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by Martin Vorbrodt
SQL database access
by Phani Krishna Kollapur Gandla
How to solve performance issues in data migration to SQL Server.
by ASP.NET Community
Providers factory provides us indepandent database access where we can connect to any database sources(SQLServer,DB2,Oracle,MS-Access).Provider
by YawerIqbal
Last week in a meeting client explained requirement: “.. we receive emails in a mail box, and we manually create contacts in CRM using sender name and address for further processing, we want to automate this.. .

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by YawerIqbal
Last week in a meeting client explained requirement: “.. we receive emails in a mail box, and we manually create contacts in CRM using sender name and address for further processing, we want to automate this.. .
by Martin Vorbrodt
SQL database access
by Bryan Kowalchuk
The two most common database lookup table patterns are examined
by ASP.NET Community
Providers factory provides us indepandent database access where we can connect to any database sources(SQLServer,DB2,Oracle,MS-Access).Provider

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18 Mar 2019 by Martin Vorbrodt
SQL database access
9 Apr 2015 by OriginalGriff
Take off the quote!Dim cm As New iDB2Command("SELECT * FROM DEVSUSH.CLSTATES Where STCODE='@strState", cn)BecomesDim cm As New iDB2Command("SELECT * FROM DEVSUSH.CLSTATES Where STCODE=@strState", cn)
29 Jan 2013 by ujju.1
Hi experts. My aim is to call through ASP a CL program (in AS400) and return the result.I have fount a nice article about this at Calling AS/400 (AS400) RPG Programs From ASP.NET[^] . But it does not elaborates anything regarding CL program.As given in the article, I have created the...
30 Jan 2013 by ujju.1
Got it. program.Invoke(true, ref parameters); invokes the program that we declare at appsettings (read connection from AS400Program(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["partsPricingConfig"]); )
20 Aug 2013 by fixthebugg
get duplicates using select state from statetable ,count(*)group by state having count(*) > 1 then you can get rid of them usingselect statecode, state from statetable where state not in ()
9 May 2015 by OriginalGriff
"Can i use threading?"We can't tell you: the problem is that we have no idea what your calculations are trying to do. If they are independent, then possibly you can use threading within individual steps, but to my mind Step 3 depends on Step 2 completing, Step 4 depends on Step 3 completing,...
27 Oct 2015 by Zoltán Zörgő
I don't know DB2, but in MySql you can do seomething like this:select babloc,if( (select count(distinct left(BAITEM,2)) from VINBINI i where i.BABLOC = e.BABLOC) > 1, "yes", "no") as SHARED_BINfrom VINBINI egroup by BABLOCSee:!9/21716/8[^]I don't...
30 Oct 2015 by phil.o
This SO post is quite informative about that matter:SO: Is a view faster than a simple query?[^]Hope this helps.
30 Oct 2015 by CHill60
This is not really a topic for a Quick answers forum. I suggest you do some research, and here is an article to get you started - "Poor Little Misunderstood Views"[^] from SqlServerCentralThere is also a longer discussion here[^]
9 May 2024 by CHill60
You can mimic the effect of LEAD or LAG in earlier versions of DB2 by using a self-join and a row number. This is a much simplified demo in T-SQL (I no longer have access to DB2, sorry) -- demo table with dummy data declare @demo table (id int...
23 Aug 2012 by Mehdi Gholam
DB is a generic term for a database/database engine/database server.DB2 is an IBM database product.
29 Jan 2013 by _Maxxx_
It's been far too long since I counted RPG and CL as my friends - but I found this post which shows how to call a CL program with parameters successfully...Not sure if it will help [^]
20 Aug 2013 by Richard C Bishop
SELECT DISTINCT statecode, state FROM 'table'
30 Nov 2013 by CHill60
Have a look at this IBM Article practical guide to implementing row and column access control in DB2 [^]
3 Jan 2014 by E.F. Nijboer
You need to make sure your PATH is pointing to the correct folder, OR you just simply copy the db2app.dll to the bin folder of your application. Good luck!
