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Great Reads

by Nick Polyak
Describes how to install dynamically loaded plugins as nuget packages
by DannyVarod
Fast, stable and powerful creation of NuGet packages
by Stuart Wheelwright
How to produce and publish a NuGet package using AppVeyor, the free continuous build service
by Simon Jackson
MonoGame 3.2 NuGet packages are GO!

Latest Articles

by Bert O Neill
How Entity Framework Core 6 or 7 projects can take advantage of EF Core 8's OpenJson without having to migrate to EF Core 8 - using a custom NuGet Package for SQL Server
by Nick Polyak
Describes how to install dynamically loaded plugins as nuget packages
by Kevin Mack
What's the need for a private Nuget feed
by CodingCoyote
Tutorial using the Build Task NuGet Package Template with GitHub or `dotnet new`

All Articles

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17 Jan 2023 by Nick Polyak
Describes how to install dynamically loaded plugins as nuget packages
6 Aug 2014 by DannyVarod
Fast, stable and powerful creation of NuGet packages
11 Aug 2014 by Stuart Wheelwright
How to produce and publish a NuGet package using AppVeyor, the free continuous build service
13 Apr 2014 by Simon Jackson
MonoGame 3.2 NuGet packages are GO!
3 Dec 2012 by Vasil Trifonov
How to configure a local Nuget repository
6 Dec 2012 by Vasil Trifonov
Share Nuget packages between solutions
4 Dec 2012 by Vasil Trifonov
How to share Nuget packages between solutions
21 Jun 2013 by marcofranssen
CI with Jenkins, MSBuild, Nuget and Git - Part 4
22 Aug 2014 by Mdimagh Firas
This tip/trick shows you how to add bindable AppBar with MVVM Light Toolkit in Windows Phone 8
19 Aug 2014 by Kinna-10626331
I want to install the "Modern UI Charts for WPF" package. I am using Windows 7 , VS Express 2013 and .Net framwork 4.5 .I can run the source code theme provided from next link with no errors:[^]but when I try to download and link the package from...
20 Aug 2014 by Kinna-10626331
Finally I could do it. First download the correct .dll from here:[^]2)Then copy the file inside of your project.3)Drag and drop the .dll file over the project and double click over it from the "Solution Explorer" in VS...
28 Aug 2014 by Gihan Liyanage
Try this solution,get a Back up before do[^]
15 Jan 2015 by saramgsilva
This article has the goal to show how to update a .Net Backend project from Azure Mobile Services, this mean we will update the references added to the project using Nuget packages.
24 Apr 2015 by Vasil Trifonov
ConfigurationTransformations Nuget
11 Sep 2015 by Scott_Reece
Why not knowing about your package license agreements can hurt.
25 Dec 2015 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
In this blog, I will tell you the trick to convert JSON string property to C# Object using Newtonsoft.
3 Oct 2016 by Kausik J. Nag
In this article we are going to implement a step by step approach for Continuous development and Integration model with a distributed version control system, artifactory, package manger and a package repository for third party libraries.
4 Oct 2016 by Kausik J. Nag
In this article, we will optimize our continuous integration and development model with the use of JFrog Artifactory.
29 May 2017 by jimmson
You are referencing an assembly that has higher .NET framework version than your project has. Change your project .NET version to 4.5.2 and it should work fine.
14 May 2019 by GaneshBodke11
I have cloned one project from GitHub. when i tried to build that project, i am getting an error like : " Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error NuGet Package restore failed for project Application\BEL.FeedbackWorkflow: Unable to find version '1.5.2' of package...
1 Sep 2020 by Kevin Mack
What's the need for a private Nuget feed
2 Mar 2021 by EpsilonCoder
At last I was able to resolve this issue by forcing the nuget to use release configuration while packing. Surprisingly, I was building the solution with Release profile but still nuget was getting confused somehow. I used following command nuget...
