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by yuan yong fu
CSharpWriter is a RTF style Text writer control written by C#. Independent RichTextBox control and can save to XML file.
by Howard 9448490
Windows Forms Print Dialog for rich text with accurate page preview and zooming
by Emiliano Musso
Create a Word-like software using RadRichTextEditor and C#

Latest Articles

by yuan yong fu
CSharpWriter is a RTF style Text writer control written by C#. Independent RichTextBox control and can save to XML file.
by Howard 9448490
Windows Forms Print Dialog for rich text with accurate page preview and zooming
by Emiliano Musso
Create a Word-like software using RadRichTextEditor and C#

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17 Dec 2020 by yuan yong fu
CSharpWriter is a RTF style Text writer control written by C#. Independent RichTextBox control and can save to XML file.
13 Aug 2020 by Howard 9448490
Windows Forms Print Dialog for rich text with accurate page preview and zooming
26 Nov 2014 by frenchrobert9
Hi,We can also try to search for the Word backup file, in Word 2010, please do the following:Start Word 2010.Click the File menu, and then click Open.Locate the folder in which you last saved the file.In the Files of type list (All Word documents), click All Files. The backup file...
3 Mar 2016 by Jochen Arndt
The not working file specifies the font with index zero as default font (\deff0) but there is no matching entry in the font table (there are only entries for indexes 1 to 4).So any text without an explicit reference to a font can't be rendered.
5 Jul 2016 by PeejayAdams
I have a generated FlowDocument that I would like users to be able to add to and edit to some extent but much of the generated content should not be editable.Does anyone know of a reliable way of protecting text within a RichTextBox?What I have tried:I've tried catching the MouseDown...
18 Jan 2019 by Maciej Los
There's a bit old application, which is called HelpMaker 7.1.4[^] (by - currently available at[^] ). Use "Import" command under "File" menu to import .hlp file. When application finishes import, select main node under "Projects" node in the left pane and...
18 Jan 2019 by RickZeeland
Here is a tutorial on doing it for free or on a low budget: Converting WinHelp (HLP) to HTMLHelp (CHM)[^]
2 Oct 2014 by Wolfram Steinke
I need to extract content controls (Mainly Check and Combo boxes) from RTF files and replace them with their text value.OpenXML is not an option because the XML part of the Word doc was lost when the content was saved as RTF.I got as far as the following regex, but it has a problem with...
8 Oct 2014 by CBadger
I have done some research and believe that the problem is indeed that there is no non-greedy matching used and so it will search the entire value even after a match is found. The correct term would be to make the regex matching lazyTry using it like...
24 Nov 2014 by mervynlang2
Hello everyone,Last night, my computer rebooted itself unexpectedly while I was accessing a Word document. I was constantly saving the document, so I expected that it would come back up when the computer rebooted. Every time I try to open it in Word, it says that the file is corrupt and...
25 Nov 2014 by Maciej Los
Follow this instruction: How to Repair a Word Document[^]
21 Mar 2016 by Ádám Tósaki
Hello! I have a complex c# program that gets data from multipe RTF files, merge them into one TXT file and I can search specific digits in it which are coming from serial port.I have one very interesting problem, though.I get 5-10 RTF files every day, but my browser can't access them....
21 Mar 2016 by Ádám Tósaki
Okay. Officially solved, you will all laugh on me. Instead of this: FolderBrowserDialog fd = new FolderBrowserDialog(); fd.SelectedPath = @"C:\BEVONT\"; fd.ShowDialog(); string path = fd.SelectedPath; foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(path)) { string contents =...
2 Jun 2016 by alex giulio
Hi friends, experts!I have a problem of Crystal Report. I was thinking, searching on Google but can not solve it. I wish some experts help me figure out solutions for this. Thanks so much!!!!!!Problem: - I have a string that be coded from rtf file and saved to database with fieldname is...
5 Jul 2016 by Leo Chapiro
That is not exactly clear what you try to achieve.Can you use two richboxes, one as read-only box just to show the "constant" content and another one nearby / below with the editable content? As soon as the user is ready, you simple merge the content of both controls.Would this simply...
9 Jan 2017 by Eagle32
I have a piece of RTF data that is being sent to my application shown below:{\rtf1\sstecf22000\ansi\deflang2057\ftnbj\uc1\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0 \fnil \fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}{\f1 \fswiss Tahoma;}}{\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0 ;\red255\green255\blue255 ;}{\stylesheet{\f1\fs18...