2 Jun 2015 by Dave Kreskowiak
You can't just paste the text into an XML file. You have to encode the text into a CDATA section so it doesn't screw with the XML.Google for "C# CDATA section" for examples.
28 Sep 2015 by Wendell D H
I think you want to get rid of AND ICITEM LIKE 'PRMITEM%'and replace it withAND (ICITEM = @PRMICITEM OR @PRMICITEM IS NULL)
14 Jan 2016 by Richard Deeming
The 0x8007007E error means you are trying to load a 32-bit DLL in a 64-bit program, or vice-versa.Assuming the DLL is 32-bit, change your program's target platform from "AnyCPU" to "x86" and recompile.
9 Sep 2017 by OriginalGriff
We do not do your homework: it is set for a reason. It is there so that you think about what you have been told, and try to understand it. It is also there so that your tutor can identify areas where you are weak, and focus more attention on remedial action. Try it yourself, you may find it is...
29 May 2020 by #realJSOP
Dude, learn how to format your code so we can read it. Beyond that, here is your code formatted. Note the comments: SELECT Q.DTNUMEXE ,Q.DTMOIEXE ,Q.DTANNQIT ,Q.DTMOIQIT ,Q.DTCODBRC ,Q.DTSERQIT ...
29 Oct 2020 by CHill60
If an employee can be in multiple departments, don't store those details in the master table for the employee. Use a "link" table that connects the two ... e.g. create table tblDepartmentMaster ( deptId int identity(1,1), deptName...
20 Sep 2011 by Member 8254860
How can we fetch the data from the DB2 table, if db2 table containing 88 columns i need to retrieve the 87 coulmns out of 88.Please let me know this thing.
21 Sep 2011 by Mehdi Gholam
Just specify the columns you need in the SQL statement like below :select col1, ... ,col87 from tablename
8 Nov 2011 by Manivannan Dheena
Hi, I need to create a sample database in db2, when i logged in as a standard power user in my windows machine.Syntax: CREATE DATABASE TESTDB3 AUTOMATIC STORAGE YESBut this works when i run as a admin user, But same not allowing me to create db as a power user, Also i...
8 Nov 2011 by Mehdi Gholam
Use this : db2 CONNECT TO database USER userID USING password
10 Nov 2011 by Phani Krishna Kollapur Gandla
How to solve performance issues in data migration to SQL Server.
13 Nov 2011 by vinothmkgfslppy
I have one doubt in db2 database for get ddl script for database object. I have get one command in ibm web site db2look -d DATABASE -t "TABLENAME" -a -e -l -x -c ; but this command not excute in command editor.How to get existing table ddl script in db2 database.
14 Nov 2011 by vinothmkgfslppy
How to get seuqence and packages create script from db2 database excute through command editor. Please reply for which query .....
11 Dec 2011 by Manivannan Dheena
Hi, i am running a delete statement, which deltes more than 10000 records in my db2 database table, in that time, when i execute it throws me error, saying "transaction log is full"my db2 config file details are, Group commit count (MINCOMMIT) = 1Percent log...
4 Jan 2012 by ollanthay
What is the best way to send a million records to another repository p.e to file?I have a webservice that provide these records one by one, and receptor send a ACK that confirm the reception is ok, this way is very slow.Greetings
4 Jan 2012 by «_Superman_»
One way is to send multiple records in one shot.This way the client does not need to ACK each record.To ensure all records have been received, you could send some byte count or record count first that can be cross-checked after the records have been received or you could go for a more robust...
5 Jan 2012 by JackDingler
If you can't implement _Superman_'s solution, you could open multiple connections.Then you're not blocked on one single request.
5 Jan 2012 by RDBurmon
Hello ollanthay426 ,If you know SSIS (Sql Server Integration Services) then you can do this thing. SSIS is designed to perform ETL operation (Extract , Transfer , Load) . Also here in your case you can connect multiple sources and dump that data into one central Data warehouse.
27 Jan 2012 by OriginalGriff
This has the familiar odour of homework - so no code, just suggestions.What information do you need to store? Look at the objects you have, and list out what objects they are part of, or related to. Draw yourself a picture if you need to.Then look at how you store all that, with the...