25 Jul 2021 by Chris Copeland
.NET optimizes out library references where they haven't been used. So if your "LibraryA" references a particular package but chooses not to use it, it may be optimized out of the DLL when compiled in release mode. I think the correct approach...
N 28 May 2024 by Bert O Neill
How Entity Framework Core 6 or 7 projects can take advantage of EF Core 8's OpenJson without having to migrate to EF Core 8 - using a custom NuGet Package for SQL Server
19 Aug 2013 by Prince Tegaton
Hello Guys,I am running Visual Studio 2010, i installed Nuget and added SignalR to my project.The main problem here is that i cant find SignalR Hub Class in Add New Item dialog, is it that i have to connect to internet and add it to all websites from Nuget always..Help please..
19 Aug 2013 by Musakkhir
There is no need to install that package every time.Download compatible version of SignalR, copy following dll files from package folder which is already installed in your project and copy these files in bin folder of a...
7 Apr 2019 by Narendra_kvs
I would like to develop a user interface through which one can send Nuget power shell scripts to the Package manager console and get the output displayed in UI. For that i need information on how to access package manager console through c#. Can any one help me on this? Thanks in advance.
12 Jan 2014 by Prasaad SJ
Has any one used here the googlelocationservice class before. I would like to know do we need apikey to work with the class. ??According to the following doc[^]They say we don't need api key to work with location service but under this...
17 Jan 2014 by Member 10531730
you can find SignalR Hub Class in Visual studio 2013 only
10 Mar 2014 by mbarbac
Hello,I would like to deliver the source code and the project file (*.csproj) of a library though NuGet. This is not hard, but I have not found a way of doing so and updating at the same time both the dependencies of the project I am delivering and adding a reference to it into the client...
16 Mar 2014 by KatsuneShinsengumi
Hey Guys,My laptop got a blue screen problem. The thing is all of my project is in there, I can open the laptop and access the Visual Studio but I want to move the projects from there to my desktop and continue my work there just to be safe. I'm us Visual Studio Express 2012, with NuGet and...
16 Mar 2014 by Krunal Rohit
That blue will screen would cause the problem for OS but desktop. So it is not a good idea to move your project under same OS.Why don't you first take a backup of your application in Flash Drive/ Dropbox/ GoogleDrive etc like that ??-KR
17 Mar 2014 by NvsYazilim
Hello everyone,I have the following situation: I am currently working on 2 projects. The first one uses EF6, the second one EF4. When i open the SLN file, VS prompts me to downgrade the reference, and i need to either update or downgrade the references. Every time this mean connecting to the...
15 May 2014 by Jocelyne El Khoury
Dim phoneUtil = PhoneNumbers.PhoneNumberUtil.GetInstance() Dim a = phoneUtil.getNumberType("96170274754")I keep getting the below error: Error 4 'GetNumberType' is ambiguous because multiple kinds of members with this name exist in class...
15 May 2014 by Abhinav S
This should help you -[^].
15 May 2014 by CPallini
From what I see in the source code[^], the getNunberType method parameter should be a PhoneNumber object while you are passing a string, instead. So, in order to uset it, you should first find a way to obtain a PhoneNumber object from your string.
16 May 2014 by Ashok19r91d
Just append your contry code with Phone Number while parsing...I'm not sure of your class "PhoneNumberUtil", But It's a Simple trick which I hope to be work good.Try using like this.PhoneNumber numberProto = phoneUtil.Parse("+91" + phoneNumber, "");
30 Jul 2014 by jacks0009
there are many micro ORM in the market. First I want to know , what is the need of ORM library ? Is it feasible to use 'Insight.Database' micro ORM for an enterprise applications ? if one of my table has 100+ columns, should I have corresponding business object where all insertions are handled...
20 Aug 2014 by Krishna Siva
I am writing MSbuild scripts to automate my build process without using visual studio for building my application. Recently stuck up with this error " $(projectpath)\.nuget\nuget.targets(93,9): error : Package restore is disabled by default. To give consent, open the Visual Studio...