9 Jan 2017 by Jochen Arndt
With Windows you can use a RichText edit control to convert RTF to plain text (just create it in memory without displaying it and use the appropriate functions to set RTF and get text).C# example: How to: Convert RTF to Plain Text (C# Programming Guide)[^]. With Linux you can use the ...
4 Dec 2017 by craigba
I have a legacy app that I am supporting (VB6). I am using the standard Richtext control from VB6. When copying and pasting from Word / Excel on my two Dev machines, it works perfectly - all formatting comes across 100% When I do the exact same on user's machines, the text pastes, but a lot of...
18 Jan 2019 by super
So As a part of keeping in with time, very very very old application is being migrated and that's no big deal. The only missing part is that this application comes with the old .hlp file. This needs to be converted into a .Chm file. Any easy tool available or some documentation which shows the...
18 Feb 2020 by phil.o
Here's a wiki page describing this proprietary format: Rich Text Format - Wikipedia[^] And here's a page which explicits the specification of the version 1.5: Rich Text Format (RTF) Version 1.5 Specification[^]
1 Jun 2020 by Member 13032047
Hi, I am creating a program that saves and displays images and a text description. However, I am struggling to discover how to generate the RTF code for the image and text in my program. I have achieved this manually saving an image/text or both...
1 Jun 2020 by Garth J Lancaster
The code in GitHub - elistia/DotNetRtfWriter: .NET RTF Writer Library[^] allows you to 'load' an image and then render/'retrieve' the RTF code - I'd have a look at DotNetRtfWriter/RtfImage.cs at master · elistia/DotNetRtfWriter · GitHub[^] ......
7 Jul 2020 by Member 13032047
What I need to do: Hi everyone! I need to copy an image to the Clipboard from an .rtf file opened in a Rich Text Box. Then, paste the image to a Picture Box. I have been searching for a long time and copying from a Picture Box(PBX) to paste into...
7 Jul 2020 by Luc Pattyn
Hi, getting things out of a RichTextBox isn't easy. it has been subject of a question earlier on this very site here:Copy / extract images from a richtextbox[^] Some facts: - when you hit the "Print Screen" button an image of type Bitmap is...
2 Jan 2021 by Member 13735228
I am currently working on a translation project where one aspect is to convert a certain amount of Rtf data. I get the text out of the RTF into an array that I send through an AWS translator. The particular language is Bengali. 154 = Customer...
2 Jan 2021 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
Quote: The Only problem is the the myString.Replace() places ????????????? in the Rtf for the resulting string value. I would want to check if you are using the proper encoding for the characters "throughout" the application. The question marks...
14 Apr 2021 by Rash24Agg
I am working with Microsoft Html Help Workshop and trying to build a help project which has more than 19k help files including html, css, png etc. I built an hhp file as new.hhp and put folllowing lines in it [OPTIONS] Auto...
11 Jul 2021 by Member 15254346
Hi all, I have been using RICHTX32.ocx for some time in my application which is not developed with languages such as C #, Visual Basic and the like but which still allows me to 'embed' Activex controls. ActiveX controls have well-known security...
10 May 2016 by George Jonsson
Not sure how much you really searched, because this article was easy enough to find.Insert Plain Text and Images into RichTextBox at Runtime[^]I think this is what you are looking for.
21 Nov 2017 by Emiliano Musso
Create a Word-like software using RadRichTextEditor and C#
18 Feb 2020 by Eric Samin
I am researching RTF exploit. But I have one question. I found that if I change "01050000020000000b000000" value of objdata tag, EQNEDT doesn't work. What is the value? I want to know about this value meaning. Thanks for reading my question. ...
16 Oct 2020 by ahmed9100
Just change TextBox to RichTextBox this will work
16 Oct 2020 by Itamarc101
Hashtable emotions; private void CreateEmotions() { emotions = new Hashtable(12); emotions.Add(@":)", Properties.Resources.ThumbsUp1); emotions.Add(@"0)", Properties.Resources.AngelSmile1); emotions.Add(@":(",...
4 Dec 2017 by craigba
Okay, so I eventually got this right... I found that there was an additional file (riched32.dll) on the not working machines' folder. (That wasn't on the working machines. If I deleted this file, the installer automatically added them). What I landed up doing was creating a new installer with...
15 Oct 2018 by a.mohamedyasin
Hi, currently i am searching code for converting a Rich Text Document (.rtf) file to .xps file using C#, is any code support to solve my problem please help me. What I have tried: currently i am searching code for converting a Rich Text Document (.rtf) file to .xps file using C#,
11 Oct 2018 by Richard MacCutchan
rtf to xps - Google Search[^]