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Amazon S3


Great Reads

by Lazaro Lima
This paper attempts to pass all the steps to create an automated backup for a MongoDB Server on a Linux Server where all backups are sent to Amazon AWS S3 service scheduled through crontab.
by Jigar_Patel
Amazon S3 lib for uploading file in C++ using VS2010
by PaulKukiel
Static sites are common place, often I'll knock something up as a proof of concept and to share that with my friends I'll make a public s3 bucket and send the link, quick and easy.
by John Duquette
How-to setup an FTP server on an EC2 instance using S3 for storage

Latest Articles

by Necmettin Demir
To provide a URL link to access objects in private S3 bucket through AWS Cognito User Pool (using hosted UI), Authorized API Gateway and Lambda in a Secure Way.
by PaulKukiel
Static sites are common place, often I'll knock something up as a proof of concept and to share that with my friends I'll make a public s3 bucket and send the link, quick and easy.
by Arthur V. Ratz
How to predict S&P 500 Index on the SAP-HANA SQL-engine backend using EML library
by Thai Tran
Automatically pull static web page code from GitLab and deploy it to Amazon S3 using Jenkins.

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