21 Aug 2014 by Krishna Siva
Sorry, Use the first try option and run your vs command prompt as an admin. I have fixed it myself.
3 Sep 2014 by thatraja
Why Should You Use an ORM?[^]
8 Oct 2014 by Member 11139765
Hi All,I have developed one nuget package and have a reference requirement like,
12 Nov 2014 by Aradhana Krishna
HiI am using R.Net Nuget package for R functionality in .Net.I can read csv files and save in dataframe and can do calculations.But I want to do calculations with data that I have already in a datatable or List(dotnet) without using csv.csv contains some rows and columns.I have same data in...
8 Jan 2015 by ShawInnes, Octopus Deploy
Rather than writing our own article, we thought we’d share a real life story with live environments from a genuine developer. Shaw Innes is an Octopus Deploy user.
3 Mar 2015 by Ian_Paullin
For the past few months, I’ve been analyzing Octopus Deploy in terms of it’s components, architectural design and benefits of said design decisions. In this article, we’re going to bring everything together to see the sum of all the parts.
31 Mar 2015 by Am Gayathri
How do i add datepicker using bootstrapdatepicker in MVC application?Am creating one application using .net MVC. I want to add datapicker. i downloaded bootstrapdatepicker using nu-get package. Could anyone please explain how to use it ?I tried below but it doesn't work.Addded js and...
17 Apr 2015 by Nadeem_Ahmed786
I am facing a problem while performing a demo task on Web API, I am using IoCContainer and an error message is displayed showing that IoCContainer Could not be found(are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference).The problem is not related to the using directive as I already added...
28 Jun 2015 by sajidur rahman
I can't add any nuget package in my MVC Applications An item with the same key has already been added error show. What is the problem i don't know.Full ErrorPM> Install-Package EntityFrameworkAttempting to gather dependencies information for package 'EntityFramework.6.1.3'...
9 Jul 2015 by OriginalGriff
Almost certainly, you need to talk to Microsoft about this.[^] is a good start
8 Sep 2015 by Avinash6474
Hi All,I come across the NuGet plugin to manage menu 'MvcSiteMapProvider MVC5'. I have a question or need more clarification before I start using it. How much it will efficient it will in menu mapping?-With this it is easy to create menu with an XML file but how it efficient in real...
16 Sep 2015 by Code108
Both works equally as far as performance is concerned. Also for any changes to the menu content coming from DB, you will have to push those changes for both and recreate the XML or SiteMap file.
21 Sep 2015 by FantasticFiasco
My NuGet package contains a app.config.install.xdt file, but its transformations aren't applied when the app.config file is missing in the project I am installing the NuGet into.How do I enforce the app.config configuration both when file exists and when it doesn't?
6 Oct 2015 by Manidas Payyoli
I am trying to creating a chat application in windows phone 8.1 using xmpp and openfire server in visual studio 2013 updated 4.I l.For xmpp connection to servr i used these my chat application i want use more specifications like...
6 Oct 2015 by Andy Lanng
Hi,There are a lot of question here, but I'll try to answer as best I can."...should I add all dll of these or its source code?"Unless the dll is very large and you need just a snippet of the code, add the whole dll. There's no point stirring up the silt. Keep you code...
11 Oct 2015 by Wessel Beulink
Dear friends!I am new to creating a Nuget packages. Wondering if someone did this before and got a nice tutorial for me. I want to create a Nuget package from a .csproj (one core and one api) I'm working in a git cloud so I want to make a new git repository with this 2 projects....
14 Oct 2015 by Sacha Barber
In this post, I will go through some of the common things you may want to do with SBT.
23 Dec 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
You always need to add a reference to the assembly you want to use. If you install some .NET library, it means that it is added to the GAC. But how the build would know what library to reference in an assembly which needs to use one or more other assemblies. Probably, the question is based on...
