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Internet Explorer 7


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by Abhinav S
Temporary XCP files are created on the local drive and are not cleared up until the user manually deletes them.
by Rupesh Kumar Tiwari
Javascript native methods are more faster than jQuery utility methods in IE9/10
Learn more about the Mashup creator, Popfly space, and the Web page creator.
by Mladen Janković
How to gain control over the toolbar that hosts buttons located in Internet Explorer's address bar.

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by Coding 101
A simple Registry change will enable IE to display JSON responses.
by Rupesh Kumar Tiwari
Javascript native methods are more faster than jQuery utility methods in IE9/10
by Quí Nguyễn NT
A password text box with an eye at right edge, can click / touch to show password
by DCUtility
Screen Snaper is perfect to quickly share a picture-perfect representation of anything on your screen.

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Internet Explorer 7 

18 Jan 2010 by KingsGambit
21 Aug 2010 by Abhinav S
Temporary XCP files are created on the local drive and are not cleared up until the user manually deletes them.
2 Jan 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
I makes no sense, and I really hope that you cannot do this. A scroll bar appears when your content does not fit the page vertically or horizontally. And the user of the site has every right to make the size of the browser window as she/he likes. Preventing it would be a big abuse. This...
28 Oct 2011 by nageswar_kesireddi
Hi,I have deployed a website on a windows server 2008 machine and implemented the SSL as well. Have published the certificate and imported in the client machines as well. Everything was going smooth till last friday. All of a sudden I'm not able to access the web site from some client...
30 Mar 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
I have no idea which of your border, alignment and similar attributes create the loss in cross-browser compatibility. I can tell you why: I never use them. Using such attributes is really a bad thing. I don't even know who develop Web sites using them. Probably none of real Web...
11 Apr 2012 by binson143
change the following config setting (Web.config file)
5 Jun 2012 by Dave Kreskowiak
If I understand what you're doing, you don't have an alternate solution to get around this. Protected Mode means machine resources (registry, event logs, filesystem, ...) are completely off-limits to your code and prevents you from doing ANYTHING from inside the browser.You just determined...
2 Jan 2013 by Ravimallya
You may need to head over to the answer of AnthonyWJone in website. He mentioned there as below:So far we have overflow:hidden on the body. However IE doesn't always honor that and you need to put scroll="no" on the body element as well and/or place overflow:hidden on the...
2 May 2013 by Rupesh Kumar Tiwari
Javascript native methods are more faster than jQuery utility methods in IE9/10
28 Oct 2013 by Matt T Heffron
In the small code block you show the line as: pricesAll[44] = 18;but in the full code block it is:pricesAll{44} = 18;Note: curlyBraces {} not squareBrackets []
22 May 2014 by Member 10812265
Hi ,I have a classic asp intranet application. I need windows pop up authentication for that intranet site.If I change the setting in IE-->tools-->internet options-->security-->custom level-->user authentication-->"Prompt for username and password", I am getting windows authentication pop...
22 May 2014 by Raul Iloc
1.Because you are using intranet application you first option should use Windows Authentication.To enable Windows Authentication within an ASP.NET Application, you should make sure that you have “Integrated Windows Authentication” enabled within IIS for the application you are building.Then...
2 Jun 2007 by
Learn more about the Mashup creator, Popfly space, and the Web page creator.
18 Jan 2010 by byytas
I need to write an extension for IE that works with favorites/bookmarks. Need to implement a custom "Add to favorites" window. This needs to be done in C++. What techniques should I use (MFC/ATL) and what exactly should it be called (Browser Helper Objects, Browser Extension, etc..) since I need...
19 Jan 2010 by Rajesh R Subramanian
How could you use MFC here?ATL would be the ideal choice, and the link Rejeesh has given you should get you started on it.
2 Apr 2010 by leckey
1. Please read the forum guidelines.2. Your tag says IE7 and the title is IE8.3. You need to describe what you are trying to do, and what the actual error is.4. Please place your code in the code block tags.
2 Apr 2010 by martin.danek.42
Hello,I would like to ask about possibility of overriding default IE behaviour.When you quit IE, it shows some window with question whether to close active tab or entire explorer. Exists any way, how to override this dialog with my own?Thank you,Martin
18 May 2010 by niutianbo
Hi, When i use Visual Studio 2005 for web development, then the crystal report does not export(show) using internet explorer 7.i develop the report using the crystal report together with vs2005,i do not use the crystal reports server,also i have followed the instructionto reset the seting...
