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Great Reads

by Christian Vos
SOLID principles: The Liskov Principle, a simple example in C#
by Gaurav Aroraa
In our previous posts we learned ‘What is S.O.L.I.D. Programming Principles and a detailed explanation with code of Single Responsibility Principle, Open/closed Principle, Liskov Substitution Principle and Interface Segregation Principle.
by Gaurav Aroraa
In our previous posts we learned ‘What is S.O.L.I.D. Programming Principles and a detailed explanation with code of Single Responsibility Principle, Open/closed Principle and Liskov Substitution Principle.
by harleydk
SOLID principles, in layman's terms: Liskov Substitution

Latest Articles

by Bohdan Stupak
A look at what dynamic polymorphism is and how it is crucial to mastering OOP
by harleydk
SOLID Principles, in Layman's Terms: Single Responsibility
by RM Shahidul Islam Shahed
This article will walk you through the basic understanding of DI, why DI, code example and creation of ASP.NET Core MVC web application by using .NET Core built-in DI.
by L. Michael
This article provides a concrete example of a very simple and lightweight – yet useful – domain services library.

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11 Nov 2018 by Christian Vos
SOLID principles: The Liskov Principle, a simple example in C#
16 Oct 2014 by Gaurav Aroraa
In our previous posts we learned ‘What is S.O.L.I.D. Programming Principles and a detailed explanation with code of Single Responsibility Principle, Open/closed Principle, Liskov Substitution Principle and Interface Segregation Principle.
16 Oct 2014 by Gaurav Aroraa
In our previous posts we learned ‘What is S.O.L.I.D. Programming Principles and a detailed explanation with code of Single Responsibility Principle, Open/closed Principle and Liskov Substitution Principle.
10 Feb 2014 by harleydk
SOLID principles, in layman's terms: Liskov Substitution
27 Oct 2016 by OriginalGriff
We do not do your homework: it is set for a reason. It is there so that you think about what you have been told, and try to understand it. It is also there so that your tutor can identify areas where you are weak, and focus more attention on remedial action.And interview tests count as...
27 Oct 2016 by sifiso.m
You need to read up about Web APIs. They are not difficult to setup. It will help you going forward.
26 Aug 2019 by phil.o
Articles Posting/Update Guidelines[^] Here it is.
26 Aug 2019 by OriginalGriff
To add to what phil.o says, have a look here as well: Using the Article Editor (without losing your hair in handfuls)[^] - it has some info on how to do treh more complicated bits.
7 Dec 2020 by Richard MacCutchan
revarray(a,0,n); // change to n - 1 The last element of an array is at offset n - 1, not n.
7 Dec 2020 by Dave Kreskowiak
Array elements are numbered 0 through n-1. So if you have an array of 10 elements, they are numbered 0 through 9. You have to keep that in mind when you write your code.
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Sometimes you need custom paging and sorting of a Gridview. So I wanted to share the ASP.NET code for all.Write this code on Client Side (Aspx
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Hello Friends Here we have a javascript and CSS code to create a light weight popupson Code Behind
25 May 2014 by Member 10836349
Ok. Thx.I'll try to use all your hinds and send my new Code after i changed it.
8 May 2017 by Truecolors
I am reading and learning on how an application project could be designed better by following the SOLID and CRAP principles. I am quite comfortable in understanding the CRAP principles. However, while researching, I came across the concept of Onion architecture and I am having difficulty...
8 May 2017 by CHill60
If anything I believe Onion helps enforce the "S" (Single Responsibility), and because of the interfaces or contracts between the layers it strongly supports both the "L" (Liskov substitution) and the "I" (Interface segregation). Like most environments, frameworks and theories the "O"...
30 May 2017 by larsp777
So I have been learning about SOLDID-principles. The I states that you should not have unnecessary methods. In SOLID I stands for Interface Segregation principle. But do you need an interface to apply this method? Isn't it the same for a class? What I have tried: I have checked other...
30 May 2017 by F-ES Sitecore
Interfaces make applying this easier but it's not required. You can achieve this using inheritance and classes that have a narrower scope of methods. However to do properly interfaces makes it a lot easier.
17 Feb 2019 by Richard MacCutchan
Sorry, but no one here is going to do your homework for you.
7 Dec 2020 by CPallini
Probably you are doing it as an exercise on C-like arrays. Anyway I make you aware that C++ provides containers and iterators #include #include #include using namespace std; int main() { int n; cout
26 Aug 2021 by OriginalGriff
While we are more than willing to help those that are stuck, that doesn't mean that we are here to do it all for you! We can't do all the work, you are either getting paid for this, or it's part of your grades and it wouldn't be at all fair for...
30 Jun 2022 by i_syed2000
I need some validation and thoughts from members on this forum. I'm working on research case for my area of the application (we are micros services based) to make sure that two users can not perform the same operation at the same time. ...