27 Jan 2012 by Sander Rossel
Hint: Make your own homework... If we do it for you you won't learn anything from it, you might get a job and we'll have to work with people like you who can't solve their own problems.Worst case scenario: If we answer your question now we might have to work with your code/database in 10...
26 Apr 2012 by Member 8631740
I'm trying to take the information the user types into these textboxes/drop down lists and stored them in my DB2 database. I believe we are having trouble with the CALL procedure and it keeps erroring at at Line 109: 'Execute the procedure.Line 110: ODC.ExecuteNonQuery()Line...
27 Apr 2012 by Kschuler
Your baddress and bcity sizes don't match between the parms and the procedure. You have 40-20 and 20-40.
16 Jul 2012 by Dattatrya Moin 11
Hi, I am using DB2BulkCopy to copy data to database. But in some exceptional cases column type mismatching happens and it is giving the problem "Error Code = 22005 (Error in assignment)" exception and after some time program is getting hang and giving Function Sequence Error. How to avoid...
15 Oct 2012 by Anele Ngqandu
HiI am trying to connect DB2 database in my application I get this error:"ERROR [42704] [IBM][DB2/NT] SQL0204N "DB2ADMIN.TBL_USER" is an undefined name."Please help me on solving this error. string connString = "Database=dbName;userID=usrname;password=pass...
15 Oct 2012 by Manfred Rudolf Bihy
I'd guess that the table does in user DB2ADMIN's schema. Try something like this:DB2Command cmd = new DB2Command("SELECT * FROM dbo.TBL_USER", con);Where dbo shall be substituted for the schema your table TBL_USER is really in.Regards,— ManfredMight want to read some...
3 Mar 2021 by Abhishek Pant
What is fenced User-ID of a DB2 instance?And also want some proper purpose of it as I got this linkHow to determine fenced User-ID of a DB2 instance[^]saying "The purpose of fenced user id is to protect DB2 from untested or malicious code from the external stored procedures, user defined...
27 Jan 2013 by OriginalGriff
We do not do your homework: it is set for a reason. It is there so that you think about what you have been told, and try to understand it. It is also there so that your tutor can identify areas where you are weak, and focus more attention on remedial action.Try it yourself, you may find it...
29 Jan 2013 by _Amy
AS400 is very old technology and I don't have much idea about it. But after searching I came across the following articles. You can check it. This may help you.[^]AS400 Data Connection in ASP.NET[^]--Amit
19 Apr 2013 by Member 10000741
i had developed a website using db2 and java jsp servlets and i want to host the website how to d this plz help me
24 May 2013 by Ashok26
I have a .NET application using DB2 provider(refers to IBM.Data.DB2.dll).What do I need to install for DB2 in order to run this application.I do not want to install complete DB2 client which will for sure install data provider for .NET.
14 Jul 2013 by shakilajannat
How to insert data in Db2 database using store procedure with Vb6 For i = 1 To lvwDatalist.ListItems.Count If Trim(lvwDatalist.ListItems(i).Text) = "" Then Exit For With oCmd .Parameters.Refresh .ActiveConnection = cnAP ...
14 Jul 2013 by Mehdi Gholam
Check your table DB2ADMIN.MISYS_ACTSTAT, there might be required columns in that.
23 Jul 2013 by shakilajannat
Private Sub cmdTransfer_DB2_Click(Index As Integer) On Error GoTo Err_Des Dim Cmd As New ADODB.Command Dim Param As New ADODB.Parameter Dim res As Integer ProBar.Visible = True ProBar.Min = 0 ProBar.Max = lvwDatalist.ListItems.Count ProBar.Value...
26 Jul 2013 by shakilajannat
how can i comparing data from two database table using vb.code
20 Aug 2013 by Member 10221062
I have a table with two columns statecode and state having values as-Statecode state1 DLI2 MH3 UP2 DLIIn my output i need only those rows that do not have duplicate values in any of the column, I.e., O/p should be likeStatecode State2 ...
