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Everything / JSONP



Great Reads

by Matthew Dennis
jQuery has changed its implementation of how it creates JSONP requests in a way that can break some applications.
by Thrivikram Hathwar
Sample to demonstrate building a cross domain script enabled WCF REST service and consuming it in a web app.
by Gil Fink
How to use the datajs library in order to make a JSONP call to a JSONP enabled WCF Data Service.
by Gil Fink
A simple example of making a JSONP call to a WCF Data Service using jQuery.

Latest Articles

by Florian Rappl
JSON Schema may be the answer to most problems in dealing with JSON files. We explore JSON Schema from a practical point of view.
by Alexander Parra Lorenzo
example to request a JSON data
by henry sentio kauta
Android at figure tips
by Ricardo Lynch
Using JavaScript for oAuth with three major identity providers: Facebook, Google, and Twitter.

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5 Apr 2011 by Matthew Dennis
jQuery has changed its implementation of how it creates JSONP requests in a way that can break some applications.
22 Aug 2014 by Alexander Parra Lorenzo
example to request a JSON data
15 Oct 2011 by Jules Bartow
My dataType:json call to WSEzPL8.asmx/GetCompaniesJSON for a jQuery auto-complete dropdownlist list inside a jQuery dialog works great (just in case anyone is having problems getting their AjaxControlToolkit ComboBox inside an AjaxControlToolkit ModalPopupExtender to work). Fiddler shows JSON...