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Great Reads

by Simon Jackson
How to get started with MonoGame using XML
by Simon Jackson
MonoGame – Building Multi-platform Solutions
by Simon Jackson
MonoGame 3.2 NuGet packages are GO!
by Simon Jackson
How to get the most out of your assets - the MonoGame Content Pipeline

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Get started MonoGame and use IceSkater C# project
by Mirzakhmet Syzdykov
Engine for .NET cross-platform development
by Simon Jackson
How to get started with MonoGame using XML
by Simon Jackson
Developing games for Cystic Fibrosis treatment – Getting started with Fizzyo

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25 Mar 2014 by Rage
You will be processing images, so here you go:1. Get the screen coordinate of the center of the inner circle (xc,yc)2. Get the screen coordinate of your puck (xp,yp)3. Compute the distance between the two of them: sqrt[(xp-xc)2+(yp-yc)2]4. Apply points proportionnaly to this distance.
31 May 2017 by Simon Jackson
How to get started with MonoGame using XML
16 Sep 2016 by Simon Jackson
MonoGame – Building Multi-platform Solutions
13 Apr 2014 by Simon Jackson
MonoGame 3.2 NuGet packages are GO!
16 Oct 2016 by Simon Jackson
How to get the most out of your assets - the MonoGame Content Pipeline
14 Nov 2016 by Simon Jackson
    For my sins, I was asked back to FutureDecoded again this year to give a talk on the Microsoft UWP platform, specifically about bringing games to the XboxOne using UWP.  By all accounts the session went well (especially as there was standing room only by the time the …
15 Apr 2014 by Simon Jackson
A new breed of samples for MonoGame
4 Aug 2015 by Patchrick
Learn the basics of game development in C# and MonoGame
26 May 2016 by OriginalGriff
This is one of the most common problems we get asked, and it's also the one we are least equipped to answer, but you are most equipped to answer yourself.Let me just explain what the error means: You have tried to use a variable, property, or a method return value but it contains null -...
1 May 2013 by Simon Jackson
MonoGame - Using libraries with Windows Phone projects
20 May 2013 by Simon Jackson
I’ll go over one of those fringe / advanced options available to old XNA projects where you can effectively build your own content.
24 Jul 2013 by Stiaan Jacobs
I have developed a game called Pillar: The revenge of the mad scientist on XNA and I am in the process of converting the XNA copy to Monogame. I have a lot of issues with Monogame, but it is the easiest way to port the game to many platforms.The problem I am having is my level files (that...
15 May 2014 by Simon Jackson
MonoGame Modularisation
14 Oct 2014 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
Who would like to join, your indi studio, specially for free? However, please go to a freelancer website, or try to discuss this job in lounge[^] you might be able to get some response. This space is for the Developers seeking help in their programming work.
14 Feb 2015 by littleGreenDude
I'm using VS 2012 update 4 and MonoGame 3.3.My game compiles, builds and runs on the emulators in debug mode. When I switch the compiler configuration to Release for Any CPU, I get error messages 'The type or namespace name 'Xna' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft' (are you missing...
16 Feb 2015 by littleGreenDude
Unfortunately the WP8 version of MonoGame doesn't support "Any CPU", so you have to switch back and forth between x86 (for running in theemulator) and ARM (for running on a real device, and for publishing to the store). Also found this...
13 Jul 2015 by Agenor
Hi!I try to set the resolution within the constructor of the "Windows Phone 8" application. But this resolution will not be taken. Also I can see that my "graphics._graphicsdevice" is still "null".Is there any known issue with MonoGame (3.4)?Environment: Windows 8 + Visual Studio 2012...
14 Jul 2015 by Agenor
OK, I found this:MonoGame doesn't do anything with graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth or graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight – if you used their 800×480 defaults in your XNA game, you'll find that they're zeroed in MonoGame and setting them to anything else has no effect on the game's...
22 Jan 2016 by littleGreenDude
I'm porting a WP7 game to WP8.1 and Windows 8 using Monogame 3.4I chose the solution template that is for both Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8.1I've imported my textures. However, the issue I'm having is that when the game is running on a phone device my textures are distorted (tall and...
26 Mar 2016 by Member 12417426
I guess that the title make no sense, but I had some problems. I used Matrix and a vector2 for making a camera and then I replaced spritebatch.Begin() with spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend, null, null, null, null, camera.transform); And then the...
27 May 2016 by Member 12544459
I just want to load the image at a particular address but on running the program there is a error which telling me An unhandled exception of type ;Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentLoadException; occurred in MonoGame.Framework.dll" Please Help me understand my mistake.What I have...
27 May 2016 by Member 12544459
Just put burger = new Burger(Content, @"Graphics / burger", WindowWidth / 2, WindowHeight / 8, null); in the function loadContent();
13 Jul 2016 by Member 11841791
Hey Codeproject,I've already figured out that there's 86400 seconds in a day, and I'd like to make a color more black towards the 86400 mark.So, I started by doing the following:// pseudo code// Color * 0f = Completely Transparent// BackgroundColor = ColorColor.Black * (1f /...
