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SQL Reporting Serivces 2008


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by SujayC
This is a very basic chart example, and wouldn't require much brain storming. This is to show how easy it is to create reports in SSRS.
by inishant12
Using SSRS report, generate the PDF, save it into DB and send it through mail using C#

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by inishant12
Using SSRS report, generate the PDF, save it into DB and send it through mail using C#
by SujayC
This is a very basic chart example, and wouldn't require much brain storming. This is to show how easy it is to create reports in SSRS.

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SQL Reporting Serivces 2008 

19 Aug 2015 by OriginalGriff
You can't use variables across GO:[^] - it effectively starts a new SQL "session"."The scope of local (user-defined) variables is limited to a batch, and cannot be referenced after a GO command."
19 Mar 2019 by David_Wimbley
This has been done plenty before, but here is a link to get you started. When we click on a button, SEND EMAIL with SSRS report[^] This is an answer i provided in the past. If you are still stuck, i suggest you research how to make server side calls from HTML on button click using either...
9 Dec 2014 by ZurdoDev
The url should repeat the parameters instead of delimiting it.So, your url should be http://inggfdsfyz/ReportServer/Pages/ReportViewer.aspx?%2fMonitorReport%2fFinalReport&CountryID=2628&Stateid=2&CityId=346&CityId=7
16 Jan 2015 by deepakdynamite
You cannot do this directly in SSRS. but there is a work around if you wish to proceed.1. generate your files in folder.2. create SSIS Package and add script task.3. write C# code to program your needs on each file.oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")oExcel.Visible =...
22 Oct 2015 by Alex Lush
Hi,I'm looking to concatenate results in a SQL report into a single line of text.I have a table of data:==================Description | Path==================test1 | C:\test.pdftest2 | C:\test2.pdf What I'm after in a SSRS report is a list of these with...
24 Feb 2016 by CHill60
The IsNothing function will only work if a row has been returned. Your problem is that there is nothing to return (and therefore nothing for the function to work on).You could use a stored procedure that does something like IF EXISTS (select * from table3) SELECT id, datum FROM...
25 Jul 2018 by Richard MacCutchan
Of course it returns an error, the string is not in a double format. You must first convert it to a time value, then use the number of seconds to convert that to a double. You also need to be sure that a double value will actually be the best option for whatever you are trying to do with this value.
4 Apr 2019 by CHill60
You can write a cusom renderer or use a third-party library like Aspose as suggested here[^] - using Aspose requires a little more effort than just changing your device info and it's not cheap. Although if you were trying to update your config can we assume you have already purchased it? In...
23 Feb 2020 by Maciej Los
Please, read this: Lesson 6: Adding Grouping and Totals (Reporting Services) - SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) | Microsoft Docs[^]
1 Apr 2022 by CHill60
In the absence of any sample data, start by addressing these points. -- 100.dbo.IS_vwSalesbyProductLineComp is not a valid SQL identifier. SQL Identifiers must start with a letter or underscore -- you don't need to qualify the table name in...
30 Nov 2014 by roshni gupta
I am calling .rdl report from aspx page. Below is the code-:MyReportViewer.ProcessingMode = Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ProcessingMode.Remote; MyReportViewer.ShowCredentialPrompts = true; MyReportViewer.ServerReport.ReportServerUrl = new...
4 Dec 2014 by mudgilsks
Dear Sir,I have Create Reports Using SSRS.Now I want to integrate these reports in my Project.Now I have Problem in getting Reporting Server credential dynamically and pass to report viewer to generate report.My application DB and Reporting Server on same Machine...
6 Dec 2014 by /\jmot
How I Integrate SSRS Reports In VB.NET Project .[^]
7 Dec 2014 by roshni gupta
I am calling .rdl report from aspx page. Below is the code-: MyReportViewer.ProcessingMode = Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ProcessingMode.Remote; MyReportViewer.ShowCredentialPrompts = true; MyReportViewer.ServerReport.ReportServerUrl = new Uri(@"http://ingsdfsdfgfd/Reports");...
