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This is a simple article describing how to create an add an outlook appointment to your MS Outlook Calender.
by Turay Melo
This is an alternative for "Creating an Outlook 2010 Add-In"
by terence.cplau
ContactSharing4OL is an Add-in for Outlook through file server shared contacts item of Outlook in Office area.
by GPUToaster™
Just password protect the zip files. Note that even gmail filter outs the .exe files. Password protecting the zip files can be passed through outlook.

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by Ștefan-Mihai MOGA
How to save a message to an MSG Compound file.
by ToughDev
How to convert OFT to .NET Windows Form in VS
by Joan M
When you forget to attach an invoice and your customer doesn't alert you... well, you start thinking about methods to prevent it from happening again.
by Aleh Baradzenka
This control is another kind of tab. Tabs are displayed as horizontal stripes and can be collapsed into buttons. Each tab is assigned its own window, which is shown when you click on the tab.

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28 May 2010 by
This is a simple article describing how to create an add an outlook appointment to your MS Outlook Calender.
22 Dec 2014 by Turay Melo
This is an alternative for "Creating an Outlook 2010 Add-In"
4 Jul 2016 by terence.cplau
ContactSharing4OL is an Add-in for Outlook through file server shared contacts item of Outlook in Office area.
6 Jan 2011 by GPUToaster™
Just password protect the zip files. Note that even gmail filter outs the .exe files. Password protecting the zip files can be passed through outlook.
8 Dec 2011 by Ștefan-Mihai MOGA
How to get the MAPI server nane
16 Dec 2015 by maxitone
Use this if you're working in a fullscreen RDP session - for example - to see new e-mail or appointment alerts
7 May 2011 by Richard MacCutchan
See here[^] for specification of .eml files, and see here[^] for .msg format. You may find it easier to use the Outlook object model to create the .msg file (search MSDN for details).
31 Jul 2013 by ZurdoDev
Perhaps you can use Exchange Web Services (EWS) instead of using the Outlook client because the only way to get around your issue is for the user to wait. The error is clear about that.There is an example...
4 May 2014 by TarikHuber
A class for sending emails with Outlook using the default Outlook Account. It includes adding multiple attachments and recipients and choosing to use the default email signature or not.
17 Jan 2015 by Liju Sankar
Read Loud Email Sender and Subject as soon as you received an email in OUTLOOK
4 Aug 2017 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
You need to launch a protocol as a hyperlink in the web page, and then Outlook Calendar (if available on the user's machine), would launch by default to take control of the data processing request. The default URI scheme for Outlook Calendar is, outlookcal:, so you need to write the following...
3 Feb 2020 by CHill60
You can use the Folders.Add method [^] method to create the folders either based on Now or on Outlook.MailItem.CreationDate (the latter might be useful if you want to retrospectively move stuff) If I've misunderstood, and it's a folder on your C: drive you want to create then you can use the...
7 Oct 2020 by Leo Chapiro
Outlook AddOn to store the attachments in the file system
28 Jun 2010 by William Winner
First, do you understand what MessageBox.Show() returns? Because you're setting mail.BodyContent equal to a string representation of a DialogResult (assuming that mail.BodyContent is a string value).Secondly, if what you want is to display the body of a message using a MessageBox when the...
23 Feb 2011 by Nish Nishant
Outlook most certainly implements/supports both these RFCs (821/822). Your client seems to be confused as to what he wants. It would be a good idea to educate your client first before committing to unrealistic and possibly bizarre work assignments.
18 Mar 2011 by walterhevedeich
Try setting BodyFormat to HTML and BodyEncoding to UTF8
12 Apr 2011 by Abhinav S
One of these support articles (although not directly related to code) could help you out -[^];EN-US;195754[^]
11 Jul 2011 by Dalek Dave
Yes, you can either archive everything you require as a one off, or set rules so that everything that is over say 1 month is archived.Then in future when you get a full server, delete everything over 1 month and hey presto, room for more emails and still have the old ones backed up.You can...
11 Jul 2012 by Tim Corey
I believe you have to be running as a fully trusted application before this prompt will go away. If you want it to go away permanently then you can disable the registry key, as per the directions here:[^]It...
27 Jul 2012 by Kudredin
Making use of the User Defined Fields to help better organize emails, and keep track of informaiton
4 Aug 2013 by Yesudasan Moses
I got it work at last....I needed to override this Methode in ThisAddin.csprotected override Microsoft.Office.Core.IRibbonExtensibility CreateRibbonExtensibilityObject() { return new Ribbon1(); }Thanks Everybody.....
