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by Roger Doss
The OX kernel features its own custom boot loader designed to boot a 32 bit protected mode kernel.
by Farhad Reza
Here, we will create a simple Window using Assembly Programming Language and also gather knowledge about various assembly language instructions.
by T. Herselman
2 years ago I went OCD on memcpy/memmove; and wrote over 140 variations (80,000 lines of code) of memmove; testing, disassembling, optimizing and benchmarking them on multiple machines. I never released the article or the code; until now! So I need to do it before I loose my mind!
by stevemk14ebr
A modern, universal, c++ hooking library.

Latest Articles

by Roman Nazarenko
Assembler time
by T. Herselman
2 years ago I went OCD on memcpy/memmove; and wrote over 140 variations (80,000 lines of code) of memmove; testing, disassembling, optimizing and benchmarking them on multiple machines. I never released the article or the code; until now! So I need to do it before I loose my mind!
by stevemk14ebr
A modern, universal, c++ hooking library.

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5 Sep 2013 by Roger Doss
The OX kernel features its own custom boot loader designed to boot a 32 bit protected mode kernel.
2 Oct 2015 by Farhad Reza
Here, we will create a simple Window using Assembly Programming Language and also gather knowledge about various assembly language instructions.
14 Aug 2013 by KarstenK
nasm -f aout Loader.asm -o Loader.olooks wrong. Why arent you using aout instead of elf?
4 Mar 2016 by Richard MacCutchan
You cannot create a .com program directly from the assembler (including the fact that the source does not support it). The output should have a .exe extension.
4 Mar 2016 by stackprogramer
i had a silly wrong!!i completed answer my friend after thinking i concluded that int 0x80 is not in windows, it should be for linux.Richard MacCutchan thanks very much.cordially your stackprogramer
13 Mar 2017 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
To print a character using BIOS interrupt 10h, you first have to set the function in ah, 0x0emov al, '-'int 0x10If you wish us to examine your code, please paste it in to your question instead of adding a link...
16 May 2018 by OriginalGriff
We do not do your homework: it is set for a reason. It is there so that you think about what you have been told, and try to understand it. It is also there so that your tutor can identify areas where you are weak, and focus more attention on remedial action. And 3 lines of C code does not count...
16 May 2018 by Patrice T
Quote: X86 assembly sorting problem What problem do you have on this HomeWork ? We do not do your HomeWork. HomeWork is not set to test your skills at begging other people to do your work, it is set to make you think and to help your teacher to check your understanding of the courses you have...
20 Dec 2020 by Patrice T
Quote: I have no clue why I am getting this error.Why is it giving the Segmentation fault (core dumped) error and how to fix it? I fear you need to go to debugger, and for 'core dumped' I think it is postmortem debugger. The first thing you will...
20 Dec 2020 by Richard MacCutchan
_hell: mov rax,1 mov rdi,1 mov rsi,hell mov rdx,6 syscall ret You jump into this code from _start. After the syscall you then do a ret, but you have nowhere to return to since this code was not called as a subroutine. You need to use a call...
25 Apr 2021 by OriginalGriff
Quote: I did everything except the shifting So, you have done everything except the actual work part of the exercise? :laugh: We are more than willing to help those that are stuck: but that doesn't mean that we are here to do it all for you! We...
23 Jun 2021 by Richard MacCutchan
Your wget command has requested version 2.14.02. Try Index of /pub/nasm/releasebuilds/2.15.05[^]
3 Jul 2013 by Oso Oluwafemi Ebenezer
I am trying to assemble a .asm source from within my cpp code using CreateProcess on NASM.When I used Windows Command Prompt nasm -f obj hello.asm, the source assembled well resulting is about 300kb .obj file but when I use "cmd /c nasm -f obj hello.asm" as createProcess 2nd parameter within...
5 Jul 2013 by Oso Oluwafemi Ebenezer
Thank you, found my error... I wasn't closing the ofstream that writes the .asm source to disk so NASM was assembling an empty .asm file
13 Aug 2013 by sid2x
I am making a simple operating System in C, (from scratch) I use a Loader.asm and a bootload.asm file for Loading my OS.kmain.c contains the basic kernel functionsand print.c contains the int main(void) function that prints some texton screen.I compile ALL the files together using this...
4 Mar 2016 by stackprogramer
hi, my friend i build a assembly source:section .text global _start ;must be declared for linker (ld)_start: ;tells linker entry point mov edx,len ;message length mov ecx,msg ;message to write mov ebx,1 ;file descriptor (stdout) ...
13 Mar 2017 by Member 12935107
I am working on an Operating System. I create a print function in assembly for this. When i try to print '----' with this. it does not work. My code is available on this url: ThunderEagle/printf.asm at master · Sansoft500/ThunderEagle · GitHub[^] please help me to solveWhat I have...
13 Mar 2017 by Jochen Arndt
Code from the GitHub URL:printf: mov ah,0x0e mov bh,0x00 mov bl,0x07 next: mov al,[si] or al,al jz done int 0x10 inc si jmp next done: retThe above requires that DS:SI is pointing to a null terminated string. So you need something like this: SECTION...
29 Sep 2019 by Richard MacCutchan
You need to use extern "C", not C++ in order to get the correct external name defined. C++ names include special characters and are not easy to predict.
23 Jun 2021 by ohaley
I copied and pasted below code with the intent of changing 2.14.02 to 2.15.05, but the moment I pasted into terminal it ran as is below: wget tar xfj nasm-2.14.02.tar.bz2 cd...
6 Nov 2023 by Bob Blake from Unknown
I am planning to build a game engine that operates at a very low level without any abstractions and to do so, I was going to use NASM X86/X64. Is this a good choice or should I use a higher level language? I want to get the pros and cons of...
5 Nov 2023 by Dave Kreskowiak
You do know that Windows abstracts all the hardware from application code, right? You would have to go through DirectX to do anything with the hardware, but even DirectX is another abstraction layer.
20 Dec 2020 by User 14731409
section .data hell db "Hello",10 bye db "Bye",10 section .text global _start _start: mov r10,1 cmp r10,1 je _hell cmp r10,0 jne _bye mov rax,60 mov rdi,0 syscall _hell: mov rax,1 mov rdi,1 mov rsi,hell mov rdx,6 syscall ret _bye: mov rax,1...
5 Jul 2016 by T. Herselman
2 years ago I went OCD on memcpy/memmove; and wrote over 140 variations (80,000 lines of code) of memmove; testing, disassembling, optimizing and benchmarking them on multiple machines. I never released the article or the code; until now! So I need to do it before I loose my mind!
17 May 2016 by stevemk14ebr
A modern, universal, c++ hooking library.
8 Jul 2017 by Roman Nazarenko
Assembler time
16 May 2018 by Member 13831057
Build a software project made of individual modules as shown in the diagram on one of the following pages. The diagram shows the calling hierarchy. It does not show the sequence of calls. The sequence (ordering) of execution can be derived from the sample execution on the next page. Sample...
29 Sep 2019 by Member 14160360
u want to call function from c++ in nasm in this function I declare object from class What I have tried: I tried this code in nasm file extern kmain and this code in c++ file extern "c++" kmain ; but it's don't solve the problem and always I get this error message undefined reference to _kmain