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Great Reads

by vblover Programmer
Load Menu from Resource-Only DLL (created by VC++) and Set for Form As MainMenu by API Functions.
by Steffen Ploetz
The Win32++ class library sample collection does not contain a sample, that creates the frame menu via API instead of via resources. Here is the missing part.
by vblover Programmer
Adding ContextMenu's MenuItem to the SystemMenu of Form in Windows Forms Application
by Prabu ram
A complete automatic generation of menu in ASP.NET MVC using attributes applied on controllers.

Latest Articles

by vblover Programmer
Load Menu from Resource-Only DLL (created by VC++) and Set for Form As MainMenu by API Functions.
by vblover Programmer
Adding ContextMenu's MenuItem to the SystemMenu of Form in Windows Forms Application
by Steffen Ploetz
The Win32++ class library sample collection does not contain a sample, that creates the frame menu via API instead of via resources. Here is the missing part.
by Prabu ram
A complete automatic generation of menu in ASP.NET MVC using attributes applied on controllers.

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15 Oct 2016 by Prabu ram
A complete automatic generation of menu in ASP.NET MVC using attributes applied on controllers.