21 Aug 2013 by John-ph
check this Split a VARCHAR in DB2 to retrieve a value inside[^]
21 Aug 2013 by Tiwari Avinash
26 Aug 2013 by Member 9353131
I have written the following stored proc in db2.CREATE or REPLACE PROCEDURE RTIMD.IALERT_PROC ( IN usr_name VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT '', IN IN_RTIM_ID VARCHAR(25) default '', IN api_method VARCHAR(25) DEFAULT '', IN params VARCHAR(500) default '', IN application_name VARCHAR(20) default '', OUT...
26 Aug 2013 by _Asif_
I think you can't use EXECUTE IMMEDIATE with SET Statement.Try this link as it shows how to return parameter from the executing statement which you can use furtherEXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement (PL/SQL)[^]
27 Aug 2013 by Member 9353131
Hi frnz,I have created the following stored procedureCREATE or REPLACE PROCEDURE RTIMD.IALERT_PROC ( IN usr_name VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT '', IN IN_RTIM_ID VARCHAR(25) default '', IN api_method VARCHAR(25) DEFAULT '', IN params VARCHAR(500) default '', IN application_name VARCHAR(20)...
27 Aug 2013 by Member 9353131
The problem was in quoting. After replacing all the double quotes with single quotes, it worked :)
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Providers factory provides us indepandent database access where we can connect to any database sources(SQLServer,DB2,Oracle,MS-Access).Provider
21 Oct 2013 by Member 10313090
create or replace PROCEDURE xyz_tbl_procasBEGIN execute immediate ' CREATE TABLE xyz ( empname varchar(10) )'; END;i want to write a stored procedure in db2 to create table.once i run this table is not getting...
21 Oct 2013 by Chintan Desai1988
create proc NewTable @TabName nvarchar(20),@Flag bit,@SID int,@Name varchar(20)asbeginif @Flag=1beginIF (EXISTS (SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = @TabName))BEGIN print 'hi'ENDelsebegin declare @str varchar(max) set @str='create table...
23 Oct 2013 by Viritha Reddy
Hi, how to convert column values into rows in winsql. If anyone knows solution please share with me.Thanks In Advance.
28 Oct 2013 by Member 9353131
How to fetch more than one rows using cursors in db2?I'm using cursor to fetch records from a table. Am just able to fetch only one row at a time. Need to fetch more than one records. Please help.CREATE or REPLACE PROCEDURE RTIMD.TicketDaemonProc (IN IN_RTIM_ID VARCHAR(50) default '', IN...
30 Oct 2013 by Member 9353131
CREATE or REPLACE PROCEDURE RTIMD.TicketDaemonProc (IN IN_RTIM_ID VARCHAR(50) default '', IN usr_name VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT '',IN api_method VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT '', IN params VARCHAR(2500) default '', IN application_name VARCHAR(20) default '', OUT V_OUT VARCHAR(2000))DYNAMIC RESULT SETS...
30 Nov 2013 by Lajpat Kurdiya
Hi FriendsI want to know how to implement security over the column and row in DB2 database.Many thanks in advance.RegardsLajpat Kurdiya
13 Dec 2013 by gettgotcha
I have a CSV file which has some amount of data for which we are planning to move the data to a DB2 table (its only one time job). So I was planning of something using BulkInsert (sorry if I am wrong as I don't have any knowledge of DB2) through C# code. So please suggest how to write the code...
13 Dec 2013 by bowlturner
Since this is a one time job looping through might just be the easiest way to do it.However, with Oracle we have SQLLoader which takes a control file and the data file and will do the work for you. I looked and DB2 has 2 tools that appear to be similar DB2 LOAD and DB2 IMPORTHere's...
3 Jan 2014 by gettgotcha
I am trying to access DB2 database through ASP.NET code, but facing below issue,Quote:SQL1159 Initialization error with DB2 .NET Data Provider, reason code 2, tokens C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\bin\db2app.dll,DB2 is installed in the following location Quote:C:\Program Files...
3 Jan 2014 by gettgotcha
Uninstall and install DB2 make sure it gets installed in Program Files folder rather than Program Files(x86) folder and application would be running successfully without any issues.
