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by Tom Chantler
UPDATE: 2015-07-30 - Works correctly in Windows 10 RTM (10.0.10240) with VS2013 and VS2015 - If you're running Windows 7, 8, 8.1 or 10 and you don't want to disable User Account Control (UAC) - which you shouldn't and quite possibly can't in a corporate environment - then you get an annoying prompt
by Apriorit Inc, Artur Bulakaiev
Learn how was increased mhook’s performance, enhanced its capabilities and eliminated certain bugs.
by Kamran Bilgrami
A time-saving tip when you have to step in and out from line of code calling multiple methods
by koolprasad2003
Are you looking for a new features in Visual Studio 2017? Then this article will help you to understand new IDE features and its distinctive attributes

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This is an alternative for "VS2010 Box Selection with Copy and Paste"
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The most succinct declarative programming language for fast coding
by syed shanu
Getting Started with Visual Studio 2019 RC - Part 1
by Apriorit Inc, Artur Bulakaiev
Learn how was increased mhook’s performance, enhanced its capabilities and eliminated certain bugs.

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30 Jul 2015 by Tom Chantler
UPDATE: 2015-07-30 - Works correctly in Windows 10 RTM (10.0.10240) with VS2013 and VS2015 - If you're running Windows 7, 8, 8.1 or 10 and you don't want to disable User Account Control (UAC) - which you shouldn't and quite possibly can't in a corporate environment - then you get an annoying prompt
7 Feb 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
We cannot discuss all C++ libraries, can only focus on UI development, which the the topic most difficult for cross-platform development. I also don't want to discuss anything commercial (like VCL), except Visual Studio which I guess you have.You already know about Qt. (I answered here: is...
4 Oct 2018 by Apriorit Inc, Artur Bulakaiev
Learn how was increased mhook’s performance, enhanced its capabilities and eliminated certain bugs.
10 Apr 2011 by Espen Harlinn
My favourite solution is to use:#ifndef BUILDING_MYDLL #pragma comment( lib, "mydll" )#endif It's documented here:[^]I usually embed the #pragma in the header file, so all that's required is to #include the right...
8 Nov 2011 by Hooga Booga
After a call to MSDN, I was finally able to get through this problem. We tried quite a number of things over a couple sessions, but the final solution was finally reached. From the command line I had to run:devenv /resetskippkgs We had run a couple of reset items similar to this, but this...
22 Jun 2012 by Kamran Bilgrami
A time-saving tip when you have to step in and out from line of code calling multiple methods
9 Mar 2017 by koolprasad2003
Are you looking for a new features in Visual Studio 2017? Then this article will help you to understand new IDE features and its distinctive attributes
8 Apr 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
You do not "include" DLLs. Another name for them is "Shared Libraries". They are linked to or loaded during run-time. They are shared because other MZ file (Portable Executable) can also link or load the DLL from the same file.Here you can find instruction of how to reference...
9 Apr 2011 by Hans Dietrich
Take a look at this tutorial:[^]
5 May 2012 by VJ Reddy
In addition to the references given in Solution 1 I think the following Code Project articleFast Colored TextBox for Syntax Highlighting[^]may also be helpful.
6 Feb 2013 by Matthew Faithfull
That depends what you're doing with C/C++ and how much experience you have.Qt is very very good for small to mid scale application development for Windows, Linux and Mac. If you want to step outside that you may be out of luck, check the latest Qt docs. Qt is also very large, at least as large...
10 Aug 2013 by ledtech3
Have you considered "#Region Directive" ?[^]
22 Nov 2015 by OriginalGriff
Assembly language doesn't use a compiler - only high level languages need that. Assembly language is processed to machine code via an assembler, which is a different type of program altogether.And this isn't a question we can answer: each assembler is specific to a processor type - or even...
4 Nov 2017 by Oleg Shilo
Comparison of plugin development techniques for VSCode, Sublime Text and Notepad++
2 Feb 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
I recommend Anjuta:[^],[^].—SA
5 May 2012 by Abhinav S
Creating and Using IntelliSense Code Snippets[^] might help you get started.DIY Intellisense[^] is another article that could prove useful to you.
22 Jun 2012 by Kamran Bilgrami
How to remove datatips if you want to view code at the same time
26 Aug 2012 by Espen Harlinn
Eclipse CDT uses the MinGW GNU C++ compiler, and the eBUS SDK probably doesn't support this.C++ Development using eclipse IDE– Starters guide[^]You will proably need to make new import libraries and edit the headers yourself.HOWTO Create an Import Library for a DLL using...
29 May 2013 by OriginalGriff
Probably Visual Studio - it is free (in the express editions) and it has a very similar look and feel throughout, regardless of the language you are using. If you have been developing in Eclipse for your Java, then you will probably hate going back to it...
