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by Huzifa Terkawi
This article will aim to give you a brief and to point tutorial about DES modes , hash Functions , AES , RSA algorithms and example of their usage , using OpenSSL.
by DiponRoy
Create hash and compare
by OriginalGriff
I've seen quite a few questions asking how to decrypt SHA and MD5 to obtain the original input, mostly related to "encrypted passwords" and I thought I'd try to explain why the answer is "you can't".

Latest Articles

by DiponRoy
Create hash and compare
by OriginalGriff
I've seen quite a few questions asking how to decrypt SHA and MD5 to obtain the original input, mostly related to "encrypted passwords" and I thought I'd try to explain why the answer is "you can't".
by Huzifa Terkawi
This article will aim to give you a brief and to point tutorial about DES modes , hash Functions , AES , RSA algorithms and example of their usage , using OpenSSL.

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2 Feb 2016 by Dave Kreskowiak
Consider that both MD5 and SHA1 are both considered "broken" and should not be used for any security purpose what-so-ever. Using them to "secure" a password is considered bad practice and a security risk.Read up more on it, here[^].
7 May 2016 by OriginalGriff
Read the filename from your textbox:string path = txtFilePath.Text;Check the file exists:if (!File.Exists(path)) { ... report problem to user. return; }Then just call your method:txtHashValue.Text = MD5HashFile(path);Simple enough, yes?
7 Apr 2019 by OriginalGriff
Translating code from one language to another rarely works well, unless they share a common "philosophy" and framework, like VB and C#. But PHP and C# are very, very different: one is an interpreted language, and the other is compiled. They do not share a framework. Converting a (fairly poorly...
29 Mar 2021 by Richard Deeming
I'm no expert, but your C code seems to be generating an HMAC[^], whereas your PHP code is just generating a raw un-keyed hash. Your PHP code would need to use hash_hmac[^] with the same secret key to generate the same result.
1 Sep 2015 by Lalyka
I am uploading files and I want to calculate md5 for each fileI have written the function calcMD5 that is working well. THE PROBLEM is that when I choose more than one file, it first finish uploading and then it startcalculating the md5. I also have debugged it but it does not even enter the...
1 Sep 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
If you use a debugger, you can always stop at the point before the call to the function, not just inside this function. This way, you can see where the control goes instead of the call you need.Also, your bug is probably lexical. JavaScript does not interpret code line by line from the very...
9 Nov 2015 by Richard MacCutchan
Android apps can store their files in storage locations reserved for the app (internal storage), or publicly accessible folders (external storage). This is described in detail in Handling Input and Storage on Android[^]. Windows applications store files in any directory they like.If the...
2 Feb 2016 by Slacker007
Class MessageDigest, I believe.MessageDigest (Java Platform SE 6)[^]
6 Apr 2017 by Matt Comb
This is the correct approach, there is no file hashing registry supported by the OS natively
18 Sep 2017 by Graeme_Grant
This Google Search link gives you many different ways to do what you are asking: c# password encryption 2017 - Google Search[^] Choose the one that gives your client the security that they need.
8 Apr 2019 by AtulSharma609
Hello can anyone help me do this , i do not know PHP and i have to do this in c# function sign_ipn($reply, $token) { ksort($reply); $flat_reply = ""; foreach ($reply as $key=>$value) { $flat_reply = $flat_reply."$key=$value&"; } $flat_reply =...
29 Mar 2021 by deXo-fan
Hello, I wrote a program in C with the Win32 API that could, or was supposed to, be able to generate correct hashes for an input message. The algorithms to be used were all one-way, such as MD2, MD4, MD5, and SHA-1. These are the ones I tested,...
6 Aug 2015 by Huzifa Terkawi
This article will aim to give you a brief and to point tutorial about DES modes , hash Functions , AES , RSA algorithms and example of their usage , using OpenSSL.
26 Jun 2019 by DiponRoy
Create hash and compare
20 Jun 2019 by OriginalGriff
I've seen quite a few questions asking how to decrypt SHA and MD5 to obtain the original input, mostly related to "encrypted passwords" and I thought I'd try to explain why the answer is "you can't".
3 Sep 2015 by Lalyka
I already Solved my problem the solution is to start slicing the file in fileReader.onload = function (e) { i++; console.log('read chunk nr', currentChunk + 1, 'of', chunks); spark.append(; // Append array buffer currentChunk++; if...
8 Apr 2019 by AtulSharma609
private void getResponce() { string requestJson = string.Empty; using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.InputStream)) { requestJson = reader.ReadToEnd(); string returnUrl =...
2 Feb 2016 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Solution 2 is correct. You can use SHA-3 already: ripple-lib-java/ at master · ripple/ripple-lib-java · GitHub[^].And this is SHA-2: Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting.[^].Both SHA-2 and SHA-3 are considered reliable. Please see:SHA-2 —...
7 May 2016 by BladeLogan
I am currently working on a project and my friend told me what I need to do to progress but he didnt tell me how to so now im staring into the screen without knowing what to do.This is what he saidWithin your click handler you can call functions. So why not add thatfunction to your...
9 Nov 2015 by AnujSethi
Hi All,There is an App which features downloading their videos for offline viewing via their Android and Windows app. I was wondering where does this app saves these videos and if they are encrypted, how to decrypt and play them?I am a programmer but I know nothing about Android/windows...
2 Feb 2016 by Linda Dixon
Hello everyobody,I'm trying to do a presentation of MD5 algorithm in my class.I would like to give an example of md5 hash in every programming language.I found a useful website like md5-sha with examples in all other languages, but i still want to present Java too du to its wide...
6 Apr 2017 by kuharan
I want to calculate MD5 for all files of a system.What I have tried:using System.IO;using System.Security.Cryptography;public static class Algorithms{ public static readonly HashAlgorithm MD5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();}public static string GetChecksum(string...
7 May 2016 by BladeLogan
Here is what I came to conclusion with Thanks to OrigianalGriff//---------------I STILL DONT UDNERSTAND WHAT THESE LINES DO--------------------public string MD5HashFile(string fn){ byte[] hash = MD5.Create().ComputeHash(File.ReadAllBytes(fn)); return...
18 Sep 2017 by Techno- Byte
hi everyone my Company ordered me to create program for Time attendance we have program working but this application for IT company this company finished and we have no connection to them for technical support so I programmed program like that the problem I faced is password login it is saved in...