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by Andy Point
Android Alert Dialog Tutorial : Working with Time Picker, Date Picker and List Dialogs In this tutorial we will discuss how to use dialogs and alerts in Android Apps. A Dialog is a small popup shown to the user to get some additional information from the user or ask him to make some decision. Alert
by ThatsAlok
Article demonstrating use of Alert-Dialog in android universe.
by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
In this blog, we will explore some interesting stuff related to the RegisterStartupScript method.

Latest Articles

by Andy Point
Android Alert Dialog Tutorial : Working with Time Picker, Date Picker and List Dialogs In this tutorial we will discuss how to use dialogs and alerts in Android Apps. A Dialog is a small popup shown to the user to get some additional information from the user or ask him to make some decision. Alert
by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
In this blog, we will explore some interesting stuff related to the RegisterStartupScript method.
by ThatsAlok
Article demonstrating use of Alert-Dialog in android universe.

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18 Jul 2016 by Andy Point
Android Alert Dialog Tutorial : Working with Time Picker, Date Picker and List Dialogs In this tutorial we will discuss how to use dialogs and alerts in Android Apps. A Dialog is a small popup shown to the user to get some additional information from the user or ask him to make some decision. Alert
16 Mar 2016 by Richard MacCutchan
Because in every case you are calling: findViewById(
19 Aug 2016 by Vincent Maverick Durano
Confirmation should be handled at the client-side. Here's a quick example:Suppose that you have this GridView Columns declaration: You could then write a JavaScript...
27 Nov 2013 by Nery Brugnoni
i'm using a jQuery plugin named SexyAlertBox ([^])This is working: But i need to call this function from the code behind file too. Usually i use this:protected void...
5 Dec 2013 by armanvesta
Hello, and thanks.I want to show a modal alert ("File not found") to user in my program.but when program riches this line, after executing this line, goes to rest of program an runs them.I am a beginner in j2me.Please show some template to me if is my code...
7 Jan 2014 by JoCodes
Refer[^][^]Hope this helps
13 Jan 2014 by TrushnaK
try like this:-details:-GlobalMessages:- global message file namemsgBoxInvalidUserId:- alertbox name in that global resource fileuse like below:-message = Resources.GlobalMessages.msgBoxInvalidUserId ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Me.Page, GetType(String), "AltBox1",...
31 Jul 2014 by Member 8073143
My requirement is very simple yet very seems to be complicated !!I am using C# code and java-script.I want to use an alert message with confirm / cancel button and i want to track the user click from code behind say if he has pressed confirm button of alert message or say if he has...
20 Nov 2014 by Raj.rcr
Dear All,I have a label named "lblExportStatus" that is hidden with no text. I want to display the label during Gridview export to excel.The label is being displayed after below 3 statements Response.Clear(); Response.Buffer = true; ...
10 Mar 2015 by Shivangi_K
Hi I have a page which displays the dates on a calendar which are picked from the database. For eg: If in the particular table, we have 3rd,4th and 5th March inserted. On the page, 3rd,4th and 5th March will be colored in red. Now I want to add another functionality to the calendar. I...
10 Mar 2015 by ZurdoDev
According to this,[^], it can't be done with this control. However, if you know jQuery you may be able to do it. Run the calendar and then view the source and see if the dates all have a certain class...
10 Mar 2015 by Shivangi_K
I have gotten a better way to do it. I added a tooltip in the cell controls of the calendar and now, instead of an alert box, I am getting my text when we hover the mouse over the date. Code that I used below: e.Cell.ToolTip = "hello Today is a holiday";Added this command in the ...
17 Mar 2015 by Parazival
My question is when ever i click on save it will checking for checkbox is checked or not if check box is checked it will ask the password in alert messagethanks
3 Jan 2017 by Member 10579921
I've got two customs AlertDialog. All work since I can't get the input of the user, I've created a class called MyDialog and put the constructor. Furthermore, I thought to put a getter with the EditText; nevertheless, I can't find the way to get the input.Here is MyDialog class:public...
22 Mar 2015 by Xiao Ling
What is rootView? According to your code logic, you should use dialoglayout instead of rootView.TextView mEt = (EditText)dialoglayout.findViewById(;after inflating your layout.
28 Mar 2015 by M Faisal Hyder
i am currently making an app, in which , when user long presses an item of list it pops up an alert dialog with some info related to listItem.I want to set Icon from path provided by my API. TeamFlagIC is in TeamsMapper class, which contains the path of image.This is my onPostExecute...
17 Mar 2016 by Richard MacCutchan
