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by Osman Kalache
An Enhanced Skype Chatter Bot, with a friendly user interface, programable knowledge base, testing interface with Export/Import knowledge base to files
by Intel
Train Large Language Models Quickly and Easily on Intel® Processors
by Houssem_Dellai
Developing the client and server side for a chat application.
How to build an OpenAI chat application using Angular, ASP.NET API, and Azure

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Train Large Language Models Quickly and Easily on Intel® Processors
How to build an OpenAI chat application using Angular, ASP.NET API, and Azure
by Bill SerGio, The Infomercial King
How ChatGPT Can Grow Your Business
by Trapenok Victor
Using CppComet to create a simple chat. CppComet is open source comet server. It is written in C++.

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4 Aug 2013 by Osman Kalache
An Enhanced Skype Chatter Bot, with a friendly user interface, programable knowledge base, testing interface with Export/Import knowledge base to files
16 Jan 2011 by Ashish Tyagi 40
First of all check whether your app is connected to internet using this link.. can you see me[^] put your listing port no and hit check button..If it failed probably you are listnig on or your LAN address (like change your listing interface address to...
17 Jan 2013 by OriginalGriff
Google is your friend: Be nice and visit him often. He can answer questions a lot more quickly than posting them here...A very quick search using your subject as the search term gave 2.5 million results:Google[^]In future, please try to do at least basic research yourself, and not...
26 May 2011 by Stephen Wiria
In that case, you can download Miranda IM source code[^], and do the research there.Good luck!
16 Jan 2011 by Seyed Hamed Khatami
Hi!I made a program using the socket class in C# which is a chat program. In LAN network I can work with it, but over the internet I can't.Can you guide me?Thanks in advance!
21 Apr 2011 by Parwej Ahamad
As per my understanding, you have to maintain Logged-In user information into database. Follow below steps:1. Whenever any user logged-in then insert info into database. So when user logged-in then mean user is online and when logged-out mean user is offline.Note: But you have to do...
17 May 2011 by Sandeep Mewara
Just pick any one that suits you and your need to learn of from here:CP search result: Chat ASP.NET[^]Top few of it:Build a Silverlight 2 Web Chat Application[^]Building an AJAX based chat room in ASP.NET[^]WCF / WPF Chat Application[^]Building an AJAX based chat room in...
27 Sep 2011 by Prerak Patel[^]
3 Nov 2011 by Tejas Vaishnav
Fro your starting please see this links....Simple Chat Application in ASP.NET[^]ASP.NET Ajax Chat Application[^][^]
8 Dec 2011 by Smithers-Jones
Google's broken in your place?Picture Chat Using C#[^]Building an AJAX based chat room in ASP.NET[^]Chat Client Server[^]Chat With US DI[^]ASP.Net chatting using WCF Services and JSon[^]A. R. Live Support: XML Based Customer Support Chat Solution[^]Build a Web based Chat using...
12 Dec 2011 by AmitGajjar
Hi,you ask so many questions,First of all i also do have my IM application. i have chosen MySQL as database. there are so many reasons for MySQL.i will prefer you MySQL because it will be useful for achieving all your need. even MS-SQL is also good but i do not have much idea about...
13 Dec 2011 by AmitGajjar
Hi,here is the proof why MySQL?hope this will help you more for choice between MySQL and MSSQLthanks-amit.
7 Feb 2012 by OriginalGriff
This has never been done before, so there is no chance that a quick google would find anything, is there? Pity that.Might be worth a try though...Good grief!A very quick search using your subject as the search term gave 5,000,000 solutions! Who would have thought...
12 Mar 2012 by Jinfaa
There is a problem in the server's WCF. If I close client is side through the "ctrl + alt + del" then all the users connected to the server to get an exception. After that you can not connect. I took as a basis for this program Client-server app[^]. The comments also wrote about this...
2 Jul 2012 by 2irfanshaikh
I think this will help youJava Chat With Customizable GUI[^][^][^]
15 Apr 2013 by JitendraSahu
Here is the full solution with source codeASP.NET Chatting using WCF Services and JSon
12 Jun 2013 by Thanks7872
Refer toC# / ASP.NET API Library - Envolve Chat[^]Asp.Net SignalR Chat Room[^]Regards.. :)
7 Aug 2013 by Sampath Lokuge
Check this.SignalR - Simple Chat Application in C#[^]I hope this will help to you.
7 Aug 2013 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
Refer the below ones.1. TCP/IP Chat Application Using C#[^].2. A Chat Client/Server Program for C#[^].3. Basic Client/Server Chat Application In C#[^].4. How to C# Chat server programming[^].
8 Nov 2013 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
SuggestionStart reading the Google Talk Developer Documentation[^] and try something on your own.Here we answer specific questions which members face during programming. We can't work on the whole source code. You need to do that yourself.If you face any difficulty while coding,...
