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Great Reads

by Chris Maunder
A fully featured MFC grid control for displaying tabular data. The grid is a custom control derived from CWnd
by Arun Chandrasekhara Pillai
Generic JqGrid implementation in MVC with custom filtering and dynamic sorting
by Mathi Mani
Color code cells of WebGrid based on values of the cell

Latest Articles

by Arun Chandrasekhara Pillai
Generic JqGrid implementation in MVC with custom filtering and dynamic sorting
by Mathi Mani
Color code cells of WebGrid based on values of the cell
by Chris Maunder
A fully featured MFC grid control for displaying tabular data. The grid is a custom control derived from CWnd

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16 Sep 2015 by Code108
1) JQGrid2) DevExpress gridthese 2 are good ones
16 Sep 2015 by Krunal Rohit
What about Kendo UI Grid[^] ?-KR
6 Sep 2016 by David_Wimbley
I'm a bit rusty on my devexpress but in your gridcontrol i think you should be specifying a grid view. From that grid view, in order to get the Id from an Id column you would do.devExpressGridView.GetFocusedRowCellValue("Id")This would assume that your grid's columns contain a column...
3 Nov 2014 by Soundararajan O M
hi i am select the table in grid view openstk,entry stck and totalstack columns in runtime displays grid default value in openstack column and enter the value in entrystck column in runtime datagridwhat i am expecting in runtime grid resulting in column totalstack =...
3 Nov 2014 by Praneet Nadkar
Hi,Try using the RowDataBound Event. Use the following code:protected void gridview_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e){ //Get data row view DataRowView drview = e.Row.DataItem as DataRowView; if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { ...
3 Nov 2014 by DamithSL
in DataGridView.CellEndEdit Event[^] calculate and set the totalstack cell value.Sample code:int val1 = Convert.ToInt32(dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value);int val2 = Convert.ToInt32(dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[1].Value);dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[2].Value =...
6 Jan 2015 by Am Gayathri
How do i filter the values without post back in ?I have a grid view which contains some search result in my page.I wanna filter those values.Say i have range control in my page and one column price in my grid.If the range control values are between 1 to 100 then grid should show only...
6 Jan 2015 by Tejas Vaishnav
If you need to filter your data on the fly with out taking much time, the you need to go with client side grid build using client side scripting.So you can use any third party Plugin of jquery to build grid as you wish, there are several plugin available in the market with different...
30 Mar 2015 by aminvincent
i have a winfrom using C# in my coding , and i use gridcontrol devexpress 2010 to show data contact is my formafter select those list i get the value from gridcontrol that i select and press button OK to get it. I don't know the code.anyone can suggest me,....thanks
23 Jul 2015 by Glen Baumgard
I am using the ShieldUI jQuery grid component. I have built a hierarchical structure, which is working well. However, I have a requirement, where I need to only display the expand/collapse symbol/column if there are detail records on the lower levels and not display it otherwise. Any...
23 Jul 2015 by Frederik Beiser
To achieve this functionality with the ShieldUI jQuery grid, you need to use a little bit of additional code and check the expandButtonCreate event handler for a specific value. There is a good example available which demonstrated this functionality...
7 Sep 2015 by Member 1097736
I have a datagrid view which is databinded to a sql data source.I wish to add a new column to the right such that a view button/link is available individually for every row.Clicking on that link/Button must redirect me to a new page where it must display only the details of that particular...
8 Sep 2015 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
Here is your example - ASP.Net Pass or Send GridView Row Values to other Page with HyperLink[^].
15 Oct 2015 by MVK_VIJI
what is the mathematical formula for arrange several UI Element in circular shape???
16 Oct 2015 by phil.o
You may have a look at Trigonometric Functions[^].
17 Oct 2015 by Member 11769907
Hi All I have a Gridview and I want to move a row to other page by through checkbox selection. Need help. Thanks
17 Oct 2015 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
On check box change event, get the row details and store that in a session object. Then while you go to the other page, you can easily retrieve that from the session.
