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by WernfriedD
Single .exe to verify if your Oracle Client is properly installed and working. Verify supported technologies for Oracle connection.

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by WernfriedD
Single .exe to verify if your Oracle Client is properly installed and working. Verify supported technologies for Oracle connection.

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7 Jul 2013 by Mehdi Gholam
1) Check if you are compiling to x86 or Any CPU (Any CPU is preferred since it will work on 64bit and 32bit and possibly your asmx is 64bit which is working).2) Check your .net versions you are building with in your projects.
7 Jul 2013 by Prasad Khandekar
Hello,The error kind of suggests that it's the problem with the dependencies. Please check whether you are using correct versions of depenencies with ODP.NET provider. You may find this blog post[^] useful in resolving this issue.Regards,
18 Dec 2012 by Sampath Kumar Sathiya
Hi,1. In this case, can i use entity framework for my application?Yes, you can use entity frame work.2. Also does it make the application work/respond really slow if i use stored procedures all the time without entity framework? No, not really. But If you use via entity...
2 Feb 2013 by Aarti Meswania
this wayDataSet ds = new DataSet();OracleDataAdapter ndadptr = new OracleDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM "+ listBox1.SelectedItem.ToString(), OrConn.conn);ndadptr.Fill(ds);dataGridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];dataGridView1.DataMember = ds.Tables[0].Name;then you will...
15 Feb 2014 by praveen_07
To simply your problem I would suggest you to break down your requirement into various phases.1. First and the foremost thing look out for CRUD Operations in Gridview2. thn look for connecting to oracle database tables3. later upate the fields...
15 Feb 2014 by Krunal Rohit
Solution 1 is correct and addition to that,You really don't have to save the updated data in some datatable, because ASP .NET provides temporary persistence storage until the page is post back. So take a look at that link and given below as well. You surely get the idea how to deal with your...
10 Dec 2016 by Wendelius
I'm trying to figure out if I can get data back from the server for rows that are inserted with OracleBulkCopy Class[^] I can successfully load data from client to the server but the problem is that I cannot define a mapping that would return data back to the client from the server.The...
25 Oct 2012 by Member 9542426
Hello,I have developed a client server application targeting 3.5 framework and followed this link Instant Oracle Using C#[^] to connect to the oracle database on server.But i'm getting "Provider is not compatible with the version of oracle client" exception. I'm working on windows 7 32 bit...
7 Dec 2012 by Member 9542426
I'm trying to work on application with odp as the provider. I'm unable to make a simple store proc with 1 in and 1 out parameter work. However i change the data type, i'm getting the same pl/sql exception as numeric or type error. My database person has tested the stored proc with an...
17 Dec 2012 by Member 9542426
Hi,My company wants to have the logic as much as possible in the stored procedure and do not want me to involve in creating them. The tables are already existing and have a system analyst to worry about the creation of the additonal tables and stored procedures.1. In this case, can i use...
15 Jan 2013 by k.apoorv
i am querying oracle from c# windows app through odp .net.i am using SafeMapping to ensure there is no loss of data,but due to SafeMapping all the data gets converted to string datatype.How do i get the data with their original datatypewhat i have searched is ReturnProviderSpecificTpyes...
2 Feb 2013 by Abhinav S
The answer at[^] explains why this is happening and also gives a workaround.
26 Mar 2013 by Ryanm1324
I have a webapplication that connects to an Oracle 11g database using ODP.NET 11. Everything has been working fine, but where I am working on this project, the company has an old legacy app which connects to an Oracle 7.3.4 database. I need to query this Oracle 7.3.4 database in the new web...
27 Mar 2013 by Ryanm1324
I took a different approach and created a webservice that would take care of the access to Oracle 7.3.4 and return the data as an object list.The rest continues to use ODP.NET for access to Oracle 11
18 Jun 2013 by TapasU
Hi All,I am using Enterprise Library in my Winform application in .Net and Oracle is my database.I want to implement connectino pooling in my application. My conenction strign is similar to one given below
3 Jul 2013 by RanjithKumarG
string constr = "Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=spp01)(PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=Global)));UserId=SYSMAN;Password=testman3"; string ProviderName = "Oracle.DataAccess.Client"; DbProviderFactory factory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(ProviderName);I am...
7 Jul 2013 by RanjithKumarG
Hi, I have a following code to connect oracle database, string ProviderName = "Oracle.DataAccess.Client" DbProviderFactory factory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(ProviderName);I am able to connect to oracle in console and winforms application. The code above is in a...
