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Great Reads

by dale.newman
Google your SQL.
by Mikhail-T
Step-by-step tutorial for any developer who wishes to get Lucene.Net search working with their web site or app really quickly!
by mat35770
Tutorial to explain how to integrate a Markdown documentation in a WPF application using DocuPanel.
by Matthew Dennis
Refactoring Lucene.NET to follow .NET best practices and conventions rather than Java's coding styles and limitations. This is the second in a series of articles that will be available at that follow the process from beginning to end.

Latest Articles

by mat35770
Tutorial to explain how to integrate a Markdown documentation in a WPF application using DocuPanel.
by Mikhail-T
Step-by-step tutorial for any developer who wishes to get Lucene.Net search working with their web site or app really quickly!
by dale.newman
Google your SQL.
by Kaushikhalvadiya
Set-up of solr with .NET

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16 May 2013 by dale.newman
19 Feb 2016 by Richard Deeming
In VB.NET, you can use either + or & to concatenation strings:Concatenation Operators in Visual Basic[^]The + operator is primarily intended for numeric addition. It has a complex set of rules that determine whether to add, concatenate, produce a compiler error, or throw a run-time...
23 Feb 2011 by Manfred Rudolf Bihy
Since lucene is originally an Apache java project it's always a good idea to also look there for specialized information:[^] This page describes pretty well what files there are and some of the content.Hope this helps you!Regards,
4 Jul 2011 by Wouter Splinter
Hi all,I'm using Lucene.NET 2.0. I'm trying to search for an exact word combination into three fields, my search query is as follow: +(title:"overgang bromfiets" figure:"overgang bromfiets" contenttext:"overgang bromfiets")The search result which I found has to be highlighted, but the...
17 Jul 2012 by Tim Corey
While I don't do a lot with Lucene.NET, I believe this link will give you the information you need:[^]
19 Sep 2015 by Wendelius
The syntax in the statement looks like C# but your code is VB, try the followingdGridResults.ItemsSource = TitleDS.Tables(0)
18 Feb 2016 by E.F. Nijboer
What is the return type of bs.Cardinality()? I assume a Long? Because you would then be narrowing the value (from 64bit to 32bit) you need to use CType (see link). Also, you must ensure that the Long value doesn't overflow the Integer value after narrowing because it would still fail...
19 Feb 2016 by Andy Lanng
It seems odd, but it's not switching fd.GetFacetCount(reader, mainQueryFilter) to a string. It's staying as a double so the '+' then switches from concatenation to addition.Just add a tostring to make it implicit:return facetDefinition _ .Where(Function(fd)...
27 Dec 2018 by Dave Kreskowiak
Go here[^]. See the menu item that says "Useful Links"? Click it. Under there, you'll find "How to get started with Lucene.Net". Now, one of the biggest problems with is the lack of documentation. Are you sure you want to use a product that isn't documented properly in a production...
27 Dec 2018 by Matthew Dennis
Packt has Lucene 4 Cookbook - PDF eBook | Now just $5[^] and it is on sale. I found this helpful. While it is about the Java version, Lucene.NET is an almost exact port to C#, so it is easy to use the concepts in you code. Just a warning, Lucene.NET 4.8 is .NET Standard 2.0 and can be easily...
4 Jul 2011 by Manfred Rudolf Bihy
The hithighlighter in Lucene only works correctly for simple non-phrase queries. When a phrase is queried the hithighlighter just highlights all the search terms that occurr in that phrase. Sorry! See also here on this topic:...
4 Jul 2011 by Wouter Splinter
Thanks Manfred,I'll going to write the highlighting myself.Wouter
24 Aug 2011 by kaggi
i need to use snowballAnalyzer in For this i have downloaded lucene-snowball.jarbut i don't know how to use the jar file..can anyone help
24 Aug 2011 by Yuri Vital
jar files is for java programs... the CLR doesn't understand Java bytecode, but only MSIL bytecode.However, exist a command line program that convert java bytecode to MSIL bytecode...Look a the MSDN documentation :[^]Never...