10 Jan 2014 by nebiam
Im trying to subtract a specific time (eg. 1 hour 15 mins) from a time (eg. 12:00:00).Currently i have tried(TIMESTART - '01:30:00')(TIMESTART - 013000)Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance
10 Jan 2014 by Peter Leow
Use DATEADD() and DATEPART(), read this: dateadd()[^] anddatepart()[^]Let me give you one example, say one hour ago: SELECT DATEPART(hour, DATEADD(hour, -1, GETDATE()))Try to work out the solution yourself.
12 Jan 2014 by Christian Graus
You said this does not work:CASEWHEN example = 'A' THEN DATEADD(hour, -1, TIMESTART) ELSE TIMESTART END AS STARTTIMEWell, dateadd works with a date, and returns a date. TIMESTART appears to be a string which represents a time.tryCASEWHEN example = 'A' THEN...
16 Jan 2014 by agha_ali22
i have a sql queryselect * from old table (update tbl set col1= 2)query works fine in command line but when used with jdbc it return the value correctly but does not update the valueshere is a code snippetResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(sql); i am...
14 Jan 2014 by Kush R
Hello,You can try committing the connection which will make sure that the data is being committed to the database.You can refer this link[^]
14 Jan 2014 by Kush R
Okay, Refer this link in detail :[^]
15 Jan 2014 by Christian Graus
Don't ask the same question twice. Edit your question."select * from old table (update tbl set col1= 2)"This is a retarded syntax. As I've told you already, write a stored procedure and do it in two steps. Or just try to execute this:update tbl set col1= 2 go select * from old...
16 Jan 2014 by Christian Graus
Ask a new question to ask a new question. This is confusing."when i delete let say "1,role1,3,tyty" will i have to reassign approvernum ,and the query when i will update the role?"Foreign keys should stop you from deleting values that are used in other tables. If not, fix your DB. ...
23 Jan 2014 by nebiam
This is the solution that worked in the end. Thanks for all the suggestions though. In DB2 you can actually add/subtract time like this.CASEWHEN example = 'A' THEN TIMESTART - 30 MINUTESELSE TIMESTARTEND AS STARTTIME
11 Feb 2014 by Walterls
Please refer to this thread:
19 Mar 2014 by Member 9353131
How to create a temporary table in stored procedure in db2?Below is my stored procedure and i'm getting error while executing this Procedure.DECLARE RTIMID_MATCH INTEGER;DECLARE PARAMS_VALUE VARCHAR(2500);DECLARE tmp_param varchar(500); DECLARE tmp_seperated_param varchar(500); DECLARE...
23 Mar 2014 by CHill60
Look at the error - it's not even hinting that you are creating a temporary table never mind incorrectly, so what you are really asking is "how can I solve this error".I haven't got DB2 (or Oracle) to hand at the moment so I am going to walk you through a method of solving the problem for...
10 Apr 2014 by sivateja donthukurthi
i am trying to run a autofill textbox using db2 database it is running fine with sql server but how can i do it with ibmdb2the code is :aspx: ...
15 Apr 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Please see:[^].(I hope you are using ADO.NET, don't you?)—SA
19 Jun 2014 by NishantMittal
When I an executing simple query, any simple select statement using OLEDB connection i am getting "Access Violation" error .If i am using "Using Clause"..the query didn't give any output rather stuck up. AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is...
28 Aug 2014 by Thomas Nielsen - getCore
Well, Microsoft suggest Web APIusing json which can be used from everywhere you easily interact asyncronously with your a proxy on your website ideally, using whatever infrastructure you have, like preferably WCF if you have clients that are not...
29 Aug 2014 by GauravKP
Going Native way, best way is to develop it using Eclipse and X-Code separately using JSON Web Services. Develop UI separately and use Web services for Business Logic.Else if you develop with Xamarin you will need Mac OS for I-Phone application, and only part of code (like Business Logic)...