This is just a repost of Alertdialog box getting from every function[^], where I already told you what was wrong with your code. And what you have posted above is worse than what you started with. Please go back to the original and look again at what I told you.
2 Apr 2016 by C0DE_007
What i am doing is sending Intent to MainActivity from Listview the listview item i am displaying in alertboxholder.txtStore.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { String value =...
2 Apr 2016 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
Then add the code at the onCreate() function. Just the way you have written the code in the event handler, write the code in the activity's event handler; for creation. // Function executed when activity starts.public void onCreate(Bundle b) { Intent intent = getIntent(); // ......
19 Aug 2016 by RydenChoi
Hello. I`m making a board using GridView, and I have some problem.When I try to delete items that check box checked item, I want to like this.if check box unchecked, and press delete button, alert message "Please check the items"Or check box checked, and press delete button,...
18 Aug 2016 by F-ES Sitecore
A few possible methods listed hereAsking the user to confirm that they want to continue with an action | The ASP.NET Forums[^]One thing you have to bear in mind is that when the user clicks the delete button and it goes into your server code, your server code can't execute code on the...
27 Mar 2017 by AnvilRanger
Simplest and best do not always go together.The simplest, do it manually. That way there is no code to write at all.Personally I would look at creating a console app to query your data, do the comparison, create the email, and send it. Then use the Windows Scheduler to schedule the...
3 Aug 2017 by Member 12895537
Hello. I have a question regarding my codes. My question is "i want to put alert message if that person exceed words limitation". my code is function well and when exceed that person cannot type, however which part on javascript I want to put popup the alert message if he/she exceed? What I...
3 Aug 2017 by Thomas Daniels
Right now, your this.value.length > 400 comparison checks the number of characters, and not words (such a check probably makes sense too -- but then the number would be bigger and that's not related to the number of word check). So you have to split up the string in words and compare the length...
31 Oct 2018 by Member 12885549
I have application with angular where I have an input: Open documentation Open documentation which calls method: redirect() {, '_blank');} What I have tried: this.documentationUrl...
31 Oct 2018 by F-ES Sitecore
Browsers don't let you manipulate pages that have been served via different domains for security reasons (think about it...would you want a website accessing username and password boxes on any other site you might have open?). There is a way around this but it involves the target site...
21 Nov 2013 by ThatsAlok
Article demonstrating use of Alert-Dialog in android universe.
26 Dec 2014 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
In this blog, we will explore some interesting stuff related to the RegisterStartupScript method.
28 Nov 2013 by Nery Brugnoni
I found the solution: delete this plugin and download something better :)
16 Mar 2016 by C0DE_007
I want to show alertbox of particular selected checkbox using function this is my code call.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { ListView mainListView = mDrawerList; checkbox =...
7 Jan 2014 by akhil.krish
iam using multi-language website... my problem is alert message.... how to write code...all ready iam using javascript for alert message... Code:ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Me, [GetType](), "ShowMessageScript", "alert('Resources.Resource.lbldelmsg');", True)this ...
7 Jan 2014 by Gitanjali Singh
string message = GetGlobalResourceObject("ResxfileName","KeyName");string script = String.Format( "alert('{0}');", message);cs.RegisterStartupScript(csType, csName, script); have you tried this?
31 Jul 2014 by Sibeesh Venu
here is an answer Try this link[^]
29 Mar 2015 by M Faisal Hyder
Any one with suggestion please.?
9 Feb 2016 by User 12277010
I have an app with a a WebBroswer control. That browser loads a page that gives you the SSL Security error and it pops up as a Security Alert when the program launches giving you the Yes/No/Details buttons. The issue with the page is that it has the ERR_SSL_WEAK_SERVER_EPHEMERAL_DH_KEY - error I...
17 Mar 2016 by C0DE_007
I have make a checkbox in each check it call a function call.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { checkbox = (CheckBox) findViewById(; ListView mainListView =...
27 Mar 2017 by Member 13044689
hello, i have table gridview with col license expiry date and i want befor 30 days from expire send to a specific people email , and in email body should have link to redirect the page that have all licenses expiry.**i am using sql databaseWhat I have tried:i've searched too long...
21 Dec 2017 by Member 13589619
how to match barcode get json in android dialogbox.... give demo in android and plz reply me me