7 Sep 2011 by Uilleam
I think that with little programming experience you would be much better off with a tool like[^]. It is designed just for this sort of GUI interaction. You still need to think through your problem logically, but it deals with the complexities of graphics that would take you a...
9 Nov 2011 by halifaxdal
Hi Folks,Have you ever used Lucene.NET as search engine? it's fast and free, very nice.However, when I implement the latest "Did you mean" feature, it turns out to be so slow, sometimes even timeout.I am using 2.9.1Who had the same issue before? any suggestion?Thank you, any...
1 Dec 2011 by Shuwwel
How can i use the Lucene.NET Lockfactory and it's methods to solve any locking issues of files? like the LockObtainFailedException error with the write.lock file when creating an index
29 Dec 2011 by karthikkaliber
I am currently using to search the content of files for keyword search. I am able to get the results correctly but I have a scenario where I need to display the keywords found in a particular file.There are two different files containing "karthik" and "steven", and if I search for...
29 Dec 2011 by #realJSOP
Over 3.2 million google results for the search phrase "search file content"[^]
11 Jan 2012 by ManojDhobale
i have tried to search lucene index word like "process engine" .individualy i got search result but not combined.if indexed string is like "i am working on proces engine"it should search both words combined
11 Jan 2012 by Mehdi Gholam
Try adding a + before each term i.e. +process +engine
23 Jan 2012 by ari.ribeiro
I'm developing an application to the analysis of words in documents such as text or pdf integrated into an ECM tool (OnBase software from Hyland).For this, I'm using version 2.9.2 of the machine I'm desenvolvedo the application, I can reference the DLL using the browser and...
17 Jul 2012 by aneesh_kamble
Hi,I am doing a POC on Search using Lucene.NET.I fire a stored procedure which fetches around 50000 records from the database.Thses records I put in the Lucene Index.Now when the records in database changes, how to update the Lucene index.Deleting the entire previous indexed and...
26 Sep 2012 by sharmarun
hican any one tell me how to implement stemmers in
3 Oct 2012 by sharmarun
Finally i got solution you can download snowballanlayzer dll by downloading below link using svn and compile it using vs 2010.[^]
3 Oct 2012 by sharmarun[^]
2 Dec 2012 by aodeh
How can i merge two directories (Indexes folder) together.Lucene.Net. Thanks.
30 Aug 2013 by asad167
Hi,I am using for fulltext searching, Now I want to sort searched result through my date column as desc. I am usig following piece of code but it is returing null: Sort sort = new Sort(new SortField[] { new SortField("publishdate", true) });hits = searcher.Search(query,sort...
13 Sep 2013 by Member 8062986
use this QueryParser queryParser = new QueryParser(Lucene.Net.Util.Version.LUCENE_30, "SearchText", SearchSettings.Instance.GetAnalyzer()); Query query = null; query = queryParser.Parse(Text);//search string ex: if u want pass a GUID value : GUID:21312412 Sort sort = new...
19 Sep 2013 by Satish Ratnaparkhi
Check this link in this way I have solved my problem.
10 Oct 2013 by adat7378
Hi, I am trying to achieve multiple partial word search on a single field. My search syntax looks like below.Dim terms = searchstring.Trim().Split(" "c).Where(Function(x) Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).[Select](Function(x) x.Trim() + "* &&") searchstring = String.Join(" ", terms) ...
22 May 2014 by Shubhanshu Pathak
Group Members,I am new at Lucene.Net and using this in my applicationIn my application I want to know which field of the Document has been matched during search.So I opted for searcher.explain(). However later I found out that this is a costly approach.As an alternative I pondered in...
19 Nov 2014 by raju@shekhar
I want to implement site search in asp.Net. I have come across Lucene.NetDotLucene: Full-Text Search for Your Intranet or Website using 37 Lines of Code[^]How could I use it for dynamic content. Like I have following db structure. id,title,contentfilepath. contentfilepath has filename...
3 Feb 2015 by raju@shekhar
Hi I am using to search data in a web site. I have used following method to create index public static void AppendIndex(string IndexPath, string Contents, string ParentId, string Title, string SectionId, string Id, string indexId) { string...
