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SQL Server ISS can simplify database mirrors across multiple vendors

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SQL Server ISS can simplify database mirrors across multiple vendors

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6 Jan 2014 by thatraja
Many reasons for this error. Check theseDirty waysIncrease timeout for SQL connection[^]Increase timeout for SQL command[^].Good waysUse SQL Server Profiler[^]How to identify SQL Server performance issues, by analyzing Profiler output?[^]SQL Server Best Practices[^]Optimize...
4 Mar 2012 by nigam.anant
I create a i-frame widget of the Outlook Web Access.Now I want is That-When the User Write the URL of the Web page on Which a Outlook widget is placed then it shows log in page in the i want that When Widget i-frame loaded it automatically authenticated the Active Directory's...
13 Apr 2012 by xbolslock
Hi,I got a problem, when i deploy my VS web into iss, i got this error,HTTP Error 500.21 - Internal Server ErrorHandler "PageHandlerFactory-Integrated" has a bad module ManagedPipelineHandler in its module listMost likely cause:Managed handler is used; however, ASP.NET is not...
13 Apr 2012 by nawazish12khan
This will hellp you.[^]
9 May 2012 by YKK Reddy
Hi All,I am using Install Shield 12 for creating installers for my application.I am facing a weird problem.I have an installer (say Prog1) which copies few files (Dll's) on installation. Now my installer also copies some of the same files in the same location.The default property...
21 Oct 2012 by Member 9533008
I'm cleaning up my computer and I was going through the Windows (7) features. I was really surprised that I was unable to find a simple explanation of what iss is. So, I would appreciate very basic information about the available W7 features.-Internet Information Services -FTP Server ...
21 Oct 2012 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
I would suggest you to go through the wiki Internet Information Services[^].You will know what IIS is ? and you will also find lots of reference links, which will help you to know all the concepts.Thanks...
6 Apr 2013 by vakativamsi
HI Compilation ErrorDescription: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.Compiler Error Message: CS0434: The namespace 'Mynews' in...
6 Jan 2014 by chenghuichao
Below is the error message:Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.Few days ago, I migrated our server, old server use IIS 7 + Sql Server 2008 R2 new Server: IIS 7 + Sql Server 2012after that, When I...
19 Feb 2014 by Ravimcts
Suggest me the Direct links for the graph used in STOCKS n SHARE or ECG reports or live record data show in gridview or whatsoever.
22 Sep 2014 by g.ozcelik
Hi,I have a project uploading a file. When user upload a file, the file is stored in ~\preupload folder in my project. When user enter other infos and press the "update" button, I try to move the file to shared folder on another machine.Code like this:string sourcepath =...
22 Sep 2014 by Murthy_RDV
Check the destination path folder permission, It should be globally shared for every one.
2 Oct 2014 by g.ozcelik
Hi again,I use "" method to copy file.If destination folder is in the same server, no error. But if dest.folder is in another server, i'm getting error:Quote:Access to the path is denied.-- Source:mscorlib at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String...
22 Oct 2014 by George Jonsson
This looks like it might be helpful for you.Host your own website using IIS7.5[^]Creating a New FTP Site in IIS 7[^]
30 Sep 2015 by Dr Gadgit
I use a packet sniffer that i wrote myself and it's a bit like wireshark but is lightweight and seems to be doing a good job but i have noticed packets arriving from the internet after making TCP request out on port 80 for web-pages. This i can check by checking the packet sniffer IP address...
30 Sep 2015 by Patrice T
Quote:The router i use is a Sonicwall (not much good without a licence, most nice to have's doing work unles you pay them money) so if thats not injecting these packets then it seems like my ISP must be behind this and are using a back-door hack to push data to my network since the router does...
13 Oct 2015 by Dr Gadgit
Well these strange bits of packet data I caught"(Ref.Id: ?sufKKsWW98F4Cs2CEW6MM?)"Are connected to SSL Certificate requests and it seems to be Visual Studio thats sending them out as programs are running in debug mode and using VHost.Now i know VS2010 likes to have an internet...
10 Jan 2016 by Saad Saadi
Hi, I'm trying to deploy an MVC website using windows authentication but I'm facing issues.Website has deployment successfully but I think there is some kind of permissions issues.Bellow is the screenshot for your reference.Please help me!Thank You!ScreenShot
12 Jan 2016 by VR Karthikeyan
Hi, refer this links,1.[^]
21 Jun 2017 by JatinKhimani
I know that is this question has dozen of answers and posts, but nothing works for me. We have my MVC4 application and i deployed it to IIS7 to my server and one more machine where we don't have visual studio installed. We are doing import/export data from/to excel for doing bulk entry. we do...
25 Mar 2020 by Member 14782428
My website is hostet on ISS. The server PC works great. My client PC shows the webpage,but when I push a button, Fiddler says:" No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it". My webpage is called...
25 Mar 2020 by ZurdoDev
Go into IIS and setup a website on a specific port. You might have done that with port 52059 or that might be a dynamic port from VS and will change so you want to have one that does not change so you need to set that up in IIS. Then as long as...
8 Jul 2011 by Dr Bob
SQL Server ISS can simplify database mirrors across multiple vendors
6 Jan 2014 by Christian Graus
Has your connection string changed ? How long does it take to time out ? What's the exact error ? I'd increase the timeout via the connection string and see what happens then.
26 Nov 2013 by Ganesh_verma
Hi any one please suggest how to open gmail mail/facebook etc in office where gmail/facebook is block.please suggest with full details
14 Oct 2014 by Muhammad Taqi Hassan Bukhari
I am started my begineer mvc 4 web applicaiton project. Then According to tutorial i change my visual studio development server to Local ISS Web server.Then I got this error and solved, unable to start debugging on the web server. the server committed a protocol violation....
22 Oct 2014 by Am Gayathri
How can i create a website in IIS7?I tried to follow below steps but it doesn't work.[^]in my case, i have developed one asp site and i have published that in to one folder.I tried to add new website (Rightclick->add...
2 Oct 2015 by Dr Gadgit
I tried to get pfSense working on an old laptop but it could only see one of the network cards so i gave in.For the money these DrayTek routers are good but i've stuck with the Sonicwall only because it can do outbound NAT mapping so it can send any requests that were going to microsoft or...