11 Aug 2013 by Zoltán Zörgő
To be short: you can not open Outlook calendar from a web application, not from client side, and even less from server side. There were methods that could be used with ActiveX from Internet Explorer, but newer IE versions have closed those security holes. You should not try to solve this by...
4 Dec 2013 by phil.o
You can do that from Outlook itself : select the older pst file, then File -> Import, Import from file -> PST; then import all the content from the old one to the new one, selecting 'Do not import duplicates'.PS: this is no development question, thus it should not be in this forum.There is...
23 Jan 2016 by Richard MacCutchan
Try some of outlook vba add cc - Google Search[^].
26 Jan 2016 by NightWizzard
You can access the properties of each mail item via the propertyaccessor like this:Const PR_TRANSPORT_MESSAGE_HEADERS = ""Outlook.PropertyAccessor olPA = olkMsg.PropertyAccessor;String Header =...
5 Apr 2016 by F-ES Sitecore
Is Outlook installed on the machine? For what it's worth, you're not going to get this working, Outlook is not suitable for automation from environments that have no interactive desktop. What happens if Outlook needs to show a dialogue box or prompt or error? Who is going to click "ok" when...
3 Aug 2016 by ZurdoDev
As mentioned in comments, your code is running on a server and so Outlook would have to be setup on the server with a profile, etc. But this is a terrible idea, so, you asked for another way. Sending SMTP email is very easy in ASP.Net. There are tons and tons of examples online. Here is the...
6 Sep 2016 by F-ES Sitecore
Outlook is a desktop application so your code must also be running on the desktop, so running under their account so you should have no problem?The fact that you mention servers etc means you're not fully explaining your software architecture, but I can tell you now if you are using...
27 Feb 2022 by Joan M
When you forget to attach an invoice and your customer doesn't alert you... well, you start thinking about methods to prevent it from happening again.
10 Jun 2010 by Sandeep Mewara
Kasunmit wrote:'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._Folders' does not contain a definition for 'Item' and no extension method 'Item' accepting a first argument of type 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._Folders' could be found If you read the error carefully, you will find it's not the missing...
10 Jun 2010 by Sandeep Mewara
See, thats your issue. Code that you are referring to is for Outlook 2002.Either get Outlook 2002 dll or make your code as per new one. I would go for new one as i rarely believe anyone would be using Outlook 2002 anymore!I would suggest you to look here [^]of what you need.BTW, have...
29 Jun 2010 by William Winner
So I just tested out your code, and here's your problem:oItem.SaveAs(sUniqueFileName + ".txt", Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlSaveAsType.olTXT);sUniqueFileName is never set to anything besides null. Not only that, but you didn't specify which folder to save it to.Also, you don't...
11 Jul 2010 by OriginalGriff
Best guess: you do not close and dispose your FileStream objects.If you open a file, and do not close and dispose it, then it remains open until the garbage collector comes along and decides it needs the space. At that point the file will be closed, and the object disposed. Until then, all...
30 Jul 2016 by Shukra
Hi CP Experts,I want a little modification in the following code adding attachments to emails in C# and VB.NET[^]Is it possible to ignore "msg.noteText = strBody;", and insert user's default outlook signature...
19 Aug 2010 by Nathan St
You should be using the Exchange Web Services Managed API. "EWS combines the functionality that is included in WebDAV and CDOEX".I don't have a code snippet to hand as I'm not in work just now, but I've done exactly what you describe in your question for a project last year - I'll dig it...
5 Sep 2010 by Sandeep Mewara
Have a look here: Outlook Add-ins with Visual Studio Tools for Office[^]
5 Jan 2011 by #realJSOP
If I remember correctly...User-scope settings are stored in the user's appdata folder. Application-scope settings are stored in C:\Users\My Name\AppData\Local\My_Company\. If your settings file doesn't contain any Application-scope settings, you won't have a company folder.
3 Feb 2011 by shakil0304003
You can see this linkClick
22 Feb 2011 by Manas Bhardwaj
Well, there is nothing you can do in Outlook for this. Outlook is nothing but a client application send, receive and view emails.What you need to do is put some rules at the mail server level. If you are using Exchange Server, this article [^]should be helpful.
