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by Pritam Zope
In this article, we will create a notepad in Java with features like Multi Tabbed Documents, Document Selector, Openning/Saving/Closing Multiple documents, Running External Programs,Different Look and Feels, Viewing files in Browser, etc.
by Fadi Hania
This is a J2ME beginner article that describes how to add different J2ME components to your application especially StringItems and Commands.
by Android on Intel
This article introduces Android Studio (Beta), the new Android integrated development environment (IDE), which will eventually replace the Eclipse ADT Bundle.
by rtybase
An use case for ConcurrentHashMap

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by rtybase
An use case for ConcurrentHashMap
by Michael B Pliam
An easily modifiable console like interface for testing Java code
by Pritam Zope
In this article, we will create a notepad in Java with features like Multi Tabbed Documents, Document Selector, Openning/Saving/Closing Multiple documents, Running External Programs,Different Look and Feels, Viewing files in Browser, etc.
by Phuong Thanh Nguyen
The programs are for sending and receiving emails

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15 Feb 2017 by Pritam Zope
In this article, we will create a notepad in Java with features like Multi Tabbed Documents, Document Selector, Openning/Saving/Closing Multiple documents, Running External Programs,Different Look and Feels, Viewing files in Browser, etc.
17 Apr 2011 by Fadi Hania
This is a J2ME beginner article that describes how to add different J2ME components to your application especially StringItems and Commands.
1 Jun 2015 by Android on Intel
This article introduces Android Studio (Beta), the new Android integrated development environment (IDE), which will eventually replace the Eclipse ADT Bundle.
30 Nov 2010 by HimanshuJoshi
Ubuntu does not have rpm installer in it. It uses deb package manager derived from debian. Find a deb package for JDK or convert your rpm to deb using "Alien" program, check instructions here[^].[EDIT] Check this link[^]; It has ubuntu JDK 6 package [/EDIT]
30 Nov 2010 by Skynet_Code
You can use aptitude to get JDK 1.6 from Ubuntu repositories, just type into a shell: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin sun-java6-jre sun-java6-jdk
21 Dec 2017 by rtybase
An use case for ConcurrentHashMap
21 Dec 2012 by skprasadu
This tip shows how you can create stubs for webservices in Java using Maven
20 Oct 2014 by Andrey Chaschev
An introduction to the Wookie, a Java/Scala library to automate web browsing.
1 Jan 2015 by OriginalGriff
Yes - and No.Yes, you can develop a very large program purely in binary - it's how we started in this game and the first operating systems and everything else were written that's slow. Very slow. That's why one of the first things written in binary was a basic assembler, to...
9 May 2016 by Phuong Thanh Nguyen
The programs are for sending and receiving emails
25 May 2012 by TheDhruv
How to get started with ForkJoinPool - Map and Reduce of Java
5 Aug 2012 by Rahul_Patel
I am trying to draw graphics on a JPanel from inside a separate thread. The problem is if i try to draw the graphics using a simple method it successfully runs but if i try to do the same thing using thread it does not.The code is as followsimport java.awt.*;import...
5 Aug 2012 by Rahul_Patel
Solved the problem... Rewrote the code as follows...import java.awt.*;import javax.swing.*;public class ttest extends JPanel implements Runnable{ttest(){JFrame j = new...
3 Jan 2015 by Mehdi Gholam
Generally "native code" meaning compiled directly to the CPU instructions is faster, however in some circumstances "managed code" running on a "virual machine" can be faster.So you really have to try and see which works best for your situation.
24 Oct 2020 by OriginalGriff
We are more than willing to help those that are stuck: but that doesn't mean that we are here to do it all for you! We can't do all the work, you are either getting paid for this, or it's part of your grades and it wouldn't be at all fair for us...
20 Nov 2009 by venkatglasses
I have code for playing audio file using* package and i can only able to play small clip files but not large files which runs through for mins. Could any one able to guide me to overcome this problem  I provided my code for reference:import;import*
25 Nov 2009 by Nagy Vilmos
You are unlikely to get much help with this as the API is pretty much depricated and it is not recommended to use it.You should use the new shiny media api. First of all look at this demo.
30 Nov 2010 by Reza Oruji
hi friendswhen i want to install JDK in linux ubuntu it gives this message:reza@ubuntu:~$ cd /opt/java/32reza@ubuntu:/opt/java/32$ sudo chmod +x jdk-6u21-linux-i586-rpm.binreza@ubuntu:/opt/java/32$ sudo...
2 Jun 2011 by Randall Templeton
This article describes how to use Windows PowerShell to manage your Intel® AMT data. Treat data stores as file systems using a few simple commands.