18 Apr 2014 by Mahmoud_Mohamed
Hi. I am a new with SignalR .. I would like to develop a solution that have two project one web and other is window. Using SignalR realtime messaging deliver. That enable chatting between the Webform and the Window form and only saving messages in windows. Any Help Smile Like references or ideas...
30 Jun 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
As Tadit Dash noticed, you show some System.NullReferenceException exceptions in your exception stack. But you don't show the lines in the code where the exception is thrown/propagated.Not to worry. This is one of the very easiest cases to detect and fix. It simply means that some...
15 Oct 2015 by Patrice T
Quote:what's wrong?The error message tells you What is the problemQuote:Could not connect to net.tcp://localhost:1234/Chat/ChatService.and whyQuote:No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it you have a firewall ?Have you allowed...
6 Jan 2016 by CPallini
Do you mean something like jabberd[^]?
14 Feb 2016 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
If you want to build an enterprise level of application such as a chat application, and that also supports FTP protocol (File transfer protocol[^]). The part to build the chatting application would be simple, just simple HTTP based text transfer to the hub and that can be overcome using...
12 Oct 2016 by Bigprey
I have coded a chatroom using, C# & MS SQL. I have two Dropdowns for selecting Sports and then another for Sorting the chatrooms based on Users online/total users.When I select "All sports" (default value) and "Users online", the query works fine. But when I select "All sports"...
12 Oct 2016 by Suvendu Shekhar Giri
From the error, it looks like you are trying to access a value in the application from datarowview where the result of the shared query is stored but with wrong key.SELECT roo.[Sports] As Sport,......]The column is Sport but looks like you are trying to access with Sports and that's...
10 Apr 2017 by Jochen Arndt
Your system sends to this address: InetSocketAddress sd=new InetSocketAddress("",40000); The other system sends to: InetSocketAddress sd=new InetSocketAddress("",50000); Did you see it now? The other systems sends the data to himself on port 50000. You have to specify...
21 Dec 2017 by David_Wimbley
The scope of your question is beyond the purpose of this forum. You indicate you want to learn it but dont want a link to github. I would argue that a link to github that does the same exact thing is a way for you to learn. Reading other peoples code and seeing how they accomplished things is...
12 Dec 2018 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
I will not try to compare any frameworks but would share my own experience with the frameworks. I did some research when I was trying to develop a chat app, and so the following are what I found. Go with Node.js, and consider using library. Socket.IO[^] is the library that allows you...
24 Jul 2021 by OriginalGriff
That code won't even compile - which is probably why its doesn't work as expected! Unless your code compiles with no errors, it doesn't produce an executable file - so when you try to run the "latest code" what executes is the previous version...
4 Feb 2022 by OriginalGriff
See here: How to Make a Redirect in PHP[^]
5 Feb 2022 by Richard MacCutchan
Your code is badly formed again:
3 Mar 2022 by Greg Utas
This is a major project, even for an experienced developer. The fact that you're asking this means that you need to gain more experience before undertaking a project of this magnitude. Furthermore, chatbots are an abomination, so I doubt you'll...
7 Jun 2022 by Richard Deeming
You need to remove the {"mode": "no-cors"} option from your fetch request. Request.mode - Web APIs | MDN[^]: no-cors ... In addition, JavaScript may not access any properties of the resulting Response. If you leave the mode as no-cors and...
18 Dec 2023 by Intel
Train Large Language Models Quickly and Easily on Intel® Processors
17 Mar 2011 by Richard MacCutchan
Look at all these helpful articles[^].
21 Apr 2011 by se.nishant
i have created a website in which we can add friends..i want user can see his online friends how to do this...database table of friends..CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tbl_friendmaster]( [i_autoid] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [Friendgroup] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, [Message] [varchar](500)...
24 Apr 2011 by walterhevedeich
You may want to read these articles in CP.Building an AJAX based chat room in ASP.NET[^]Chat Application in ASP.NET Using AJAX (Pop-up Windows)[^]
24 Apr 2011 by Sandeep Mewara
A simple Google or CP search could had given you these and many more. Just pick any one that suits you and your need to learn of from here:CP search result: Chat ASP.NET[^]Top few of it:Build a Silverlight 2 Web Chat Application[^]Building an AJAX based chat room in ASP.NET[^]WCF /...
26 May 2011 by Member 7957047
Hello, Can someone please help me make a Simple Instant Messenger in Java or C++?I do know programming exceptionally well, and if anyone could please help me one (give me some code, or explaanation) I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you![retagged and reformatted]
26 May 2011 by Niklas L
Writable text box -> socket / tcp/ip -> Read-only text box.I think it's a few hours work.Codeproject is not a site where others do your work. Try some first, and ask specific questions if you get stuck.