11 Sep 2014 by ricardo 30
i'm trying to make a simple login form with and db2 database ..but when i try to run it , in " Using db2Conn As New DB2Connection(Sconn.Stringkoneksi) " there is a error message " Invalid argument " ... why "Stringkoneksi" not read the connection string from sconn class ??btw ,...
6 Feb 2015 by Anshumaan C
Like the uninstallation of SQL server does create a problem of residual files does this problem exist with DB2 also?
19 Mar 2015 by CHill60
If SELECT CONCAT(KEY_TMS, '-') FROM TCLT_BILL;does not work then try SELECT KEY_TMS || '-' FROM TCLT_BILL;If that also doesn't work then it may be the datatype used for KEY_TMS, try SELECT CONCAT(CAST(KEY_TMS AS VARCHAR2(50)), '-') FROM TCLT_BILL;
19 Mar 2015 by jinesh sam
Hi Friends,I need to fetech some datafrom DB2 and paste in SQL. I am able to do that but some problem in date format. Date format in DB2 is like 2003-09-23 12:32:09.095499but when i insert into sql its became 9/23/2003 12:32:09 PMactually my DB2 field is a string not a date. but...
19 Mar 2015 by Joan Magnet
To fix it change .ToString() and format the string.Take a look at ustom Date and Time Format StringsI suppose you have declared this field as varchar instead of datetime in SQL database.
19 Mar 2015 by jinesh sam
Hi friends,I need to append one character to DB2 column in select QuerySELECT KEY_TMS FROM TCLT_BILLi need to append one character to the select query Suppose the result is abcdi need to get as abcd-i try Concat method its not working+ symbol is not working in...
31 Mar 2015 by jinesh sam
Hi Friends,Please help me to get a comma seprated result. I am using DB2(IBM® Data Studio Version is my querySELECT DISTINCT KEY_TMS FROM DBQPUBS.TCLT_BILL WHERE DT2_BILL = '2015-02-24';Updated Question I tried like thisSELECT CAST(LISTAGG(KEY_TMS ,',')AS...
30 Mar 2015 by CHill60
This largely depends on which version of DB2 you have available to you This solution uses LISTAGG[^] if you have DB2 9.7 FP4 or aboveIf you are using a version that supports variables you could try this[^] (yes I know it's SQL but it should work in DB2 as well)Or try this from Tom...
9 Apr 2015 by sudevsu
Here is my code. I want to use parameters to pass the values to my queries.Public Shared Function FillStates(ByVal strState As String) As DataSet Dim ds As New DataSet Dim da As New iDB2DataAdapter Dim cn As iDB2Connection = CreateConnection() Try ...
20 Apr 2015 by Member 11628812
We are upgrading my DB2 8.1 on Windows server 2000 to DB2 9.7 on Windows server 2012 R2.There is one C++ dll used to write log files which works file with DB2 8.1 but doent produce even log file on Windows server 2012 R2. Further I dont have source of that dll.Possible cause: 32 bit C++...
21 Apr 2015 by Member 11629203
32 bit software will not work on 64bit machine. Please download the 64 bit application at first. There are some article at "c programming" :
30 Apr 2015 by amnindersingh
I am having hard time thinking for a posible solution for this problem: i have one table that has value as name valueA 0A 10A 20B 0B 50B 70B 100Requirement: i) find min and max value for each name i.e. name min maxA 0 ...
30 Apr 2015 by deepankarbhatnagar
HI here is the sql query from which you can get max & min values of namesselect name, (select MIN(value) from table1 b where as mini,(select MAx(value) from table1 c where as maxi from table1 a group by namethanks.
1 May 2015 by amnindersingh
hi Deepak,Thank you for the answer, but my desired output is something else.I need to first find min and max values as per name (which is the output from your query).After that based on those value, I need to create 10 rows with equal partitions for each name.its like A has min as 0...
3 May 2015 by amnindersingh
9 May 2015 by jinesh sam
Hi Friends,My requirement is to validate db2 rows.I will give a brief description on what my project is.I need to validate the bill generated on previous day based on some formulas.I have only Read access to DB2.As part of testing i fetch all the previous date records(which is considered as...