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by Dev Leader
Problem with async void and a solution for it
by ChRi$m0rG@N
An article about an omni directional Arduino Yun robot, and an alternative .Net implementation of CmdMessenger
by Noah L
Beware the data race sneak attack.
by Nejimon CR
Implement WCF web service access from WPF with busy indicator and premature cancellation feature without using delegates, background worker, or separate event procedure

Latest Articles

by Federico Alterio
Convert an Event-based API to an awaitable pattern API
by Dev Leader
Secret of Task EventHandlers
by Dev Leader
Problem with async void and a solution for it
by Pete O'Hanlon
In the previous article, I started describing how I had built a more complex TypeScript web application that retrieves data from a separate API and displays the data in a relatively visually pleasing manner.

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2 Apr 2015 by ChRi$m0rG@N
An article about an omni directional Arduino Yun robot, and an alternative .Net implementation of CmdMessenger
30 Nov 2015 by Nejimon CR
Implement WCF web service access from WPF with busy indicator and premature cancellation feature without using delegates, background worker, or separate event procedure
24 Mar 2019 by ipavlu
The Cross-Platform Object-Oriented approach to Synchronization Primitives for .NET and .NET Core based on one shared pattern between two interfaces for General Threading and Async/Await.
28 Jan 2021 by Shaun C Curtis
A practical walkthrough of Async Programming in DotNetCore
10 Dec 2021 by George Swan
How asynchronous streams can improve efficiency and reduce response times in applications
11 Aug 2020 by Shaun C Curtis
A guide to async programming in Blazor
29 Sep 2021 by tugrulGtx
CLOCK caching (LRU approximation) with O(1) cache hit, up to N asynchronous O(1) cache misses
22 Feb 2015 by Elliot Balynn
Introduction This article is about the internal implementation of await/async functionality. It doesn’t cover the high level functionality, but aims to explore the internal implementation. If you would like to familiarise yourself with the overall functionality first there is an in depth artic
29 Dec 2017 by ipavlu
Optionally awaitable simple to use Concurrent Priority Queue.
23 Jul 2020 by honey the codewitch
Explore adapting Socket's async model to a task based one and adding some awaitable socket operations to your projects
24 Mar 2019 by ipavlu
The Cross-Platform Object-Oriented approach to Synchronization Primitives for .NET and .NET Core based on one shared pattern between two interfaces for General Threading and Async/Await.
15 Apr 2021 by David Deley
Explains program flow when using await in various scenarios
3 Mar 2019 by MehreenTahir
This article is a continuation of Programming Concurrency in C++ Part 1. We will discuss synchronization, future and promises along with async and with that, will sum up the introduction of concurrency in C++.
2 Oct 2019 by Eduard Silantiev
Deep refactoring and refinement of ASP.NET Core WEB API application code
21 Nov 2011 by dmihailescu
UI and concurrent programming using IAsyncResult, BackgroundWorker, TPL, and ‘async’ syntax.
15 Jan 2014 by Peter Butzhammer
This article shows how to use C# 5 async functions to create a continuous asynchronous ping and report progress to the UI.
21 Oct 2013 by Marla Sukesh
In this article, you should have basic knowledge of web development and some features introduced in prior versions of .NET Framework, especially ASP.NET features.
28 Mar 2013 by Florian Rappl
An introduction to async / await, popular mistakes and solutions for asynchronous programming, as well as usages and benefits from using asynchronous programming. We will also discuss interesting patterns based on concurrency.
24 Jul 2020 by honey the codewitch
Using await in scenarios where you want to await custom items with or without using Task.Run()
15 Feb 2019 by Benktesh Sharma
How to implement async tasks in Android
6 May 2021 by ipavlu
The goal of the Unified Concurrency is to unify access to different synchronization primitives in object-oriented fashion with one pattern and two interfaces for general and async/await methods.
6 Mar 2016 by Joy George K
Explaining the async await programming model in C#
1 Apr 2014 by Kirill__
Reminder: simple Windows Store App. In this App I try to use some specific features for Windows 8 app. As result - i got good experience and now i want to show what was done.
20 Aug 2014 by
Asynchronous, "crash safe" logging with dynamic logging sinks
28 Oct 2014 by dorodnic
Using the await keyword with Expression-Trees
28 Dec 2015 by danah gaz
A lightweight, high performance, easy to use asynchronous stream copy method using IOCP with progress, throughput tracking, and no explicit thread creation.
29 Jan 2021 by Martin ISDN
The causality of a JavaScript promise constructor. Asynchronous callbacks vs Promise.
31 May 2013 by Houssem Dellai
This article shows how to use sockets to send messages
21 Jan 2021 by ipavlu
The goal of the Unified Concurrency is to unify access to different synchronization primitives in object-oriented fashion with one pattern and two interfaces for general and async/await methods.
25 Nov 2015 by Amir Dashti
Simply understand what happens when you use async/await keywords, what are the benefits and how to prevent deadlocks
4 Jun 2018 by George Swan
This piece shows that, by returning a Task from an Event Handler instead of the usual void, the management of the event can be more structured and versatile.
8 Sep 2019 by honey the codewitch
A Tiny Dynamic Home Webserver in .NET that runs on Core and DNF both (Take 2)
1 Feb 2014 by Niel M.Thomas
How to reduce overhead and complexity of calling async methods.
20 Sep 2015 by Mithun Pattankar
Why build responsive UI? Answer seems obvious that end-user should experience that application doesn’t hang often (for developers POV, a time taking background operation makes it look like hanging). So lets learn building responsive UI using Async Await keywords Visual Studio 2012 introduced a