18 Oct 2013 by Vivek Goyal
Debugging Java JNI and C++ code in COM based application
14 Jan 2014 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
There is a book Visual Studio .NET Tips and Tricks[^] by Minh T. Nguyen[^], but it covers the Visual Studio .NET 2002, 2003, and 2005 Beta 1 releases.You can download the free Ebook version by clicking on "Download this book FREE (PDF)".You can also search on CodeProject - visual...
2 Apr 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
The simplest approach is really very simple, but doing it all from scratch just means a lot of work. Here is the idea: don't use a "regular" text box. You can make any block HTML element, such as div or paragraph, typeable, by using the attribute contenteditable. And other HTML content (tags...
21 Aug 2018 by MadMyche
In all reality a JAR package is just a ZIP file, and you can directly embed just about any file type within it; such as your executable. What the real trick becomes is how to run that file. Easy answer- read the executable from within your java application and write it as an executable file to...
22 May 2010 by AspDotNetDev
View multiple browser windows in the Visual Studio IDE to consolidate your workflow.
13 Apr 2011 by Toli Cuturicu
1. Use a RichTextBox derived class.2. Read some articles on the web about RTF specification, especially the part about colors.3. Create an appropriate Regex to find the keywords and surround them with the appropriate RTF markers.4. Make sure you run the Regex against the RichTextBox's Rtf...
18 Jul 2011 by Espen Harlinn
If I remember correctly Derby[^] uses JavaCC.Best regardsEspen Harlinn
31 Jul 2011 by OriginalGriff
Try[^] - 5 out of the top 6 results are articles on this site...
8 Aug 2011 by Dylan Morley
Visual Studio Express is Free![^]
7 Nov 2011 by Jyoti Choudhury
I have read all through problems and didn't find any good reason behind this. But I suspect one of your patch that you have installed on your PC. If possible try reinstalling all your products and as your OS is Win VISTA. Please try to run VS2005 with Compatibility settings.If it still...
2 Feb 2012 by CPallini
You may try Eclipse[^].Personally I use no IDE, (vi, make and gcc).
22 Jun 2012 by A. Ganzer
Using snippets to create a full and correct implementation of complex interfaces
27 Jun 2012 by stormpy
Interactive analysis is a cycle analysis procedure of assumption, validation, and adjustment to achieve the fuzzy computation goal.
26 Nov 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Not true. It actually does something: first iteration of the loop is always executed, at least one "insert a" outputs to console (if one is available; it depends on project configuration), others depend on what value for a you are entering. Of course, the code makes little to no sense —...
6 Feb 2013 by Espen Harlinn
Let's not forget C++Builder XE3 [^]I like the IDE, and you'll find tons of free components at: Torry's Delphi Pages[^], as C++ builder is able to use, and compile, components written for Delphi (VCL).Best regardsEspen Harlinn
29 May 2013 by pasztorpisti
For C++ Visual Studio equipped with a few plugins is unbeatable (plugins VAssistX, and I like the extended scrollbar of Productivity Powertools). I share the opinion of OriginalGriff about moving from Java+Eclipse to C++ and Visual Studio. C++ is hard to parse (C macros and other ugly stuff) and...
28 Jan 2015 by John Atten
Install Sublime Text 3 (beta) on Linux Mint or Ubuntu.
5 Dec 2013 by Yvan Rodrigues
I don't think this is possible, but I have always hoped it is. When you apply [Obsolete("You really shouldn't use this anymore.")] to a member, it causes the compiler to generate a warning or error, which then appears in the Error List in Visual Studio.It would be amazing to be able to...
27 Apr 2014 by Thomas Daniels
The problem is that you only match p-tags containing Chapter followed by some spaces, without the number. Try this instead:Chapter +\d+Also, it's not necessary to put the space into a character class. If you don't only want to match spaces, but all whitespace,...
5 Jun 2015 by Peter Leow
This is a known issue, should have been fixed on Android Studio v1.2.1 (May 2015). Check this out Android Studio Release Notes[^]If not, try the fix at[^]You may follow the development of Android Studio project on Android Open Source...
17 Sep 2015 by Richard MacCutchan
Sorry, but this site does not provide code to order. Your tool of choice should be[^].