7 Dec 2014 by KaushalJB
Please refer this links :1. AppPool Permission Issue with Accessing Report Server2. The permissions granted to user ' are insufficient for performing this operation. (rsAccessDenied)"}
9 Dec 2014 by roshni gupta
When i try accessing below ssrs link i get errorhttp://inggfdsfyz/ReportServer/Pages/ReportViewer.aspx?%2fMonitorReport%2fFinalReport&CountryID=2628&Stateid= 2&CityId=346,7Here two values are passed for parameter cityidBelow is the error i get-;An error has occurred during...
13 Dec 2014 by TAUSEEF KALDANE
Hello Friends... i m developing report using SSRS 2008. When i try to export report without deploying the project on reportserver. It's working properly. After Deploying project on reportserver and accessing it through report server, a report getting displayed but when i try to export it in...
15 Dec 2014 by TAUSEEF KALDANE
Hello Friends....i m using SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition. Using this i have created some reports and deployed them on server. At the time of development, when we click on export button. An excel report with data generated properly. but after deployment of the project. when we tried on...
29 Dec 2014 by Furqan Sehgal
I am trying to display image from database in my SSRS report. The report has two datasets. For all text boxes etc. I have added value expression as below:=First(Fields!Branding4Tx.Value, "dsPrintOData_tblProdOrders")But when I do this in the value field of image box, it return an...
7 Jan 2015 by Ajay Shedge
Hello Friends, I create SSRS report in but when exported SSRS to pdf.the whole data gets disturbed. some goes to next page and the rest loses their allignment. And also I run blank SSRS report and export it in pdf the pdf file create two blank pages. Please help me and give...
15 Jan 2015 by Iris Shing
There are many reports we have to generate every month and half of them have to set freeze panel, filter, format...etc. We do it by ourself every time after we generate the report, but it is a lot of work to do. So I have write a macro for some of the report, but it is not enough to reduce the...
22 Jan 2015 by roshni gupta
I have to convert rdl reports to rdlc (Visual studio 2008)I have got below link[^]Getting below error on following this linkThe report definition is not valid. Details: The report definition has an invalid target...
22 Jan 2015 by deepakdynamite
Hope this helps:Using Custom Data Source to create RDLC Reports[^]
27 Jan 2015 by roshni gupta
How to create a oracle datasource, dataset and how to connect this datasource(dataset) to report viewer report.I have created a dataset with xsd extension. But i am not able to choose the same from report viewer--> choose datasource ( choose datasource window is blank) showing no...
27 Jan 2015 by deepakdynamite
Check this out :[^][^]
27 Jan 2015 by roshni gupta
I am trying to convert rdl report to rdlc reports using below link[^]Below is the error i got doing the same. Please advise.The Report Viewer Web Control HTTP Handler has not been registered in the application's...
27 Jan 2015 by deepakdynamite
Try out :[^]
29 Jan 2015 by Gideon van Dyk
Use the following in your code:Round(417.504, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)
29 Jan 2015 by Sujith Karivelil
For rounding you can use any of the following method: Dim n As Double = 417.506 '
10 Feb 2015 by Member 10578683
Hi,in this query the month field repeats in my ssrs report. I want to show distinct months. I want to show all the details month wise. how to do kindly help.SELECT DATENAME(MONTH, Date) AS MONTH, GatePassNo, Product_name, SerialNo, Customer_Name, Customer_Location, count( (CASE...
13 Feb 2015 by Member 11451380
Hi,While trying to extract reports from report server , i am getting an error as below:Can anybody please help me to find out an answer / solution for this error?Render report failed with an exception.Rendering report '*****'.in format '*** CSV'(Name : '*****CSV').SSRS returned: ...
19 Feb 2015 by Shridhar Gowda
Hi,I have many SSRS report deployed in Developer environment. One of them is called master report is not able to get into ReportViewer control in ASP.NET. I added ScriptManager. This report can be viewed directly without any error but why not on ReportViewer? All other report working...
