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Great Reads

by Rubén Hinojosa Chapel
Prototype for a plugin architecture based on the Prism Library and the Modern UI for WPF (MUI) toolkit
by MatthewThomas
Adding design time support for regions in Prism 6
by User 271009
Microsoft patterns & practices Prism 4 library and guidance gives WPF and Silverlight developers a very solid foundation for creating business applications.
by FurqanSafdar
This tip and trick describes a way to make MahApps.Metro Flyouts work with a modular application sample in Prism Library.

Latest Articles

by Kenneth Haugland
Useful extension method for ViewModelFirst
by Illya Reznykov
Screen saver application written in WPF with Prism pattern
by Rubén Hinojosa Chapel
Prototype for a plugin architecture based on the Prism Library and the Modern UI for WPF (MUI) toolkit
by Chandrasekhar Telkapalli
Understanding the User Business Process,analysis on benefits of doing Automation and best approaches & practices in designing the solution

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23 Mar 2016 by Rubén Hinojosa Chapel
Prototype for a plugin architecture based on the Prism Library and the Modern UI for WPF (MUI) toolkit
29 Nov 2015 by MatthewThomas
Adding design time support for regions in Prism 6
23 Jan 2012 by Shahin Khorshidnia
Why did you realize that System.Timers was impossible But it works well for me!void timer_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e){ Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)delegate() { if(Your Conditions) YourMethod(); });}
8 Jan 2015 by User 271009
Microsoft patterns & practices Prism 4 library and guidance gives WPF and Silverlight developers a very solid foundation for creating business applications.
24 Oct 2015 by FurqanSafdar
This tip and trick describes a way to make MahApps.Metro Flyouts work with a modular application sample in Prism Library.
28 Jan 2017 by Illya Reznykov
Screen saver application written in WPF with Prism pattern
12 Jan 2012 by Savalia Manoj M
Hi All,I am developing Silverlight application with Prism 4 and WCF RIA service.I had searched on google to get sample explaining this, but failed to get any successful output.I am confuse about how to use RIA service in PRISM Application.Please suggest any link which provide...
23 Feb 2012 by Sunasara Imdadhusen
I have created custom Textbox in Silverlight 4, MVVM and PRISM 4. The custom text box has dynamic behavior link it dynamically set TextMode to either Password or Text.This is working perfect. ( if i am bind TextMode static)
23 Feb 2012 by Sunasara Imdadhusen
Hi All,I resolved this issue using following code, I have changed PasswordTextBox class TextMode property.public Mode TextMode{ get { return _TextMode; } set { _TextMode = value; }}Topublic Mode TextMode{ get { return (Mode) GetValue(TextModeProperty); } set {...
31 May 2012 by Comfizzy
I want to have two sets of module Catalogs, need to initialise on based on what system the user selects from login control. eg. I have Module Catalog 1:
26 Jun 2012 by soniaTan
I am getting "Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component" error when i am trying to upgrade the service reference. what should i do? am i missing some thing..plz suggest some solution.i m using mvvm,prism,silverlight 4,wcf
19 Sep 2012 by Oliver Bleckmann
hey guys, Is there a way of using xaml graphics (from within xaml) in a hierarchical way (e.g. icons.symbols.currency.dollar.xaml) and with intellisense support!? maybe even from another assembly!? for instance, let's say a we are going to put some icons from our iconliberary into something...
28 Jun 2013 by Vladimir Yusim
Presents a library which allows to open and handle dialogs in MVVM manner.
26 Jul 2013 by hari111r
Hi I am new to MVVM. I am trying to convert my prism application in mvvm pattern. I have a custom datagrid control which has few non dependency property and fuctions. How can I access those properties in my view model.Below are the few properties and fuction i am using in my...
7 Oct 2013 by Ramana Bellary
Hi, Can anyone provide a sample application for navigation between Views in the same module and navigation between Views in different modules in WPF using MVVM and PRISM.Thanks & Regards,Ramana
11 Feb 2015 by TheRealSteveJudge
MVVM is just an architectural pattern.PRISM is a framework which can help you to implement this pattern.For more information on how to implement MVVM using PRISM please have a look at:Understand MVVM Using PRISM by Hello World Silverlight Application[^]
2 Oct 2015 by ChRi$m0rG@N
A tool for filtering and merging large text files.
