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by simonp_ca
Use Excel worksheet's cells as pixels to render real image (for fun and experiment)
by Jose Maria Estrade
ExcelCommunicator allows to pass and retrieve data to/from Excel as datasource/calculation-engine
by gmaran23
Query the properties, or download a file present on a Unix server to a Windows server via SFTP connection
by Sharjith
This article shows how to instantiate a COM object in Tcl/Tk and use its methods and properties.

Latest Articles

by Alexander Yumashev
The code compacts and repairs an MS Access database from C# code using a JRO.JetEngine COM-object. Binding occurs at runtime, no references, no interops. Pure System.Reflection.
by Pragmateek
Using an Access, MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite Database from VBA
by simonp_ca
Use Excel worksheet's cells as pixels to render real image (for fun and experiment)
by Md. Faroque Hossain
Sending Faxes with fax-modem and telephone line in C#

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30 Aug 2017 by simonp_ca
Use Excel worksheet's cells as pixels to render real image (for fun and experiment)
13 Mar 2009 by Jose Maria Estrade
ExcelCommunicator allows to pass and retrieve data to/from Excel as datasource/calculation-engine
18 Feb 2013 by gmaran23
Query the properties, or download a file present on a Unix server to a Windows server via SFTP connection
18 Apr 2010 by Sharjith
This article shows how to instantiate a COM object in Tcl/Tk and use its methods and properties.
9 Feb 2011 by Subhakshay
Hi, I have a COM+ package which is on the server. I have used the following code in one of the components of the package to get the server culture namestring serverCultureName = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Name;If the COM+ application is running under System...
6 Apr 2012 by OriginalGriff
There is no one component that can convert "any format" to HTML.There are various components that can convert .DOC files, others for .XLS, others for .PDF and so on.Google is your friend here: work out what formats you want to convert, and search for them.
6 Dec 2010 by Manfred Rudolf Bihy
Hi Kanade,will work the same for internet. Of course the host addresses will either be IPs or something like If you're going to do DCOM over the internet you might be interested in this little piece...
27 Jan 2011 by Ryan Zahra
Your problem is that IGreet2 is not inherited from IGreet. You must inherit IGreet in IGreet2. In the QueryInterface of IGreet2, you must create an instance of IGreet.HRESULT __stdcall Greet2::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppObj){ if(riid == IID_IUnknown || riid ==...
7 Jul 2011 by fjdiewornncalwe
These tutorials may help you along the way.Interoperability Overview[^][^]
3 Aug 2012 by Christian Graus
Instead of trawling the web for random code, start from the top. A simple chat program, via the web, is probably going to be in a browser. Therefore, you'd write it using a back end like ASP.NET, and with lots of javascript/AJAX to handle the chatting.
1 Nov 2012 by Md Kamruzzaman Sarker
Bookmark extraction from PDF files and showing it in a treeview.
29 Oct 2012 by enhzflep
I'm still(hopefully will remain?) pretty wet-behind-the-ears with respect to COM work. Though I do note that the behaviour you report is the same as that which I observe when starting a 32bit COM server under either windows xp or 7.That is to say CLSIDFromProgId does just that - it returns...
6 Feb 2013 by Jochen Arndt
Take a look on the MSDN page for the function RegisterClassReqCategory[^]. At the bottom of the page is the Requirements table which states the header files that should be included. In your case it is ComCat.h. When opening that file, you will find the definition.
26 Jul 2013 by 2006 Flauzer
I'm developing a C# assembly which is to be called via COM from an old vb6 (ie, "native" win32, not .net) application. I've installed VS2010 Premium in a W7 x64 and simply my goal is to use Visual Studio to debug the C# code...Other hint: the C# assembly is compiled in "x86 mode" (.NET4)...
15 Jan 2016 by Maciej Los
I have no idea about ColorTranslator.On the other side msoCTrue is not supported. Please see: MsoTriState enumeration (Microsoft.Office.Core)[^]This should works:Dim oDoc As Document = Nothing'lateroDoc = ActiveDocument With oDoc .Background.Fill.ForeColor.RGB =...
9 Sep 2005 by SoftWidgets
In just a few minutes, predefined templates, containing formatted sheets and charts, can be generated from any database using simple SQL statements, macros and/or custom C# or VB.NET snap-ins. Generated files can be distributed to a file server or as an email attachment. Usually, no coding is needed
10 May 2007 by Paul Glavich
ANTS Profiler provides you with a quick and easy way of identifying performance bottlenecks within your .NET applications. Additional support for the latest .NET 3.0 features, the Vista operating system, and Visual Studio integration, cements ANTS Profiler as a leading tool in performance profiling.