22 Feb 2015 by Member 11463127
Hi have a requirement i want to convert my ssrs report as an interactive PDF.I tried some approaches but they dident help pls help me out with this.
23 Feb 2015 by Shridhar Gowda
Error was, One of the input parameter was sending XML data to Report. Since any input in tag() is considered as potentially dangerous, It was throwing error. I need to disable this securuty check in aspx page's Register tag. and version change in web.configue...
25 Feb 2015 by Member 10908486
I have a dataset with with 2 columns title and measureExampleShift Measure Day 1000Evening 335n/a 1234Night 5678Rotating 111Variable 222on my report I wrote a Switch Expression to change the label but how do I change to correct...
6 Mar 2015 by Member 10476757
Hi good day,Iam using SSRS 2008 for reports iam having wierd situation where print preview 'Sum' is different from print My custom code is Public Total_lookup_Sum As Decimal= 0Public Function Lookup_Sum(ByVal value As Decimal)As Decimal Total_lookup_Sum =...
19 Sep 2019 by Member 11006077
Hi Friends,i have got project related to BIDs, but i know knowledge of "SQL Server 2008 R2 and Visual Studio 2008 SP1"i want learn how to install the BIds and why they are using BIDSi have one doubt, for every application UI And Database is enough right But why they are using...
9 Mar 2015 by CHill60
The install[^]Tutorial[^]Quote:why they are using BIDS... You'll have to ask them!
10 Mar 2015 by Member 10041566
The exporting process will take an exceptional long time to prompt user to save the Excel file and once it finishes downloading, it takes yet another exceptional long time to open up the Excel file. Can anything be done to rectify this slow Excel rendering issue???Another thing that I have...
17 Mar 2015 by Shail Mishra
I have a Textbox with some text, i want half of then in different size, how it is possible..?eg. Text in Different Size.
19 Mar 2015 by rajshreelande
HEllo ,while generating a report i m getting two vertical scroll bar instead of one in internet exlporer,,,Please Help me to solve this problem.
31 Mar 2015 by comred
Hi,Is there any way to customize SSRS report's background to an image.Manually we can do this by editing body properties but I want it to do programmatically so that user can dynamically decides which background to be apply.Any snippet for the same if any.Any article or hints...
31 Mar 2015 by Joan Magnet
Use a parameter and set image Value at runtime.
2 Apr 2015 by Member 11481491
Hi Guys ,I need little help to create one package which will cover the below step.Upload 33 raw data in sql server using SSIS1. In SSIS i have to create one column which will help me identify the raw data.2. Then I will upload it in Sql Server.3. Generate 2 reports(1 reports form...
2 Apr 2015 by Member 11246535
Hello,Need help.I need to display image in ssrs report by giving file path so that when i change the image in the file path, image should also change in the report.So I wrote a expression file:E:\automate\mails\image1.jpg.This works fine in BIDS (preview), But gives the following...
2 Apr 2015 by Solai Raja
you can't give local image path to the Report server. Because the image will not available on the hosted report server.1. need to attached/add your image into the .rdl file2. Deploy the report in to report server3. Then only it will be shown, from report server.
7 Apr 2015 by soumyaraj
Hi All,When I created an SSRS report using sqlserver Business Intelligence development studio sqlserver 2008R2 and when try to deploy, the following error is coming.The feature: "Shared dataset" is not supported in this edition of Reporting Services.I would be grateful if you could...
10 Apr 2015 by SujayC
This is a very basic chart example, and wouldn't require much brain storming. This is to show how easy it is to create reports in SSRS.
10 Apr 2015 by Member 11597531
Hi,I create a report with SSRS 2008 in this format : year Data 2010 2011 2012 hp 14 25 30 Dell 17 18 20what i need when i create the report i want to have another column with the last value concatenation with the last minus...
