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by LEADTOOLS Support
This white paper will dive into the many advantages and uses for MPEG-2 Transport Stream and how to incorporate it into your application with LEADTOOLS Multimedia SDKs.
by mengwangk
Android phone as webcam or remote surveillance camera through Skype
by Evgeny Pereguda
Simple imitation of direct streaming of live video from web cam on YouTube service on Windows 8 and Windows 10
by Pooja Baraskar
Embed a game developed with Unity game engine to your website which is hosted on Azure.

Latest Articles

by Evgeny Pereguda
Simple imitation of direct streaming of live video from web cam on YouTube service on Windows 8 and Windows 10
by Pooja Baraskar
Embed a game developed with Unity game engine to your website which is hosted on Azure.
by mengwangk
Android phone as webcam or remote surveillance camera through Skype
by LEADTOOLS Support
This white paper will dive into the many advantages and uses for MPEG-2 Transport Stream and how to incorporate it into your application with LEADTOOLS Multimedia SDKs.

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28 Aug 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Wrong question. First, video is not converted to audio (what it would even possibly mean?) It's just video files contain several streams, and some of them are video, and some are audio, and you can have some different kinds of streams (subtitles, for example). So, you can first extract some...
31 Mar 2015 by deepankarbhatnagar
Helping links for your query:[^][^]
29 Apr 2015 by kubibay
The problem was source mp4 url was getting broken before consumed by embedded server.
5 Jun 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Please see my comment to the question, where I already tried to explain to you the essence of things. Due to the complicated character of the problem, I certainly cannot give you the whole solution; I only can tell you what to start with: you have to start with finding out what you are dealing...
19 Jan 2014 by Mike Hankey
I'm trying to upload an .mp4 file to embed in my article. I have made it low quality so that it is under 10M and have made the size 640pxX480px but am getting an unexpected error during upload.Am I doing something wrong, missing something or is there a problem with uploading .mo4...
19 Jan 2014 by Ron Beyer
Why not throw it up on Youtube or Vimeo and just embed it? Make those sites pay for the bandwidth :)
19 Jan 2014 by Mike Hankey
I tried that; I paste the embed code from YouTube into the article in html format and when I go to design mode it says it can't find it.
1 Apr 2014 by LEADTOOLS Support
This white paper will dive into the many advantages and uses for MPEG-2 Transport Stream and how to incorporate it into your application with LEADTOOLS Multimedia SDKs.
4 Apr 2014 by Rakhesh Rajan
Hi,I am getting the error "200 stream not found clip", for one of the videos in my website. Video is playing fine in all the enviornments other than live :(All other videos are working fine in all enviornments. Also this issue happens in IE 8 only.Mime...
15 Mar 2015 by kubibay
We have an project which adds and plays video files(.mp4) for users. It is ok to upload videos to any web server and play from there. But the problem is how can we play the video files which are located at the user's network storage or cloud storage which is not a web server? Is the only...
18 Mar 2015 by kubibay
Here is the solution;C# Customizable Embedded HTTPServer[^]
23 Mar 2015 by kubibay
I'm using a Customizable-Embedded-HTTPServer for a project. Simply I'm calling response.SendFile(@"E:\folder\xx.mp4", "video/mp4") to play video files located at local folder. But it gives me "An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host" error. I've searched a lot but couldn't...
31 Mar 2015 by kubibay
How could we implement to read mp4 video data as chunked byte arrays which is shown below is sends all byte buffer at the same time?$(document).ready(function () { $('#btnUploadLocal').on('click', function () { var files = $("#file1").get(0).files; var reader =...
2 Apr 2015 by kubibay
I can do it now using slice command; var chunk = file.slice(offset, offset + chunkSize);
12 Apr 2015 by kubibay
I'm using nancy as embedded http server, I need to play and jump on local mp4 videos from this server. I can do this from web server applciation using mp4 handler but I need to find a way to do this from embedded server.
13 Apr 2015 by Member 11603622
I exported edited videos from imovie to put on a website, and for some reason none will play- they continuously freeze or don't start at all.The video itself is 20,681 KB, and is probably the smallest video file I plan to use. The code is pretty simple, if there is an alternative that works...
13 Apr 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Please see my comment to the question, this is what you want to consider. Also please review the issues of video compatibility with HTML video element in this article: note that the file name pattern like *.mp4 tells next...
15 Apr 2015 by kubibay
Hi,I'm planning to save an online mp4 link to user's local using embedded server. I can do it from input file control. But now I have to do it for online mp4 video.What I do for file is to send byte array with parts using file.slice method using ajaxrequest as formdata. Then embedded server...
