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Great Reads

by Jobless Creature
This is a article on SOAP UI. This is used for web service load testing
by Kaushal Dhruw
This article deals with Android product flavors in depth. Learn how to create multiple apks from the same source code. Create, customize, group, configure and filter product flavors.
by thoughts-on-coding
Introduction into an Automated C++ Build Setup with Jenkins and CMake
by Andrey Chaschev
Describes how to install and use Bear to set up and manage Tomcat cluster

Latest Articles

by thoughts-on-coding
A short introduction into the modern build system gradle
by thoughts-on-coding
Introduction into an Automated C++ Build Setup with Jenkins and CMake
by dharrison_ch
A pattern of solution for automating the testing of Web Service-based components.
by Kaushal Dhruw
This article deals with Android product flavors in depth. Learn how to create multiple apks from the same source code. Create, customize, group, configure and filter product flavors.

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22 Jun 2012 by Jobless Creature
This is a article on SOAP UI. This is used for web service load testing
14 Apr 2016 by Kaushal Dhruw
This article deals with Android product flavors in depth. Learn how to create multiple apks from the same source code. Create, customize, group, configure and filter product flavors.
26 Mar 2019 by thoughts-on-coding
Introduction into an Automated C++ Build Setup with Jenkins and CMake
27 Jan 2014 by Andrey Chaschev
Describes how to install and use Bear to set up and manage Tomcat cluster
7 Jul 2016 by dharrison_ch
A pattern of solution for automating the testing of Web Service-based components.
17 Feb 2022 by Peter_in_2780
Run it through something like this: svn info | awk 'BEGIN {FS="/"} /^URL:/ {print $6 "/" $7 "/" $8}' [edit] fixed typo [/edit]
2 May 2012 by Eugene Polyhaev
Fully functional groovy template scriptlets inside a docx document
10 Apr 2016 by Kaushal Dhruw
Automate version name and code generation of your Android app using simple gradle tricks
1 Sep 2020 by Sandeep Mewara
Reference: Calculate days between two dates | Level Up Lunch[^] //Difference in days @Test public void difference_between_date_in_days() { def today = new Date() def yesterday = today - 1 assert 1 == today.minus(yesterday) ...
17 Dec 2020 by Richard MacCutchan
dir.eachFile (something) { preliminary cool stuff if (not Test condition) { continue; // skip this file and break/continue/return to top of loop } //no else needed, if it jumps back to the top finish doing...
28 Apr 2011 by Manfred Rudolf Bihy
This was just one of the hits I received by googling "Groovy Command Line Options":[^]. Read there and if your still have gaps to fill find some other sources via given google terms.Best regards,-MRB
13 Dec 2012 by Mats Samuelsson
AT&T hosted an M2M Challenge at the 2013 AT&T Developer Summit.
28 Dec 2012 by WebMaster
7 Mar 2013 by OriginalGriff
We can't really answer that - you need to look for a service in your native language (so that support is also in your native language) and with the features you require - some free services give you MySql, some MsSql, some no DB; Some give you limited disk space, or bandwidth.We don't know...
10 Mar 2013 by ngnlx
I has been issue when I call ajax from sencha to grails.XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://localhost:8080/ExtLogin/userInfo/index/login. Origin http://localhost:9090 is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.Code below:Sencha: Sencha application deploying on...
27 Apr 2013 by ngnlx
I have issues. Please help me I you can.I have 3 domains called:- DomainA(id, propA1,propA2)- DomainB(id, propB1,propB2,forgeinKeyToDomainA)- DomainC(id, propC1,propC2,forgeinKeyToDomainB)The relationship of domains is:DomainA hasMany DomainB, DomainB beLongsTo DomainADomainB...
28 May 2013 by Salah Abualrob
Hi,i am using gridview to view topics from db, i add column for checkbox to delete row from gridviewbut if i checked one, no one is deleted !
