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by Alexey Shtykov
To write a perfect and fast make files
by Frank-Rene Schaefer
Using Quex to generate lexical analyzers

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by Alexey Shtykov
To write a perfect and fast make files
by Frank-Rene Schaefer
Using Quex to generate lexical analyzers

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13 Sep 2013 by nv3
Using Google and typing "GNU C debugger" gives you 269000 hits, the first of which is[^]which is a good place to start.And you might want to take a look at[^] to make your life a little easier.[EDIT]You didn't even mention...
28 May 2018 by Daniel Pfeffer
A function is typically executed in the context of a single thread. Having additional processors won't improve its speed. Additional processors are useful when your program can be divided into multiple threads. In this case, the more processors, the more threads may be executed simultaneously...
24 Dec 2012 by CPallini
You usually don't pass the whole name of the library (that is complete with its extension), for instance when you link with librt you don't pass directly or librt.a, but use instead the -lrt switch on command line (please note you do the same thing on Windows, for both dynamic or static...
24 Feb 2016 by Richard MacCutchan
The description at Toolchains -[^] is quite clear.
14 Aug 2013 by KarstenK
nasm -f aout Loader.asm -o Loader.olooks wrong. Why arent you using aout instead of elf?
11 Jul 2015 by Frankie-C
seq is very powerful if used in a *nix environment, you can write on a single console line commands for repetitive actions where an incremental, or sequential, numbering is required.I.e. you can create n files named from 'file0001' on, or ping addresses in a subnet, etc. (Try...
Declaring your variable type as PIC 9(5).99 seems perfectly legal - why should the compiler flag an error! But if you had myvar pic 9(5)V99 the 'V' is only an implied decimal point - variable myvar can hold only digits. Coding: move 147.25 to myvar - this will set myvar to 0014725 and if you...
12 Feb 2021 by k5054
Have you checked that your input file is not in DOS format (i.e. ends in a CRLF rather than just an LF)? You can check this using the FILE command: $ file test.txt test.txt: ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators $ If it is in DOS format you...
23 Jun 2022 by CPallini
Do you mean this? rows = 5; r = 0; while r = -r) && (x
24 Dec 2012 by Pranit Kothari
Hi,I have mostly worked in Windows, and recently I started working in Linux. I have a doubt. I have used Visual Studio as IDE in Windows and used Makefile in Linux.There are two types of libraries in Windows (VC++), static library (.lib) and DLL. It is quite obvious (isn't it?) if I link...
2 Aug 2013 by Syeda Sarah
I want to plot a 3D plane in GNU Octave using the surf command.I have following data [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17];b= [ 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001...
13 Aug 2013 by sid2x
I am making a simple operating System in C, (from scratch) I use a Loader.asm and a bootload.asm file for Loading my OS.kmain.c contains the basic kernel functionsand print.c contains the int main(void) function that prints some texton screen.I compile ALL the files together using this...
1 Oct 2013 by Alimjan Yasin
I want to debug a automake c project. and I am doing it with Cygwin in windows.I can compile it correctly, by doing aclocalautomake --add-missingautoreconf./configuremakefor use gdb debugger, I want to generate debug , so I did like..../configure CFALGS=-g3 (or...
2 Oct 2013 by Alimjan Yasin
I found the problem,gbd .lib/slim.exeworked. The debug version is there.
2 Oct 2013 by Alimjan Yasin
I am using gdb for debugging c project source code.I compile as shown: ./configure --enable-debug CFLAGS="-g -o0" make --debug=aI want to debugging stop at specific file. so when I set break point by using (gdb) break main.c:672it says : No source file...
30 Dec 2013 by OriginalGriff
You need to start gathering information: at present all you have given us is "the program does not proceed" and "apparently the execution halts at solve() function".This isn't a lot - it's like saying "my car won't start" - it isn't enough to solve the problem, which could be anything from a...
30 Dec 2013 by nv3
The reason for the infinte loop in the solve function is that your algorithm has a principal problem. The approach you have take could be described as follows:Find the next free cell and try entering the digits 1 ... 9 into the cell until there is no conflict in its row, column, and box....
