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Microsoft Office 365


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by Joan M
How to be able to launch office apps that refuse to start giving the 0xc0000142 error
by Zoltán Zörgő
Sketch application capable of consuming Office365 Oultook Streaming Notificaion API

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by Joan M
How to be able to launch office apps that refuse to start giving the 0xc0000142 error
by Zoltán Zörgő
Sketch application capable of consuming Office365 Oultook Streaming Notificaion API

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Microsoft Office 365 

27 Jun 2018 by Richard Deeming
Use Exchange Web Services (EWS): Start using web services in Exchange | Microsoft Docs[^] Create appointments and meetings by using EWS in Exchange 2013 | Microsoft Docs[^]
2 Apr 2021 by Joan M
How to be able to launch office apps that refuse to start giving the 0xc0000142 error
30 Aug 2022 by OriginalGriff
You need to add the Interop assemblies as well: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
22 Apr 2024 by Dave Kreskowiak
Your question is off-topic for this site. Try[^]
5 Sep 2017 by Udara Eshan Ariyarathne
I want know how do i open Outlook online Web Application using SharePoint Provider Hosted App. I have open Outlook Client Application in Local Machine Using Below Code. I want to know same as to below code for Outlook Online Web Application What I have tried: ...
21 Sep 2017 by Richard MacCutchan
Wrong site; these forums are for help with code that you have written. You need to try
15 Nov 2017 by Member 13512216
hi I want to create a leave approval workflow( if the manager approved the leave request, a mail should be triggered to inititor same like rejection also. i have a list called LeaveRequest with column( start date (date & time), end date (date & time), manager(peoplepicker) What I have tried: ...
19 Jun 2018 by anu katari
I followed a suggestion from this and was able to generate successful results response. However, I am still finding it difficult to get a complete mail as .eml/msg file from that response. Is it possible to get complete mail as a file instead of attachments ?. What I have tried: How to get...
27 Jun 2018 by TeemeeT
Is there any technology that I can use to connect to office 365 for a C# application? My requirement is that I need to create an app that can add, update and delete appointments in office 365 outlook calendar. What I have tried: I try using Microsoft Graph Explorer but I cannot access its...
2 Aug 2019 by CandaceJ
Hi I am attempting to compile a project but its missing the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application reference. When going to Add References I cannot seem to find it. If Office is installed should the reference not automatically be in the list? How can I get it into the list? I'm running...
2 Aug 2019 by RickZeeland
You might try the repair option of Office in Control Panel as mentioned here: Interop Assemblies for Excel 2016 for c# application[^] It could also be that you need to upgrade to VS2017, as mentioned here: Office primary interop assemblies - Visual Studio | Microsoft Docs[^] Quote: Starting...
11 Aug 2019 by OriginalGriff
Read the message: READ ONLY : This Document is Lock for Editing by another user That means just what it says: the file is in use, and until it is no longer being used you can't access it. Probably, you app is not closing iot's files properly, and the file remains in use from a "previous...
28 May 2020 by Kazuhiro Murata
Hi, my troubles are below. 1. I need to replace code "EWS" to "office365 Rest API" because The deadline is approacing. In my source, "targetGroup" is address for Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.MailboxType.PublicGroup. I tried to search a...
2 Dec 2020 by Sunil T
I was using MS Office 7 and macro was running faster. However ever since I moved to office 365 64bit, Macro became dead slow to fetch data. I use below code to pull stock data from a site, where I used to pull 150 stock data within 5 to 10 min...
1 Mar 2021 by Member 15087247
​$LO = New-MsolLicenseOptions -AccountSkuId *****:STANDARDWOFFPACK_IW_FACULTY -DisabledPlans "MICROSOFTBOOKINGS" The Script should look like this Set-MsolUserLicense -Userprincipalname $UPN -LicenseOptions $LO
22 Sep 2021 by idkd
I want to be able to Open an excel file that is in web using a C# desktop application without having to build a web application of sort. (working on a small budget ) I have some code that works where I can open and edit a local excel xlsx ( on...
22 Sep 2021 by Richard Deeming
Most websites don't allow you to modify files stored on them. You would need to download the file locally, edit it, and then find some way to upload your changes back to the site. For OneDrive, you might be able to use the API: OneDrive file...
6 Jan 2022 by Adam Rudzinski
Hi, I am trying to insert a custom HTML table from a code to excel. However, it does not work from the backend side. I always get a raw table string in the cell; however, it works when I open a file and manually copy and paste the cell's value...
6 Jan 2022 by Chris Copeland
You can't just insert HTML content into a cell and expect Excel to render it, Excel doesn't natively support HTML in it's cells. Even using the IsRichText doesn't work because it expects RTF-formatted content. How can I embed HTML file in excel?...
16 Mar 2022 by
We have a Web based File Management system in which Word documents are uploaded. Documents are stored in the database. We would like to allow the Word document to be launched for editing in a separate tab in the browser using Microsoft 365 Word...
30 Aug 2022 by TuomoK
I have Microsoft Office installed in my computer, and I'm about to begin Excel programming with Visual Studio 2019. I added Microsoft Office 16.0 Object Library reference to my project, but the added reference doesn't show in the project's...
20 Sep 2022 by koolprasad2003
Dear team we have implemented WebDav using and deployed it on IIS. Now when we try to edit any file on client machine with Word 2013/2016 then word prompts security warning as "The application experienced an internal error loading the SSL...
5 May 2023 by Graeme_Grant
I popped your question into Google Search: How do I package office web add-in for Microsoft store[^] and this was in the section "People also ask:" .How do I package an add-in?[^] To package and publish your add-in using IIS, FTP, or Web Deploy...
5 May 2023 by Member 15893644
I have developed an Event-Driven Office Web Add-In for Outlook in Visual Studio Code based on one of the examples at github. I tested this Add-In by creating a distribution directory using npm run build , put this on our server, and verified that...
14 Aug 2017 by Zoltán Zörgő
Sketch application capable of consuming Office365 Oultook Streaming Notificaion API
12 Aug 2019 by kedar001
i'm Opening Word File from my Application in HTTP Path i.e. http:\\Server\SiteName\TempFiles\filename.docx Word File Showing message as "READ ONLY : This Document is Lock for Editing by another user" because of this my macro didn't work Protection = ActiveDocument.ProtectionType If...
5 Dec 2022 by Member 15418280
we are getting prompt window every time when we are sending mail this email can not send without a label how can restrict this pop up not to come what setting we need to do What I have tried: how can be disable popup this email can not send...
19 Nov 2018 by Member 13041059
Just one question i have created an SharePoint app and it was deployed by Admin because i don't have Admin access i am just user of Office 365. Now i want to change a logo given in the App, so i just want to know that is it changed by Admin of a particular user can also change it What I have...
1 Mar 2021 by aparrygordontafe
Afternoon All, I've been asked to remove applications from office 365, specifically outlook via powershell and the msol service. But i cannot see any information about this? What I have tried: I can remove "services" such as...
28 Oct 2020 by Maanoj Kumar
I am tasked in developing a form which is going to record and store data into a SharePoint list (Office 365 online SharePoint) So far I have been looking into two different methods I am not sure if they are suitable given the requirements of the...
28 Nov 2023 by Member 10248476
Hi Everyone, I have a question, can I make an application from SharePoint where the license in the Office 365 Admin is integrated into SharePoint online with conditions on when the existing license is assigned and when the license must be...