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Great Reads

by honey the codewitch
Using PCK to create grammars, parsers and tokenizers for C# and other .NET languages
by honey the codewitch
Using PCK's grammar system, and understanding the concepts behind it
by Matt Scarpino
Explains how to generate Python parsing code with ANTLR and use the code to create a Python parser in C++
by István Smrtnik
A Google fusion tables SQL front end for quick query hacks. Comes with code completion, syntax and error highlighting plus some extra commands like DROP TABLE. Antlr4 grammar included.

Latest Articles

by Matt Scarpino
Explains how to generate Python parsing code with ANTLR and use the code to create a Python parser in C++
by Matt Scarpino
Explains how to generate parsing code with ANTLR and access the code in a C++ application
by honey the codewitch
Using PCK to create grammars, parsers and tokenizers for C# and other .NET languages
by honey the codewitch
Using PCK's grammar system, and understanding the concepts behind it

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20 Aug 2019 by honey the codewitch
Using PCK to create grammars, parsers and tokenizers for C# and other .NET languages
17 Aug 2019 by honey the codewitch
Using PCK's grammar system, and understanding the concepts behind it
1 Aug 2021 by Matt Scarpino
Explains how to generate Python parsing code with ANTLR and use the code to create a Python parser in C++
19 Oct 2011 by Manfred Rudolf Bihy
If you are doing this with ANTLR I would advise you to use Java. Terrance Parr[^] who is the head behind ANTLR developed it in Java and the C# ports of ANTLR are managed by Sam Harwell[^].A point that would speak for C# though is that there are now Visual Studio extensions available with...
11 Sep 2016 by Richard MacCutchan
See antlr4/ at master · antlr/antlr4 · GitHub[^].
6 Mar 2016 by István Smrtnik
A Google fusion tables SQL front end for quick query hacks. Comes with code completion, syntax and error highlighting plus some extra commands like DROP TABLE. Antlr4 grammar included.
7 May 2016 by Richard MacCutchan
Please post your question in the forum at the end of the article.
10 Sep 2016 by OriginalGriff
So ask the question of the person who made the tutorial: Youtube has a "comments" section attached to each video.Asking a random "English only" site to help you with a tutorial that looks likely to be in a non-English language is not the simplest route to assistance...
25 Sep 2020 by HishamMohammedA
I am working with Antlr4 and I want to parse and analyze any c++ code to detect any loops in any c++ source code to do dependency analysis on them, but I can't detect any loop in the source code. What I have tried: This is the rule that I used...
19 Oct 2011 by plasticfridge
Hey all,Hope you guys can help. I am currently tasked with developing a relatively simple structured text based parsing tool. Unfortunately I cannot provide massive detail but the general idea is passing in a file of structured text and splitting it into smaller files dependant on a set of...
19 Oct 2011 by OriginalGriff
If you have no significant experience in either language, I would chose C# - simply because it does not require the Java Runtime to be installed. And updated every time you turn round.
19 Oct 2011 by RaisKazi
Agree with OriginalGriff. Both C# and Java are proven languages in programming world.I also suggest to go with C# considering below reasons.1) It seems to me you are beginner programmer.2) The tool will only be deployed to the Windows O/S.Below links may help you to start with...
19 Oct 2011 by Nagy Vilmos
As with the others, the two languages are much of a muchness so choose the one that will be better for you.If you think you'll be going down the Windows path for more development then invest the time in C#, otherwise I'd say go Java.
19 Oct 2011 by GuyThiebaut
Choose what you feel most comfortable with because:It looks like from what you describe you will need to make use of regular expressions.Both Java and C# will allow you to implement regular expressions.I would choose C# because I have a little bit of experience in it - if you really are...
31 Jan 2012 by plasticfridge
hope you can help.I am trying to build a combined Antlr grammar that has multiple lexer imports. However, I am struggling to achieve the end goal. Below is a trivial example but generates the same errors I am suffering.3 files: par.g(The combined parser/lexer), lx1.g (a lexer only...
16 Feb 2015 by Richard MacCutchan
Please read Code Project Quick Answers FAQ[^], and add some useful detail to your question.
20 Apr 2016 by Member 11789198