17 May 2010 by Stephen Hewitt
I not sure how to do exactly what you're after, but if you want to extend/modify IE in this way you're probably going to need to write a Browser Helper Object[^].
9 Jun 2010 by Sushma_Patel
Just Remove doctype html... 1 line code from your source page and try.I am not sure but i think your problem should be solved.
16 Aug 2010 by usermj87
Hi folks,I need to develop a BHO, which should be executed by clicking a button in a IE toolbar. I'd like to do this in C#, because I have some experience in Java and the two languages are similar. I read through some threads, which talk about this topic but none of them could make it...
16 Aug 2010 by usermj87
Hi,I am currently developing a BHO in C# which should be trigger only when the user clicks a button in IE. So far, I created a new button in the normal IE toolbar by a new registry entry. My question is now, how can I trigger the BHO (for testing the same as in the article: "How to attach to...
16 Aug 2010 by usermj87
Thanks, Roger for your reply. But my actual problem is to create a toolbar and after that to connect it to the BHO. I've already implemented the BHO regarding the article you told me and I know the msdn site, too.
16 Aug 2010 by Roger Wright
There's a good article about creating BHOs in C# here[^] at CodeProject, and several more are easily accessible via Google. Microsoft offers step-by-step instructions for adding a button to the IE Toolbar here[^]. It should be an interesting project; have fun! :-D
29 Aug 2010 by Anoop Athreyasa
Hi all,I'm facing issue with the print button present in the toolbar of IE.Whenever i click the print button, the page's prerender event is called. This happens only in IE. When i try to print with Firefox, this does not happen.I have an iframe in first.aspx page. In the prerender event...
29 Aug 2010 by Christian Graus
I doubt you can change IE, so can you make it so that the code works with it behaving as it is ? What is going wrong right now ?
21 Oct 2010 by santoshamrutha
MY site is using forms authentication cookies mode . it is working with other browsers(chrome) when i go with domain name and when i go with ip address it is working with ie too ,But not working in IE when i go with domain name, i found that my site is being restricted, so Can any one...
21 Oct 2010 by Sandeep Mewara
Add the domain link in the Trusted-sites category...Tools->Internet Options->Security->Trusted Sites...
16 Dec 2010 by AleXX Zero
Hi, I have to create a table using javascript. Firefox displays the expected result but for IE, the column width is screwed .I have to use the col tag to set width because sometimes the first row maybe merged. All I need is to create a table that strictly displays according to the inputted...
31 Dec 2010 by AnupKumarYadav
Try Changing lightgray To gray in style.borderTop = "1px solid gray"; style.borderLeft="1px solid gray";
13 Apr 2011 by Nathan Stiles
When using ASP.NET over an SSL connection I can gather information from the Request.ClientCertificate. I want to use this information in future requests to identify a computer. Is this infromation reliable? Does the certificate change frequently? Is this certificate typically generated by...
25 Apr 2011 by Pete O'Hanlon
While you can use ActiveX quite effectively to do this, I'd ask you to reconsider writing it in C#. With ActiveX in C#, you maybe requiring the end user to download the .NET framework to run on their machine in order to run your control.Potentially, another approach may be to use an HTA...
31 May 2011 by Vlad Judys
Hello everyone,We have an issue with our dialog based MFC application where caret is not visible when focus switches from embedded IE control to a text edit field. When focus switches from other control, the caret is visible all right.I had made a sample app with just MFC controls and...
31 May 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
This is expected behavior of all carets in all controls using carets. In many cases, this is the only visual feedback for a control having keyboard focus. You should be worry about it or try change this behavior.(Perhaps I did not understand you correctly; your question is not 100% clear to...
31 May 2011 by Vlad Judys
Thank you for replying.I believe you did not understand me correctly.There is NO caret in a text field when it receives focus from browser control. The browser control is holding to the caret and somehow prevents it from being displayed in the text control.This is not a normal behavior...
1 Jun 2011 by Vlad Judys
Here is the project with sources and executables: was build with Visual Studio 2005, but it should be convertable to any new versions.Thanks to all who is looking into this. This is a really puzzling issue.