3 Aug 2016 by Kenneth Haugland
Well, they do work as expected. If you write something in the SelectedTextBox and the text isn't updated, hitting Tab when you are completed, it does update the values in your collection. But for me it works as you want it to, without any changes to the code. If you do have problems you...
4 Jan 2017 by Pete O'Hanlon
There are many reasons your application could be running slowly. You really need to attach a performance profiler to investigate things properly. As we don't have access to any of your source code, there is no way that we are going to be able to definitively state what the performance issue...
31 Mar 2018 by Clifford Nelson
I would create a behavior. The following is an example of a behavior: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives; using System.Windows.Media; namespace Medtronic.NIM4.UI.Common.Converters { public class...
29 Jun 2018 by nmeri17
I'm trying to inject a view into my shell. The docs state Quote: The RegionManager class provides access to the Region objects within the application. but when I initialize the RegionManager class and attempt to call Regions["MAIN_REGION"] on this instance, it says no such region was found in...
7 Aug 2018 by Dirk Bahle
Your SchoolPrism .proj file looks strange because it contains an empty StartupObject tag: I cannot test this right now but you could either try to set: 1) App.xaml in the start-up project option or 2) Remove the...
9 Nov 2021 by DoingWork
Hi Friends I have 2 different user controls i.e. ViewAUserControl.xaml , and ViewBUserControl.xaml . These controls are added dynamically in dynamic tabItems where each tabItem contains any single userControl from availabe 2 UserControls, whom...
4 Dec 2011 by Member 8134835
How to make DelegateCommand to requery the CanExecute function ?
4 Dec 2011 by Abhinav S
Try using the CanExecuteChanged event. Read more here[^].
12 Jan 2012 by Jaganathan Bantheswaran
Hi,I hope this pdf guide will help you
19 Feb 2012 by mkelowna
I have a ViewModel that I am implementing the IRegionMemberLifeTime Interface. public class ReportsViewModel : ViewModelBase, INavigationAware, IRegionMemberLifetime { public bool KeepAlive { get { return false; } }To navigate from one view...
27 Feb 2012 by Sunasara Imdadhusen
I have created user control which contain TextBox and PasswordBox. RestrictedBox.xaml ...
27 Feb 2012 by Sunasara Imdadhusen
UserControls do not register themselves as the data context automatically so the binding inside the user control won't have anything to bind to.I have added following line my UserControl codebehind to enable default binding.public RestrictedBox(){ InitializeComponent(); ...
28 Feb 2012 by Shmuel Zang
That happens because you set the DataContext of the UserControl to itself. So, when the binding is applied, it searches the UserName property in the UserControl (and the property doesn't exist).You can bind to a property of the UserControl by giving a name to the UserControl and, use the...
28 Feb 2012 by Sunasara Imdadhusen
Hi All,I have created Custom User Control which contain TextBox and PasswordBox. it is binding completely work but when i changed any value inside TextBox or PasswordBox of user control then my source property does not getting refreshed.Following are the code for my Custom User...
28 Feb 2012 by Sunasara Imdadhusen
Finally i got solutionI am missing Mode=TwoWay in LoginView.xaml:Thanks,Imdadhusen
27 Mar 2012 by radhwane
I don't understand what is it Eventagregator exactely and how can'i create this Event ,also i have some problems whith command in PrismV4thanks
2 Apr 2012 by Sunasara Imdadhusen
I have two Views called UserView and RoleView.UserView.xaml contains RadGridView which contain three columns UserID (Label) | UserName (Label)| Role (Dropdown).RoleView.xaml contains one TextBox where i can add Roles into database. Role (Textbox). Step 1. Now first i open the...
3 Apr 2012 by Eugene Sadovoi
It depends on your Model implementation but in general such notifications are received via INotifyCollectionChanged events.You may consider implementing this interface in your ViewModel if your Model does not implement it already.
29 May 2012 by db7uk
Region adapters in VB.NET
30 May 2012 by Dave Kreskowiak
It's extremely unlikely you're going to get an answer to this question here. You're depending on the very few people here who have used Prism to wandering by and see your question. That's probably not going to happen any time soon.A better place to asak your question is a forum dedicated...
30 May 2012 by db7uk
If it helps. You are trying to create the shell in the wrong way. The create shell method should look like:protected override DependencyObject CreateShell(){ Shell shell = Container.Resolve(); shell.Show(); return shell;}Your shell constructor should be something...
21 Jun 2012 by soniaTan
I am new to MVVM..I m creating a silverlight application ..i have created dataservice n a branchMaster view...i have a datagrid in that view.i want to populate the datagrid with the records from branchMaster table.n also do insert,update n delete function on it..i have a show button ,update...