7 Jan 2008 by Visual Numerics, Inc.
This document focuses on the combination of VSTO 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition.
7 May 2010 by Ben.Regaya.Hedi
Hi AllIm developping a COM Object to be used from NAVISION. I succeed to create it and call it from the code unit of Navision. but im able just to use the simple type variables like string,int bool, float...I want to know haw can I define a COM Object that return complexe data object as...
9 May 2010 by Jonathan Davies
24 Jul 2010 by Dragonfly_Lee
Hi guys,I met an issue when I am trying to register the COM component, which is created by C#. Here is the scenario:1.Create a strong name assembly using C# with two version, such as A.dll( and ( a COM client need to use these two .net assemblies, then I tried to...
29 Jul 2010 by Member 4391335
I developped OPC client in XPE, but i can not get the item value. The same project, it can run in professional XP. // Instantiate a new IKDataSink20: m_pIDataSink20 = new IKDataSink20 (); // Add ourselves to its reference...
29 Jul 2010 by Richard MacCutchan
Check the value of hr on return, that should tell you what is wrong. Unfortunately we cannot guess what it might be.
12 Sep 2010 by billbaxter
Using the posting title "How to handle TAB" date Apr. 26, 2006, (article "Embed an HTML control in your own window using plain C") in my application's message loop, I've added this code:if (msg.message == WM_KEYDOWN && msg.wParam == VK_TAB){ // NOTE the msg gives msg.hwnd not hWeb ...
18 Oct 2010 by Karsten
This Question handles COM-Elevation. The mechanism ist discribed in various articls. The base work ist done with the funktion CoCreateInstanceAsAdmin. A Moniker is feeded with following string Elevation:Administrator!new:"clsid" and the COM-Server is connected via CoGetObject.When my client...
27 Jan 2011 by Ganesamoorthy.S
Hi All,I have tried to use QueryInterface by using the following code segment. the com component had been created by me and which has two interfaces. But the "queryinterface" returns E_NOINTERFACE.Kindlly help me, to come out of this issue.Thanks,Ganesamoorthy HRESULT...
27 Jan 2011 by Ganesamoorthy.S
Hi,I have created a COM DLL Server Project and accessed it by creating a clinet having CoCreateInstance().Then i have modified the COM server project by adding one more interface. In order to obtain the object for the second interface, i have called the QueryInterface function....
28 Jan 2011 by Ganesamoorthy.S
I have completed this on my own.Adding interface to a COM, is as usual but if we suppose to use QUERYINTERFACE then it has to be implemented.I did it and got the expected result.
28 Jan 2011 by Debojyoti Majumder
Have you updated the .idl file?If not then update it.Use the midl tool to compile your .idl file.Add the changed files (stub and client) in your project.Then use your COM object.Hope this have helped you. ;P
25 May 2011 by amarasat
Hello everyone,I am trying to connect to a remote machine OPC server:Remote Machine:Windows Vista Business2007 copyright, Service Pack 2Client Machine:Windows XP professionalVersion 2002 Service Pack 3Error:The Stub received Bad DataFailed to get plug-in types. ...
22 Jun 2011 by ugavnholt
How to invoke foreign remoting interfaces in remote hosts.
6 Jul 2011 by Ryan Zahra
Hi All,I have created a COM+ in C#. I have managed to use this COM+ object from another C# project successfully.Now I would like to access this COM+ object from C++. Does anyone have any ideas on how I should do this? Maybe you could point me to some useful articles with...
14 Jul 2011 by Raptor81
I have an ActiveX dll which is 32bit. I have a C# user control project which wraps the ActiveX dll for use in a WPF application. Now the problem is we want to change the application to 64bit. We created a 64bit building target, but we were unable to use the ActiveX dll because it is 32bit. I am...
14 Jul 2011 by Philippe Mori
See[^]Or also[^]The easy answer is that you cannot do that. A 64 application can only host 64 bit control. A 32 bit application can only host 32 bit...
26 Jul 2011 by RajaSrirangan
Hi,I have developed indesign to pdf generation using adobe indesign COM. please see below link for reference. want to know is it enough standalone version of adobe indesign SDK? or do we need to purchage server edition?...
27 Jul 2011 by DaveAuld
Why don't you compare the two product editions on the Adobe website and see which one fits your needs;Indesign[^]Indesign Server[^]Or hop over to the Indesign SDK[^] pages for more on the API and tools.(You also asked this question at the foot of the article, which was the...