I have a situation wherein I have defined lexer tokens as below and respective parser rule calling the same: TOK: 'IF' (.)* 'END_IF'; BLOCK: 'FUNCTION_BLOCK'; START: 'BEGIN'; END: 'END_BLOCK'; TRY: (options {greedy=true;}: .)* ; For Inputs like:Input 1: IF a>b END_IF -...
1 May 2016 by Member 12280033
hello everyone actually I am using Visual AST for ANTLR Generated Parser output for my project and have and have added slicing pattern in it now I have to find xpath from it I have used many grammers but failed plz help me out from this thanksWhat I have tried:Visual studio 2012 and...
1 May 2016 by George Jonsson
You don't explain if you have written the grammar yourself or got them from somewhere.Maybe you have looked here already.GitHub - antlr/grammars-v4: Grammars written for ANTLR v4; expectation that the grammars are free of actions.[^]You can find xpath in the list of grammars.You...
24 Aug 2016 by Member 12702671
I search on a web IDE using ANTLR for my custom language ,But I can't find so I try to build one using antlr 4 and codemirror editor, I need to parse online But I did't knew How to do it with antlr 4 , so can any body help me to knew How to make parse online with ANTLR 4 ?What I have...
24 Aug 2016 by CPallini
Your approach looks correct: submit the text to compile and use it as input to ANTLR, executing on the server.If you have doubts on posting text using Ajax, then just Google for it. There are many many samples available on the web.
25 Aug 2016 by Member 12703506
Hello i'd make a simple calculator example using ANTLR but there is a problem in operations (/,*,-,+) priority my code give them the same priority ,i need to make a top priority for multiplication and divisionthis is the grammar:grammar Calc; start : expr EOF;expr: expr...
10 Sep 2016 by Member 12702368
I am a beginner of antlr 4. I was trying to use visitor in my code and following the instruction on the link Hướng dẫn cài đặt ANTLR 4 IDE trong Eclipse Mars - YouTube[^] ... But I did not find the the visitor of antlr 4 and in video the visitor not found ... so what wrong ? and how I can to...
11 Sep 2016 by Member 12702671
I new with antlr 4 ... I need to sample show me How to do type checking for expression with antlr 4 and to show me the tree produce by antlr 4 ... can help ?What I have tried:I search on Google and not found any thing useful
13 Sep 2016 by Member 12702368
I define my own grammars using antlr 4 and I want to build tree true According to Priority of Operations (+ * - /) ....I find sample on do Priority of Operations (* +) it work fine ...I try to edit it to add the Priority of Operations (- /) but I failed :(the grammars for Priority of...
15 Sep 2016 by Member 12702368
I am new with antlr4 ... I search a lot to get number of line and column for each token in antlr4 ... I have a well knewoleadge on flex and bison and I make a complete compiler for php with flex and bison ... in flex and bison I was get the number of line and column by a simple code :in...
17 Sep 2016 by Member 12702368
I am using antlr4 and define my own expression grammer it work fine ... But when I add a rule then the rule not match ... my grammer is work fine :/** * Define a grammar called Hello */grammar Hello;@parser::header{ import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; ...
25 Sep 2020 by Jiri111
Why don't you post the whole grammar? This is just a fraction of it. In you examples, it shall enter the "classicFor". How is this classicFor defined? The output indicates that you code just recognized the "for" token.
1 Aug 2021 by Matt Scarpino
Explains how to generate parsing code with ANTLR and access the code in a C++ application
16 Aug 2019 by honey the codewitch
Quickly and easily build parsers and tokenizers using Pck's editor
15 Jul 2015 by BhargaviDinakaran
I have written the grammar for C and have generated lexer and parser programs using ANTLR.The parser and lexer programs are in JAVA.How do I approach the construction of an Abstract syntax tree?What are the alternative approaches? Pros and cons?The next step is code generation which I intend...
16 Feb 2015 by Member 11092922
Please help me about how to use ANTLR parser for creating java obfuscator tool.
15 Jul 2015 by CPallini
You may find answers to your questions reading the ANTLR author's book: "The Definitive ANTLR 4 Reference"[^].
7 May 2016 by Member 12280033
Hello every plz help me actually I am using this code Visual AST for ANTLR Generated Parser Output[^]to generate the AST for any code than I applied slicing on it now I have to find the execution paths from it not the normal execution pathsI have to add a test case that will find the...