25 Feb 2014 by aboutjayesh
hai..i need to use this command in GNUPLOTset title "something"but this "something" will load from a file like data.datany one help me to resolve itregads
2 Mar 2014 by aboutjayesh
Dear all ;Would you please tell me how can I save my plot in pdf format when Iuse gnuplot? i am a fresher in gnu plot..please give an example codeThanks.[edit]unnecessary code block removed[/edit]
24 Feb 2016 by GaneshRfromSpace
I was reading a statement saying, Quote:bootloader will reprogram the application with a new file. S19 (S-Record) files are often used for this, as they are easy to parse and every tool chain can produce them.. I am a final year Electronics Engineering Undergrad. Can I get a explanation for what...
5 May 2016 by Alexey Shtykov
To write a perfect and fast make files
12 Aug 2016 by Member 4530872
I am implementing i18n to my project in c++ using GNU xgettext, Xcode. The situation is as followsFileOne.cpp void somefunction() { string file = “fileName"; loggerClass.addlog(gettext_args(“some %s missing “, file)); }FileTwo.cpp void someOtherfunction() {...
12 Aug 2016 by KarstenK
You should read the documentation for gettext. Use msggrep for fetching a directory.
3 Jun 2017 by JohnnyG62
I'm learning COBOL. I have a text file with a numeric field that has a decimal point in it. I have defined the field as PIC 9(5)V99. When a record is read and the field as a decimal point it I get this error not numeric: '.00 '. But if I remove the decimal point from the field in that...
28 May 2018 by Member 13849020
Hello everyone! I have one simple question: why the number of processors used when I compile my code with a profiling tool doesn't decrease the time spent in each function? For example, if I compile the first time with 1 processors, and then with four, I expect to see the same flat profile (like...
24 Sep 2018 by Member 13995616
I am trying to set gdb so that I can debug C/C++ programs in Netbeans. I have MacOSX 10.13.6. I have followed exactly the same steps given in : First I created a certificate named gdb-cert and imported it in the System Keychain, then finally restarted the system, etc. debugging - Netbeans...
13 Feb 2021 by Member 15071189
This is the first time I am trying to do python execution in GNU parallel. I have the below python script. I am trying to run it in parallel with a text.txt document loading the variables. The text document has the variables one on each line. ...
13 Feb 2021 by k5054
I know this has been solved, but it occurred to me that there might be an issue with the code as presented. Namely, SQLite does not do concurrent writes to the database, so unless the full problem is compute bound, its probably quicker to do the...
23 Jun 2022 by Richard MacCutchan
This is just a matter of counting, as you can see from your example picture. The final line is five stars, the previous line is one space and four stars, etc. So from the pattern it should be easy to calculate how many of each character you need...
23 Jun 2022 by Patrice T
Quote: How can I change this to a pyramid? Look carefully at your pyramid: ____* ___*_* __*_*_* _*_*_*_* *_*_*_*_* There is more spaces than what you seems to think.
26 Dec 2015 by Frank-Rene Schaefer
Using Quex to generate lexical analyzers
12 Sep 2013 by Alimjan Yasin
Hi, I am new to GNU project. now I am going to work on a GNU c project.I am OK with compiling it, and I want to know the code inside.when run this project, should give a input file which contains data to process.I also can do that.My first question is that. Now I am compiling...
25 Feb 2014 by Vedat Ozan Oner
you can use gnuplot script file. example:1- edit set_title.plot with notepad:notepad \set_title.plotset title 'my_title'2- in gnuplot:>load '\set_title.plot'
10 Jul 2015 by Xlance
Good DayTo print a sequence of numbers, I use GNU seq command, but the switch -w which equalizes width by padding with leading zeroes, does not work over 999999 ???Also numbers over 999999 are shown as scientific notation 6.022E06 !!!Please can someone check the source code ?Thanks...
30 Dec 2013 by hari106
Hey there. I wrote a program that solves Sudoku puzzles but I am not able to execute it properly. The program does not respond after I've fed it input;i.e, the program does not proceed.Here's the code:#includeint rowChk(int grid[][9],int row,int val){ int...
8 Aug 2014 by sovit agarwal
Hello,I have Windows 7 and Ubuntu 11 installed in my laptop and GNU Grub is used as the multiboot bootloader. But now i want to uninstall my copy of Ubuntu 11 and only keep Windows 7.So can anyone help me out with this.Thank you in advance!!!
23 Jun 2022 by pollie 2022
I need to change the output of this while loop code into a pyramid of asterisks. However, I am confused because I made a Christmas tree-like pyramid. ____* ___* * __* * * _* * * * * * * * * p.s. kindly treat underscores as spaces What I have...