22 Jun 2012 by Vani Kulkarni
Have a look at below links for starters:MVVM Silverlight 4.0 Simplified[^]Data and Command Bindings for Silverlight MVVM Applications[^]WPF/Silverlight: Step By Step Guide to MVVM[^]
26 Jun 2012 by Sandeep Mewara
See if this helps: WCF Service reference update gets: Error HRESULT E_FAIL returned from COM component[^]
27 Jun 2012 by Vijay Walunj,Navi mumbai
delete web service reference and add it once a again.Find the “Web.config” file in Solution Explorer, and double-click on it to open it up. Once you’ve opened it, scroll to the bottom and look for the section. "AdventureWorks_WebServer.Service1Behavior" ...
27 Jun 2012 by Vijay Walunj,Navi mumbai
delete web service reference and add it once a again.Find the “Web.config” file in Solution Explorer, and double-click on it to open it up. Once you’ve opened it, scroll to the bottom and look for the section. "AdventureWorks_WebServer.Service1Behavior" ...
13 Jul 2012 by soniaTan
I m learning MVVM.. I have a datagrid in my View and a textbox,combobox,checkbox. Now what I want to do is to fill the textbox,combobox and checkbox with the selected row items of my datagrid.I have used dataservice to populate my datagrid with records from database. So now when i will select...
26 Jul 2012 by Christian Amado
You have a proerty called SelectedItem, this property represent your Row (is your selected object).So in your TextBox, combobox or another control you can do Something like this, in your xaml.Let me take the TextBox for the example: Hope it helps. =)
2 Aug 2012 by Kenneth Haugland
Guidelines are usually posted by Microsoft, as they are interested in people that wants to use their software.Here is the documentation:[^]
13 Aug 2012 by RakeshAgarwal1
I created a small app for learning purpose . in my shell I took a itemsControl which defines a region and I have registered three views to this region,in my shell I have one another region and registed a view to it,the view contains 3 buttons,my requirement is that when I click on button1,view1...
14 Aug 2012 by Martijn Kok
Your first concern is to get a reference to the RegionManager. So far I know of 2 ways to get the regionmanager of your shell. Both methods will also word when you are in another view or a viewmodel. There might be other methods using MEF or other Dependency Injection systems (like Castle...
19 Oct 2012 by nixon13
hiI am developing one wpf application in mvvm model in prism framework.i created one usercontrol in one module and i used in another module.i successfully import that usercontrol in my module but i can't bind properties to that user control. it act as a single control not different control...
21 Oct 2012 by Daxa Rughani
If you want to use Binding you need to expose the usercontrol(s) as a DependencyProperty - Can access proprty in XAML or code behind.AS an example you can expose the radiobutton aspublic static readonly DependencyProperty Radio1Property = DependencyProperty.Register("Radio1",...
30 Oct 2012 by mohammadghaderian.bp
HiI am writing an application that base on silverlight 5 and MVVM framework and Prism library.I work with prism with unity container.when I test my application in vs 2010 it work correctly.but when I load it on IIS I frequency get this error message :Error Message Image => Error...
19 Feb 2013 by Raj Kumar Pandey "Achyutanand"
Steps to be followed.1.Bind the datagrid with a List.2.Update the list on Update/Save/Delete3.Use UpdateSourceTrigger(Recomended) to referesh the value of the List in Grid or bind with Item Source.Enjoy MVVM :)
8 Mar 2013 by Milan Mathew
I am trying to identify the best appraoch for multiple view-models communication mechanism (eg: View-Model A & View Model B are loosely coupled. Now I want to pass one parameter value to my View Model B from A. I don't want to use EvenAggregator and the models are independent).The Event...
8 Mar 2013 by Adil Malik
The best approach is to create an intermediate layer of Services
8 Apr 2013 by cpquest
Hi all,I have developed a application which uses PRISM 4.0 in which i have a UserControl and a DataGrid in it. Based on the data grid cell value the IvalueConvertor Binded to the CellTemplate Below
30 May 2013 by NightCodeStalker
Can you boostrap a Prism module system from within the WCF service? Because no matter what I do my MEF dependencies are not being fulfilled.E.g.:This is my WCF service implementationpublic class MyService : IMyServiceContract{ // This should get filled by MEF after Prism loads...