31 Jan 2012 by Christine_Irene
Hi,I have a COM dll with a class in it.I have an app with a UAC level of asInvoker. This app creates a COM object as administrator.Everything works fine running as administrator, and even logged in as standard user, right->click runas administrator.However, when I log in as...
16 May 2012 by ♥…ЯҠ…♥
I have a DLL developed using VC++ ,it belongs to Project A which is in Asp classic language consider. My question is1) Can i use the same DLL for project B ? 2) If i want to migrate the front end of Project A from Asp classic project to can i use the same DLL?will it be...
6 Jun 2012 by El_Codero
Hi,please have a look at my hints a few weeks ago, maybe it works for you.Retrieve Operating system details of a remote computer using IP address[^]Regards
6 Jun 2012 by barneyman
here's some code comments, I've referred to a LOT in recent years ;)/*If you are reading this because you're trying to get a DCOM component working, and you're trying to establish why THIS oneworks, and yours doesn't, you've come to the right place ...Fundamentally, DCOM works thru...
13 Jun 2012 by ♥…ЯҠ…♥
To test the scenarioI created a sample dll in Visual Basic 6.0 and register the same dll using regsvr command.Once registered i created an object in ASP classic page and i called the application. The application runs smoothly and returns the expected output.Then i created a sample...
27 Jun 2012 by Pranit Kothari
Hi,I wated to create DCOM server using Visual Studio 2010. Is it possilbe? This question I am asking because when I use ATL Project in new project wizard, ServerModule class does not have methods like, Install,Init etc.. nor it is inherited from 'CComModule'. Can I achive using ATL wizard or...
27 Jun 2012 by barneyman
you certainly can, as long as you're not using the Express editionAny COM object can be made DCOM'able with ATL - use APPIDs to configure thatSecurity will be your biggest problem - DCOM Security Enhancments[^]AppID Info - C# COM Interop, try to access remote server gets access...
7 Jul 2012 by String Sharp
Hi I am migrating my application from windows xp sp3 to windows 7 sp1 .after installation my program on 7 it works as well, but some time i get follow error , Usually after several other errors giving an error is found.However, until the program is not closed. After running this...
29 Oct 2012 by Virendra_ec10
Hello C++ Gurus,I created a 64-bit COM DLL by compiling a 32-bit application in visual studio 2010(Mode-Release, Platform-x64) and registered it successfully using Regsvr32.exe tool.I am trying to create the instance of the dll but, I am getting "Class Not registered " error in the below...
23 Nov 2012 by ZabaaZul
Hi,When i usestring computerName;string applicationName;catalog = new COMAdminCatalog();if (computerName != "."){ catalog.Connect(computerName);}catalog.StartApplication(applicationName);the com+ application is running but when I check component's status in...
6 Feb 2013 by jesuraj.pradeep
How to define a CATID and also which header file to include in order to define a CATID?HRESULT RegisterClassReqCategory(const CLSID* rclsid, CATID rgcatid,BOOL bRegister = TRUE);I am getting the below error if I define a CATIDerror C2061: syntax error : identifier 'CATID'Kindly...
1 May 2013 by Coder Block
I spend whole night to find out single example to convert DATE datatype of c++ to string in COMM. My interface function returns following values and i want show that values in human redable format. Like,DATE JobStartTime;CurrentJob->get_StartTime(&JobStartTime);And it return valules like,...
1 May 2013 by Jochen Arndt
You tagged MFC. So you can use the COleDateTime class which uses DATE internally and provides the Format()[^] function to convert it to a string:COleDateTime dt(JobStartTime);CString strJobStartTime = dt.Format(_T("%d/%m/%Y %H.%M.%S"));The above formats the string like the example from...
27 Jun 2013 by Jeneesh K. Velayudhan
I have one Initialize() in my class and I am calling a delegate wrapper method from this function as follows (the call back method will call around 20 times in a sec),public Initialize(){ CX_OUTPUT_CALLBACK cb = new CX_OUTPUT_CALLBACK(OutDelegateCb); ...
8 Jul 2013 by Coder Block
This is may be very old problem but i really fustrating with same due to some API issues.I am using some Desktop application API who's version changes each and every month with new feature. Lets consider following scenario, A Company ABC LTD introduce one window application ABCPRO now when...
8 Jul 2013 by Richard MacCutchan
In COM you should use QueryInterface[^] to ensure a method is available before you try to use it.
12 Jul 2013 by PrafullaVedante
If you are trying to create a COM object from a 32 bit dll/exe , then your 64 bit com object cannot be instantiated . Because Windows maintain separate entries for 32 bit and 64 bit COM objects. Hence make sure that your COM object and your container application belongs to same architecture...