19 Sep 2015 by Member 11835578
I AM USING THIS CODE TO DATAGRID VIEW BUT ITS CUASES AN ERROR PLEASE HELP ME TO SOLVE THIS ERROR OCCURRED ON THISivate Sub Btn_Show_Click(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs) Dim conString As String = "Data Source=SHAHRUKH-PC\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=SOUL20DB;User...
19 Sep 2015 by Abhinav S
Make sure you have a component by the name dGridResults in the form.
19 Sep 2015 by Member 11835578
hi i am try to index searcher in wpf application using but into data bind the data did not comes in data grid and cuases an error .Private Sub Btn_Show_Click(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs) 'Try ' Results are collected as a List Dim Searchresults As New...
19 Sep 2015 by Wendelius
In WPF you don't have a DataBind method for the DataGrid. When you set the ItemsSource, the data is automatically bound to the grid.So just remove/comment out the line dGridResults.DataBind()
20 Sep 2015 by satheesh 4
I Am getting the following error while working with Lucene.Net 'Lucene.Net.Store.FSDirectory' does not contain a definition for 'GetDirectory'. Please give the solution for this.Thanks in Advance....Satheesh
20 Sep 2015 by Richard MacCutchan
A glance at the documentation[^] confirms what the compiler is telling you.
9 Oct 2015 by Member 11835578
I am using below code for search accession no in lucene index but its give me an empty result can you please help me to do integer search in lucene index Private Sub btnShowResult_Click(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs) Try Dim dt_Result As New DataTable Dim...
10 Oct 2015 by Patrice T
My solution: you don't.Since Lucene index is about indexing text, I guess you need to convert your integer to text before doing search.
18 Nov 2015 by Member 12112060
I am using a below code for lucene index but its done in the many files i want only one file to lucene index its in xml file the code is Private Sub Create_Index_Click(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs) Handles Create_Index.Click 'Fetching Data from Databas Dim...
25 Nov 2015 by Member 11835578
Try Dim dt_Result As New DataTable Dim FinalTable As New DataTable Dim strTagSbFld As String strTagSbFld = GetTagSbFldSQL() Dim searchString As String = txtSearch.Text Dim query1 As String = (strTagSbFld) ...
26 Nov 2015 by Michael_Davies
Excellent article on the subject:Lucene.Net ultra fast search for MVC or WebForms site => made easy![^]
5 Dec 2015 by Alivia Banerjee
For my project purpose, I need to implement a search capability which will search a string from around 1000 Microsoft word file. I decided to use for that purpose.I need to point out a particular directory and will search from that.Can you please provide me an useful link...
5 Dec 2015 by Matthew Dennis requires that you create an index before you can use Lucene.Net to query. Try going to the CodeProject Search page, or Google if you must. There is a lot of information about using Lucene and Lucene.Net available. In fact, CodeProject uses Lucene.Net for its Search.Indexing...
21 Dec 2015 by Member 11835578
i am using a below code for it but its give an error on prepared indexDim directory As Directory = FSDirectory.GetDirectory(folderName) Dim analyzer As Lucene.Net.Analysis.Analyzer = New SimpleAnalyzer() Dim indexWriter As New IndexWriter(directory, analyzer) ...
15 Mar 2016 by Gr8AmitTiwari
Hello Guys!!I am getting stuck on 1 point while searching book name in Lucene Search.I am giving scenario using 1 example.Suppose I have a search string - "fifty shades of grey". By mistake i entered "figty" instead of "fifty". So it will not return any result.what I need that,...
15 Mar 2016 by CHill60
You need to do your own research.Try some of these resources[^]
11 Nov 2017 by Member 13514318
Hi while trying to implement a search using , it throws the above error. the indexes are created in the folder but when the line Directory dir = FSDirectory.GetDirectory(indexFileLocation, true); is executed the indexers file is empty and the next statement Searcher searcher =...
27 Dec 2018 by Hamidnch
Hi, Thanks for all replies. In fact, I'm going to design autocomplete suggestion, Also i want customize indexes for every Insert, Update,Delete operation. And i want change fileds for each time that i create index. Lucene is very good.i implement this by winform and there is'nt any issue, But...