15 Nov 2019 by Yassir Cool
HiI need some help with expressions.I need a report that shows calcul of a field for current year as well as previous year respecting this rule expression(Last-Last Previous)/Last Previous*100 (I work with MDX Query and i work with SSRS 2008).Also the report runs on a Year Parameter....
19 Apr 2015 by DEbopm
I have the below SQL Query and I want to Calculate the WTD, MTD and YTD sales figure using this and only group by the store codes - declare @DateFrom datetime , @dateTo datetimeset...
19 Apr 2015 by Homero Rivera
Since YTD is the longest span, you must use YTD span in your WHERE clause.So your variables at top should be:declare @DateFrom datetime , @dateTo datetime set @datefrom = dateadd(mm, -month({fn curdate()})+1, {fn curdate()}) /*down to January*/set @datefrom = dateadd(dd,...
3 May 2015 by Mahesh MSBI
Hi All,When ever I run SSRS 2012 Report from Report Manager getting the below error"Report processing has been canceled by the user. (rsProcessingAborted) ",This is happening for most of the reports and could you please let me know what would be the root cause.Also the reports...
5 May 2015 by Member 11039257
I'm just Exporting SSRS report to CSV format,where i'm getting extra commas at end of each record asCSV Format:274,98027,Issaquah274,502097814,M43849,SO43849,44082,SO44082,44508,SO44508,44532,SO44532,The extra comma appearing at end of rows in "CSV format",for the rows which...
5 May 2015 by Mehdi Gholam
That is the correct output, since csv is a text format and denotes null values by outputting nothing (blank) hence the comma blank for the last columns value.
11 May 2015 by Member 11039257
You can look into the log files to have more details:C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS12.\Reporting Services\LogFiles
14 May 2015 by F-ES Sitecore
The link\form that requests your action needs to specify it is to open in a new window\tab, you can't do it from your server code, so add the relevant "target" to the relevant link\form.View report
23 May 2015 by aassaahh
Hi,I have a web page which a textbox where user enter invoice no. and press a show button A SSRS report is then displayed to the user which has a header like inv_no, address ,name etc and details of that invoice is show down to the header in the tabular format.,I was sucessfully able to...
24 May 2015 by rajshreelande
Hello,I m Getting this error while dislaying filters for ssrs report before report genrationAssembly 'AjaxControlToolkit, Version=3.5.40412.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=28f01b0e84b6d53e' does not contain a Web resource with name 'jqueryPLease help me about to solve this issue
25 May 2015 by Member 10833473
I have a SSISpackage which have 10 execute sql tasks, which loads data into the 10 tabales. Using these 10 tables, I loaddata into 2 tables. These 2 tables are using to generate reports using SSRS. So we have creatad SSRS package which will generate report. So here what we are doing is we are...
31 May 2015 by Asanka Perera
I have a report which has hidden column in between visible columns. When the report is exported as an excel file. These hidden columns appear as merged columns with visible columns. Is there anyway to hide these columns from excel view as well ? By hide, I mean not to even display as merged...
3 Jun 2015 by RossMW
The short answer is no. This is the way the export function operates.However. It is possible to modify the report to avoid these problems. See How_to_eliminate_merged_and_hidden_cells_issue_from_excel_export[^]Merged cells can also occur in report headers where the field is larger...
8 Jun 2015 by Member gok
Hi All,I want to freeze the header in SSRS. But i dont have any grouping field in the Report. Is it possible to do it ??
22 Jun 2015 by Luca Proserpio
I have the same problem :(If you find a solution, can you post it on this page?
24 Jun 2015 by Member 10232867
Hello, I am creating SSRS report for my project.When I select drop-down parameter Select Institution(s) or Select Author Name(s) parameter with option Select All then drop-down shows all Institutions name and All Author names in it.But I need only it shows Select All option as selected...
6 Jul 2015 by Kaushikhalvadiya
Hi,I am developing one software in which I am storing information in SQL Db in Gujarati.Based on information stored in Db, I have also provided facility of SSRS Report.In SSRS, report display fine in Gujarati, but when I export it in pdf using built-in facility of SSRS, Gujarati font...