10 Jun 2013 by ChrisTopherus
Hi,in my masterthesis i decided to use some .net techniques. The appication is written in c#/wpf with the prism library regarding to architekture. Now i got a problem on the feedback of single commands, seperated executed in a composite command.I want to import some huge files for my...
11 Jun 2013 by cpquest
Hi all,I was working on a project which uses Prism 4.0 Framework. I had a requirement to monitor all my actions across my application which mean any command is executed by the application should be monitored. I have heard about IActiveAware interface which provides monitoring the commands...
4 Nov 2013 by Ramana Bellary
I want to register/create my instances like ViewModel in config file. How can I achieve this ?Is there any concept like WorkItem.GetInstance ?
21 Dec 2013 by Member 8816170
I made an example solution with an Shell application, two WPF library views, and a Class Library projects. The Class Library is the repository with interface for a string variable. I can access the repository string variable to get the message "Hello World". But I am unable to figure out how...
30 Dec 2013 by Jim parkson
All views need to be displayed in shell window ?I am newer for wpf prism framework , i am very confued on how to navigate between views.i mean, in the prism , we have one shell page and i define some region in the shell , so that mean the layout of shell was not changed , if i want to...
30 Dec 2013 by Abhinav S
You can always create sub-regions inside a region and plug in views in each of these regions as appropriate.To navigate, just remove a view and plug in another into the region/sub-region.
27 Jan 2014 by Member 10525317
Thanks to a kind used at stackoverflow, I was able to get this working.I had the shell subscribing to the MainMenu event which wanted to inject either a TestControlA or TestControlB into the TabRegion region, which was wrong.I removed the subscription from the shell and had the...
18 Feb 2014 by Dhadhan
I am hosting WPF main form on a Winform. I use prism regionmanager for showing views on the main wpf form. For region manager to work, the below workaround is applied.if(System.Windows.Application.Current == null){ new MyApp(); //Where MyApp is Class...
3 Mar 2014 by hack.luminence
i have been successfully adding an item to list in a MVVM, and now my problem is maintaining the list in the view model. Every time i navigate to a page or go back to a page and return to that listview, the list resets. how will i able to achieve that? i am currently using the prism to build the...
4 Mar 2014 by hack.luminence
currently im having troubles in keeping the collections in the list in the mvvm, every time that i navigate away and return to a page, the list keeps getting empty. how am i going to deal with this? can someone help me with this? The Model: I have not implemented the others yet because i cant...
10 Mar 2014 by Arthanarieaswaran Shanmugaraj
It seems your View object is loading every time. Please load the view object at first time and store it into RegionManager. Then check if region manager has view, you can get View object from region manager. PRISM allows to get already available view from region manager.Artha
11 Mar 2014 by hack.luminence
hello guys i was able to add items using this methodpublic ObservableCollection cartData { get { if (App.Current._cartData == null) { App.Current._cartData = new ObservableCollection(); ...
11 Mar 2014 by jthomas1234321
Add a second property to the viewmodel:public CartData SelectedCartDataand bind the Selected property of the listview in XAML making sure to set the Mode to TwoWay. This way the binding is pulling data from the cartData collection and pushing the selected value back into the...
11 Mar 2014 by Abhinav S
TryBinding to the selected items of a ListBox (or another items controls)[^]ListView MultiSelect, MVVM and RoutedCommands[^]MVVM Multiselect Listbox[^]
27 Jun 2014 by somnath roy24
hi friends,Can someone help to create a silverlight datagrid with datapager which will dynamically fecth data from stored procedure by sending the index and page size and fetch the exact number of data from database? I mean something that is on demand fetching of data? Thanking You...
29 Jun 2014 by somnath roy24
Hello friends,Can anyone please help me regarding how to receive the the 'page index' and 'page size' as parameter in 'View Model' on clicking 'data pager' page index? The project architecture is MVVM with Silverlight using Prism. The data grid is bound to a Observable collection. How to...
29 Jun 2014 by Abhinav S
TryVirtual Paging with Silverlight/WCF Services[^]Introducing An MVVM-Friendly DomainDataSource: The DomainCollectionView[^]
27 Aug 2014 by flou
Hi,I'm developing a big app since 2 years in WPF .NET 4 with MVVMLight framework, SOAP WebServices, ENtityFramework...My current task is to develop the same app in full-web. So after many searches, i finally decided to use Silverlight 5 and Prism to develop in parallel both app. My...