27 Dec 2018 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
You can get the demo for the Lucene.NET from Apache's Github account, lucenenet/src/Lucene.Net.Demo at master · apache/lucenenet · GitHub[^].
26 Jul 2020 by Member 13517891
Below block of code is to create index. It creates additional .cfs file whenever i execute the code. using (var directory = GetDirectory()) using (var analyzer = GetAnalyzer()) using (var writer = new IndexWriter(directory, analyzer,...
24 Jul 2020 by Garth J Lancaster
It's not exactely obvious what's going on .. I would change using (var directory = GetDirectory()) to using (var directory = GetDirectory(@"C:\Some-Directory\Indexes", true)) in the index creator, ensure indexes ARE being generated, then when...
26 Jul 2020 by Member 13517891
It doesn't work for my case. My requirement is today i may create index for, pages. Tomorrow i may create index for If I search the index then the search should apply...
26 Jul 2020 by Richard MacCutchan
You already posted this question at How to read multiple .cfs files from index files in C#[^] and received a suggested solution. If you have a problem with the suggestion then please use the Have a Question or Comment? link below the...
26 Jul 2020 by F-ES Sitecore
Ignore the files that lucene is creating, just let it do what it does. Your issue is that you keep adding new documents. Think of the index like a database table, every time you add a document with properties you add a new row. So on day one...
27 Feb 2021 by Member 15084650
i want to crete an offline application using C# on my windows using if anywon had done this project help me. What I have tried: i tried searching but all are mvc forms and not a clear project
27 Feb 2021 by OriginalGriff
Start here: Small Lucene.NET Demo App[^] and here: Introduction to Lucene.Net[^] But don't expect anything you find to be exactly what you want: development is a process of learning and adapting, not just copy'n'paste ...
27 Feb 2021 by RickZeeland
See CodeProject article: Small Lucene.NET Demo App[^]
22 Aug 2013 by Mikhail-T
Step-by-step tutorial for any developer who wishes to get Lucene.Net search working with their web site or app really quickly!
21 Mar 2017 by mat35770
Tutorial to explain how to integrate a Markdown documentation in a WPF application using DocuPanel.
8 Dec 2010 by Matthew Dennis
Refactoring Lucene.NET to follow .NET best practices and conventions rather than Java's coding styles and limitations. This is the second in a series of articles that will be available at that follow the process from beginning to end.
19 Nov 2014 by Mathew Soji
Please check may be helpful.Introducing Lucene.Net[^][^][^]
10 Jan 2016 by Richard MacCutchan
1. Try studying the documentation for the features that are supported.2. Sorry, this site does not provide code to order.
19 Oct 2012 by Kaushikhalvadiya
Set-up of solr with .NET
25 Feb 2011 by Nikam Chaitrali C
I do a simple indexing and searching program for a file folder consist of 24 text files.Now for indexing when I debug a program every time "Index" folder is created.when this folder is created it contains files named _1CFS file,deletable and segments.Then what these files contain and its use. ...
12 Sep 2013 by Satish Ratnaparkhi
I am using (LUCENE_30) in that I want to search categories which is in GUID format but not able to search that via using lucene searchresult.Could we search GUID using lucene search?My code look like this where maxResult = 10000;QueryParser parser = new...
25 Jul 2014 by AnvilRanger
There are tons of articles and tutorials on Lucene.Net all you have to do search.The following is a great starter.Lucene.Net ultra fast search for MVC or WebForms site => made easy![^]
7 Sep 2011 by JimminyC
Hello. I have never really done any coding, besides a little Lua and editing some things here and there. I basically want to know if this is even possible. I want Max stats on this character, the max stats are the green ones on the right, the stats on the left are the ones you are rolling....
7 Sep 2013 by Chaithannya
Hi,I have a requirement to create search functionality for a job portal I am developing now. The resumes uploaded by users are kept in a folder inside the application.if (fuUploadResume.PostedFile.ContentLength > 0) { ...