17 Jan 2016 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
1. Open the NuGet Package Management Console (View->Other Windows) and use the command line options, from here: Creating And Publishing A Package[^]2. Compile this from the source: NuGet Package Project extension[^] (source is here: Home[^])
17 Feb 2016 by Member 11670657
Hi All, I have a problem regarding localizaiotn. i use mvc solution. i have use following code with localization part.@Ajax.ActionLink("@Html.Localize('caseAction_backToIssuedList')", "LoadDebtorInfoBack", new { ...
17 Feb 2016 by Member 11670657
finally i got the answer @Ajax.ActionLink(""+@Html.Localize("caseAction_backToIssuedList")+"", "LoadDebtorInfoBack",
24 Feb 2016 by Member 11670657
Hi,I have mvc 4 solution. So, i have used to nuget localization package to localize my application. it is working fine on .cshtml file as below example.@Html.Localize("systemName")above "systemName" is the key. It may have different values according to language.And...
30 Mar 2016 by Member 12393970
I have created a google service project in which I have added Google.Apis.Drive.v2 package through NuGet. Installation of above package resulted in installation of other dependent packages which included following packages:
3 Apr 2016 by Member 10376341
Hello All,Well, firstly am very new to this coding and learning step by step.I wanted to use SBAdmin which is a Bootstrap Admin panel for my Web Application, and i have installed the NuGet Package from the Package Manager Console. Now am able to see the Content, Scripts, Fonts generated...
23 May 2016 by Jay Ahmedabad
I have added Thinktecture.IdentityServer.Core nuget package.Also installed all other packages on which Thinktecture.IdentityServer.Core package depends.Signed all assemblies using BrutalDev assembly signer.Added all assemblies to GAC.Now I add all nuget packages dll to Package section of...
23 May 2016 by Mehdi Gholam
The PublicKeyToken=null shows that the dll is not signed. Either get a signed version or resign it yourself.c# - Is it possible to resign a signed .net dll with a different key pair? - Stack Overflow[^]strongname - How do you programmatically (re)sign a .NET assembly with a strong name? -...
15 Aug 2016 by shabarinadh.v
Hi,I have a nuget package, it is created at post build event in jenkins, I am able to create and push it to, but, when I try to push the package with same name(id) and version number, an error is thrown, 'Package with same name and Version number already exists, cannot modify...
21 Sep 2016 by Mathew Soji
Please refer below .[^]How to send WhatsApp Messages in C#[^][^]Sending WhatsApp Message Through .NET Application by Using C# Coding - DOTNET PROGRAMMER[^]
24 May 2017 by ZurdoDev
From your link is a link to the API, S#.API - a free algorithmic trading API. StockSharp[^]
25 Jul 2017 by MiniGoel2017
I am using Visual Studio 2017 and creating .Net Standard Library. In this library, I am adding reference to WCF Service by using WCF Connected Service option. As this project is a class library, I am adding its reference in a console app (Executable project). In my .net standard project, I am...
25 Jul 2017 by Dave Kreskowiak
Yes, you have to "install-package" on every project that's going to use it, but you're only installing the executable files once in the solution. Each project is going to have references added to it where they will point to the common folder for the binaries for that library. When you build the...
28 Sep 2017 by Girijesh Kr
Once you publish a particular version of a package to a feed, that version number is permanently reserved. You cannot upload a newer revision package with that same version number, or delete it and upload a new package at the same version. That because many package clients, including NuGet, keep...
5 Feb 2018 by yaswanthdasari
Hi, I created a parent package, it has dependency packages with targets files, when i download and install the parent package the first package's targets file is executed and remaining are not executed. Any reasons for the problem. how to resolve the issue. What I have tried: I don't know...
5 Feb 2018 by Dirk Bahle
Hi, I am not sure what your exact problem is because the question is rather wake but have you tried using the dependency property in the .nuspec file to ensure that these dependencies can be resolved by nuget, if so, what does you nuspec file look like? NUSPEC-Dateireferenz für NuGet |...