7 Jul 2015 by alok0000
Hello Friends,I am developing a report in SSRS 2008 R2 for the FIRST Time. Can anyone please help me how to customize Export, FIND, NEXT button of SSRS report Header and their name?E.G - Label Find , I have to mention it as Search etc.I tried through online but no luck.
16 Jul 2015 by NarVish
Hi,I'm facing problem with unwanted page breaks between two text boxes in my SSRS report. first testbox contains sub header(left-aligned), "Summary". second text box contains comments. maximum limit is 10000 characters. When I googeld, I found the below calcualtions to consider. I corrected...
17 Jul 2015 by NarVish
It worked by Changing the property of textbox. Property:"KeepTogether", Value:False. It shown the paragraphs in pdf file as desired without any blank area.
28 Jul 2015 by mmuutthhuu
1. Having a grid with n rows and n number of columns2. Each row having reference to different table3. If the first row having value it should bring the value from table 14. If the second row is having value it should bring the value from table 2Conditions5. We don’t know how many rows...
3 Aug 2015 by Biswabid Rath
Hi,I am creating a subreport and trying to load the child report dynamically.e.g :it should not be loaded on the 1st will get loaded once i click on the required field in the master report.For example:if i will click on country name column in Row 2 then child report...
3 Aug 2015 by Ben J. Boyle
As far as I can tell Microsoft do not specify a limit for either datasets or subreports, so I suspect that performance may be your biggest roadblock.
3 Aug 2015 by SujayC
You may use Action property of one of the cell containing country name and then call sub-report by passing appropriate parameter. Visit this link for further info SSRS – Drilldown Reports[^]Regards,Sujay C.
19 Aug 2015 by Zoltán Zörgő
You could enable SQLCMD mode::setvar myvar 10declare @aid int = $(myvar);select @aidgodeclare @aid int = $(myvar);select @aidOr simply::setvar myvar 10select $(myvar)goselect $(myvar)This is an other approach:declare @aid int = 10create table #vars(aid...
24 Aug 2015 by Amrut Bishnu
Hi All, I am facing a difficulty when I try to access larger SSRS reports(hosted in another server) from my application(different server). I have a report server(SSRS), an application server(IIS) and a database(Sql server).When I try to open reports in application, it calls ssrs...
8 Sep 2015 by navi_s_Patil
Hi I want to show all months on X axis irrespective of the data present or not. If date is missing it should simply give value as 0 but show the month name label on the axis.Like here, Sep is missing as no data is...
10 Sep 2015 by Member 11976229
ssrs field value changes from 0 to 0.0000000 when exported to excel.Please share the solution for this
21 Sep 2015 by OriginalGriff
If you are trying to return the names of the columns, then try:SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = 'MyTable'If you are trying to pass a column name into an SQL SELECT command as a variable, then you can do it directly if the table name is fixed:DECLARE...
22 Sep 2015 by sanprets
Hello,I am in utter confusion. I have windows form based SSRS reports which seem to render correctly on my laptop. The printed content of the report takes up the entire width and the height of the page.However, the same report when viewed on my Microsoft surface tablet takes up 50 to 60...
15 Oct 2015 by mohammedGhouse
Hi Any once please can help me out how to play a video files in SSRS Report if not possible any other solution
16 Oct 2015 by ZurdoDev
No, it does not support embedding a video in it directly. You can; however, put a hyperlink to a video.
