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Great Reads

by Simon Key
Event Finder - A WinRT app making use of the Google Places API and other data sources to display a lists of local events
by Tibor Blazko
Example usage of The Old Reader's and Inoreader's APIs
by Visveswaraiah
Fetching articles from SOLR for RSS feed instead of querying in database
by Karl Stoney
A programming with .NET article with code of how to create a compliant RSS 2.0 feed using .NET XmlDocument

Latest Articles

by thorssig
html2struct parses HTML code into a simple tree-like structure of objects and provides a little tool-set for extracting data from it
by Visveswaraiah
Fetching articles from SOLR for RSS feed instead of querying in database
by Tibor Blazko
Example usage of The Old Reader's and Inoreader's APIs

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