30 Jul 2013 by Farrell187
Hi AllI received a couple of dll's from our client. These i should register as COM components and consome in my simple console test application.Now. These dll's is being used to SIGN or VERIFY a string according to whatever algorithm they use.The 1 DLL that i consume... i can...
6 Feb 2014 by kbrj
I am working on a legacy application which was built on Classic ASP.This is a reporting application which quries the database and using COM objects it write the output to excel files by referencing Microsoft Office 2003 Web Components and Excel work book is displayed in front of the users....
1 Jun 2014 by thavaselvan
Hi,I'm developing COM component with many classes.whether i need to enable COM code for every class or single class is enough.Eg.Class Base{..........}[ComImport, Guid("E436EBB3-524F-11CE-9F53-0020AF0BA770")] Class Base2{Base obj = new Base();..........}
23 Aug 2014 by Subrat 4708266
Visual Studio 2010 ULTIMATE - To create both server and client.OS: VISTAModule name : ServerComponent Name: MathsI'm trying the following to use the com component.CoInitialize(NULL);IMathsPtr ptr;HRESULT hr = ptr.CreateInstance("Server.Maths"); // To create the co...
23 Aug 2014 by KarstenK
The truths is: COM error are errors. (sounds nonsense but its true)If you cant find the string in the registry than it isnt registered!!! :-OFix it! => Run the register as admin and check the error code. It must be NULL.You better write: HRESULT hr =...
12 Sep 2014 by Subrat 4708266
SOln is simple. I used COM in VC 6.0. Where progID would be created atoatically by the wizard, by saying modulename.component name. But in VS2010, it's not the case. During creation of Component, we need to manually provide the progID. This solves the problem.
15 Dec 2014 by Member 11303910
I am wanting to automate my server installations. Part of this includes Creating COM+ packages (which I do currently with PS). I then need to add components to these empty application packages. The DLLs have been pre-registered with RegASM. At the moment I am adding the components in...
23 Dec 2014 by Member 11303910
$comAdmin = New-Object -comobject COMAdmin.COMAdminCatalog;$comAdmin.InstallComponent("ApplicationName", [DLL containing components]);
4 Jun 2015 by Nagaprasad75
Am new to .Net technology and am facing an issue during migration of COM objects.We have recently migrated the COM objects from one server to another.My server details as follows : Server:windows 2003IIS : IIS 6.0After the migration,when we tried to open the application...
15 Aug 2015 by Richard MacCutchan
Introduction to COM - What It Is and How to Use It.[^].
15 Aug 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
You cannot find such tutorial, because COM is not "Component Object Module". There is no such thing.—SA
5 Nov 2015 by shankha2010
Below is the *.idl content[uuid(C3BBAEE5-DC4A-4873-963B-EFDAC87FC443)]typedef enum{eVal1 =1,eVal2 =2}EData1;[uuid(1B790A2A-9F6F-4F03-A54F-993B52D507A6)]struct STData1{ EData1 ed1; float ...
6 Nov 2015 by Richard Deeming
Have a look at Default Marshaling for Arrays[^] on MSDN - there's an example of what you're trying to do at the bottom:[Serializable][SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity][Guid("AA612D65-AE0E-4C51-9A35-79A76FF20747")]public struct STData2{ public long tTimeStamp; ...
15 Jan 2016 by Vinod Kc
Hi all,I am trying to change the background color of a page in word document. But i am getting error. This is my code.Try oWord = GetObject(, "Word.Application") oDoc = oWord.ActiveDocument Dim ttl As String = oDoc.Name Label1.Text =...
2 May 2016 by Gayle123
I Created a 64 bit exe and 32 bit com dll ... i did neccesary changes in registry as suggested by some site .. now CoCreateInstance is returning :HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT) : %1 is not a valid Win32 application. HRESULTCould you please let me know why the error...
2 May 2016 by George Jonsson
How did you register your COM dll?By default the 64-bit version of RegSvr32 is used and you need to use the 32-bit version.See[^]And here is some general information: Process Interoperability (Windows)[^]
2 May 2016 by CPallini
Unless I misunderstood the documentation, you cannot do that. See Process Interoperability (Windows)[^]:On 64-bit Windows, a 64-bit process cannot load a 32-bit dynamic-link library (DLL). Additionally, a 32-bit process cannot load a 64-bit DLL.