5 Aug 2011 by Gael Holmes Hofemeier
This article discusses the Random Number Generator, code named Bull Mountain. Learn about Intel’s latest innovation in the generation of super-robust Random Numbers
29 Sep 2011 by shriram.goal
My final year project is to develop fault tolerance in grids and I'm planning to achieve this through checkpointing/logging of processes and job replication on the occurrence of faults. My project guide has advised me to create a grid using Java program(s) and I have absolutely no clue as to how...
29 Sep 2011 by snp_shailesh
import java.util.ArrayList;class HashingTest{ public static void main(String a[]) { ArrayList ar=new ArrayList(); ArrayList ar2=new ArrayList(); ar.add(4); ar.add(5); ar.add(6); ar2.add(4); ar2.add(5); ar2.add(6); System.out.println("Value of ar[0]...
29 Sep 2011 by Mehdi Gholam
Hash computations operate on the objects data contents so it will compute the hash for the value "4" every time as both are the same integers.
29 Sep 2011 by Richard MacCutchan
In answer to your reply above I would make the following comments:shriram.goal wrote:Moreover, why am I going to post my question in a forum if I possess all knowledge about the subject in which I'm about to work on?If you possess all knowledge then I don't understand what your issues...
26 Jan 2012 by XPG Live
How to initialize a game on Android with XPG
7 Aug 2012 by rtybase
A short article showing how not to RSA
23 Oct 2012 by Bhaskar Pathak
import java.util.*;import*;import java.sql.*;public class Stud{ public static void main(String args[]) { try { Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"); System.out.println("Driver Registered"); Connection connection =...
23 Oct 2012 by Nagy Vilmos
The important bid of config is in listener.ora, where you need to set the SID; note that this is not necessarily the service name.There should be something like:SID_LIST_LISTENER= (SID_LIST= (SID_DESC= ( (ORACLE_HOME=/oracle10g) ...
27 Feb 2013 by Boudi AlSayed
I've downloaded Eclipse from and all SDKs that it need, its my first time that I open eclipse and I'm new to java and Android Developing, but I didn't find the events button or any thing in properties about events, is there anything wrong? I viewed some videos on youtube that there...
30 Mar 2013 by jahanxb
I got a problem in compiling java programs in windows 8 through cmd I don't know whats the error so I better take a screen shot of the code and the cmd window you better tell me about this I googled it but their is no suitable solution one more thing I am using windows 8 with media center is...
31 Mar 2013 by Prasad Khandekar
Hello,I think the code in editor is not the code you are trying to compile. If you look at the error it clearly says expected after the word Public, and Public is not a valid identifier. It should be public. Not really related to this error but the preferred syntax for main method is...
18 Jun 2013 by chandan kumar
I imported the project in the netbeans with some external packages but I am not able to solve two problem in package & when I Open the file pool = DBPool.getPool(dbAlias);Error:method...
18 Jun 2013 by Richard MacCutchan
Looks like you got the answer here[^].
20 Aug 2013 by Vishal Dwivedi
Config Details:Windows 8 Pro 32bitadt-bundle-windows-x86-20130717jdk-6u26-windows-i586 32bitDirectories:For Java - C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_26For Android Root - Z:\Program Files\AndroidFor Android SDK - Z:\Program Files\Android\sdkEnvironmental...
16 Jul 2014 by Member 10378849
I search for solution 3 day still I cant find.My java file work normally and no error. I copied my java file "" to "jdk/bin" directory. Then "javac" the I2CInterface.class created succesfully. But "javah -jni I2CInterface" give error class couldnt found....
16 Oct 2014 by Michelle Anne Rigor
Hi! I am having trouble installing JDK for Windows 7 bit-32. Is there any other program that I need to install before the JDK to make it work? I want my Eclipse to work. :(Thank you for all the help.
29 Oct 2014 by Edward Quixote
Download the Official JDK from Oracle. Mostly I face quite the same problem which is after some time accompanied with something about the set up file being corrupt.
3 Jan 2015 by Ziya1995
Let's consider only cross platform managed code.I have read markup hybrid is slow and native is fast, but i don't know about managed code.Both of them are cross platform WORA (Write once, run anywhere).Performance is matter to me.What is faster? Managed code or markup hybrid...
3 Apr 2015 by mayooran99
I have this following aspectJ class method which gives me the error,The type java.lang.charSequence cannot be resolved to a type error.before(String name) throws ServiceLayerException: call(void ServiceImplementation.displayBookDetails(String)) && args(name){ String sqlText =...
3 Apr 2015 by Richard MacCutchan
Probably because you spelled it incorrectly, as a glance at the documentation[^] shows.
11 Jun 2015 by mayooran99
I am new to spring and hibernate. I have created a spring-mvc app with hibernate integration and when I run the code I get the below given error. My requirement is to pick the relevant path from the advertisement given the customer category. This involves two tables respectively along with the...