20 Oct 2014 by Shmuel Zang
Try this MSDN topic:
28 Oct 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
It has nothing to do with your code. This is nothing but the matter of using Visual Studio. It's Solution Explorer has the context menu. You need to choose what to run. Select the application project node, not the library project. Activate the context menu. Either run selected application from...
4 Nov 2014 by Karthik Ravi
Hi,I am new to WPF can anyone give solution for my problem..In a shell.xamal file i have 2 region (TopRegion, MainRegion),in TopRegion i have only one combo box with 2 items, depending upon choosing the item in combo box user control will generated in MainRegion.In my another...
16 Nov 2014 by vinuvasahanponniah
26 Nov 2014 by Member 8234507
Hi I am showing the payslip using wpf mvvm.First time its showing payslip. i selected another payslip but wpfpdfviewer shows the previous payslip.The code ispublic PdfView(PdfViewModel viewModel){ InitializeComponent(); this.DataContext = viewModel; string...
27 Nov 2014 by Member 8234507
HiI am getting this message when i am trying delete pdf file.An exception of type 'System.IO.IOException' occurred in mscorlib.dll but was not handled in user codeAdditional information: The process cannot access the file xxxx because it is being used by another...
4 Dec 2014 by Member 11143298
I did that made an executable project as startup project but yet it gives an activation exception. what should I do?
16 Dec 2014 by Robert Blot
Hello, I am trying to develop an app utilizing WPF, MVVM, Prism, EF, SQL Server, and possibly WCF to perform database operations. This is a project to learn how to implement Prism and is an app I am going to use to keep track of my movie collection. Which approach would be the better...
16 Dec 2014 by Maciej Los
Hmmm... i decided to post my comment as an answer ;)Start here: Developer's Guide to Microsoft Prism Library 5.0 for WPFBTW: i have no idea which is best (code first or database first), because i i think it's not comparable...
11 Feb 2015 by Amal E S
What is the difference between mvvm and prism ? Can we develop an application using pure MVVM.
6 Mar 2015 by Subramanyam Shankar
If a resource is accessed by a process then it will have a lock.So no other process can access the resource in this case. So make sure when you access the file no other processes are accessing the file. There is no way to fix this issue. Either you have to kill the process which is using the...
7 Mar 2015 by Subramanyam Shankar
The link you provided didn't work.Hope this helps
18 Sep 2015 by Weeiyourda
Hi All Experts,I got some problem in showing download percentage in GridView of WCF.i used MVVM pattern. here is my background worker in application start. public partial class MainWindow : Window { public MainWindow() { Overall.EverythingOk =...
19 Sep 2015 by dartfrog
I am developing wpf application using MVVM Prism. I got four views , MainWindow, ViewB, ViewC and ViewD and all are attached with their respective ViewModel. I initialized the backgroundworker at application start. see the following background worker class.public class BackGroundThread ...
8 Nov 2015 by Member 11844200
Hi!I'm new in PRISM and WPF and sorry for my English too.My problem is the following:I have a datagrid, and when the user would like to delete rows, I notify him/her with a Confirmation Popup window (prism). If he/she accept, the selected rows will be deleted, but if he/she cancel the...
8 Nov 2015 by Suvendu Shekhar Giri
Setting focus on datagrid in the PreviewKeyDown-Event may help.Check the following code-private void YourDataGrid_PreviewKeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e){ if (e.Key == Key.Delete) { var grid = (DataGrid)sender; ...
25 May 2016 by Kassim Shaikh
I am developing a WPF application with Prism framework. I have few modules which are interacting with each other through ViewModel or Event aggregator.I have this two module :1. Items Lists Module - which is getting real time status of the items from the server. I created a simple...
15 Nov 2016 by Member 11949544
Hi guys,This is actually my first question here. I tend to find all the answers browsing the net, but haven't found the answer to that question yet...*I've created this code especially for the question, look below please!*I've been trying to figure out if there is any way to do...
14 Nov 2016 by FNU Amit Kumar
I am working on a Large wpf applications, We opted for Shared Resource Dictionary because ResourceDictionaries are always instantiated, everytime they are found in an XAML we might end up having one resource dictionary multiple times in memory. Get benifitted from this and cut down from 800mb...
30 Jan 2017 by Brady Kelly
I have a Prism WPF app that uses services to read data from either a web API or directly, via EF. I want to register the services into the Unity container, and am thinking having them singletons is a pretty good idea. There should only ever be one thread using any one service, as it's a desktop...