21 Jul 2013 by RanjithKumarG
Hi,string constr = "Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=spp01)(PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=Global)));User Id=SYSMAN;Password=testman3"; string ProviderName = "Oracle.DataAccess.Client"; DbProviderFactory factory =...
19 Sep 2013 by TapasU
Hi All,I have a stored procedure in Oracle which has the following signaturecreate or replace PROCEDURE CAT_POPULATE_GFRN_DETAILS_PRC( varGFCIDLIST IN VARRAY_VARCHAR_TYPE, resultset OUT types.cursorType)where VARRAY_VARCHAR_TYPE has following definitioncreate or...
30 Oct 2013 by ksb123
Did you solve this issue. I am running into the same problem.
22 Dec 2013 by chester_it21
Dear All master,corresponding tag title line above me ,explanation of cases like this :I build applications using WCF, and WCF there is a function to query execution, his code below:public string UploadBoxs(DataSet dataSet){ var conn = new OracleConnection(_connstring); ...
9 Jan 2014 by Member 10476713
hi i am trying to use reference cursor to retrieve data from two tables in to cursors. i will send a varchar2 field as input and get to ref cursor as output when i tried passing a input parameter its throwing error.when i try without any input parameter to return a whole table it works. Help me...
9 Jan 2014 by mopicus
Hi, you're using companyname in your c# code, while you have declared your input variable in the stored procedure as compname.Hope this helps!
23 Feb 2014 by Linto Leo Tom
I have a query like Select * from tablename where id in (:ids);I want to assign a list of integers for the above parameter :ids.I am using the ODP.Net with C#.The code snippet will be something like thisconst String sql = Select * from tablename where id in...
13 May 2014 by Linto Leo Tom
Folks,I have a requirement where I want to begin multiple transactions from single connection. I am able to begin transaction. Do commit or rollback. And start new. But my requirement is to start new transactions without committing or rolling back the previous transactions.I saw in the...
20 Aug 2014 by mahammad_09
We have 3 environments Production, Test and Dev. And a web application is deployed in each server.In production and Dev environment the application works fine. But while trying to access the Dev environment the provider is incompatible issue occurs.The issue in dev server is...
10 Sep 2017 by eshezo
Hello, i have an issue with Oracle Client.i have oracle database 10g, i have installed oracle client 12c all applications works fine, but one of the application uses below code for login, but when executing the command the two output parameters return incomplete data, they return exactly...
21 Jul 2015 by Member 11854056
have problem can simply change halves of year in code.foreach (DataColumn dc in dataTable.Columns){ if (dc.DataType == typeof(DateTime)) { foreach (DataRow dr in dataTable.Rows) { object value = dr[dc]; if...
10 Aug 2015 by Tejas Sawant 13
Hello All,Thanks in advance.I have development machine with following configuration:windows 7, 64 bit . Oracle server system: 32 bitOracle Version :Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - ProductionI am working on windows form application using visual...
7 Sep 2015 by Rinat Ahmedjanov
set OracleParameter("MESSAGE", OracleType.Char, 4000);and after execute result[1] = cmd.Parameters["MESSAGE"].Value.ToString().Trim(); or install 11 client...
23 Nov 2021 by ddas-edEn
We have a WCF web service hosted on Windows 2008 SP2/IIS 7 accessing an Oracle database. Usually data access works fine but during load testing, it often times out and logs and exception saying:Error occurred when processing XXXXXXXX Web ServiceOracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException...
27 Sep 2015 by Wendelius
Based on the exception it seems that the problem is in establishing the connection so the procedure hasn't even been called yet:at Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnection.Open()Does the connection timeout in the connection string have effect? What I mean is that if you define 600, does...
29 Sep 2015 by Jörgen Andersson
A common reason for running out of resources like that is that previous connections hasn't been released.One simple way to do it is to wrap the connection in a using statement. using (OracleConnection orConn = new OracleConnection()) { ...
4 Jan 2016 by Jagbir Saini
I am working on application using Entity Framework 5 in VS-2013, I need to call store procedure from Oracle packages.I am using ODP.NET (Managed driver) for connection.My SP is :create or replace procedure "GETQUEUES" ( qID number, P_RESULTSET OUT SYS_REFCURSOR ...
21 Jan 2016 by Jagbir Saini
I am working on WEB API having oracle as a back-end. I have one scenario in which I need to call one Store Procedure which is taking some time to execute. I need to to send response or some value to the UI from Service(Web API) without waiting my procedure to execute completely. I have...
1 Feb 2016 by AlfredoPasa
## I have added error codes at the end of the question, hope it might help you to help me.Hi! there IT nerds, this old man needs some help big time. I have an application that is suppose to search incidents and if needed export those search results to excel sheet. Searching part is fine....