17 Apr 2015 by kubibay
I have implemented mp4handler for nancyfx and it worked.
17 Apr 2015 by kubibay
I have implemented mp4handler for nancyfx and it worked.
27 Apr 2015 by kubibay
Hi,I need to download videos which are located under server to user's specified local path.I have a web server application and an embedded server application for client side.Somehow I need to get byte buffer from code behind webmethod then I need to send the byte buffer to my embedded...
27 Apr 2015 by Joan Magnet
Use Response.Set the ContentType to "video/mp4" and use BinaryWrite to send the content.Response.ContentType = "video/mp4";Response.Clear();Response.BufferOutput = true; // use a reader to load the video contentResponse.BinaryWrite(reader.Value); Response.Flush();
28 Apr 2015 by kubibay
Hi, I just simply want to download an mp4 file via embedded server application using the code below;http://videovlt is server application which is located under virtual pc. and the code below runs on an embedded server application which is running under my pc.spath =...
13 May 2015 by kubibay
I found the way to do that,Embedded server and[^]
17 Sep 2015 by loctrice
It turns out Safari does range requests for media. IIS itself can handle this, but we are using mvc routing - and we didn't provide any handling for this. The solution is to build an action result that handles range request. We're pulling a solution based on this[^]
9 Nov 2015 by Member 12124859
I need to to convert my .mp4 file to .avi in my VMS application.How it can be done?Also how to find no.of frames in .mp4 file?Kindly help...RegardsDinesh
4 Apr 2019 by Gerry Schmitz
Yes; it's called "Movie Maker".
27 Jul 2021 by VBeginner.NET
I save a few selected screen images using CopyFromScreen in bmp or png files listed serially like img001.png, img002.png, etc. Can I make an mp4 or avi (no sound in it) from those saved screen pictures? I do not want to continuously record the...
27 Jul 2021 by OriginalGriff
No, not in a few lines of code! Creating a video from image frames isn't a job for a beginner - even using a framework like AForge which can (apparently) do it. This may help you get started: c# - Image sequence to video stream? - Stack...
29 Jul 2023 by khuramhaf
I have a question. I am developing a web-based video editor where I am utilizing the Web Audio API for audio and Web Codecs for video. I have successfully encoded audio and video data into arrays. Now, my objective is to write an MP4 file using...
19 Mar 2015 by Richard Deeming
No. The server cannot control where a file is saved on the client. If it could, that would be a significant security hole in the browser.
4 Jul 2014 by mengwangk
Android phone as webcam or remote surveillance camera through Skype
26 Jun 2016 by Evgeny Pereguda
Simple imitation of direct streaming of live video from web cam on YouTube service on Windows 8 and Windows 10
7 Jun 2015 by Pooja Baraskar
Embed a game developed with Unity game engine to your website which is hosted on Azure.
9 Nov 2015 by OriginalGriff
Seriously, this is a very non-trivial process. Even commercial packages have real problems doing this right every time. Part of the problem is that both AVI and MP4 are not Video formats, they are Container file formats which hold both audio and video streams - and these can be in a range of...
9 Nov 2015 by Abhinav S
Trycode for converting avi to mp4[^]Convert .avi to .mp4 using c#[^]Media files conversion using C#[^]
28 Aug 2015 by Redwan Irheem
HI, i need code c# to convert video (mp4) to MP3 or WAV >>pleas any answer >>advice >:)
19 Mar 2018 by ishrarkhan
You can not used direct play of mp4 using cefsharp . but you can call separate webpages in your app using cefsharp. this are for window application using c# and browser as cefsharp.
15 Mar 2015 by Rahul Kumar
You can use JW Player to play the video on demand or live stream.Example if your video saved on AWS S3 bucket jwplayer("myElement").setup({ file: "", width: 640, height:...
19 Mar 2015 by kubibay
I want to save an mp4 video link to user's pc's specified local path. Is there any way to do that with ?
5 Jun 2015 by Sackos
I have a small MP4 file of duration 10 seconds, less than 1MB. I am able to open the file in HexEdit to view its binary source. But I am not able to figure out where does its header information is in this binary file.What I basically want to do is change the duration of this MP4 to say like 20...
17 Sep 2015 by loctrice
I'm using IIS to serve mp4 videos. I get a 404 on mac/safari. It works in chrome and firefox on the same macs. The MIME is video/mp4 .I've ran tests locally to rule out the video encoding, and the videojs. I've taken the request path directly as well, skipping the html and js, with the same...
9 Nov 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
There is no such thing as "mp4" file. This kind of file name pattern can cover many sorts of media containers and compression algorithm for each channel. You are not asking about anything certain. The answer depends on what exactly you want to achieve, and you probably don't know it yet.Not...
19 Mar 2018 by FlatlanD_
Hello, Is it possible to make that MP4 files would play on Cefsharp browser in winforms? What I have tried: Tried looking for some information. Information is not very clear. I might have read that it is possible but I didn't found how to do that.