4 Apr 2011 by WebMaster
Hi,I want to save the body content of a email in outlook to a local file. I am able to save the entire message .msg but i want to save only the html content of the body. for example: In the outlook email body i have a table i want to save that table to a file. the script which i am working...
4 Apr 2011 by dbrenth
You may want to look into[Microsoft Exchange Web Services]It's much more robust than the outlook interop.Good Luck
4 Apr 2011 by Wendelius
Perhaps I misunderstood your question, but when you open the mailitem, why don't you just get the data from the HTMLBody property and write that to a file for example using TextWriter class. If you use Outlook to save the message, it'll save also parts of the header etc.
29 Apr 2011 by Troy Murphy
Is is possible (using code to query) to embed a small piece of text into an email message that will persist with the message but not be visible or changeable (perhaps in the header or something)? It needs to persist and be retrievable from the Sent folder in Outlook. FYI: We use a...
29 Apr 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
In principle, absolutely everything in the e-mail is both visible and modifiable. E-mail related standards are notoriously ignorant about any kind of protection against any kind of forgery. All you can do is encryption.However, you can hide some data (such as something you want to process as...
18 Jun 2011 by Arindam Tewary
22 Jun 2011 by Maciej Los
You need to loop until Execute() is true.Do while objSelection.Find.Execute() 'code to make changes in textLoop
11 Jul 2011 by ThomasCarmen
I have a full mailbox, (100mb) and cannot receive any more mail.I need to clear the mail server (Which I can do easily), but I need to keep a copy of the emails.If I use AutoArchive, can I then clear my server?Can I also access the archived emails once they are off the mail...
8 Sep 2011 by shravantunguri
hi Could you please help me on saving outlook messages to sql server db i getting bunch of messages into my outlook, i have created a rule to separate those messages into one folder. message body is xml. I want to save these messages to db whenever it comes to my outlook.
24 Nov 2011 by Raimis9
Hi,try this:siFolder = CType(ns.GetDefaultFolder(Outlook.OlDefaultFolders.olFolderInbox).Parent.folders("Privé"), Outlook.Folder)
20 Feb 2012 by lbblb3
The goal: have a Userform pop up in Outlook when the user clicks send that simply confirms whether or not the sender wants to send the email. Preferably occurs after the default spell check. If the user selects no, just returns to the message. If the user selects yes, it will send the...
20 Mar 2012 by Karthickeyan.k
Hi Find the steps below:In Outlook AddIn 2007 you have to add a Setup Project by your self.1) Add a setup project to the solution.2) Set the primary output to the Add In project.3) Add the following files to the Setup Project:[Add In project name].vsto,[Add In project...
17 Apr 2012 by Reza Ahmadi
Hi,Take a look at this post:[^]I hope it helps,Cheers
4 May 2012 by Sandeep Mewara
Since Outlook is a client application, you need to use client side programming to get the data.Have a look at this article to get going (Instead of Appointments, try for contacts): Import and Export Outlook Appointments (using JavaScript)[^] Another article that will help: Retrieving...
24 Jul 2012 by _Amy
Hi,"outlook group ID" = distribution list? You can query Active Directory, searching for "CN=DL_name"SearchResult r = SearchObj.FindOne(); foreach (string user in r.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["member"]) Response.Write(user); In client tools you can also use Microsoft Outlook...
30 Jul 2012 by MitchG92_24
The sync state of the cached folders is not exposed through the Outlook Object Model or Extended MAPI.
1 Sep 2012 by cariolihome
You dont need to implement Application and MailItem interfaces.Instead You have to use existing Outlook interfaces.To access mail items before sending mail You have to subscribe on Outlook::ItemEvents calling IDispEventSimpleImpl::DispEventAdvise function.Header Fileextern...
24 Sep 2012 by Mehdi Gholam
I presume you are using a POP3 account, in that case go to the web interface of your email account, and they usually have an "auto-response" feature which you can set and not leave the laptop on.
27 Sep 2012 by Tejas Vaishnav
I have develop one addin and its working fine for outlook 2007/2010 for windows platform.but now after it, i need to develop the same addin for Outlook 2011 for mac OS platform. i don't know any thing for this, if any body knows how to start and where to start then please guide me.
9 Oct 2012 by Thomas Duwe
You are already implicitly casting each item in programobj.folder.Items to the Outlook.MailItem type in the foreach loop header (foreach (Outlook.MailItem mailitem in...)).Try this:foreach (object item in programobj.folder.Items){ try { if (item is Outlook.MailItem) ...
