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Great Reads

by Jobless Creature
This is a article on SOAP UI. This is used for web service load testing
by M.M.Mohseni
In this sample code, we are going to upload a file via a web method asynchronously.
by Asher Barak, Itiel Beeri
Infrastructure for large scale WCF services layer development
by Kelum W. Ganegoda
In the MEC mapper, calling a web service is a general scenario. There are few ways to do it.

Latest Articles

by The Zakies
Question answer chatbot using natural language parsing and web scrapping
by M.M.Mohseni
In this sample code, we are going to upload a file via a web method asynchronously.
by Leo Chapiro
This article explains how to consume a WebService (SOAP) from plain VisualBasicScript by using a COM DLL written in C#.
by Kelum W. Ganegoda
In the MEC mapper, calling a web service is a general scenario. There are few ways to do it.

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21 Jun 2017 by M.M.Mohseni
In this sample code, we are going to upload a file via a web method asynchronously.
12 Dec 2016 by Leo Chapiro
This article explains how to consume a WebService (SOAP) from plain VisualBasicScript by using a COM DLL written in C#.
25 Feb 2015 by Mohsen Heydari
Intercepting WCF and SOAP services for logging SOAP envelope
3 Jun 2011 by Alexey Merson
If you have a SOAP server created with Borland Delphi and a SOAP client created with .NET, then you can't get it working out of the box.
7 Oct 2011 by amove1
It is easy to import and use SOAP webservice with web reference facility in Visual Studio, however setting SOAPAction needs a extra work on webreference libraries specially when using third party Java provided services.
2 Aug 2013 by Prasad Agarmore
Datacontract channelfactory WCF way of consuming SOAP web services written in C, C++ using gSoap framework on Linux platform
19 Feb 2016 by Abhishek Shrotriya
This tip gives the very basic/simple implementation to interact with SAP PI webservice for authorized recipients.
28 Jul 2013 by Safak Tarazan
A simple application that communicates web service (SOAP).