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Great Reads

by Sibeesh Passion
A little explanation about Drag and Drop in Angular 7 followed by an application that fetches real data from the database and binds it to the UI and then performs multi-directional drag and drop.
by Lance Ford
A walkthrough to enable request/response logging to an ASP.NET web application (or web service) by using an IIS module.
by Dimitri Rakviashvili
Simple trick that allows you to log HTTP POST data in standard IIS log, without rewriting existing web application

Latest Articles

by Lance Ford
A walkthrough to enable request/response logging to an ASP.NET web application (or web service) by using an IIS module.
by Sibeesh Passion
A little explanation about Drag and Drop in Angular 7 followed by an application that fetches real data from the database and binds it to the UI and then performs multi-directional drag and drop.
by Dimitri Rakviashvili
Simple trick that allows you to log HTTP POST data in standard IIS log, without rewriting existing web application

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29 Oct 2018 by Sibeesh Passion
A little explanation about Drag and Drop in Angular 7 followed by an application that fetches real data from the database and binds it to the UI and then performs multi-directional drag and drop.
23 Sep 2011 by Herman<T>.Instance
I can understand why no one gave an anwer!This is pretty hard but I managed :)In the HTTPModule You first register the begin and end method.In the begin method the wcf begin method was called and the answer return to the endmethod of the httpmodule which called the endmethod of the wcf...
12 Jan 2024 by Lance Ford
A walkthrough to enable request/response logging to an ASP.NET web application (or web service) by using an IIS module.
22 Sep 2011 by Herman<T>.Instance
Hello everyone,I have a lovely problem.I have an Asynchronous HTTPModule and that module calls an Asynchronous WCF service.In module I dig up several values from Session[]But when 1 value is string.IsNullOrEmpty I do not want to make the call to the asynchronous wcf service but I...
3 Dec 2011 by shankha2010
Hi I am new user of Boost I wanted to connect to a http web site by proxyand want to download "" this file. it is telling connectedbut not able to download the link above and also not able to maintain the connection. here is my code. try{ io_service...
10 Apr 2012 by nawazish12khan
try this[^]
4 Jul 2013 by CringTee
hello,I am developing web base application for my organization in mvc3 project using telerik mvc extension 2013 Q1, jquery, ajax, etc...I am having a big problem in filtering each action and authenticating and below is the detail what i have in my application: I have a table tblUser...
6 Aug 2013 by DGKumar
I have confused that What exactly HttpPipeline is it regarding for MVC or ?please provide links about these AppDomainAppPoolWorkerProcessHttpModuleHttpHandlerHttpPipelinewith diagrammatically explanation.Thank you very much.
6 Aug 2013 by Thanks7872
Quote:please provide links about these AppDomain Class[^]IIS Application Pool[^]WorkerProcess Class[^]HTTP Module[^]Introduction to HTTP Handlers[^]Quote:with diagrammatically explanationHttpPipeline[Diagramatically][^]
9 Feb 2015 by Gaurav Gupta A Tech Guy
Can any one tell me that how can we make url folder wise ? but actually there is no folder exists ?Example :-
23 Mar 2015 by arisaravanan
if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Path.Contains(".asmx") || HttpContext.Current.Request.Path.Contains(".svc")){ string xmlParserstring = GetDocumentContents(HttpContext.Current.Request); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(xmlParserstring)) { XDocument bodyRequest =...
6 Aug 2015 by YanivNA7
Hello All, I already create a Web API in vs 2013 (and it working good), my goals is to return also MVC View to the client for example:call to url: should return simple mvc view, my model will update from the web api. Please adviceThanks!Yaniv
6 Aug 2015 by Dave Kreskowiak
You don't.You can return one or the other, not both.Frankly, a WebAPI controller returns nothing but data, never a view page. A MVC controller returns view pages.Yes, your MVC code can be a consumer of a WebAPI, but not the other way around.
11 Oct 2016 by Nilesh vairat
Hello,My Dll project is built in 4.6.1 .net Framework.I am using the App pool of V4.0.30319 and mode is integrated mode.I am still getting the error "could not load the assembly".Thanks In Advance,Nilesh VairatWhat I have tried:I did try to add the managed module in...
10 Apr 2018 by Giridhari Mishra
Hello, I have a Json file in wwwroot/assets folder. I am using that file in the service to display data. I am trying to insert another record to that Json file. I have used the same url but when it posts the data from the service, it errors "failed to load the resource". I tried opening the url...
31 Oct 2017 by Dimitri Rakviashvili
Simple trick that allows you to log HTTP POST data in standard IIS log, without rewriting existing web application
29 Jul 2013 by PratapReddyP
I think this is help you to brush on the basics required for MVC3 custom filetrs.Custom Filters in MVC3
15 Dec 2014 by DamithSL
if you need to detect page refresh event check below alternatives How to Detect Page Refresh in C# VB.Net[^]Detecting Refresh or Postback in ASP.NET[^]
10 Apr 2012 by parashu durgam
hi,can any one give me an example on chat application using http protocol.urgent.
23 Sep 2013 by seventhCoder
Hi, I have a website having two Now client wants localeB to be shut down permanental. What are the best ways to implement this scenario.Thanks in Advance.
15 Dec 2014 by chenghuichao
I just add one httpModule ([^]) to check or determine if the page is being refreshed.But after that, all the css file & js file can not be loaded.'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server...