4 Dec 2012 by Teenustar
If you are using a DataGridview, there is a property AutoSizeColumnsMode. Set the value as AllCells
11 Dec 2012 by kk2014
actually in my above code i commented throw ex;. so i uncomment it and wrote below code to raise error.System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(ex.Message.ToString());throw ex;and i found it throws error :the request failed.unable to connect to remote server.actually my exchange...
2 Jan 2013 by Prasad_Kulkarni
Refer: Retrieving Outlook Contact Lists using Javascript[^]Similar discussion here: Import contacts from outlook with JS[^]
20 Feb 2013 by Gary Heath
I couldn't find a way of doing this, BUT, I did find that you can create Rules which will format the Tasks using Conditions ... perfectly detailed and explained here ...[^]
18 Mar 2013 by Prasad Khandekar
Hello.Here[^] is aMS Support article showing how to send email via outlooik. The major difference I can see between your code and MS support code is, how the message gets created. May be following code wrok's correctly for you.Outlook.Application oApp = new...
25 Mar 2013 by Maciej Los
Probably, no matter on BodyFormat (rtf/html/text), the only way to achieve that is to use VBScript.RegExp library.To use it, you need to add reference in VBA editor as is shown here: simple-regular-expression-tutorial-for-excel-vba[^].Many useful information, you'll find here: Microsoft...
17 Apr 2013 by Member 9994487
There is a library (MSG.Net) available that can help you out
10 Jun 2013 by Balasubramanian T
hiIt may solve your issue...Send me an email
24 Jul 2013 by Richard MacCutchan
29 Jul 2013 by keerth516
For accessing "Notes" from Outlook's particular contact property,used "Body" property and for priority -Importance property used, is actually a subset of the field - a numeric field with the values of0 - Normal1 - Personal2 - Private3 -...
8 Aug 2013 by virusstorm
Office 2007 and 2010 came with the VSTO for their respective versions and 2010 was backwards compatible. With 2013, you need to install the 2010 or 2007 VSTO on the machine or update your project to VSTO 2013. Keep in mind the object factory model changed extensively since 2013 making it a fun...
12 Nov 2013 by MK-Gii
I got this solved. I ran this peace of code to identify the version and then under each section - run approprate code for each version (the differences depends of OL Objct Model differences, which is basically nothing to worry about)Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Application oApp = new...
16 Nov 2013 by Zoltán Zörgő
And you want to do this from code? Since you have not specified any programming language. If you are looking for a ready-made program, than your question is off-topic in this forum, and you should start here:[^]Theoretically: if you can read all items of...
2 Jan 2014 by Sunny_Kumar_
Hi Sajid,You can really do it and it's that simple, use the codes below:-------------------------------------------------------------Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Application app = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Application(); MailItem...
17 Feb 2014 by CHill60[^]
17 Feb 2014 by Hunain Hafeez
i am using Microsoft outlook account properties in MVC to send mail but problem is that is uses taht account to which i am logged on in my PC, i want to mention FROM in textbox. I read an article which shows the way to integrate code but i don't know how ? thsi piece of code i...
25 Feb 2014 by Mohamad M. Mohamad
I have been searching from few days to find that How can I send a task item in outlook using SMTP in but I am unable to find any concrete solution.Kindly help me. I dont want to use any interop or dll, I just want to use SMTP and send a task item like we can send a meeting request...
23 Mar 2014 by Maciej Los
It's quite often asked question. I have answered it few times. Please use SearchBox[^] at the right-top corner of this site. Member 10684287 wrote:I have several thousand emails with order confirmations from online sales. I have exported the emails to a CSV, but the body of the email is...
28 Apr 2014 by ZurdoDev
You'll either have to write the code yourself or perhaps search online for a tool that can read those types of files. You may need to use the Office interop liraries,[^], to be able to read it and then parse it and put it into...
28 Apr 2014 by Maciej Los
If Outlook stores emails on MS Exchange server, please, have a look here: Synchronizing Outlook Data between Exchange Server and SQL Server[^]In other case, please see: GeniusConnect site[^] and its Save email to SQL tutorial (video)[^].
9 Jul 2014 by jo.him1988
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Application myApp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.ApplicationClass(); Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.NameSpace mapiNameSpace = myApp.GetNamespace("MAPI"); Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.MAPIFolder myContacts =...
