charts for SVN repositories
22 Apr 2013 by Prasad Khandekar
Hello,Subversion Edge should actually work for you. However if you want to go pure OpenSource way then follow the instruction (Windows 32-bit Platform Only)Grab Apache HTTPD 2.4 from here[^]Next Grab SVN from here[^]Open in say 7-zip[^]. Extract the folder named...
14 Oct 2013 by Rion Williams
How to merge smarter with Semantic Merge.
24 Mar 2014 by GWallis
This hook validates code with StyleCop before or after they are checked in to ensure they conform to validation rules.
3 Jun 2014 by Matthew Dennis
Migrating CodeProject's source code repositories from SVN to Workspaces::GitMachine. Despite having a non-standard layout for the SVN repository, migrating the code and history was a simple process