18 Feb 2016 by Member 11712753
Have you tried to useReturn CInt(bs.Cardinality())to do the Type conversion in VB??Ref.: Type Conversion Functions (Visual Basic)[^]
26 Sep 2012 by sharmarun
hiis snowball analyzer works with lucene.netif yes then how
20 Mar 2015 by Member 8377085
Sir, I am trying to develop a search engine in using I go through many tutorials and pages to get the appropriate results but i couldn't. Actually I have a folder with some files(doc,ppt,pdf,excel etc..) and i want to search within that folder only for contents and if the...
4 Sep 2017 by R.Singaravelu
I’m using Lucene.Net version in my website to search list of courses. I have few courses which contains the special character “#” like, C#, C#.Net, etc. But When I search with the term “C#” it showing 0 results. I’m using StandardAnalyzer and MultiFieldQueryParser also allowing...
4 Sep 2017 by R.Singaravelu
Yes I have created my own Analyzer by the suggestion provided in the Lucene issue tracker "". Now its working well. Thanks, Singaravelu
19 Mar 2011 by Nikam Chaitrali C
Hello,I am now creating a spellchecker program.For this I download a English Dictionary in textfile format.Size of that file is about 2500kb.Now when I run programthen only upto 113kb is searches and spellchecking is also done under 113kb.Then what I do for this??what is the range of the text...
22 Sep 2012 by aodeh
I used indexing throw, but the max time that can give you the result is 6 minute.My website based on the search performance, i need another strategy or methodology to using them.If someone know another way else ( to search about text in million of...
22 Sep 2012 by Christiaan Rakowski
If the text records are in a database using the database manager's build in search functionality will probably be a lot faster. After all, that is what is build for.If you read the text from files on the hard disk it might be your implementation. I am not familiar with Lucene and how it...
25 Sep 2012 by Mehdi Gholam
Start here : Lucene.Net – Custom Synonym Analyzer[^]Introducing Lucene.Net[^]
2 Dec 2012 by Krunal Rohit
Entire solution is given here :[^]
23 Jul 2014 by Pravinkumar Thokal
While creating the Index , Field object use Index.NOT_ANALYZED instead of ANALYZED.While Searching you need to escape the special characters.
24 Jul 2014 by GoneBump
Hi I need to create a local search engine for a 'D:\' drive. Where I inject a keyword or string and the system should search that injection inside the files of the directories (D:\Dir\...) despite of the file extension.I leaned about from friends but I don't know how to use it...
30 Jul 2014 by GoneBump
I have asked the same question at the link.
19 Sep 2015 by Member 11835578
this error is shown while compiling the project and error is 'Set property 'System.Windows.Window.Title' threw an exception.'and it shown the xaml parser exeption occurred and indicate the arrow in artial Public Class MainWindow Inherits MyPage Implements...
27 Dec 2015 by Member 11835578
I am using below code for the searching and I want to do a exact search in my application for example in the data there is a title = dos the complete reference and user can search in that only from keyword dos so there is zero result in the grid so what can I do for the exact search in...
10 Jan 2016 by digengada
Hello friends,I am very new to LUCENE.Can you please help me, does lucene support identifying the phonetics and metaphor.If so yes, can you help me with some sample program.
19 Feb 2016 by Member 11835578
In the below code there is an error that shown in bold and that getfacetcount is another function in it Public Function GetFacets(query As Query, facetField As [String]) As IEnumerable(Of KeyValuePair(Of [String], [String])) Dim ie As Integer = 0 If Not...
18 Feb 2016 by Member 11835578
In this code that the conversion of the long is not converted in to the long so please help to solve this the error position is shown in the bold character .Public Function GetFacetCount(reader As IndexReader, queryFilterOnMainQuery As Filter) As Int32 Dim bs =...
27 Dec 2018 by Hamidnch
Hi,every body I'm one question about in core 2.2. How to using lucene in core,Please advice me, if possible. Thanks. [BEST REGARDS] What I have tried: I'm searching in web for a long time,but can not find any proper article.
26 Jul 2020 by Member 13517891
It doesn't work for my case. My requirement is today i may create index for, pages. Tomorrow i may create index for If I search the index then the search should apply...