2 Nov 2014 by Member 11045379
how to make subject line read only, disable reply-all, forward buttons when sending a new mail using EWS API.BElow is my codeEmailMessage email = new EmailMessage(service);email.ToRecipients.Add("");email.Subject = "Hellos";email.Body = " This is the...
2 Jan 2015 by Maciej Los
I'd suggest to read this:[^][^]
20 Mar 2015 by Dave the Golfer
I have now solved the problem.I originally had Office 2007.I loaded Office 365. When I was happy with 365 I unloaded Office 2007. This it seems damaged Office 365.I have now run a repair and all is OK. Thanks for all your support.
5 Jun 2015 by Frankie-C
If you google for the error 0x800401FA, you'll get: "CO_E_WRONGOSFORAPP - Wrong operating system or operating system version for the application".It is probably telling you that the dll version is not correct, i.e. you have a 32 bits version on 64bits os, or you have a 64bit version on a...
7 Nov 2015 by andrewj86
Started experiencing the same error out of the blue yesterday in Outlook VBA. Finally found a workaround.Changed this:Set teamBox = objNS.CreateRecipient("Our.Shared.Mailbox@domain.tld")Set olTeamBoxItems = objNS.GetSharedDefaultFolder(teamBox, olFolderInbox).ItemsTo this:Set...
8 Jan 2016 by Maciej Los
Start here:How to: Get Information About Stores in a Profile[^]How to: Add or Remove a Store (*.pst)[^]How to: Programmatically Save Attachments from Outlook E-Mail Items[^]Can I read an Outlook (2003/2007) PST file in C#? - Stack Overflow[^]
26 Jan 2016 by Dave Kreskowiak
After seeing your updated question and perusing the MAPI documentation, there is no notification sent and no way to subscribe to any event that an email is being sent. What you want to do doesn't have any known method of being implemented.
25 Feb 2016 by Dave Kreskowiak
You can NOT launch a user interactive process on a remote machine. Well, you can, but the user logged in on the remote machine will never see it appear. This is because of security concerns that I think become quite obvious when you think about it.In order for you to launch a remote process...
25 Feb 2016 by Dave Kreskowiak
Tons of problems. First, the command line you shelled is completely wrong. This is exactly what you ran: "\\Gary-PC " "C:\Program Files\PS Tools\PsExec.exe " "\\GARY-PC\GaryPC - O\CloseOutlook.vbs "First, you have the PC name, which does nothing at all, except throw the file not found...
27 Feb 2016 by OriginalGriff
Probably, you can't retrieve anything useful in terms of emails from the OST file, or at least, nothing you don't already have on your email server.See here: Introduction to Outlook Data Files (.pst and .ost) - Outlook[^]It says: "Outlook Data Files (.ost) are always copies of items that are...
23 Apr 2016 by Dave Kreskowiak
Googing this you'll find that you can NOT use Outlook interop, or any Office application, inside a non-interactive session, like a web site or a Windows service app. It is not a supported solution. It MAY work here and there, but it is not guaranteed to work all of the time.
4 May 2016 by Patrice T
Quote:The file you’re attaching is bigger than the server allows.Rhe problem is not on your side, it is on mail server side.Your ISP mail server deny huge mail, it enforce a size limit !The only thing you can do is subscribe to a service that allow those huge mails.Second solution, split...
22 Jul 2016 by OriginalGriff
Very, very unlikely..NET V2 was released in 2007 - nine years ago, and made massive improvements to V1.0It is not likely that anyone is going to have a version that supports .NET V1 sitting around ready to be "bolted in" to your application.Instead, I'd strongly recommend upgrading your...
24 Jul 2016 by mohd. nadeemshaikh
I have got the solution from Here[^]. I was missing "SEQUENCE". Thanks all for your help.
6 Dec 2016 by CHill60
The VBA compiler is not case sensitive (unfortunately).I can find nowhere in your code where dDate is either declared or initialised - if it is null, empty or whatever then you will be not be setting either the Start or End for the appointment and will generate the error you are...
24 May 2017 by F-ES Sitecore
It took me about 5 seconds to google "c# outlook automation save email text" and find this; Exporting text from email body to excel by using C#[^] Do the search yourself and you'll find other examples.
5 Nov 2017 by OriginalGriff
Google is your friend: Be nice and visit him often. He can answer questions a lot more quickly than posting them here... A very quick search gave 83,000 hits: delete outlook appointments c - Google Search[^] And MSDN has the solution: AppointmentItem Methods...