16 Jun 2011 by andrea rossetti
Does anybody know how to create a setup that automatically installing emoticon in MSN Messenger? I've create a cab with .gif and content.xml, but now I don't know how to install the cab..Thank you all
5 Aug 2011 by sczii
Heya guysI was wondering if anyone had any links to tutorials or source code that I could look at for creating your own version of MSN messenger ? If anyone could help me out that would be great.There has to be a tutorial on the web somewhere that someone knows about... I just cant find...
5 Aug 2011 by walterhevedeich
Try finding it here[^]. Hope this helps
16 Sep 2011 by Tejas Vaishnav
I wanted a chat functionality like face book's chat
27 Sep 2011 by nagendrathecoder
This[^] can help you.
30 Sep 2011 by YandyZM
Supose i have a network server and some clients writes data to other clients, just like a chat. If i use and IOCP (IO Completion Port) design and i have 4 threads waiting for messages. When those threads received data i need to serialize the access to the client list to get the socket descriptor...
30 Sep 2011 by Ray Radin
1. Depends on how you use it. The devil is in the details.2. Yes. The client list should be accessed by only one thread. This thread can tell the other 4 threads to resend using IOCP or standard windows message.
1 Oct 2011 by Len Holgate
1 - You could use a single writer multiple reader lock around your client list.2 - You could reference count the client objects, you then only need to hold the lock on the client list for long enough to obtain the client object rather than for the whole send operation.
7 Oct 2011 by Pedro Esperança
I would like to know how to do this!If anyone can give me advice on where to start learning, I'll happily come back with the code.
25 Oct 2011 by Jackie00100
hi im working on a simple IM chat messenger and every thing works fine as long as i sends a "controlled" amount of lines to the server but what i want is to let the user be able from the chat window to send multiple lines. at the moment im using readlines because i cant get .read or .write to...
25 Oct 2011 by BobJanova
NetworkStreams don't guarantee that one send = one receive. So you either need to add a delimiter which marks the end of a message, and buffer results until you reach it (ReadLine is doing this for you automatically), or you need to send a message header which includes the message length before...
1 Nov 2011 by mohammadghaderian.bp
How insert 2 series horizontally in 1 chart area in chart of .net framework 4.
30 Nov 2011 by Manoj K Bhoir
Try this links :ASP.NET Ajax Chat ApplicationSimple Chat Application in ASP.NETMulti User Chat Room Using ASP.NET 2.0 and AJAXSimple chat application for ASP.NETIt will help you :)
30 Nov 2011 by Nikil S
Try using Jabber for Google Chat in C#,[^]Google Chat Desktop Application using Jabber.Net[^]For Skype,Controlling Skype with C#[^]
30 Nov 2011 by zzcp
want a advanced message program for two-way chatting based on src/appl/simple/client and src/appl/simple/server or other sample program of kerberos in C language.DOWNLOAD KERBEROS 1.9.2[^]
30 Nov 2011 by Mehdi Gholam
Homework by definition is for your education.It is extremely disrespectful to expect time and effort from others when you are not willing to spend your own.People who respond to questions here are donating their time for the solving of genuine problems of other.
8 Dec 2011 by penigandlakoti
u will try this"
8 Dec 2011 by #realJSOP
Go here [^]
8 Dec 2011 by iranboys
hi friends, i develope a server/client chat program as a school project with vc++and i want show the popular port status (open or close) in a check box , like this ports 20 ,21, 23, 25 ,53, 80, 110 ,161 or 1-100 portsi want show this port status in a checkbox that can show the port is...
8 Dec 2011 by Richard MacCutchan
See this sample[^] for checking port status.
10 Dec 2011 by iranboys
any one can help me????pleas!!!!
12 Dec 2011 by Jackie00100
Hi every one i am kinda new when it comes to databases i know the very basic commands (insert delete etc.) but what i want is a database that have a high int/id limit (most likely so many that it "never" can reach a "overflow") that can hold large strings (over 10k chars would be great) that...
12 Dec 2011 by Eduard Lu
Check this out.[^]Regards,Eduard
13 Dec 2011 by Amir Mahfoozi
Hi Jackssen,I can not imagine that there is a problem and people who are responsible in famous DBMSs didn't do anything about it. So be sure that you can choose any of famous DBMSs easily and then decide how to use their feature to fulfill your requirements. If I was you I had chosen SQL...
21 Dec 2011 by khlob2
Hi there.I faced the problem in my project. The point is that I have to create kind of vide chat in my WPF application (on C#). Getting video from webcam is not a problem for me now, but I have no experience how to transfer online video from one PC to another with the same .NET program. Maybe...
21 Dec 2011 by RaviRanjanKr
10 Jan 2012 by Member 8375374
Hello!I'm trying to create a separate C# project. I have a requirement that I´m hoping to get some help with.What I am simply trying to do is: Start a movie (. Avi,. Divx or similar format) in full-screen mode while still having a little chat box on the left bottom corner.To get the...