6 Jun 2011 by Girish601
HiI am in the process of writing bho for IE, which allows me to determine controls(userid and password) which are part of webpage.At the same time when i click on submit button, event should be fired.Password hacker[^]Article name: Password HackerAuthor:Ram VermaBut why is that...
16 Jun 2011 by OSProgrammer
I want create BHO and toolbar button. My BHO must collect data from page when user submit form (only in case when user logged in). From toolbar menu i can login/logout and change some settings for my BHO. I have several question regarding this task :1) How i can get settings for my BHO from...
20 Jul 2011 by jigneshNP
Hi..I m looking for a tutorial to make addons/plugins for IE 8 or 9. Can you provide me with a resource. Please, for the sake of peace and everything else, I Have new for developing addons/plugins so please help me.....Thanks to all in advance...
21 Jul 2011 by Stefan_Lang
Try googling for 'IE plugin SDK' - the top link already looks promising: Creating a Simple Plug-in
17 Aug 2011 by Elizabeth.Hamlet
Hello,I have searched online quite a bit about this but still cannot find a solution.I have an ASP.NET web application in an Iframe on a parent website. In IE7/8 only when selecting the back button at any point, it redirects to outside of the parent site, to the link that the iframe is...
27 Oct 2011 by johnsson77
Do you have any idea how to create IE plugin which will save to log file time of page load? This plugin should report start time (when user clicks go button) and end time (when page is completely loaded).I prefer .net framework examples, but if you have other ideas, please fell free to post them
27 Oct 2011 by Vivek Krishnamurthy
Take a look at the following discussion. It has most of the details you are looking for.Developing Internet Explorer Extensions?[^]This should take you quite close.
30 Oct 2011 by Skynet_Code
Hi.If you're going out your LAN via Proxy, may a Proxy Rule is guilty, and you don't receive a 503 Proxy error cause it may use a XML Proxy and negotiation is delegated in that piece. If you don't use proxy, the problem can be at server or client side.I recommend you to use Paros Proxy (Open...
3 Nov 2011 by Mohankumar.Engain
dear friends,I have Question For to disable Back-Button in Browser while running applications using java script. and Does Not Page Refreshing or Reload.While pressing Back Button.????By Mohan
3 Nov 2011 by arya1685
We can disable the back navigation by adding following code in the webpage. Now the catch here is that you have to add this code in all the pages where you want to avoid user to get back from previous page. For example user follows the navigation page1 -> page2. And you want to stop user from...
3 Nov 2011 by BobJanova
Don't. Instead, make your site back-button (and open-in-new-tab etc, all the things that web users can easily do) tolerant. If you set your cache control headers and session state correctly, it shouldn't matter if users go back, they will either get a cached version (no server hit) if...
3 Nov 2011 by P.Salini
Try thisOr see this[^][^]
6 Dec 2011 by Prerak Patel
You can change the timeOut to slide the image faster.[^]Google[^] for more.
22 Dec 2011 by
How to delete the cache in the folder when ie running in protected mode?Thanks...
2 Jan 2012 by goplappu
dear friends, I have Question For U.. how to disable Back-Button in Browser while running applications using mobile application . and Does Not Page Refreshing or Reload.While pressing Back Button.????
9 Jan 2012 by kstxx
Is it normal situation that under Vista my Browser Helper Object on IE7 add-on list is visible as a part of mscoree.dll and publisher field is empty? On XP with IE8 and Win7 with IE9 it looks good (publisher field is filled and source dll is not mscoree.dll)
31 Jan 2012 by Anuja Pawar Indore
close your span tag. As you have open tag and missing closing tagText - Company / Institute Name* Text - Company or Institute name is...
31 Jan 2012 by Jagz W
I don't know why IE8 inserting Empty Text Node between two spans. It is working fine in mozilla. I have applied display block on both spans and the container div. but it didn't solove the problem.Here its the render code:Text -...
31 Jan 2012 by Christian Graus
There is zero chance than IE8 is inserting this text. ASP.NET DOES change what it renders to suit each browser, but somehow your code is creating this. Perhaps you need to step through your code, and perhaps even post the code that generates this HTML, because what you're saying is impossible....
3 Feb 2012 by Rajesh Anuhya
go through the below discussions , this may helps...