16 Feb 2016 by Richard MacCutchan
Netbeans or eclipse are the most popular IDEs for Java development. You need to try them and decide for yourself.Also, as previously suggested, your question would be better posted at Clojure - Community Resources[^]
25 Feb 2016 by CHill60
You didn't search very well.An Overview of Sublime Text 2 with Python - Python Central[^]Sublime Text - Support[^]
7 Mar 2016 by Richard MacCutchan
if (strncmp = "Mercury")will not even compile, let alone produce a meaningful result. See strncmp, wcsncmp, _mbsncmp, _mbsncmp_l[^]
7 Nov 2017 by Oleg Shilo
Comparison of plugin development techniques for VSCode, Sublime Text and Notepad++
11 Oct 2018 by Patrice T
Quote: Segmentation fault with big array size. Why ? Because memory is not infinite, the memory model used with your C compiler have a limit, and the OS also give a limited share of memory if you don't tell the OS that you need more. For more details, you need to tell us : - What is your C...
23 Jul 2020 by Dave Kreskowiak
If you were looking for a project to base your app on, you could take a look at Visual Studio Shell[^]. This allows you to write your own app using the Visual Studio environment itself. Your other option is to write your own, but you're going to...
11 Jun 2021 by RickZeeland
Maybe Visual Assist, see: refactoring-plugins-for-visual-studio[^]
23 Sep 2022 by RickZeeland
In the forms designer you can use cut and paste for a MenuStrip. Tested this in VS2022, but I think it works in VS2019 too.
24 Jan 2024 by Graeme_Grant
It depends. It depends on if you are creating a .Net Framework app, which has by default an app.config[^] file; or if you are creating a .Net (core) app, which does not. There are other differences, like the .csproj file and more. The same code...
19 Mar 2010 by Rod Kemp
Do your own homework questions, if you can't do them talk to your teacher.
22 May 2010 by Charkles
When I type in something and press . it changes what I typed to something else.For example, if I type in "test." it changes it to TreeViewHitTestInfo.I like the pop-up info but I'd like for space and . to not auto-select from the list.Is there a way to change that?I'm using VB...
22 May 2010 by Abhinav S
You might want to take a look at these settings to change your IntelliSense properties.
22 May 2010 by Charkles
I cannot seem to 'reply'.You might want to take a look at these settings to change your IntelliSense properties.Permalink | Broken Post? ReportPosted 10 mins agoAbhinav SRep: 14,982 (22,772)This page is generally the right direction but does not have an answer.I'm asking how...
15 Aug 2010 by Rafferty Uy
Is there a way to auto-reload all updated projects instead of visual studio having to prompt me with the question "Do you want to reload project?" for each project that's updated?How I wish there's a "Yes to all" option, but since there isn't... maybe there's a setting?
15 Aug 2010 by Nuri Ismail
Microsoft knows about this issue from many years but still they do nothing: check out this[^] and this[^] MSDN threads for details.
23 Aug 2010 by Nyarost
May the google help you!
23 Aug 2010 by Richard MacCutchan
Come on! How difficult is it to type the word "netbeans" into Google in order to find this[^].
14 Oct 2010 by BarryPearlman
I recently upgraded to VS 10. Previous versions of VS allowed me to convert tabs to spaces and to select the number of spaces that = 1 tab.I can't seem to find this feature in VS 10. Does it still exist and if so, where did MS put it?Thanks,Barry
14 Oct 2010 by #realJSOP
It's still in Tools | Options.
14 Oct 2010 by BarryPearlman
John -I hate to be ignorant but I can't find it. Can you walk me thru the tree and get me to the "branch" that contains it?Thanks for the prompt reply.Barry
14 Oct 2010 by Henry Minute
Tools | Options | Text Editor | language of your choice | TabsIs that what you want?p.s. ensure the Show all settings checkbox is checked. don't know if it affects this setting but I always put it on.
15 Oct 2010 by BarryPearlman
That did it. Thanks to you and all of the others that jumped in and helped.Barry
17 Dec 2010 by BarryPearlman
Where does VS 2010 store the file(s) that contain the user generated macros (from the IDE)? I managed to lose the link between it and my editor.Is there an easy way to restore this link?
8 Mar 2011 by tanujm
How to install the Eclipse plugin for Flex (flesh).I googled it, but didn't get any satisfactory answer.Can someone help?I already have Eclipse installed on my PC and just want the Flex plugin such that I can modify my .mxml files.Thanks in advance!
7 Apr 2011 by gnu-linux
Hi people in this website,I want to learn some about windows phone 7. Can anyone tell me how to config the ide development environment on windows XP with visual studio 2010 ?If you suport some pictures or some videos, please set it to my email at [Email removed to avoid SPAM]! ...
9 Apr 2011 by skunkhead
Hi guys,My question is very simple. I have created 2 projects:1) MyApp - MyApp.exe2) Mydll - Mydll.dllMydll.h // Mydll.h : main header file for the Mydll DLL//#pragma once#ifndef __AFXWIN_H__ #error "include 'stdafx.h' before including this file for...