19 Oct 2015 by Member 11769907
I want to delete and update a row in Gridview but that grid have values of two tablesI'm using following sttement for selecting-SELECT JobMaster.Country, JobMaster.City, JobMaster.State, JobMaster.EmploymentType, JobMaster.JobTitle, JobMaster.SpecializedArea, JobMaster.Specializedskill,...
20 Oct 2015 by Member 11769907
I want to delete and update a row in Gridview but that grid have values of two tablesI'm using following sttement for selecting-SELECT JobMaster.Country, JobMaster.City, JobMaster.State, JobMaster.EmploymentType, JobMaster.JobTitle, JobMaster.SpecializedArea, JobMaster.Specializedskill,...
26 Nov 2015 by Member 12170139
HiI am displaying data with edit option [last column] in grid view control and that's working fine in visual studio IDE.But after deploying the same code in IIS and if i try to browse the website i can't see anything (neither data nor empty grid control ).databind: ...
8 Jan 2016 by JOTHI KUMAR Member 10918227
hi to all, how to create dynamic Column header in gridview.Requirements:- Here i have one checkboxlist control. if i selected multiple value then my girdview create column header and one textbox for all selected values.if i select 3 values then i need three column...
8 Jan 2016 by Maciej Los
The best way to find a solution is to use Google[^] or SearchBox[^] on the right-top corner of this site.Good luck!
22 Jul 2016 by Member 12637558
Using Janus GridEx I created a Grid, it is having few Columns where 9th column (Code) will have a Drop Down and the data in the drop down should be different for different rows, and the drop down values are dependent on the 10th column(CommentQID) value.But, now I am getting the same values...
22 Jul 2016 by khaled Ezzat Abdelfattah Abdelgawad
It is better to bind your dropdown with binding source and set the dataproertyName to the Id that will get the selected value and set the Valuemember and display Member.Then fill this bindingSource.datasource in the load event
20 Oct 2017 by Ali Majed HA
HelloI have a Windoes Form Application and a Devexpress GridControl inside it, I need to get the selected row index and for example delete it from my database, How shoud I do it ? GridControl's data has been fetched from SQL database.Thanks in AdvanceWhat I have tried:I have tried...
27 Nov 2016 by Member 12868011
Hello,I am using Devexpress GridControl and I listed the data (personel informations) on the grid. But I want to add checkEdit on GridControl/Gridview. This checkEdit will be select or unselect to the incoming data. How can I do this?Thanks,Best Regards,What I have...
13 Sep 2017 by orgilhp
Hi. I have made tiny software with master detail grid using XtraGrid v8.1 on c#. When I move horizontal scroll of master grid, I want detail grid do move simultaneously. Is it possible? Regards, Orgil.D What I have tried: I have no idea! even i don't know how to start. Please at least give...
13 Sep 2017 by Graeme_Grant
As you are a paying user of the DevExpress library, technical support is included. They are best suited to answering questions about their controls. You might as well contact them for support as this is part of the privilege that you are paying the for.
16 Apr 2018 by Member 13142345
I have a dashboard grid having the below code. ...
20 Apr 2018 by Member 13790220
I already have a table in place where I have set the autogeneratedcolumns to false and allowsorting to true. Furthermore, I have an event created onsorting, now when I run, the header links are not clickable like the ones you have when autogeneratedcolumns is set to true. Hence the event...
20 Apr 2018 by Member 13790220
I got the solution, I forgot to put the " SortExpression " in my code.
29 Aug 2018 by astrovirgin
Hello All, I am trying to set an error on a datarow which I am filtering out from a datatable and showing that row with error on a grid. What I have tried: The below code is working fine for me - DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]; //Working dr.SetColumnError("Column1","This is an error"); ...
4 Nov 2018 by Shagoon
I am using Component one flex grid in my C# application form. I need to add drag drop functionality in the grid. My grid row has folder names which contains files name. My files are stored in SQL Server 2008 database. Expected behavior -If grid row is dragged inside grid then row should move...
10 Dec 2018 by TheBigBearNow
Hello all, I have a .xaml window with separate columns and a different textblock in each column. I am adding data to each textblock with a foreach dynamically. Is there a way I can add data dynimcally so I can do a columnspan so the data can go across each column like a columnspan in the .xaml? ...
