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by Mahmoud Samir Fayed
Defining Natural Languages in the Ring programming language based on Object-Oriented Programming
by Jayson DeLancey
This article is the first in the Sentiment Analysis series that uses Python and the open-source Natural Language Toolkit. This article is a primer on some key NLP concepts and getting started with the Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) Python library.
by Arthur V. Ratz
Introducing NLP-Samurai@0.0.10 Natural Language Processing Engine.
by Jayson DeLancey
This article is the second in the Sentiment Analysis series that uses Python and the open-source Natural Language Toolkit. In this article, we'll look at datasets provided by NLTK, as well as an example of capturing your own textual corpus for analysis.

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by Jarek Szczegielniak
In this article, we publish our NLP API service to Azure using Azure Container Instances.
by Jarek Szczegielniak
In this article we use Visual Studio Code to edit and debug our increasingly complex code running inside a Docker container.
by Jarek Szczegielniak
In this article, we’ll modify our code to expose the same logic via a Rest API service.
by Jarek Szczegielniak
In this article we run an inference model for NLP using models persisted on a Docker volume.

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12 Oct 2016 by Mahmoud Samir Fayed
Defining Natural Languages in the Ring programming language based on Object-Oriented Programming
29 May 2020 by Jayson DeLancey
This article is the first in the Sentiment Analysis series that uses Python and the open-source Natural Language Toolkit. This article is a primer on some key NLP concepts and getting started with the Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) Python library.
4 Apr 2020 by Arthur V. Ratz
Introducing NLP-Samurai@0.0.10 Natural Language Processing Engine.
29 May 2020 by Jayson DeLancey
This article is the second in the Sentiment Analysis series that uses Python and the open-source Natural Language Toolkit. In this article, we'll look at datasets provided by NLTK, as well as an example of capturing your own textual corpus for analysis.
19 May 2021 by Jarek Szczegielniak
In this article we run an inference model for NLP using models persisted on a Docker volume.
17 Jan 2024 by Richard MacCutchan
You need to ask at spaCy · Industrial-strength Natural Language Processing in Python[^].
29 May 2020 by Jayson DeLancey
This article is the fifth in the Sentiment Analysis series that uses Python and the open-source Natural Language Toolkit. In this article we're building an optimized machine learning model.
29 May 2020 by Jayson DeLancey
This article is the sixth in the Sentiment Analysis series that uses Python and the open-source Natural Language Toolkit. In this article let’s look at what a process of annotating our own dataset would entail.
29 May 2020 by Jayson DeLancey
This article is the seventh in the Sentiment Analysis series that uses Python and the open-source Natural Language Toolkit. In this article we look at some alternatives to VADER.
21 May 2021 by Jarek Szczegielniak
In this article we use Visual Studio Code to edit and debug our increasingly complex code running inside a Docker container.
25 May 2021 by Jarek Szczegielniak
In this article, we publish our NLP API service to Azure using Azure Container Instances.
8 Sep 2022 by Richard MacCutchan
You cannot use a filename for the scond parameter to the re — Regular expression operations — Python 3.10.7 documentation[^] findall function. You need to read the contents of the file and use the resulting text. See 7. Input and Output — Python...
20 May 2021 by Jarek Szczegielniak
In this article, we’ll modify our code to expose the same logic via a Rest API service.
8 Sep 2022 by OriginalGriff
To add to what Richard has said ... Email validation is pretty complicated, and your regex is far too simplistic - it allows illegal addresses such as "@." and doesn't find legal addresses such as "", "", "", and so...
13 Sep 2022 by Richard MacCutchan
The problem is that each entry in your skill_list is a list with one element, inside a list, inside another list. So to access the actual words you need: for skill in skill_list[0]: print(skill[0])
26 Nov 2023 by Maciej Los
I think you don't understand what semantic analysis[^] are. I'd suggest to start with Stanford's Univerity publication: Learning Word Vectors for Sentiment Analysis[^]. Then, use its Large Movie Review Dataset[^] to create your own model. In...
24 Feb 2019 by Member 13689608
Need guidance on an ML/NLP project for a newbie! Hey guys, I'm sorry if this is not the kind of thing that's asked in this website. Me and 3 of my friends from uni were given a project, a challenge project to be done in 2 months(around 57 days left now) to do a project where we analyze customer...
24 Feb 2019 by RickZeeland
You could take a look at these open source GitHub projects to see how they do it: Top 20 Python AI and Machine Learning Open Source Projects[^] And here is a Python project template developed by the University of Washington: GitHub - uwescience/shablona: A template for small scientific python...
24 Feb 2019 by CHill60
If you do decide to distribute one topic per person then do make sure the work load is evenly balanced and that everyone is at the same level of understanding and ability. So, however you decide to do it in the end, - Get together often, - brainstorm your solutions together often, - be...
5 Mar 2019 by Member 14171998
Hi people. I am beginner in R Language. I have the following problem: from many PDF files containing technical reports (in Portuguese language) from many authors (all is in Natural Language) how can I develop an Intelligent System to identify the Author(s) Name(s) by an input of small set of...
23 Mar 2020 by Anan Srivastava
Using early stopping my model stops training at around 7 epochs because of overfitting MAX_SEQUENCE_LENGTH = 1000 MAX_NUM_WORDS = 20000 EMBEDDING_DIM = 100 VALIDATION_SPLIT = 0.2 output_nodes = 759 embedding_layer = Embedding(num_words, ...
27 Sep 2020 by Member 14949846
Hi there, Utilizing Excel or Python, I am trying to determine the # of word documents in which a single word occurs. For example, let's say I have 100 word documents. Of these documents, I would like to find out how many contain the word "Excel"...