2 Mar 2012 by Mohankumar.Engain
Dear Sir,what is the problem in internet explorer for insert new records not i clear the cookie and history files from IE then display otherwise it will not display.please how to solve this problem using c#,JavaScript,,By mohan.Other browser are working...
2 Mar 2012 by Anuja Pawar Indore
Try thispublic static void DisablePageCaching(){//Used for disabling page...
11 Apr 2012 by sujitbhosale
Scenario: By default all browsers share session state between multiple tabs. So if you logged into one tab with particular site and open internal link of the same site in new tab, you need not to worry to login again. It will automatically declare you as logged in user. For example, if I...
11 Apr 2012 by Not Active
AFAIK this is a function of the browser, which you have no control over. The user would need to initiate using the private browsing feature in some browser. You may be able to work around it by placing a hidden control on the page that has different values to differentiate between requests.
24 Apr 2012 by Nyein Nyein Chan Chan
I posted this question at the end of the workday as my brain was melted.Please help me.I have a web page ,calling a Javascript Function from an Event Handler. The Javascript Function is used to close window.Like this-function closeWin() {...
22 May 2012 by kranthi1988
Hi all,I want to Enable/Disable my IE Addon using C# managed code.So,Kindly can any one help me out.Thanks in advance,
30 May 2012 by kranthi1988
Hi all,I want to add a button to Internet Explorer(it will be like Favorites center button in IE).That button is used to perform the following functionality.1.First op IE2.Click the newly created button.3.Then it should get the browser URL and update the C:\log.txt file with URL with...
30 May 2012 by Jim Jos
This is what you are looking for? Buttons could be added only to the toolbars in IE.. You could have your won custom toolbar created and add buttons there...
31 May 2012 by kranthi1988
Hi All,I have a IE Plug-In(which is created using BHO-C#-VS2005-net2.0).It reads the user entered URLs and logs the details which urls are getting 404 error and redirected to specified link (mentioned in plug-in code)I installed the plugin MSI in my machine(Admin machine) and i checked...
5 Jun 2012 by kranthi1988
Hi All,I have careated a Plug-In using BHO(vs 2005,C#,IE7).That plug-in logs the event in Event Log when plug-in has picked by the IE.The above functionality working fine when IE protected Mode is OFF.But When protected Mode is ON(machine was running LOW-Integrity Mode)My plug-in not...
14 Jun 2012 by mohammad ehsan
hi.i am using IE8 , when i navigate in several websites the appereance and features and pictures & ... are not clear and don't have any quality and even insome sites pages can not be opened at all !what is the problem ?would you please help me?
28 Jul 2012 by enhzflep
Not quite sure how to fix it - since the debugger in IE leaves a little to be desired.This code works in IE8 - don't have 7 to test with. function byId(e) {return document.getElementById(e);} function stateComboChange() { var...
22 Aug 2012 by Rangaraman
I created a Dial-Up connection with my embedded device and a ppp connection is established between my device and the computer. When my device is connected with my laptop my internet connection is not working, to make this work I unchecked "Use default gateway on remote network" option in...
10 Sep 2012 by narendrapathya
I'm using IE7 (and I cant change browser version or browser, I've to find solution on IE7 only) and want to print table with all borders (border also to it's all rows ) and the table has many rows and the table covers two to three pages, but while printing that table, the row cuts into half at...
12 Sep 2012 by Member 9424596
i am using tidestone formula one activex to render reports in IE.this contol works fine In IE 7.0, the ‘copy’ from ActiveX control to clipboard was working fine but IE 8.0 onwards, it’s not working."unable to open clipboard" is the error message is returned in IE 8.I have tried out all...
11 Oct 2012 by jagadeesh kumar adabala
I have written code like,document.getElementById("").click();To Perform Click Operation which working in Mozilla Firefox, But while coming to IE,It is not supporting. Please tell me how to perform button click from Java Script forIE.
12 Oct 2012 by TheCoolCoder
var btn = document.getElementById('');;This is something i have used previously and can confirm it works in IE. , also try moving the the script block to the end of the page, it might also have something to the version of IE you are using.Or you can try...
6 Nov 2012 by Sandeep Mewara
Here, it explains the logic of what you are trying to do: Page loading time script[^] Something like:Copy and paste the code below after in a script tag var d = new Date(); var starttime = d.getTime(); //Get the start timeNow find and paste this code before ...