28 May 2013 by virang_21
if (Page.RouteData.Values["index"] != null) { int index; if (int.TryParse(Page.RouteData.Values["index"].ToString(), out index) == true) { if (index
28 Jul 2013 by Groovy_Savvy
I am, trying to create a groovy script for my project in soap ui pro, can anyone help me to write code as to generate valid assertions, invalid assertion, or error message.I am new to grrovy script, any suggestions on how to be good at it, any tutorial or link that anyone can suggestThanks
3 Jun 2014 by Member 10861536
hi ,in my requirements , ineed to refresh a page.can u provide how to refresh with using jquery and ajax for grails for certain interval time .i had tried tag for refresh...but its blinking/flickering when refresh.but i dont need to see this blinking ,bcoz its annoying for user to see...
14 Jul 2014 by ravi kumar
Hi everyoneI'm stuck in a problem. I've to include my all library plugins by using grails asset pipeline plugin. Here is folder structure that I've must use - grails-app - assets - lib - flat-theme-2.0 - css - imgHere is code that I've tried :...
14 Jul 2014 by Richard MacCutchan
Since you have not explained your problem it's difficult to suggest anything other than, see[^].
24 Apr 2016 by Raj Negi
I am new to SOAPUI. On internet i found, this can be done with two ways: Either i can use SoapUI JDBC wizard or Using groovy script. First i tried to create connection using Wizard but i am getting this error Failed to init connection for driver...
25 Apr 2016 by Raj Negi
I tried to fetch only DB value using groovy script but result includes the value along with header.def res = con.rows("select fkuserid from tblUserCardDetail where cardValue='111633072'" ) "The User ID from DB is :" + resResult is coming like this : Mon Apr 25 06:51:07 PDT...
14 Jul 2016 by Member 12634828
I am in need of exporting a particular value to an excel sheet based on the result i get from my groovy script.TOOL: SOAP UINOTE: I have written assertion to validate something from response and trying to compare with expected value. For example purpose I am placing a small piece of code...
6 Jul 2017 by Member 13297834
I am using the below code to set the Property Values from Excel file to my Property Step and then pass it to the testcase. When I run the Groovy code, the value from the last cell of the excel comes to the property step. Please help me out to set the properties correctly. What I have tried: ...
18 Jul 2017 by Member 12724424
I need to get the build parameters used in the last build of Jenkins job through Groovy script. I tired both instance.getItem and instance.getItemMap, but both are failing What I have tried: I tried below groovy script but getting an error on build. import jenkins.model.Jenkins def VAL1 =...
2 Mar 2018 by Member 13705226
Hello everyone, good morning. First of all, i am a begginer to this subjects and English is not my native language. Thx for the help. I am developing a test script in javascript which gets values from a JSON response. See the example below: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:...
27 Apr 2018 by Member 13801833
I have a question... I'm getting started with Geb and Groovy.... If I have a table of transactions with each row containing about 5 or 6 fields, and say I have a module that involves each transaction row... I'm trying to think of a way using moduleList that I can somehow identify a...
11 Jul 2019 by OriginalGriff
This is not a question - and that is what this area is intended for. This really suits a discussion-based forum format better, try this one: Collaboration / Beta Testing Discussion Boards[^]
27 Jan 2022 by Member 13900790
Question is: Define two date variables and assign the dates as 10/19/18 and 11/20/18 (format mm/dd/yy), and print the number of days between the dates. class Example{ static void main(String[] args){ String date = "10/19/18" ...
17 Dec 2020 by GenJerDan
DISCLAIMER: I'm not a Groovy guy. I did not write this code. And it's not sitting in front of me, so is very pseudo. I need to skip an item in a .eachFile list, but continue with the rest of the list. What I have tried: What did I try? ...
25 Feb 2021 by Unixquest
I want to call a function under my pipeline , the function name is CMList and the arguments eList and pLists are in the format of email address . def eList ="${emailAddress}" def pLists = "${POEmailList}" Below are the choice parameter...