10 Dec 2018 by TheBigBearNow
I ended up just adding to the TextBlock.Text with += and using "\n" To move the data down. I kept the same TextBlock and just made it bigger instead of adding another one.
26 Sep 2019 by PmJN
Hi Team, I am trying to create a chart based on my datagrid. My datagrid contains bound and unbound columns, i have succesfully been apple to display the bound columns in the chart and unfortunately not been able to do the same for the unbound columns. i have read How to create a pie chart...
20 Sep 2019 by Maciej Los
As per documentation[^] chart control accepts only one datasource type of datatable, dataview, etc. So, if you want to bind data to a chart object, you have to re-write bounded and unbounded data from datagridview to any of object which is acceptable as a chart datasource (for example: datatable).
11 Feb 2020 by .Net Perfect Dev
hi, i create a project WPF with 3 files xaml of user control in this architecture my question is how can i access from User control 1.1 to the the Grid control Parent? my objectif is maximize the popup child1.1 in same height and width of Grid...
11 Feb 2020 by AnkushK1
Try this Width="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type GridControl}},Path=ActualWidth}"
23 Aug 2020 by Sandeep Mewara
Key here would be below in sequence: 1. Fill the grid with datatable first 2. Add a new row at index 0 as per need as second step Step 2, example: Random rand = new Random(); DataTable dt = gridControl1.DataSource as DataTable; DataRow...
16 Aug 2021 by OriginalGriff
While we are more than willing to help those that are stuck, that doesn't mean that we are here to do it all for you! We can't do all the work, you are either getting paid for this, or it's part of your grades and it wouldn't be at all fair for...
6 May 2010 by Chris Maunder
A fully featured MFC grid control for displaying tabular data. The grid is a custom control derived from CWnd
8 Feb 2017 by Arun Chandrasekhara Pillai
Generic JqGrid implementation in MVC with custom filtering and dynamic sorting
26 Jun 2016 by Mathi Mani
Color code cells of WebGrid based on values of the cell
27 Mar 2017 by Member 12860952
here to find correct code, solved problem, need to check for new row before adding the values from current row to your chart. To do this you can use the DataGridView.NewRowIndexPrivate Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim i As Integer ...
20 Oct 2017 by Mindada Weerasiri
protected void btnEditItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { LinkButton btn = (LinkButton)sender; var gvr =...
26 Mar 2017 by Member 12860952
I have Devexpress Grid control in my form, I have 2 coulumn, I would like to add values in rows manually, but when I entered value in cell after press enter, I see nothing in cell.I do not understand why, do we need code for this? I dont think soo.What I have tried:I cannot find...
27 Mar 2017 by Member 12860952
I have a study about passing datagird values to devexpress chartcontrol. I have X and Y values in my gridcontrol.(It can have different row count) I would like to use for next loop due to different point counts.(needs to stop after last value) Sometimes I have 5 values, sometimes 8, ,12,..etc. I...
30 Aug 2015 by Alok Nair
Which grid system is best for MVC 4 Web Application ?Other than jqxWidget ? Thanks in Advance :)
8 Feb 2016 by Ivica Vesic - Pidzi
I need data grid control that will have expandable rows and columns, tree view, but in both dimensions So i can click + on column group so i can expand it, and on row group. It just has to be like that, any help is welcome.What I have tried:All from telerik, syncfusion, Grid Wijmo, Super...
26 Mar 2017 by Graeme_Grant
1. Online Documentation - Developer Express Inc.[^]2. Examples | DevExpress Support Center[^]
25 Jul 2017 by Member 13329078
Hello guys, I have a ASP.NET C# web application.There are some textboxes, comboboxes and one DevExpress GridControl in the form. The user is going to choose or enter the values into them. After that, the user will save and then all information will be sent to the gridcontrol to see and to list...
23 Aug 2020 by Member 9116808
I use devexpress gridControl how can I fill first row in gridControl by code then Fill out the other rows by datatable? or how can add data to specific row. i read documentation for devexpress but no result What I have tried: ...