5 Feb 2018 by yaswanthdasari
Mistake is from my side i kept the target name as same for all the dependent packages, issue resolved
15 Mar 2018 by Gopinath0072
I created one console application to create visual studio project pragmatically, here i am not able install Nuget packages, always var componentModel = (IComponentModel)Package.GetGlobalService(typeof(SComponentModel)); statement returns null values. for your reference i added my code below....
15 Mar 2018 by RickZeeland
See answer here: c# - How to programmatically install a NuGet package? - Stack Overflow[^]
22 May 2018 by Arun Endapally
How to create and publish a NuGet package easily
15 Jun 2018 by kkakadiya
Hello, I need to work with Excel in my application. so, I am trying to install Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel with nugget package but it is giving below error : Install-Package : An error occurred while retrieving package metadata for 'HtmlAgilityPack.1.8.4' from source 'E:\Sample\packages'. ...
15 Jun 2018 by Richard Deeming
The package Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.15.0.4795.1000 is not listed on the official NuGet site. And I can't see any reason why it would have a dependency on the HTML Agility Pack. However, you've tagged your question as ASP.NET. Office Interop cannot be used in ASP.NET applications:...
5 Jul 2018 by Herman<T>.Instance
Hi Folks, I am creating websites with same css layout, same masterpage (only app title changes) and the default.aspx. I would like to add these features to a Nuget package so I could reuse the stuff again and again in stead of copy waste.... Is is possible to use a Masterpage from a DLL in...
5 Jul 2018 by GKP1992
Sharing master pages is a bad idea, but if you're willing to go through the pain, Dan Wahlin - Sharing Master Pages Across IIS Applications[^]
22 Nov 2021 by Jamie888
hi I have a project developed using .NET Core 1.1 MVC and have just recently created a new repository in Azure DevOps. I have uploaded all the necessary files into the DevOps and build the project. But I encounter an error stating "Packages failed to restore" and further troubleshooting leads to...
21 Mar 2019 by Amod Kumar Chandra
I am facing following issue NETSDK1064 Package AsyncUsageAnalyzers, version 1.0.0-alpha003 was not found. It might have been deleted since NuGet restore. Otherwise, NuGet restore might have only partially completed, which might have been due to maximum path length restrictions. Can anyone help...
21 Mar 2019 by Richard Deeming
It's a pre-release package, so you'll need the IncludePreRelease flag to install it: Install-Package AsyncUsageAnalyzers -Version 1.0.0-alpha003 -IncludePrerelease Pre-release versions in NuGet packages | Microsoft Docs[^] NB: That package has not been updated in four years, and the GitHub...
14 May 2019 by Richard MacCutchan
Look at the error messages and check why the referenced file is missing or not accessible. If all else fails contact the owner of the package.
18 Oct 2019 by Member 13522501
hi is it necessary to be online for use nuget? i download nuget and install it. but vs2015 don't recognize. i am offline. must be online? thanks What I have tried: i do somethings but i dont get a good result.........
18 Oct 2019 by OriginalGriff
Nuget downloads packages, installs them to the active project in a solution, and adds the references as required. If you have no solution open, aor no current project within a solution, it has nowhere to add the package data to, and nowhere to add references. Open a solution, run Nuget...
21 Jan 2020 by Bastien Vandamme
I'm looking for a library that can ease me to load official countries and sub-division (province, state, region or ... ) to fill checkbox and ensure all my user use same list of countries? Is there any C# version of Carmen Ruby Gem? Or something else that could help. GitHub -...
10 May 2020 by gcogco10
Hi Team My Scoffold-DbContext command does not seem to run and getting an exception. Basically i have an updated table definition on my database. I want my table definition to appear on my Model folder within MVC web application. What I have...
10 May 2020 by Richard MacCutchan
See EF Core tools reference (Package Manager Console) - EF Core | Microsoft Docs[^]