13 Jul 2016 by Patrice T
Rather than using the number of seconds since midnight.Use the number of seconds around (before or after) 12 o clock.abs((86400/2)-DateTime.TotalSeconds)[Update]Pay attention to the fact that the maximum result of my formula is 43200.
17 Jul 2016 by Member 11841791
Hello Monogame/XNA Developers,As you all may be well aware there's no rotation functionality to a rectangle or a bounding-box. I've went through tons of articles all stating that you're better off making your own.So I'm doing this right now. I've made my own class with all the properties...
2 Dec 2020 by Member 11841791
Hey Codeproject,I'm wondering how you blend two colors like you would with paint in real life. For instance, blending red and blue would result in purple. I'm wondering this because I'd also like the opacity of the color to play in as a component (meaning that if the alpha is 255 it would...
13 Aug 2016 by Patrice T
You can try to calc the mean of the 2 colorsCol.Red= (One.Red+ Two.Red)/ 2;...
16 Feb 2017 by Member 11841791
Hello Codeproject!I've made a flood fill recursive function in order to find all tiles in an array that are adjacent to one another. I'd like to use this list of tiles to make a polygon using their rectangle information - the polygon needs to end up being in a clockwise order, however, each...
16 Feb 2017 by #realJSOP
What you need to do is get a list of points of the rectangles in question, and determine their angle from a central reference point. Once you do that, you can sort the angles from lowest to highest value, and process each one in that order (essentially, in a clockwise direction).I will leave...
16 Feb 2017 by Patrice T
You need to do an analyze of your problem.By adjacent, I understand that 2 rectangles are sharing a common side.Take some points:rA B CD E Fthis gives rectangles ABED and BCFE.To check if the 2 rectangles are adjacent or not, you need to find common 2 points between both...
10 May 2017 by Simon Jackson
Developing games for Cystic Fibrosis treatment – Getting started with Fizzyo
10 Jul 2017 by It's Eddie!
Hey Codeproject, I'm creating an isometric game but there is a problem with the mouse translations. I use a Matrix-based 2D camera for this, and this does not have any issues. I already know how to translate my "screen" position into a "world" position, but since I'm rendering in an isometric...
4 Nov 2017 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
All of these questions are to be answered by the API itself, and we have no idea about it. Quote: What programming language do I use? I was thinking of C# but am open to suggestions. What languages do they support? Since you have tagged Xamarin and Monogame, I assume C# is the case. Quote: How...
23 Nov 2017 by Diliup Gabadamudalige
I solved the problem with the following code if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space) && shoot) { shoot = false;, .9f, 0); // the code below will position a projectile at the top ...
26 Jun 2023 by
Get started MonoGame and use IceSkater C# project
5 Feb 2014 by Dan Colasanti
This article describes my experience porting Invasion from XNA/WP7 to MonoGame/WP8 and includes Invasion's complete source code.
22 Sep 2013 by Simon Jackson
Free resources for game design.
15 Mar 2017 by Simon Jackson
MonoGame (for those of you not yet aware) is a Game Building Framework / API born from the ashes that was the Microsoft XNA Framework that provides a very easy to use API to build games.
7 Jan 2014 by Masoud Darvishian
In this simple tutorial, we want to create a scrolling sprite-based star field background using Xamarin Studio and MonoGame.
22 Mar 2015 by Simon Jackson
We have finally reached the end of an era and the dawn of the next with the MonoGame project. The latest release has now broken its ties to the old XNA framework and stands alone.
21 May 2013 by Simon Jackson
How to build portable solutions in MonoGame
17 Dec 2014 by Simon Jackson
All Hail the Old and the New – The MonoGame Content Builder Tool
24 May 2023 by Mirzakhmet Syzdykov
Engine for .NET cross-platform development
25 Mar 2014 by Member 10697712
Hello,I'm doing a project (curling with Lego Mindstorms) and I already got the webcam working (this webcam detects color and traces objects). But now I'm stuck. I want to make a scoring system with visual studio but I don't know how to start. I want to give points to a object(puck) and if...
8 Feb 2014 by Member 10573460
Invasion Game in MonoGame for Windows Phone 8[^]I downloaded the Invasion game from this great article and changed the code a little. I removed the stuff that I don't need and replaced it with my own stuff. But Farseer Physics is not working with the Invasion game.I tried the old...
23 Dec 2015 by Member 12225549
Hi, I'm very new to coding so try to bear with me a bit. I'm trying to embed a Monogame control inside a Windows Forms Application. I've been using code from this Microsoft sample Xbox LIVE Indie Games - winforms series 1: graphics device[^] as suggested by this CodeProject answer: How to render...
4 Nov 2017 by Member 13502978
Hey everyone, There is an app which works on both iOS and android. This app is basically a flight simulator. The development team behind the simulator realized that since they have limited time (and resources), they would release an API for their simulator app so that those who knew coding from...
23 Nov 2017 by Diliup Gabadamudalige
Code is in C# and the IDE is Visual code and assets are at diliupg / Space_Battles — Bitbucket[^]. My Space ship rotation code has something wrong cause when I fire the projectile shoots from the middle of the spaceship. There are no other errors. How can I get the spaceship to...