12 Dec 2016 by Alexandros Pappas
I do not understand, how the transaction timeout works in COM+. I have the class ClassComPlus which inherits from ServicedComponent, has transaction timeout attribute set to 1 second, and has a method SubSleep, that sleeps 3 seconds. I expect, the client which calls the method SubSleep to get an...
3 Dec 2016 by Amr.Mohammad87
I read article(s) about COM, and one of those article(s) was here within CodeProject. I need to emphasize on certain points which are not mentioned in each of those article(s) even the one posted here and they causing me big confusion in understanding COM. 1- I know that an interface is...
3 Dec 2016 by Richard MacCutchan
See Introduction to COM - What It Is and How to Use It.[^].
12 Dec 2016 by Alexandros Pappas
With the help of Microsoft, I finally understood how the COM+ transaction timeout works. The COM+ transaction timeout, is a timeout on the transaction, not on the method call. The method will execute, as long as it has to execute. The moment the first transaction is enlisted, the transaction...
21 Jun 2017 by Mel Padden
So the setup is as follows: 1. I have an Access VBA project which I have to maintain until we move everything over onto a new shiny platform. 2. This VBA project contains numerous reports, which use a .OCX charting component. This component was written about 15 years ago in C++. I have access...
21 Jun 2017 by RickZeeland
The /I switch does not seem to be needed according to: [how-to-register-an-activex-control] If the .OCX file is not located in your windows/system32/ folder you must add the file path before the filename.ocx Oh, and don't forget to run with administrator rights ! You can also try: cd...
12 Aug 2019 by Member 14556881
Hey All, Im trying to remove a com+ Application via powershell using the following: $comCatalog = New-Object -ComObject COMAdmin.COMAdminCatalog $appColl = $comCatalog.GetCollection("Applications") $appColl.Populate() $app = $appColl | where {$_.Name -eq "ApplicationName"} $compColl =...
16 Jul 2009 by Wisam E. Mohammed
Time to advance your symbology skills and label your map
7 Sep 2009 by Foolomon
Describes the implementation of a key registration, installation, and validation methodology for Windows applications.
16 Jan 2018 by Pragmateek
Using an Access, MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite Database from VBA
21 Sep 2009 by Foolomon
Describes the implementation of a key registration, installation, and validation methodology for Windows applications
22 Feb 2010 by Aric Wang
The article will give you an idea on how to design a source filter.The source filter creates samples and outputs it from its output pin.
27 Mar 2006 by Pablo Yabo
This article was done to provide an example of IStoreNamespace / IStoreFolder.
28 Jul 2012 by pottwalblog
Convert Word-Documents to PDF-Files using Word 2007 on a Server
15 Jun 2009 by Md. Marufuzzaman
This article will demonstrate how we can integrate T-SQL with an external application.
28 Apr 2011 by Fred van Lieshout
OLE container implementation for hosting a Flash Player control using C++, with support for calls and callbacks between C++ and Flash ActionScript.
24 Jun 2009 by rogwabbit5
Add, Update, Delete and Search Sun One LDAP with .NET DirectoryServices
5 Dec 2001 by Ivo Ivanov
A reusable object-oriented framework for preserving state of stateless components.
28 Aug 2012 by Alexandros Pappas
This article provides a program to demonstrate how to pass WCF transactions to COM+.
24 Jul 2011 by Mahdi Mansouri
Easily Surpass any OPC Component and use a user friendly .NET based class to interface Fatek and Facon PLC Series
10 Sep 2009 by Foolomon
Describes the implementation of a key registration, installation, and validation methodology for Windows applications.
16 Sep 2009 by Foolomon
Describes the implementation of a key registration, installation, and validation methodology for Windows applications
11 Dec 2016 by Md. Faroque Hossain
Sending Faxes with fax-modem and telephone line in C#
15 May 2008 by Surajit Paul
This is a cool chat application created in DotNet using web services having all the functionalities.
19 Oct 2010 by "Fish" (David B. Trout)
Simple parsing of VS_VERSIONINFO version information strings displayed in an XP-style file-properties "Version" tab
7 Jul 2009 by Praveen Nair (NinethSense)
This article explains how to make a Skype bot in .NET.
25 Apr 2013 by In the Face of God
Unmanaged code application accessing data in a database via Web Services without a database provider.
20 Apr 2021 by Alexander Yumashev
The code compacts and repairs an MS Access database from C# code using a JRO.JetEngine COM-object. Binding occurs at runtime, no references, no interops. Pure System.Reflection.
25 Sep 2008 by tomcat1
Call a .NET COM+ Interop component with Classic ASP.
9 Oct 2003 by Faisal Haroon
Web-based Active Directory Login