30 Jun 2022 by Greg Utas
I used to develop in-house application frameworks, and this is exactly what I did. I would read the specs for what was being developed in the upcoming release and then implement components that I thought could be used by more than one...
4 Jan 2023 by OriginalGriff
While we are more than willing to help those that are stuck, that doesn't mean that we are here to do it all for you! We can't do all the work, you are either getting paid for this, or it's part of your grades and it wouldn't be at all fair for...
29 Jun 2013 by Christian Vos
SOLID principles: The Open Closed Principle, a simple example in C#
27 Jun 2023 by Bohdan Stupak
A look at what dynamic polymorphism is and how it is crucial to mastering OOP
23 Feb 2019 by L. Michael
This article provides a concrete example of a very simple and lightweight – yet useful – domain services library.
14 Jul 2015 by Pranay Rana
SOLID principles are related with the design and maintenance of software system.
27 Jan 2014 by Shivprasad koirala
In this article we will try to understand SOLID Architecture principles using simple C# examples.
23 Apr 2013 by Jon Woo
I am writing this article to demonstrate how to build an application from scratch using SOLID principles and common design patterns
23 Nov 2016 by Mohammed Hameed
This is a general code review checklist and guidelines for C# developers, which will serve as a reference point for development.
10 Feb 2014 by harleydk
SOLID Principles, in Layman's Terms: Open/Closed
10 Feb 2014 by harleydk
SOLID Principles, in Layman's Terms: Interface Segregation
26 Oct 2014 by Gaurav Aroraa
Earlier, I was thinking that learning of Object Oriented Programming (OOPs) is enough to write robust, scalable and re-usable application/program.
18 Apr 2016 by debashishPaul
A tip for getting the most out of your refactoring practice
9 Feb 2021 by harleydk
SOLID Principles, in Layman's Terms: Single Responsibility
26 Aug 2015 by markmnl
Error handling often brings down an otherwise good design, this article offers an approach to standardize and simplify your error handling particularly in SOLID applications.
22 Feb 2016 by Marla Sukesh
Explanation about Liskov Substitution Principle
27 May 2015 by Arup Banerjee
The project is a simple Temperature Converter WPF Application which will allow user to convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice versa. The objective however is to demonstrate techniques that are important when building large-scale front-end enterprise software.
16 Jun 2013 by Adam Tibi
We are used to repeat the SOLID principles, sometimes without giving them full thoughts. This is a call to drop an outdated principle that doesn't work in today's development, the "Open Close Principle", the result should be SLID.
12 Mar 2016 by Arkadiusz Kaɫkus
Code Contracts provide tools to explicitly define assumptions about method parameters and by static code analysis help to find bugs before they will appear in the runtime. This article demonstrates usage of Code Contracts.
9 Aug 2015 by Gaurav Aroraa
The SOLID programming principles are not new, unfortunately I wasn’t aware of these principles. In this article, we will discuss all five principles and use a code to work with these principles.
30 Jul 2017 by HoangMinh Nguyen
This is an alternative for "SOLID architecture principles using simple C# examples"
14 May 2017 by Habibur Rony
Application design - a post mortem of a bad design
24 Nov 2016 by Vaibhav M Nalwad
How to create dynamic instances using custom attributes with constructor values
15 Aug 2017 by Vaibhav M Nalwad
Resolving Dependencies via Attributes and Reflection
16 Oct 2018 by Arlo Weston
Using the decorator pattern in WinForms, VB.NET
22 May 2014 by Member 10836349
Hello together,i've got a problem with this Code.I cant get the material property out of a part in a assembly. Could anyone help me pls to fix this?using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Threading.Tasks;using...
13 Oct 2019 by RM Shahidul Islam Shahed
This article will walk you through the basic understanding of DI, why DI, code example and creation of ASP.NET Core MVC web application by using .NET Core built-in DI.
4 Jan 2023 by Member 13185766
public class Car { //properties public string Model public int EngineNum private int EngineCapacity public Enum FuelType (Petrol,Diesel,EV,Hydrogen) private int SeatingCapacity private int SeatRows private Enum Color (White,Red,Black) private int...
7 Dec 2020 by MCA DDIT
#include using namespace std; void revarray(int a[],int start,int end) { int total=end; int tmp; while(start
23 Jun 2014 by Member 10434674
Hi,I want to draw solid/thick lines using Aforge.Imaging.Drawing.Line().Can any one help me.I use following code to draw.AForge.Imaging.Drawing.Line(UnmanagedImage, X, Y, Color.Black);Thank you
23 Jun 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
I have no idea why asking such "questions" at all. The original documentation should tell you everything:[^],[^].—SA
26 Aug 2019 by Member 11932895
I want to write an article. But I don't know how to write here. I mean platform(where Can I found). Please help to me. What I have tried: I explored in this platform but i didn't find where to start.