27 Sep 2020 by OriginalGriff
That's going to be complicated, as you will need to be able to read Word documents, extract the text, check for an instance of your word, and then open the next and repeat the process. If you have code to read a file and count words, then all...
27 Sep 2020 by CPallini
For each document, search for the requested word and exit reporting success as soon as you find it. That's all. The trickiest part is how-to-perform-such-search. For instance, if you stick to Python and your targets are Word documents, then...
26 Dec 2020 by mohamed amine boukriba
i am new to nlp and i want to build a bert model for sentiment Analysis so i am following this tuto but i am getting the error bellow What I...
26 Dec 2020 by Richard MacCutchan
The error message could not be clearer. You are passing a string where it expects a Tensor object. But your question would be better directed to the writer of the tutorial.
20 Jul 2021 by Linlin Zeng
This is input dataset: | text | term_index | | -------- | -------------- | | liked aluminum body|[0, 1, 1]| | lightweight screen beautiful|[0, 1, 0]| This is my code spacy_eg = spacy.load('en') def...
20 Jul 2021 by OriginalGriff
Getting your code to run does not mean it is right! :laugh: Think of the development process as writing an email: compiling successfully means that you wrote the email in the right language - English, rather than German for example - not that the...
20 Jul 2021 by Richard MacCutchan
for batch in dataset_iter: batch.text[0] batch.term_index[0] What are these statements supposed to do, they do not make much sense as Python. Are you using some third party library which you have not mentioned?
7 Dec 2021 by Member 11380796
How do I map the set of weighted keywords that I got using LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation) algorithm (Topic Modeling) to a 'standard/known' topic-keywords CSV (this CSV contains various topics and their associated keywords)? The output of the...
5 Apr 2022 by RichardN73
Hi All, A friend of mine, has a huge set (around 5000) of documents he wants to search through. There is already a chrome extension he uses, that allows basic browsing through documents by directory and date/time. This extension also allows the...
9 May 2022 by 4Ban4
Hello everyone, I am new to NLP and haven't used spacy that much, I am learning by myself. My question is, is there a way to classify if a text is a warning or an order, using spacy's classification libraries and POS taggers. For example "Open...
8 Sep 2022 by Apoorva 2022
I want to extract an email id from a text 'file' using 'Regular Expressions'. Is there a way to feed a file as input, use the relevant regular expression, & get an email id from it? What I have tried: #Extracting email Ids...
10 Sep 2022 by Apoorva 2022
I found the solution through the 'tika' library. Here's the code --> Extracting text from '.docx' file (Works for pdf as well) from tika import parser file = r'../content/drive/My Drive/foldy folder/resume.docx' file_data =...
13 Sep 2022 by Apoorva 2022
I'm building a resume parser that can extract 'skills' from a resume. I'm extracting the resume skills by comparing the resume text with a dataset (a CSV file that contains about 38k technical skills). If there's a match, the matched words...
3 Oct 2022 by Sandika Akbar
How should I extract the string from paragraph using Python? The input: I got the email from your company for the refund of the ticket, here is my identity Flight no: XX 888 Route: USA-THA Date: Sunday, 2 December 2010 Name: Richard Kylie and...
3 Oct 2022 by Richard MacCutchan
You don't really need a RegEx for this. Just read the text and look for lines beginning with the relevant keywords: [ "Flight no", "Route", "Date", "Name" ].
15 Jan 2023 by katebjork
I get single letter words in my Structural Topic Model after my preprocessing steps. Particularly after I stem my tokens. My code is as follows: #read the csv articletexts
15 Jun 2023 by Apoorva 2022
I worked on a predictive (classification) model. I used Word2Vec to convert the data is textual columns to numeric, following which I ran the machine learning algorithms. I have the following doubts regarding the working of Word2Vec: What I...
15 Jun 2023 by Richard MacCutchan
24 Nov 2023 by Apoorva666
I have a dataset in csv format. Most columns have numbers in them. The data is mostly number based, with little text. A sample of my dataset: Test_name Execution_date User_name Total_tests Passed_tests Failed_tests test1, ...
17 Jan 2024 by Apoorva666
When I tried importing the NLP library 'Spacy' using import spacy I'm getting the following error: ImportError: cannot import name 'COMBINING_DIACRITICS' from 'spacy.lang.char_classes' Here are my versions: spacy==3.7.2 spacy-legacy==3.0.12 ...
17 Jan 2024 by Apoorva666
Fixed the issue by creating a new Conda Environment & installing Spacy.
21 Jan 2019 by Adrian Pirvu
A closer look into differences between natural nervous systems and artificial neural networks
29 May 2020 by Jayson DeLancey
This article is the third in the Sentiment Analysis series that uses Python and the open-source Natural Language Toolkit. In this article, we'll look at techniques you can use to start doing the actual NLP analysis.
14 Oct 2019 by Allister Beharry
NewsAlpha is a social news analyzer running on Microsoft Azure which aggregates and analyzes social news posts across different Internet forums and social media sites looking for threats of violence or self-harm in near real-time.
26 Jan 2021 by NewPast
English Simple Past & Past Participle PHP Auto Generation and Syllable Count in English Word
20 May 2021 by Member 14844003
I have to write a NLP algorithm for grouping words from dictionary into different clusters eg. technology, food, color etc. and then able to classify new words into these clusters. what could be possible code for this simple algorithm? I am new...
2 Oct 2023 by Apoorva666
I have an Excel dataset that has the columns: name of the test, user name, data source, total number of records, number of failed records, number of passed records, date of test execution, etc. I want questions like the following to be answered:...