25 Feb 2021 by Unixquest
I wrote a pipeline in DSL where I have variables as: def mailidlist ="${mailid}" def bemailidlist="${BEmailid}" def pmailidlists = "${Pmailidlist}" Then I am using same variables in property/parameters: properties([ parameters([ ...
12 Jun 2021 by Richard MacCutchan
Sorry, this site does not provide code to order. If you have an actual programming problem then please use the Improve question link below your question, and add complete details.
16 Sep 2021 by Richard MacCutchan
Groovy: read CSV file[^]
10 Jan 2022 by Vishal0903
Consider I have 3 Repos, RepoA, RepoB and RepoC. In Jenkins Pipeline I want to perform individual builds for all the 3 Repos only if there is a recent check-in. (These are 3 repos but the solution is inter dependent). Stages are like below ...
16 Feb 2022 by Member 14030165
So I have a svn repo URL like this-- svn info Path: . URL: svn://xyz-repo/svn/ccsmp/branches/features/cre40_jenkins Repository Root: svn://xyz-repo/svn/ccsmp Repository UUID: 5de8f2f4-0d3b-0410-8f2c-d418a2640d16 Revision: 23430 I want to grab...
22 May 2022 by Phoenix Liveon
A quick quest: We want the result looks like this; from aaa---bbb-ccc into aaa.bbb.ccc What I have tried: def objective = "aaa---bbb-ccc" objective.replace(/.*[-]+.*/, '.') How do we create a proper pattern of Regular expression in Groovy?
15 Apr 2022 by Patrice T
Did you tried this ? def objective = "aaa---bbb-ccc" objective.replace(/[-]+/, '.') Just a few interesting links to help building and debugging RegEx. Here is a link to RegEx documentation: perlre -[^] Here is links to tools...
15 Apr 2022 by OriginalGriff
That's because you don't use the "non-hyphen" data in your replacement. Try this: (.*?)-+(.+?)-(.*) And this replacement string: $1.$2.$3
15 Apr 2022 by Phoenix Liveon
I found some answer and this is what its looks like we substitute method "replace" with "replaceALL"; def objective = "aaa---bbb-c" println( objective.replaceAll(/[-]+/, '.') )
30 Apr 2022 by Saph498
I have some methods in a module (groovy Spock framework. The methods all shared a common pattern. I want to make a method for this common pattern, then call on it from the mentioned methods. two of the methods which shared the same pattern are:...
14 Feb 2024 by Pete O'Hanlon
This is an impossible question for anyone but you to answer right now. When you post a question, you have to ask yourself, "if I cannot see my code, would there be enough detail and information for me to be able to answer the question?" Provide...
9 Apr 2016 by Kaushal Dhruw
Change that default apk name in generated->output directory of your Android application with a script gradle plugin.
19 Jan 2014 by Andrey Chaschev
A Bear deployment example of a Petclinic Grails demo from
13 Apr 2010 by MatthewPainter
This is a tool for people that have to work with "Decimal Degrees", "Degrees, Decimal Minutes" and "Degrees, Minutes, Seconds" formats.
10 Apr 2019 by thoughts-on-coding
A short introduction into the modern build system gradle
25 Apr 2011 by rohit2
Hi,I am new to Grails and Groovy. Currently I am running tests of my application using the command grails test-app. Just like in Java, now I want to pass some parameters as command line arguments. Is it possible in Grails. If anyone has idea, please share it with me. I am searching for the...
7 Mar 2013 by ngnlx
Hi, I wants to a free hosting to deploy Grails application, If everyone is owner free service, please tell me. Thanks
27 Jan 2022 by Member 15514693
I am using TimeCategory class to get the time difference in my groovy script but it throws error, groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: org.codehaus.groovy.jsr223.GroovyScriptEngineImpl.use() is applicable for argument...
11 Feb 2024 by Sathiya Govindasamy
Mocking the inner methods didn't work, while calling original method inner methods are being called irrespective of mock What I have tried: I have one method and that has 2 inner methods that are being called based on condition. The inner...