12 Sep 2015 by Member 11402033
i have updated jdk for android studio. when executing the project I am getting the following errorError:Execution failed for task ':library:compileReleaseJavaWithJavac'.> Compilation failed; see the compiler error output for details.With earlier version of JDK there was no...
1 Oct 2015 by Android on Intel
This article gives an overview of the Android Wear operating system focusing on wearable devices, application types, development, and debugging. It also explains two ways of debugging a wearable app using ADB.
21 Nov 2015 by Member 12156917
[Storing saeed123123]keytool error: saeed123123 (Access is denied) saeed123123 (Access is denied) at Method) at ...
11 Dec 2015 by Richard MacCutchan
data = line.split(" ");list.add(new Student(data[0],Integer.parseInt(data[1]),Integer.parseInt(data[2])));You did not check that the line actually splits into 3 fields.
1 Jun 2016 by Tejas Sawant 13
Hello All,I am just asking question. I do not have any idea it is possible or not ?I have developed one desktop application java swing and used jdk 1.7. I have generated executable jar file for deployment.As per my understanding, to run the jar on any machine JDK 1.7 must be...
10 Jan 2017 by OriginalGriff
You have an array called Array which contains integer values.You loop through the first ten elements in the array, using p as an index which contains the value 0 in the first iteration, 1 in the second, and so on up to 9 in the last iteration. In each iteration round the loop you add the value...
10 Jan 2017 by Richard MacCutchan
See The Java™ Tutorials[^].
28 Apr 2018 by Member 13803170
So i'm making this logo creator for my class. I have everything for my UI figured out, except for this problem. So basically my JPanel has a BorderLayout set to it. And for the center of that BorderLayout, I have another JPanel set ot a BorderLayout inside of the first one. At the center of that...
19 Apr 2020 by Richard MacCutchan
You already posted this question in the Android forum. Please do not crosspost.
24 Oct 2020 by Sandeep Mewara
Please don't cross post across forums. I responded here: Re: JAVA IF ELSE STATEMENT (HELP ME) - Java Discussion Boards[^] Quote: This is a very basic beginner program in any language. The whole intent is to learn with this. If this was an...
27 Nov 2022 by reverser69
hi for some debugging puposes i need a debug build of new JDK so i can debug with .pdb files. i searched a lot and the only thing i could find was v1.8 which is very old. i also tried compiling the jdk but i only god errors. is there any link...
27 Nov 2022 by Dave Kreskowiak
Then you're going to have to build your own copy. You're going to have to read ALL OF THIS[^].
1 May 2011 by Patrick Kalkman
This article describes how I developed Androng, a Pong clone for Android.
29 Jun 2010 by ShlomiAtia
The code writer allows to transparently write code for C# and Java, for applications like serialization, equality, etc.
5 Jun 2013 by Ohad Redlich
This document describes how to integrate the Spring-Security-oAuth2 project with Spring-Security-SAML.
29 Apr 2011 by Sašo Mađarić
Tutorial about creating a nice ball game for Android using AndEngine
13 Mar 2015 by Rimbik_
Test AnjularJS page with e2e testing tool - Protractor
15 Oct 2015 by Andy Feng
Create a simple Http Server using Java SDK and process GET/POST requests
9 Aug 2010 by Tejas_Pathak
A platform independent game that runs on Windows, Mac and Linux
17 Mar 2011 by Fadi Hania
This is a J2ME beginner article that describes how to write your Hello World J2ME application
29 Sep 2011 by Richard MacCutchan
This really begs the question: "why are you trying to build a project when you have so little knowledge of the subject you are to work on"?I don't know what you tried searching for in Google, but my search yielded these papers[^], which look to be connected with your subject.
20 May 2017 by Michael B Pliam
An easily modifiable console like interface for testing Java code
12 May 2011 by Fadi Hania
This is a J2ME beginner article that describes how to use different J2ME components in your application to make it more user interactive, using TextField and Alerts UI components.
14 Nov 2012 by Andre' Gardiner
A java Bowling Score Board Game.
1 Jan 2015 by Ziya1995
As i understand every program in the world is based on bytes.I thought it is possible to develop any type of application in binary.Binary stays same on any operation system.So, the question:Can i develop a powerful app using binary programming and run it on any operation system?Apps...
11 Dec 2015 by Member 8568758
package myja;import java.awt.GridLayout;import*;import java.util.*;import javax.swing.*;class Student { String Name; int RollNo; int Marks; public Student() { Name = ""; RollNo = 0; Marks = 0; } public...
1 Jun 2016 by Mehdi Gholam
Start here : Self-Contained Application Packaging[^]
10 Jan 2017 by Member 12944480
Could you please break down the following code? By the way this is being done in Intellij with the jdk 1.8, with the 'import java.util.scanner' line of sum =0for (int p = 0; p