23 Oct 2015 by Daniel Miller
I have run into a similar problem many times before, so I created a custom SQL aggregate function to solve it. Let me know if you find this article helpful.Concatenating Strings with a Custom SQL Aggregate Function[^]
30 Oct 2015 by Sandeep Mogaveer
Data and Expected Result below[^]Please check the picture file attached. I want to get distinct sum of a column(Promotion Amount) based on another column(Promotion Name). At SSRS. Cannot do this grouping sum at t-sql Level .. Need to be done in SSRS only.. through expression.Thanks in Advance
31 Oct 2015 by SanthoshBabu Mahimairaj
Hello,you Can achieve this adding a ROW_NUMBER() function my SQL queryIN SQL :SELECT PromotionName,PromotionAmount, Spent, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY PromotionName ORDER BY PromotionName ASC) AS Rank FROM TableIN SSRS :=SUM(IIF(Rank = 1, PromotionAmount.Value, 0))
11 Nov 2015 by touseef4pk
I have a scenario where I have to show total in column of a SSRS report. I asked had this questions on stack overflow but got no answer. reply if you have solution for this
2 Dec 2015 by Member 12181291
How to set up ssrs subscription for 10th of every month, which contain only 10 days data.I have 2 parameter From_date and To_date but i don't want to hard cord the dates.Please help me.Thanks
4 Dec 2015 by Frankie-10589807
Good day to you all, please i need a help with the following:I get the following error: "column is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the group by clause when i ran the query;SELECT CardType, Sum(Amount) AS TotalFROM...
15 Dec 2015 by Member 11337367
I am using ssrs in that am not able to find shared datasets menu in solution explorer using 2008 visual studio..
18 Dec 2015 by Jeffrey Binnig
I am upgrading a VB6 winforms Crystal Report application to VB.NET winforms, SSRS RDLC report application. We are attempting to use group variables to store aggregate group values. We can create the group variables, but they are not visible in the expression for a cell in the group. They also...
5 Jan 2016 by bjay tiamsic
Hi. Can someone help me create a sample certificate (e.g cert of employment) using SSRS. I'm having a hard time formatting it like in MS Word.Thanks!
12 Jan 2016 by bjay tiamsic
Is it possible to place ALWAYS a subreport in a new page? Doesnt matter if the main report has no record or whatever.
9 Feb 2016 by Soumya363
I have created a SSRS report and added a subscription to it.My query is I want to run this report/subscription based on some condition(It will check one flag in a database table).Can you please suggest how will I achieve this ???What I have tried:I have created a report and added...
17 Feb 2016 by King Fisher
Hi,How do i change the cell background color based on result in SSRS?But, i didnt get the background color ,i got the color code in that cell as a text.What I have tried:The belo expression I have used,but didnt get the expected result.=IIF(Fields!RESULT.Value = "NOT_FEED", "Red",...
17 Feb 2016 by Nigam,Ashish
These are the steps:1-Right Click on Textbox and then click Properties2-Select Fill Tab.3-Click on Backgound color Expression 4-then write express=IIF(Fields!RESULT.Value = "NOT_FEED",ColorForTrue, ColorForFalse)
17 Feb 2016 by Manas_Kumar
Go to properties of cell and choose background color. Then go for expression and use code:=IIF(Fields!RESULT.Value = "NOT_FEED", "Red", "Green")Below link may help you:Data Driven Colored Text for Reporting Services Reports[^]
15 Mar 2016 by Vijaykumar Vadnal
I have an requirement which has multiple output using dataset in SSRS. I want to show first table first row in columnar(horizontal) and respectively I want to show its child(multiple transaction) records in the table within the same page.The output which I was looking for something like...
22 Feb 2016 by Vivek.anand34
I have designed matrix table in ssrs, all items are displayed in columns and counts are displayed in rows.. I need sum of all items in final row i.e, footer.My problem is:1. sum of all items values displayed in all columns.2. sum of all items values displayed in every groups. but i need...
24 Feb 2016 by Member 11931581
We have a SSRS report which shows the result of a dataset in a tablix. If the query in the dataset returns no data, the header of the Tablix gets displayed but not the tablix cells below the header. I know there is a property to NoRowMessage, but in fact it is not what we want. Because when I...
4 Mar 2016 by Member 12348965
You cannot have multiple datasets in one table.Instead of using multiple datasets you join the two and then group the results in SSRS.the Following link should help you with this:Lesson 6: Adding Grouping and Totals (Reporting Services)[^]