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EF Core


Great Reads

by DaveDavidson
In this article, I show LINQ to Entities syntax that will produce queries with CROSS APPLY and LEFT OUTER JOIN clauses.
by Ken Haggerty
Scaffold and modify Identity in the new ASP.NET Core 2.2 Razor pages template
by Coding Notes
An introduction to ASP.NET Core MVC

Latest Articles

by Bert O Neill
How Entity Framework Core 6 or 7 projects can take advantage of EF Core 8's OpenJson without having to migrate to EF Core 8 - using a custom NuGet Package for SQL Server
by Mark Pelf
Overview of new changes to EF8 – support for Row SQL returning Non-entities.
by David_Cui
To introduce a free library to save some tedious work for writing mapping code between entities and DTOs
by towaso
A short example on how to create a hierarchical web checklist

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EF Core 

21 Jul 2021 by Jeremy Likness
This article walks you through my project Planetary Docs, a repository that showcases a full application that supports Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations (CRUD) using Blazor (Server), Entity Framework Core and Azure Cosmos DB.
21 Jul 2021 by Jeremy Likness
In this blog post I look at what GraphQL is, share benefits and challenges, review the current .NET ecosystem, and walk you through some hands-on examples.
21 Sep 2020 by Jeremy Likness
What if I could write a LINQ query on a client the same way I would on a server, and execute it remotely with minimal configuration, setup, ritual and ceremony?
21 Aug 2020 by Jeremy Likness
How do products like EF Core allow you to write whatever queries you like, then successfully intercept them to run SQL commands? The secret is in the provider.