8 Nov 2012 by Mac12334
Hi allMy Codevar dataTable = "";$.each(, function (key, value) { dataTable += '' + +...
19 Nov 2012 by Mac12334
I have a servlet in java.My servlet URL is http: // URL is giving json data.I am using a jquery ajax call to get the data.function SecondResultLink(link, userId, userInput) {try{ ...
10 Dec 2012 by ralexay
Also check if Doctype was declared and how it recognized in IE ( press F12 )
28 Feb 2013 by Member 9349581
I am new to jquery and can't find seem to figure why it works in everything but IE Text 1
1 Mar 2013 by Nick Fisher (Consultant)
You're not giving us enough information to go on, but this code seems to run fine in both IE7 and IE8 on my machine (using JQuery version 1.8.2). It does exactly what you're telling it to in the code - when a button's clicked it fades out all images on the page and then fades in the one the...
22 Mar 2013 by ZurdoDev
IE7 is a web browser used for navigating the World Wide Web. Yes, it runs just fine on Windows XP, if you still have XP. There is no need to configure it, it will work just fine.
26 Mar 2013 by Sameer Alomari
I found a memory leak in the following code (the else block) if (browser == "Microsoft Internet Explorer"){ if (vers
26 Mar 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
I don't think you can do anything about it.Are you sure you really detected the leak? How? Not all methods are reliable. Anyway, if you do have a leak, you cannot prevent it. All complains go to Microsoft :-(—SA
28 Mar 2013 by unniyadan
I am trying to achive a ause functionality in javascript. I am making an asynchronous AJAX call and trying to achive synhronous functionality of AJAX. I want to pause the javascript until i receive the AJAX response for the asyn call of AJAX. Due to some reason i am not using the AJAX...
17 May 2013 by sagugale
I am having a subtle problem with IE 7. We have a site with a one of the pages which has a button that is sometimes causes a full IE browser crash for some users. When clicked, this button posts back and renders a javascript code which automatically invokes a ClickOnce application for users...
4 Jul 2013 by bobb024
Hey Guys,I have an web application and I am getting everything to fire with the newly added update panel except my ashx method. It will not fire or render, below is the code and any help would be great. It will work in Chrome and get called in chrome but not IEswitch (iProof)...
22 Jul 2013 by Ashok26
I am building an intranet application with capability to download a file from network share.THe file is getting transferred to client and fails to save/open with error of "Connection with server was reset".Do we need to do any settings on IIS ?
22 Jul 2013 by chimcham
Hi, See this link:[^]
30 Jul 2013 by mashanglai
I want to know how the development process of the plugin.if you can give me a demo ,I will like it.And maybe the Adobe Flash Player is complicated ,you can give me a simple demo to achieve a simple function.
12 Aug 2013 by sherin_
Is there any way to Add my site to trusted sites zone and disable protected mode for trusted sites programmatically? When i browse my site, it should be added to trusted sites automatically and at the same time protected mode for trusted sites need to be disabled.
12 Aug 2013 by Ron Beyer
This would completely defeat the purpose of internet security and zones in IE, so I'm pretty sure the answer is no, you can't do that.
13 Aug 2013 by MikeTheDebugger
I have a client who's using Oracle WAM. When she is running this and she tries to access another internet or intranet site (new window in IE 7), WAM becomes unresponsive and she will need to restart the application.This doesn't ALWAYS happen though. I watched her attempt to recreate the...
15 Sep 2013 by Bernhard Hiller
In case you think of different versions of Internet Explorer: just hit the F12 key, and select the browser or document mode of an older version.
28 Oct 2013 by Isaacmanjr
Hi,I am working on a HTML shopping cart for my robotics team and I have run across an error displayed by IE. It says: SCRIPT1004: Expected ';'. What I cant figure out is that I fixed the issue but it still says the semi-colon is missing. Here is the portion of the code I am having trouble...
18 Nov 2013 by Muhammad Omer Khan
I am using HTML5 size checking API, it is working fine in all browser except IE8 and IE9. I am getting this error : "SCRIPT5007: Unable to get value of the property '0': object is null or undefined." in IE8 and IE9, because IE8 and IE9 do not support "[0]" this syntax.HTML5 File Size API...
19 Nov 2013 by Moykn
As long as i know there is no way of doing this in ie