10 Jan 2012 by fjdiewornncalwe
This article shows how to do the opposite, but perhaps you can use some of the methods in there to help you with what you want to do. It is old, but the logic is likely still the same. Transparent Desktop Video[^]
16 Jan 2012 by AlexMaslakov
I have a need to integrate something like a video-chat-conference -text chat in a mvc 3web site. The systems of online conference have the functional I need: any user can call any consultant which is online. It allows making conferences. It’s desirable that the solution I’m...
21 Jan 2012 by mohsin nagaria
Hello,I have a requirement to make a video chat component but the problem i am having is to figure out if its somehow possible to do that without the need of a media server. Something where the video could be streamed between clients. I need this for a web site but installing a small exe on...
23 Jan 2012 by DD156
I have the domino server Interop to extract user inforation. However, I am not able to find an interop for sametime messenger's chat feature. Is there any way to implement it?
26 Jan 2012 by Nasir M@hmood
For p2p communication peers should know IP:PORT addresses but mostly peers are behind NAT routers so they can't identify each other without mediator which has direct access from all peers.You have to implement protocols like stun,sip,ice in your application.stun,sip services are available...
7 Feb 2012 by Herman<T>.Instance
there are 5,400,000 results here[^]
14 Mar 2012 by oldemirobaloi
Hello I was looking for Sockets project and i found one here but in console i modified it do Windows Form with much work but i did it ...Now I have trouble the client send once to server and don't send more but the code in btnEnviar_Click() is same with Server (PS. Enviar is Portuguese word that...
16 Jan 2013 by Houssem_Dellai
Developing the client and server side for a chat application.
31 Jan 2013 by chocolover
hello...for long i've been trying to make an advanced chat application but i didnt manage to make guys , i need help on the coding part.can anyone help me with this annoying app ( cuz i rly need to upload it on 1 site.)
31 Jan 2013 by DinoRondelly
Here is an article from this site that should point you in the write direction,A TCP/IP Chat Program[^]
7 Feb 2013 by paracha1
hello sir i have a some problem to working this codeData pass in xml file send correctlybut the listboxs not show the chat text1.message listbox2. chatter list (listbox)i have much worried about this problemplease tell me the best sultion to doing this project correctlyi m...
2 Apr 2013 by cuocdoi232
I write a basic chat application, but do not know how many tables and each table contents.I think some stuff: usernames, passwords, friends, chat content ...please everyone help! thank you
2 Apr 2013 by Kenneth Haugland
How about some of the software in some of the codeproject site:[^]You should find the answer in one of those.
15 Apr 2013 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
Please have a look at the same question How can I implement live chat on website?[^] and try to implement the answers.Thanks...
20 Apr 2013 by JL_Coder
Hello All. I have tried an Ajax based chat application. and it is working fine. Now, I want to develop an another web based chat application for my website. Suggestions please. Below is the brief details of my problem.1) i want to develop chat application for my 'Online Learning' website. It...
20 Apr 2013 by Sandeep Mewara
It does not work like this here.Here is what is expected of enquirers:1. TRY first what you want to do! You may find that it's not that hard.2. Formulate what was done by you that looks like an issue/not working. Try them and tell if you face issues.Members will be more than happy...
1 May 2013 by milkncookiez
I have a multithreaded server-client system where clients chat with the server and receive the sent message back, but only client-to-server way of communication. I want to make it client-to-client. The thing is that I don't know how to distinguish between the clients and perhaps attach...
1 May 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Just one note: try { // anything // ... } catch (Exception e) // DON'T { // DO throw; // SUCH } // THINGS!is strictly equivalent to having no...
15 May 2013 by abdussalam143
[Check this Link ] May this Help you
19 May 2013 by JL_Coder
hello! I have a problem with xml file. It is, I have a website in c#. in which I have a multiuser chat application. I store every chat messages in a xml file. Now the problem is, whenever I restart the application, all the previous messages appear in the listbox of the chat. By anyhow, I need to...
19 May 2013 by CPallini
Quote:P.S I think one solution is to delete xml file eveytime I close the application, and to create it again everytime I start it again.This would work. You may also delete the file (and create it again) at application startup.
30 May 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
The only problem is that the whole Web (that is, HTTP) is based on pure client-server model, which is very, very limiting. Being just fine in many other cases, it presents the number of problems for Web chats, specifically. You mentioned just two of them.For some background, please...
4 Jun 2013 by Joezer BH
Here you go: TCP/IP Chat Application Using C#[^]Good luck, Edo
1 Jul 2013 by OriginalGriff
Forget the software for a moment, and look at the hardware infrastructure you will need. If you are genuinely expecting 100,000 simultaneous connections being maintained, then you are look at a serious internet connection to start with - this site has only 40,000 or so users online at any one...