27 Jan 2016 by Richard Deeming
You're sending an HTML string to the browser, but pretending that it's an Excel file. The might work in some circumstances, if Excel is willing to import the HTML file; but it's not correct.You need to generate and send a real Excel file instead. There are various free libraries which will...
28 Jul 2016 by Member 11973948
I have replaced the "Oracle.DataAccess.dll" in my visual studio with "Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll" and the build was successful.but when I try to run the code it errors out saying "unsupported column type".at cmdObj.ExecuteNonQuery();But I have read that this latest...
23 Aug 2016 by Julian_h
I need some help calling a stored procedure designed to add sequence number to each row added via a web service POST method.At the moment I get this error message: "ExceptionMessage": "ORA-20001: Get Next Sequence Failed.. -936 ORA-00936: missing expression\nORA-06512: at...
12 Jul 2017 by ErodeYogesh
CREATE TABLE BUSINESS ( BE_ID VARCHAR2(50 ) NOT NULL , ID VARCHAR2(50 ) NOT NULL , DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(4000 ) ) ; create or replace Package HCL0100A0 as Type PARR is table of business%rowtype index by binary_integer; Function...
10 Sep 2017 by Member 13403381
Don't use the System.Data.Oracle.Client anymore (with 12c client). You can use the Oracle.DataAccess which is part of oracle client installation or oracle.ManagedDataAccess instead.
23 Feb 2018 by User-11630313
we have an web application. in that application we are using oracle client as data provider to connect the oracle i want to migrate oracle client to oracle data provider( you please anyone explain m,e how can i do this. what the necessarycode changes i need to...
23 Feb 2018 by Richard Deeming
Microsoft OracleClient to ODP.NET Application Migration: Introduction[^] Microsoft OracleClient to ODP.NET Application Migration: Installation[^] Microsoft OracleClient to ODP.NET Application Migration: Code Migration[^] Microsoft OracleClient to ODP.NET Application Migration: Deployment[^]
4 Apr 2020 by M.Kamran Asim
I am mapping Oracle user defined types to .Net custom types by Oracle Data access unmanaged assembly. I have followed the article I had applied...
4 Apr 2020 by Wendelius
Instead of defining the table type inside the package header, try declaring it separately and using it without package definition. In other words CREATE TYPE PHONE_RC_TBL IS TABLE OF PHONE_TYP_RC; Also remember to remove all STUDENT_PKG....
1 Dec 2017 by WernfriedD
Single .exe to verify if your Oracle Client is properly installed and working. Verify supported technologies for Oracle connection.
2 Feb 2013 by Walter Lyons
Something wrong is happening, when I'm trying to get the name of the table, which is currently shown in DataGridView. To get the table from Oracle, I use this code:DataSet ds = new DataSet();OracleDataAdapter ndadptr = new OracleDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM"+ ...
15 Feb 2014 by Member 10476713
i have a webform with three grid views and the are fetched from three oracle table .i have to enable edit update and delete functions in grid and i have to store the changes to grid in a temporary datatable. once the userclicks submit the changes should be updated in database. please help me how...
20 May 2014 by JimVas2005
I have the following table in Oracle 11g:create table tb_dates ( dt_date date )And the following code in C# 4.5:DataTable dt = new DataTable();DataColumn dc = new DataColumn();dc.DataType = Type.GetType("System.DateTime");dc.ColumnName = "dt_date";dt.Columns.Add(dc);for...
29 Jan 2015 by Am Gayathri
Am getting below error after installing TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specifiedBefore installing i was able to connect with database using plsql developer.But is required to run .net application so i installed after installing...
29 Jan 2015 by parvez mulla
Cause: A connection to a database or other service was requested using a connect identifier, and the connect identifier specified could not be resolved into a connect descriptor using one of the naming methods configured. For example, if the type of connect identifier used was a net service name...
10 Jul 2013 by TapasU
Thanks guys for your replies.I got this problem solved. I was actually missing the correct version of Oracle.DataAccess.dllI added Oracle.DataAccess.dll -4.112.3 in the Bin of my executable and got it resolved.
23 Nov 2021 by manikjeyam
7 Jul 2013 by TapasU
Hi All,I am getting the following exception when I am trying to connect to Oracle using .Net code.The type initializer for 'Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnection' threw an exception.the inner exception gives the following message."The provider is not compatible with the...
24 Feb 2014 by R-a-v-i-k-u-m-a-r
Do one thingForm all list of integers as a string seperated by comma(,) and the pass the string as paramter.Hope this may help you