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Great Reads

by Alex Pumpet
A simple program for comparing table data from two sources - SQL databases, Excel, CSV or XML-files
by Jovan Popovic(MSFT)
Reordering table rows using drag and drop functionality with jQuery DataTables plug-in in ASP.NET MVC applications
by Massimo Fabiano
I know that "returning DataSets from WebServices is the spawn of Satan" but...
by Proneetkumar Pradeep Ray
JQuery Datatable (Dynamic columns) populate after Ajax JSON response via server side processing - Using EF Raw SQL query

Latest Articles

by DiponRoy
The aim of this helper class is to divide a large IEnumerable into multiple small list.
by DiponRoy
The aim of this helper class is to divide a large datatable into multiple small datatables.
by Stefan Vincent Haug
Helper method to apply sorting from DataTables.js parameters in C#
by WyoMetz
Simple and easy paging of a WPF DataGrid with DataTable and LINQ queries

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20 Mar 2018 by Alex Pumpet
A simple program for comparing table data from two sources - SQL databases, Excel, CSV or XML-files
23 Apr 2012 by Jovan Popovic(MSFT)
Reordering table rows using drag and drop functionality with jQuery DataTables plug-in in ASP.NET MVC applications
28 Sep 2016 by Massimo Fabiano
I know that "returning DataSets from WebServices is the spawn of Satan" but...
16 Aug 2018 by Proneetkumar Pradeep Ray
JQuery Datatable (Dynamic columns) populate after Ajax JSON response via server side processing - Using EF Raw SQL query
7 Apr 2018 by #realJSOP
An example of evolving code to fit new demands
18 Jan 2014 by Petr Ivankov
Application of abstract approach to database domain
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
IntroductionLINQ is one of the new entrants in C# 3.0, introduced as part of .NET 3.5. As you are already aware, LINQ is a unified querying
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
We all know that we can sort the rows in DataTable by making a simple use of DefaultView. But now if i want a few conditional rows to be shuffled in
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
In this article I am posting code about swapping GridView rows Up and Down using DataTables.Here is Aspx Code    
19 Jun 2012 by David Catriel
How to get a list of data rows that caused an exception (or several of them) in a SqlBulkCopy operation
8 Jul 2014 by Sam Lombardo
Dynamically map a DataTable to type-safe business objects using reflection and generics
24 Nov 2016 by Mehedi Shams
Create a data dictionary for your database tables
10 Apr 2012 by Jovan Popovic(MSFT)
This article shows how to enhance a plain HTML table with the jQuery DataTables plug-in.
26 Aug 2018 by WyoMetz
Simple and easy paging of a WPF DataGrid with DataTable and LINQ queries
11 Apr 2012 by Jovan Popovic(MSFT)
Code samples that explain how the jQuery DataTables plug-in can be integrated into ASP.NET MVC applications
26 Apr 2012 by Jovan Popovic(MSFT)
Enhancing simple tables implemented in Java web applications using the jQuery DataTables plug-in
21 Apr 2012 by Jovan Popovic(MSFT)
How to refresh content of the table in ASP.NET MVC using the jQuery DataTables plug-in
27 Apr 2015 by Jörgen Andersson
A high performance extension for creating a DataTable from a Generic collection.
28 Apr 2014 by Declan Bright
A technique which ensures that an ASP.NET GridView displays nicely on small screen devices.
6 Nov 2011 by Jovan Popovic(MSFT)
Create datatable with standard CRUD functionalites in ASP.NET MVC using the jQuery DataTables Editable plug-in
5 Apr 2012 by Jovan Popovic(MSFT)
How to implement advanced column filtering using jQuery DataTables
2 May 2011 by Jovan Popovic(MSFT)
Implement an expandable master-details table in ASP.NET MVC using jQuery DataTables plug-in
18 Jul 2017 by vinodkumarnie
Handling controls inside GridView using RowCommand and jQuery.
22 Dec 2017 by Dirk Bahle
Tips & Tricks on loading and saving WPF Tree View based content.
10 Apr 2012 by Jovan Popovic(MSFT)
This article explains how you can implement full data management functionalites (adding, deleting, inline editing) into web tables using jQuery DataTables/Editable and J2EE applications.
13 May 2014 by Tuan Xuan Bui
Integrate DataTables into a Java web application, render DataTable on demand, simple to use and flexible to work with.
21 Nov 2014 by Santhosh Kumar Jayaraman
Export a DataTable to an Excel file and add format to the contents while writing the Excel file.
23 Aug 2012 by John Orendt
Prepares play list elements for burning to CD or DVD or loading onto a MP3 player.
14 Jun 2017 by Ehsan Sajjad
A guide on how to implement gridview in ASP.NET MVC 5
11 Oct 2011 by Rupesh Kumar Tiwari
GridviewFix is a helper jQuery plugin that solves the compatibility problem in between .NET Gridview and dataTable plugin.
24 Aug 2018 by Proneetkumar Pradeep Ray
Easy way to integrate jQuery DataTable Server Side processing using Dynamic LINQ | Server Side processing using extension method
2 Dec 2016 by Vitalii Novotarskyi
To simplify working with jQuery Datatables.
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
I'm going to expalin how extract data from csv file using c#.First you have to declare two string variables and their properies for store directory
13 Feb 2013 by Noor Ahmad Feroozi
A function to remove and select unique records from a DataTable in C#.NET and return a clean and duplicate-free DataTable
31 Jan 2018 by Ehsan Sajjad
In this post, I will be addressing this problem and we will learn that how can implement CRUD using JQuery DataTables in one page without any full page reloads.